
In the dying light



6 Years
05-04-2015, 04:51 PM
There was something very exciting about this whole thing, whether it was because there were so many wolves here that he didn't know or because he was here with Gaia, he wasn't sure. But he moved now, weaving through this place, to try and find her something to eat. He didn't like seperating from her for too long, the only other time had been the sparring, but he wanted to see if he could see anyone he knew and find something good to eat. He needed to do something like this with Donostrea, invite some of his new friends and see if he could strengthen the bonds between the packs. Winter was coming soon, he'd have to talk with Locha.... With a gentle hum he moved along, wondering if he might run into one of the ones that planned this. The pack, Threar, was realitively unknown to him. Frith had come to his borders some time ago and said hello, but other than that there hadn't been much conversation between Donostrea and Threar. He wondered whether he'd run into the man, or perhaps the others that planned this big hoopla. He wanted to thank them sincerely for hosting something so exciting, but he also didn't want to leave Gaia's side for too long. There seemed to be several he knew here, judging from scent along. Arian was around, it seemed, and perhaps some wolves from packs he had run into recently. But the one that was missing was Glaciem, and worry continued to eat away at his chest. He missed his first alpha friend, wondering what exactly happened with her and her pack. One day she was there, promising to come visit once he and his family settled, and next...she wasn't. With a gentle shake of his head he sighed, turning his attention quickly to try and find a meal and perhaps a conversation.

"Burn Baby Burn"



5 Years
05-04-2015, 05:31 PM
Novella had decided by now not to concentrate upon any alpha duties, she wouldn't actively seek out any of the other alphas in the area and her plan of course was still to avoid the Olympus wolves altogether if she could help it. Perhaps she simply wished to clear her head first before she attempted to speak to them, work out what she was actually going to say. Maybe deep down she just wanted an excuse to continue to avoid them, they had never exactly given off the nicest of vibes after all.

Things didn't quite go to plan though. It wasn't that she had any objection to meeting the other alphas, she had simply decided to let everyone enjoy the festivities and then get down to official business later with perhaps visits to the packs to thank them for coming once things had calmed again. Here was one of the alphas now, not that she was fully aware of that fact nor could she even remember his name or his pack properly either for that matter. During the recovery of her depression she could vaguely recall Frith telling her that he had spoken to a few of the other alphas though details were hazy now and she of course had no faces to pair those jumbled names to.

"Hello there." She greeted him with a friendly tone. She was sure she would have recalled him earlier had he ventured up to give his own greeting, he had quite an interesting appearance about him after all, those vivid yellow markings standing out against the dark coat. Had she seen him with Gaia as well she definitely would have committed him to memory. She had only seen the girl briefly once but even before that point she and her siblings and drifted into her thoughts many times. To know there was a way to possibly find out more about how she and her siblings were doing without directly speaking to the Olympus wolves, Novella likely would have jumped at the chance. Instead though all of that would remain a secret, it'd likely be a casual, friendly meeting, probably for the best really.