
New friends in the making



9 Years
05-09-2015, 04:14 PM

  The man hadnt really spoken to anyone other than Rune and those who had gone to the pack hunt. Among those was Akemi his direct supervisor and the only other wolf who had actually spoken directly to him. When she had given him a job the large boy at her side seemed to have been upset and Ravine could guess why. No one liked to be given a lesser job than someone who had not yet proved themselves, he would not be offended though as he would probably feel the same way in the same situation.

Today however was a new day and when he left his den he had planned to be more social. Rune was the only wolf here that he knew anything about other than Akemi and it wasnnt because she had told him but rather because Rune had told him. If he planned on becoming comfortable in his new home he had to learn to trust his surroundings and the creatures who lived in them.

It wasnt long after he had ventured from his den that he would spot the tailless huntress, Akemi. Though small and scarred she carried herself as though she were three times her size and that her scaring was a badge of honor. He didnt know many wolves who were able to do that and he knew none of them of her size. Rune had prewarned him not to underestimate her and he had no plans to. Hell in her own whay she was quite lovely. But it wasnt looks that made the wolf.

As he drew close Ravine would call out a greeting and hope she was in the mood for making friends. "Hello, Akemi."



05-09-2015, 09:14 PM

Ahh there was much to do as a single mother. Her daughter had become wayward again, much to Akemi's discomfort, though her son had settled down into Secretua as a true member. Finally her family was able to see where they belonged. While parts of her heart longed for siblings past; Baldur, Thor, Loki, Skadi, Skoll, Freyr... she knew there was little chance in seeing them again. Something deep in her heart told her so. Even Hati... she doubted she would ever meet with him again on good terms. In some ways it broke her heart... but in others... she was sure it was for the best.

The huntress would breathe out slowly, focused on the lands with her single good eye. Einarr was off patrolling, trying to make himself useful to the pack. She, on the other paw, was off alone in thought. So much had passed in her four years of life. To think she now had two children, so beautifully grown...  Her son especially would be an asset to the pack she was sure, though she wasn't counting Zisa out yet. She would close her good eye, simply standing alone, as she breathed in and out.

It might have been odd finding her in the Gulley in such a state, but a voice would break Akemi from her musings. She would turn, her good eye falling upon the young man known as Ravine. He had participated in the latest hunt, thank goodness, and the female found a sense of happiness in it. He had done well, despite her not knowing him previously.

"Ahh... Ravine. Good day to you." The female would tilt her head to the side, offering a small smile. "Settling into Secretua well I hope?" Her words were polite in tone, yet they still held some of the edge that revealed her true nature as a fireball. She truly wore her current state with pride, rather than fear. She survived and overcome... and that was something to be proud of.


Table by:: Tealah



9 Years
05-11-2015, 08:23 AM

 The man would not realize that he was interrupting the huntress' quiet relaxation until it was to late. Even though he had disrupted her relaxation, dhe would turn and offer hin a friendly greeting and a small smile. A smile he would happily return as, she had shown him nothing but kindness since he met her. That kindness only consisted friendly words and an important job during a pack hunt but it was much appreciated regardless of hiw small the acts had been.

To her question Ravine would give a small shrug and a voiced answer. "I dont know, it all me. This if the first pack ive been in since Valhalla fell." his eyes would arch her features to make sure she had no frustration towards him for intruding on her silence before deciding she wasnt and meeting her gaze. "The only wolves I've actually spoken to are you and Rune. Rune seems to like me and, as far as I know, your willing to work with me. So I cant be doing to bad."  

If the rest of the wolves were tempered like Rune and Akemi the man figured he would continue to get along fine here. Sadly he had already made one male jealous by being given an important job by Akemi. Mentally he would shrug it off as he figured you cant win them all.



05-11-2015, 04:28 PM
Foreign. Akemi couldn’t help but supress a chuckle at his words. Aye, she remembered those days. When she first came to Secretua, a pregnant fae with a brother whom abandoned the pack. “It was much the same for me when I first joined, believe me.” She had never heard of a pack by the name Valhalla... And she found it rather odd. Did these wolves believe in the same sort of gods as she did? Or perhaps there was something more to it?

The female would blink a little as Ravine admitted that the only wolves that he had spoken to as of yet were Rune and herself. Well, that made her feel a little more comfortable, now didn’t it? She would give a gently smile, perhaps a bit unusual for the little spitfire.

“In order for a pack to work the members must be willing to cooperate with one another. Be it in a hunt, a fight... Such things are key.” The female would breathe out slowly. “Admittedly I had to have a talk with my son about you. I’m not sure if you noticed the sour face he gave you at the hunt. He didn’t quite understand why I gave you the job I did.” The female would let out a soft chuckle.

