
Call home


05-03-2015, 08:24 PM

Hercules trotted across Pantheon's territory to where he knew his father's den was. He had come back from visiting a few of the other packs just the day before and the whole experience had made him wonder if he was actually doing this job properly or not. He knew he had personally changed several of the things about the pack that his father and mother had put into place... but had he been making good decisions about it all? He wasn't entirely sure.

That's why he was searching his father out. He wanted to make sure his father approved of his decisions if nothing else. Plus it just seemed like he and Helios had hardly spoken since his mother's death. He neared his father's den and he slowed to a walk before coming to a stop a couple of feet away. He didn't want to disturb his younger siblings if they were there napping, so he called his father's name, his voice hushed but hopefully loud enough for Helios to hear. "Father? Are you there?"

"Talk" "You" Think

Helios I


9 Years
05-03-2015, 09:59 PM

The kids were sleeping, and Helios was wrapped up in watching them. Days were getting a little bit easier, each morning seemed incrementally brighter and nothing made a bad moment better quite like his children did. They were mourning, less energetic and yet when they napped it seemed almost as if nothing had happened. He wasn’t sure exactly how long he lay in the den, wrapped around the precious bundles when Hercules’ voice reach him.

Gently removing himself from the cuddle pile he trotted out into the open, a small smile brushing across his lips. “You called?” He kept his voice down, not eager to wake the sleeping children, despite that his tone was light, a hint of humor twining into his voice. How long had it been since he hadn’t felt the crushing sadness of Nat’s loss? It was still there of course, nagging at the back of his mind, but he was choosing to remember the good and not the bad.

It had been some time since he had last seen his eldest son, well eldest recognized son, and he was glad to see the boy was still doing well.

talk, think


05-03-2015, 10:18 PM

ooc: haven't actually met with Pip yet, but I'm just going to assume it goes well lol

A moment or two passed and then his father come out into the open to answer his call. Hercules smiled when he saw the smile on this father's face and heard the lightness in his voice. He knew his mother's death had been hard on all of them, but it was good to see his father beginning to perk up a little bit at least. "I did indeed," he replied with a little chuckle. He settled onto his haunches easily, his tail wagging slowly behind him against the ground. He knew he should really make more time to be with his family, especially his father, but it was hard to remember to do that with how busy he had made himself as of late.

"I went to talk with some alphas from other packs the other day. Secretua, Donostrea, and... Fiori! That was the other one," he told Helios with a smile. Besides the fact that he wanted to keep his father in the loop on all the pack going ons, he knew his father was still basically his second in command at the moment so it was good to keep him in the know he thought. "All of the meetings went pretty well I think. No alliances as of yet, but we're on friendly terms with them anyway."

"Talk" "You" Think