
I Don't Wanna Go To Work



1 Year
Extra large
05-05-2015, 07:14 AM

Something about this season was making Falx antsy. As the summer heat subsided she found herself relishing every chance she got to exert herself. The wind blew crisp and chilly into her face, and she took it in with a smile. She could smell the dying world, the frantic creatures, the bounty of a harvest season. Fruit had long dropped from the trees, nuts and acorns, the berries had all been plucked away. It was crunch time, it was do or die. Ahead of her, something rustled in the bushes.

Falx froze, ears perking atop her head, which quirked the smallest bit to the side. She had chased her fair share of squirrels already that morning but this... Ah. A rabbit. A sly smile split her face and she dropped into a crouch-like position to duck under a bit of brush. She knew the creature's ears would pick up the sound of her approach long before she was in striking distance, but the fact that it cowered under that bush made her think it had wandered away from it's warren. If she was nimble enough, she might be able to nab it. Her paw lit a bit too heavy on the leaf litter, and the rodent froze.

Falx sucked in a breath before plunging forward, adrenaline coursing through her veins. The rabbit gave a bleat of fear and seemed to dash forward without a destination. Falx was hot on it's trail, choosing a middling path where as the small ball of fluff zigged and zagged, trying to throw her off. Only a few more bounds forward, just one final push... She overtook the creature and swatted it to the side with a paw. It was not the largest rabbit she'd ever come across, and while she did not necessarily get it airborne, it did collide bodily with a nearby tree. Stunned, she took her opportunity to dive in for the kill. She rose again with a blood muzzle and a satisfied grin on her face. Harvest season indeed.

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