“Einarr is a good kid, even if he has a bit of a temper. I assure you he means well.” The female would tilt her head to the side. “What of you? No family with you?”



9 Years
05-11-2015, 06:16 PM

 When the woman told him her introduction to the pack had been much like his, Ravine didnt feel as out if place as he previously had. He didnt kniw how it had been for new wolves to a pack but he would have an idea from now on. "Its good to know im not the only one who has felt out of place, but id rather be a little out of place than alone." he would sink back onto his hunches as he listened to her tell him about her talk with her son.

He hadnt realized that the large boy had been her son. Hell he never would have guessed by their different sizes. He was quite large and she, well she wasnt very big at all. Some might say her size made her cute, but Ravine knew better than that as its part of what made her a force to be reckoned with.

When Akemi finished speeking he wouldgive a small nod. "I did see the look he had given me, but I chose not to take offense. I cant say I wouldnt have felt the same had a stranger come to my home and be given a job over me." he would search her features again before saying anymore. "I dont have any family, none ive seen in a long time anyway. Never had a mate or children so ivee been alone for a long time.

Ravine would look away as he remembered his siblings and parents, even his fathers eagle. He hadnt seen any of them in so long that he was sure they were probably gone. He was just happy he would have a chance at another family here even if that meant he would just have to consider all of Secretua that family. When he he met her gaze again he would ask about her family. "So what of your family?"



05-14-2015, 09:03 AM

It was ture enough. It was better to feel out of place then alone, for loneliness was a terrible, terrible thing. It could drain everything out of you, make you have no desire to go on. But she had been lucky. Though it had been hard, in the end she overcame and made a family for herself here. She would do anything for Secretua, for Rune, for the wolves that she looked at and viewed as her family and kin. This place would not be shaken, no matter what happened.

Ravine had no family, nor a mate or children. He had been alone. So terribly, terribly alone. The female would gave a nod of sympathy toward him. The question should have been expected to turn around on her, but Akemi wasn’t quite so ready for it. She would tense some, looking down.

“Most of my family is broken. My father had many wives, breaking out pack apart through time. My siblings went their separate ways, though I came across a few them out here from time to time. She would lift her head again, setting her jaw as she spoke the next part. She was not weak.

“In addition to that I’m afraid that I’ve never held a mate either. I was forced to bear children, forced to bear these scars by a monster of a wolf. I do not regret having my son and daughter however. They are strong, and they are my pride and joy. Even if their father is trash, they can be part of this pack with nothing at all to fear.” Akemi would give a little smirk.

“But he got what he deserved in the end. It was the last blessing my siblings gave me before the majority of them seemed to disappear into thin air.”


Table by:: Canttina



9 Years
05-15-2015, 07:16 PM

The man would listen quietly as the woman lowered her gaze asnd spoke about her family. She gave more details about them than what Ravine himself had given about his own family. But it still sounded to him as though she had been worse off than he ever could have been. Though he had no idea how to respond to her. Hell had her posture not changed he may have offered a reassuring nudge.

Her next words were spoken not from a terrified little girl but from a very strong and brave woman. Though her words were at first a bit of a shock to him, Ravine would still admire her a bit. He had no idea who her children's father was but from what she said and with the scars she worwe upon her flesh, the man believed her. What made him admire her more was the fact that despite everything that wolf had done to her, she still loved the children he forced her to bare.

When she finished speeking she had told him about the creature getting what it deserved. He still wasnt sure how to answer her but he would look at her with more respect than t he had before. Before it was just as Secretua's huntress and as his pack mate, now it was much more than that. "Sounds to me like youve been through more than one wolf deserves to in one life time." he would not give her a sympathetic look but rather one of respect. "And in my opinion, your scars make you unique and beautiful in your own way."



05-17-2015, 06:27 PM

Akemi was about to give a nod when he spoke of her past. Yes, it had been a lot, and truly it had an effect on her, but it made her stronger because of it. It was his next words that would catch her off guard, however, and the female would advert her gaze. ‘W-what? Beautiful? Me?’ The compliment was something rather odd. Who would find a fae scarred as she beautiful? But it was as Ravine said... She held her own sort of beauty... And beauty was far more than skin deep.

“T-thank you Ravine. No one has ever said that to me before.” The female would admit. Not even before she was scarred had she heard such words. She would lift her gaze back to him, tipping her head in thanks. “I like to believe that our scars make us stronger. They are part of who were are... A sign of what we overcame. It is hard... But we can make more out of life than what we were given.” Akemi would shuffle for a moment on her paws.

“Are you busy, Ravine? Perhaps you might like to... Take a walk with me?”

