
Frost v. Cypress



5 Years
05-02-2015, 08:07 PM

Frost would arrive at the battle field, she was doubtful that she could win in the spar that would ensue when her opponent arrived. She would try her best, but it all depended on how much she could remember from her months with Velex. She would stand ready for an attack at any moment, if there was one thing she remembered from her old mentor it was to never let your guard down. She didn't know who she was going to be fighting and if their plan was to catch her unawares there would be a slim chance of that plan succeeding. There were some nasty wolves out there that wouldn't hesitate to cheat, even in a spar. She would look around, waiting for her partner.

[Image: V140qFa.png]
[Image: frost_by_reflectedmemories-d8kgz78.png][Image: mOf6wyP.png][Image: cb5d7e52a9afe4eb62f9acc9360938aa-d96nk17.png]


05-08-2015, 03:18 PM
Cypress was not entirely thrilled when he found out his opponent was a lady. No, not because he looked down on her. Not because he doubted her skill. But he felt bad for being paired against an already scarred opponent. She looked as though she had a rough past.  Perhaps he did feel bad for fighting a lady... but all the same he would approach his opponent. He would come to a stop with roughly five feet separating them. Bi-colored eyes focused upon her, a little sigh passing his lips.  A knight... was not supposed to fight a woman.

He would lay his ears flat upon his head, narrowing his eyes as he aligned his neck with his spine. His neck would be scrunched, chin tucked inward. He would roll his shoulders forward, hackles raising, tail also aligning with his spine as he made himself battle ready. His legs would be spread, weight evenly distributed across the limbs, claws digging into the soil.  He would look at her and speak slowly, almost hesitantly. "You may have the first move, miss."



5 Years
05-17-2015, 03:05 PM

Her opponent appeared, he had a variety of grey shades all over his coat. He had bi-colored eyes like she did, she watched as he put his defenses in place. She could sense the hesitation in his voice when he gave her the first move, what was that about did he doubt her abilities? She certainly didn’t doubt his ability, she would put that aside and focus on the fight. She would put her defenses into place, she spread her legs apart and distributed her weight equally among them. She narrowed her eyes and flattened her ears, her claws dug into the ground.  Her head and tail aligned with her spine, her hackles raised and she rolled her shoulders forward. With her defenses set into place she would begin her attack, she didn’t want to make this into a real fight so she would start off easy. She would take her right paw and attempt to throw it towards the male’s left shoulder, her intent was not to make him bleed but to make him a bit unstable. If she did scratch him then that would be an added bonus, she would then try to duck down and wrap her left paw around his right paw so as to yank it out from underneath him.

Frost and Cypress spar
Defenses: legs spread apart, weight equally distributed, narrowed eyes, flattened ears, claws dug into the ground, head and tail aligned with her spine, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward
Attacks: unstabalizeing hit to left shoulder, left paw to wrap around right paw and yank leg out from under them
Round 1/2

[Image: V140qFa.png]
[Image: frost_by_reflectedmemories-d8kgz78.png][Image: mOf6wyP.png][Image: cb5d7e52a9afe4eb62f9acc9360938aa-d96nk17.png]


05-28-2015, 01:40 PM
Cypress would wait, letting her set her defenses into place. She had the first move, and he certainly wasn’t going to back out of that now. He would double check his own defenses; making sure his ears were pinned and his eyes were narrowed. His neck, aligned with his spine, was scrunched and chin tipped forward to protect his jugular. Shoulders were rolled forward, tail aligned with his spine and hackles raised. The male had his weight evenly distributed across his four legs, claws biting down into the soil. Finally the male left his jaws parted, ready to make his counterattack.

As the white female came in close Cy would push forward with his hind legs. A snarl would rumble from him as her right forepaw connected with his lower left shoulder. It would shift his position, right shoulder leaning as he aimed to shove into her left forechest and right his balance. Mild bruising and mild scratches would be left upon the lower area of his left shoulder as well as she then tried to drop down, but this time, due to his foreleg being moved forward, he would dodge the paw sweep that she attempted.

Cy would also aim to stomp harshly upon her front right paw with his left forepaw, shifting his weight to make up for his balance. To finish his attack he would aim to deliver a bite to the left side of her neck and gain a mild hold, not wanting to hurt her too badly.

Cypress vs Frost for Spar || Round:: I // II

Attacks:: Frontal shove with his right shoulder into her left forechest || Left Forepaw attempting to stomp upon Frost’s right forepaw

Defenses:: Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, neck aligned with spine, chin tucked, shoulders rolled forward, tail aligned with his spine, hackles raised, weight evenly distributed, claws biting into the soil, jaws parted

Injuries:: Mild bruising and mild scratch to left shoulder.

Notes:: --