
no heroes



10 Years
05-11-2015, 08:10 AM (This post was last modified: 05-11-2015, 08:10 AM by Kaprasíus.)
Warning: mature language.

Kaprasíus Sigrunn Finnvi was fucking pissed.

For the first time, perhaps ever, he'd taken the brunt of someone else's foul mood. Most wolves might've been appalled at the sudden violence, or maybe they would've fought back. But Kapra had merely been stunned. It seemed his judgment had failed him; who knew they'd been mourning a lost loved one? The Finnvis did not mourn like puppies crying for their mothers, pouting and moping as though their pity might somehow bring back the deceased. Despite the girl's sudden outrage, it only further proved the point that the wolves of Alacritia were pathetic and weak.

He'd find Katja soon, he knew, but for now he had more dire things to attend to. He felt the steady throbbing of pain in his face as he stalked away from the group, a sneer resting on his lips. The side of his face was in far worse shape than he realized. A deep wound seemed to lengthen his sneer, trailing up to his eye, the wound open and fresh. Still his vision was gone from the damaged eye. He didn't quite know the extend of the damage.. but he knew he needed help, and he knew just who to call.

Finally, making his way into the thicket, he'd lift his head high and let loose a powerful call to Kar. He owed them a favor, and Kapra was intent on redeeming it right now.. and he was in no mood to be told no. Once his call was concluded, he'd continue to pad through the dense thicket, searching for any sign of a river to begin to clean his wounds. Slowly the adrenaline from the attack was beginning to fade, and the pain grew more fierce, slight delirium setting in as he felt his word growing hazy around him.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.


05-12-2015, 07:35 AM

When the call arose for him Kar's fur would stand on end. He knew exactly what it was for even before he made his movements towards that said call. He felt his spine tingle with anxiety as he left his family, explaining to his son, daughter, and mate that he would be back for them as soon as he could. Naoise had offered to accompany him, but the male had decided to turn his son down at the offer. This was something that he would tend to alone. He had to see what the viking male wanted and risk as little exposure to his family as possible.

Kar would arrive on scene to find the male in a rather... sorry state. The hell happened to him? Kar could only guess that someone else had attacked him for some remark or another. Someone who didn't care what they potentially lost... or someone who didn't feel the need to negotiate. Perhaps, Kar wondered, he truly didn't have a spine. Regardless... he would do his very best to uphold the promise he made in exchange for his daughter. He would approach Kapra's by his good side, speaking low.

"You need medical attention." He would state simply, prompting the other male to see if that would be the favor asked for that his family owed.


Table by:: Eldarwen



10 Years
05-12-2015, 12:48 PM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2015, 12:49 PM by Kaprasíus.)
While initially the deal that he and Katja had made with Kar hadn't seemed all that great, suddenly he realized it had been quite a valuable decision. Truth be told, he didn't entirely trust the man - why would he? - but it felt like he had no other option. An amputated tail had been one thing, a wound he'd been able to tend to on his own, but this... the pain was great and the partial loss of vision following the assault was quite worrisome.

It felt like ages that he spent waiting, eventually finding somewhere to rest amongst the thicket. He felt more secure amongst the tall, thick grasses. For once, he didn't want to be disturbed. He needed to rest and heal before he returned to Yfir.

Kar's arrival came far later than he would've liked, though it was as prompt as one would expect. His demeanor was remarkably calm, exhaustion settling over him following the attack and loss of blood. Wearily he would raise his stare to Kar as he approached. If only he had a single clue about how awful he looked... his face was caked with blood, his eye mangled beyond repair, a fresh wound sprouting down the side of his face. Through gritted teeth he would speak, a hint of desperation in his low voice. "No shit I do," he'd retort, though his voice lacked its normal fervor. "You owe me a favor and I need help. Let's call it a deal. I won't think of touching your family, ever, if you do this for me." Though he wasn't exactly honorable, he needed this favor, and if Kar wanted to keep his loved ones safe it seemed an easy enough decision to make. They'd made it clear they had no qualms about taking his daughter prisoner. Kapra could only hope that Kar might agree this was a good idea, and hope that Katja hadn't had other plans for this so-called favor... alas, it was being taken care of now. "Find me a healer and make sure my face doesn't split open." A man like Kar had to know someone who was skilled in the trade, or he'd have to find one real quick.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.


05-19-2015, 09:19 AM

Kar would take note of the viking’s demeanor, of how he spoke to him. Yes, no shit Sherlock. Of course he needed hep. Anyone with eyes could see that, right? The blood that was upon his face was gruesome, though not so much so as the missing organ of sight from his face. The man would breathe in slowly through his nose as he listened to the other man spoke. He was right, he owed the favor, and the man needed help. If he helped him then he wouldn’t think of touching his family, ever again, if this was done for him. That was all that Kar needed to hear.

“Fair enough. I’ll call for my mate now.” He knew Nalyda was an adept healer, and she was the only one that he would trust with this task. He was sure that his mate would rather not treat this viking but... If it would protect their family from his then wasn’t it worth it? Kar would tilt his head back, calling for his beloved. He was sure that his oldest litter could take care of the younger two while their parents took care of this manner of business.


Table by:: Eldarwen