Table by:: Tealah



9 Years
05-18-2015, 08:25 PM

 Ravine would watch her for a few moments as she looked away from him. For a moment he wondered if he had offended her in some way, but her words would quickly snuff out that line of thought. Had she not told him so, he never would have believed that she had never been complimented in such a way. He could see the beauty beneath the scars and couldnt see how others couldnt.

He would give a smile to her as she looked back at him. Her next words would earn his agreement, as he had grown up thinking thant what didnt kill you made you stronger, or at least smarter. "I grew up with similar thoughts." he wwould stop talking when he noticed her shuffling about.

He was about to ask her what was wrong when she would ask if he were busy, if he wanted to walk with her. Another gentle smile would spread across his features just befor he opened his maw to answer her. "No, im not busy and I would like to take a walk with you."



05-22-2015, 10:56 AM

And I Know That I
I Sometimes Tend To Lose My Temper
And I Cross The Line
Ravine was a kind man. Wise. He had grown wiser, as she had, with age. It was funny how wolves matured in that sense. She too had taken a lot of big steps into maturing into a fine young individual. It made her think about things... Her past... Her future. Secretua seemed like a stable ground to stand on and Akemi wasn’t planning on leaving. Ever. This was her home. Einarr was comfortable here and Zisa, when she was around and about, seemed at peace with living in the area too. It was wonderful to see.

The female would nod, though she felt a bit of a nervous flutter in her heart as he agreed to take a walk with her. Where was her fire? Where was her snappy comebacks? My... It was as if she had truly aged into something that was more appropriate for these Alacritian lands. The female would begin to walk, finding her voice once more.

“Ravine... Do you ever feel like, despite the fact you are here, you’re missing out on something in this life?” Akemi would ask, her voice gentle. Perhaps it was just her... She wasn’t sure.


I Know It Gets Hard Sometimes
But I Could Never Leave Your Side
No Matter What I Say

Table by:: Tealah



9 Years
05-24-2015, 12:48 PM (This post was last modified: 05-24-2015, 12:49 PM by Ravine.)

 The man would move to walk along side her and aqua eyes would watch her for a moment as he thought about his answer for her question. It was something he hadn't expected her to ask, then again he hadn't expected her to ask him to walk with her either. Slowly he would give a small nod "Yes, sometimes I feel that way."

He would would pause and look away from her if only to watch where he was going. His attention didnt leave her though. "But I think we all miss out on something no matter where we are. Every choice takes us away from one experience to gain something different." Ravine would give a small smile and a soft chuckle as he realized how old he sounded when he spoke that way.

His optics would travel back to the woman at his side. For a few seconds he would study her features as he committed each perfect flaw to memory like they werent flaws at all before speaking again. "I must sound like a wise old elder when I talk like that."



05-26-2015, 01:13 PM

Akemi would chuckle softly when Ravine spoke. There was something about the way he spoke that made her feel at ease, even when she was feeling down. The female would keep on walking, her mind, for a moment, shifting to her children. How they had grown up without a true father, but they were strong. She too had grown without the support of caring parents, yet she too had her strengths. Perhaps there was a chance that she would find whatever she felt she was missing. But Ravine was right. No matter what she found there would be something else she was missing out on... But perhaps that was just as well.

The female would speak softly to Ravine, her words light. “I suppose you’re right. Though just because you have the wisdom to see that doesn’t make you that old. Akemi would let her gaze settling on him once more. Thank goodness he was walking on her good side. “I guess we both have some life left in us to figure out what it is that we still want to find.” Akemi would pause, deciding to go on.

“One of the things I’ve always regretted was the fact that I wasn’t actually mates with my father of my children. I felt like they deserved it... Didn’t want them to go through the broken existence that I went through.” Akemi would reminisce a little bit. “Maybe what I’m looking for is love... I don’t know for sure. But I know that I’m going to keep looking and, in the meantime, remain a loyal member of Secretua.” She would give a small nod to herself.

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'



9 Years
05-26-2015, 05:01 PM (This post was last modified: 05-26-2015, 05:02 PM by Ravine.)

Ravine would listen to her as she spoke. Comenting about how she thought he was right and stating that knowing what he knew fidnt make him that old. He would raise an eyebrow at that comment but wouldnt protest. He didnt feel old, but he knew just how old he was and that was enough for him.

She would go on to say that she thought there was pleanty of life left in them to find what they were looking for and that was something the black and white man agreed on. But both his brows would raise when she told himthat she regretted not being mates with the wolf who fathered her children but he would wait until she was done talking to say what he thought on the matter. "With what you told me about that...wolf...I think you and your children deserved better. As far as looking for love, I think youll find it."

He would give her a smile s hee continued to walk along side her. "I myself, want a family. Love, children the whole deal. I think ive always wanted that, just been to afraid to try to fine someone to have that with."



05-27-2015, 09:33 AM

Both she and her children deserved better. Something about those words, the inclusion of herself, made Akemi feel a bit of heat once more to her cheeks. She would breathe out slowly, her single gaze holding a hopeful look. Yes... She truly hoped that she would find love as well. Perhaps even within Secretua, if she she was lucky. She hoped too that it would come before she was older, before she was too old to consider another litter. While she didn’t necessarily want more children right now there was always the chance a future mate might.

It was stranger thinking about how she could be looked at with love. Yet the wolves of Secretua looked at her just as any other wolf might. She was regarded as someone normal, despite her flaws. It made her truly feel blessed here. Her walk with Ravine was turning out to be quite nice as well, giving her further hope for the things she wanted to accomplish. For some things it would only be a matter of time before they came through for her.

“Love is certainly taking a risk, but I believe it is a risk worth taking. Perhaps all you need to do is be a little more open to the idea, Ravine. From what I’ve heard about love.. It finds you when you least expect it. Perhaps it could already be under your nose and you don’t even know it.” She would smile gently at the other.

“You know... We’ll need to do this again sometime. I find I’m rather enjoying your company!”

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'



9 Years
06-01-2015, 02:29 PM

Ravine hadn't noticed that his words had heated Akemi's features, then again had she not looked away from him the first time he may not have noticed his words had an effect then either. He had spent do much time alone that all hhe tended to notice anymore was agitation. The longer he spent with friends the more he would pick back up.

During the few seconds of dilence between them the black and white man would transfer jer gaze between the woman at his side and the path before them. He was worried about running into something but he also liked to look her not only because he had not been this close to someone this longg without getting chased off but because he did actually think she was pretty.

When she spoke again the man would nod in agreement. "I'm just not sure how to do that. How to open up more I mean, ive been alone so long that being closed off is comfortable. he would think for a moment after he spoke. He couldnt see how love would be right under his nose, especially since he hadnt really spoken to anyone else.

Her next words how ever would bring a grin to his face along with a hint of warmth to his own cheeks. Another nod would be given. "I enjoy yours as well, Akemi"



06-22-2015, 02:11 PM

Akemi would frown a bit. Not sure how to open up more. She would think for a moment before smiling lightly, bumping his shoulder. "I think that you'll be alright, Ravine. You seem to have opened up just fine with me. Just keep your faith and don't give up." The woman would breathe in, letting her good eye close for a moment as she came to a stop. She couldn't remember the last time she had managed to speak to someone this comfortably. If ever. There had always been so much fire within her interactions. Perhaps it would be that way again... but perhaps not. All she knew was that though she felt a little awkward with Ravine it was the good sort. The kind that she would welcome to feel again. Opening her eyes again she'd grin. "Since we're out and about how about we do a patrol around the borders for safety's sake? There's been a pair who were foolish enough to try and trespass before... It wouldn't surprise me if anyone tried again."

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'



9 Years
06-22-2015, 09:42 PM (This post was last modified: 06-22-2015, 09:42 PM by Ravine.)

At first a bit of concern would fill his eyes a the woman would frown but the instant she smiled that concern left without a trace. Then she would bump into his shoulder and tell him she thought he would do fine. When she told him why and stopped, he too would stop and look at her with confusion. Not with her but with himself.

Ravine hafnt opened up to anyone since he had been on his own. No one really knew who he was except for thoughs who knew his parents and even noww that was a limited number. Yet, for some reason, he had opened up to Akemi. She now knew a lot more about him than anyone he had met since Valhalla's fall. She still had a long way to go to know everything but he wasnt quite sure if he wanted to share that much yet.

For now he would give a small not of agreement along witg a smile. "I suppose your right, its just, for some reason I feel comfortable sharing with you and others make me nervous. " with that Ravine would look away. He wasnt sure how to explain hiis feelings but the words felt right but like he was forgetting to add something to it.

Soon she would change the subject and save him from making a fool of himself. "Sure!" he would speak the word before actually thinking about the consequences of his agreement. "I mean, im not very good at fighting so I wouldnt be much for backup if something did happen. But I would like to come along."



07-03-2015, 07:36 PM

Akemi was surprised that he felt comfortable sharing with her and yet... She understood it. Something about Ravine and herself just clicked. Something that made the other feel comfortable. It wasn’t bad thing at all. But she knew he was right. With anyone else, she might not feel nervous but she would definitely feel a bit edgy. The change of subject was probably needed too. To save them both from embarrassment. But luckily he agreed to go with her on a patrol. “Perfect!” She would chirp. With a pep in her step the woman would set off, wondering what they might discover together.

--End Thread.--
