
To second encounters


09-03-2014, 11:14 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2014, 11:24 PM by Ambros.)

The sun had settled in its rightful place before he would ease into place in the brush. It was already well into the morning but as they hadn't said exactly what time, and he had expected her to spend time with the members of his pack, he had been prepared to lie in wait for the remainder of the day. If she didn't show,.. he would perhaps feel a bit of sadness, of anger and gather the tastes of disappointment in his maw to carry around in disgust for a few weeks. The idea of being so worked over made him anxious. The fact that her touch has made his skin burn since they parted ways, thrilled him. The fact that he knew very little of her, that she could never show and he'll never see her, saddened him.

Ambros, I am glad I got to meet you and I would very much like to see you again tomorrow. Its what she said, thats what she said. Wasn't it? Shaking his hefty head he tries to shoo the dout he held from his head. Just because she hadn't arrived didn't mean she wasn't going to come.

The day was another hot one, so his form would settle amongst tree line, sprawled into the dry brush. On his way over he had taken a dip in the stream, rolling around in it to free himself of his meal that night, but he had failed to get all of the red stain off his mask. Yes, had groomed for her, taken a bath. If she didn't show maybe he'od go back her a little visit, rip into some bellies. Did she say what pack it was? A great huff of fustrastion left him, his form rolling completely over so his eyes could peer through the brush at the direction in which she had left him. Would she come? The sudden memory of her leaving words made his body shudder, oh now they teased him now. I must be going now, Ambros, good night and I shall see you tomorrow... hopefully. Hopefully? Did she have doubts that she'd show? That he'd show?

His form rolled, rejecting himself the privelge of starring into space as his eyes snapped shut. His body was fatigued, his paws and legs ached even though he couldn't remember how they got to be so tired. Hopefully... He muttered to himself, his form giving a final roll, allowing himself to once again stare in the direction she had left in.




4 Years
09-03-2014, 11:31 PM

Nona felt miserable that she wasn't at the Lover's Mangrove any earlier. She was making sure that no one was injured before she left again. Was he waiting for her there and if he was would he be happy to see her again. Ambros the name that rung in her mind over and over. She quickly picked up the pace until she finally came across the place where they had met. Entering in from where she had come from before and also where she had left, Nona was actually excited to see him again especially since he did say goodbye or at least what she thought she heard when she left him last time.

Being careful and observant she moved swiftly to where she sat before catching his familiar scent. Nona smiled once more and let a song bubble in her mind and then reach her lips

"Yami ga ochiru to taiyō ga futatabi jōshō suru toki, watashitachiha, taiyō ni terasa reta shifuku no atataka-sa ni mukaete iru. Yami no aru tokoro ni watashitachi no subete watashitachiha ryōhō kesshite hitotsu no hoka no nai nashide wa iki rarenai tame ni no naka ni kakusa re, hikari ga aru".

(When the darkness falls and the sun rises again, we are greeted by the warmth of the sunlit bliss. Where there is darkness there is light, hidden amongst us all for we cannot live without both never one without the other).

Hopefully Ambros would show himself to her as she sung. The fae enjoyed singing and hope this would bring about another possible lick from him if he were to show. The scent of him still lingered in her nostrils however she couldn't pick out exactly where he was but at least he was here and did indeed proved to her that he would be here again.

"hear me sing."
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


09-03-2014, 11:44 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2014, 11:44 PM by Ambros.)

Ambro's had let himself doze off, his mind supsended state while his body rests. He determind getting some rest, no matter how little would be better than seeing her completely worn out. His chest rose and fell in a peacefully slumber, however not much time would pass before his eyes slid back open.

First her scent had stirred him, but as her sweet voice tunneled into his ears he was awake. Starring out through the brush to where she sat with her maw in the air, she looked almost like she was looking for him. It amused him and led him to hope that she was singing just for him. To tell him to come in case he lost his way. Gathering his paws under him, he gets himself up. His bulky form giving a rough shake to free himself of the leaves and sticks that stuck to him. The bushes gave a shake as he shook, giving away his location in the treeline. But she wouldn't have to look too hard as he moved from the cover of the trees.

He stood for a moment on his half of the clearing, allowing her song to come to an end before his paws would move. His pace was swift, but wouldn't be fast enough to make him seem eager. Crossing the distance his rump once again flops down beside hers, but just a tad closer this time as his head dipped down to nip her ear in greeting.

He was pleased, and he would let enough of it show that the tip of his tail twirled around in the dirt behind them. Nona, He called to her with nothing else to add or any expection of getting an answer.




4 Years
09-04-2014, 08:56 AM

There wasn't much time between the end of her song and Ambros once again coming up to where she was and sitting down next to her but this time he was closer to her and she felt him nip her ear. This brought about a chuckle from her maw before she spoke "I'm really happy to see you again, I'm sorry if I've arrived a little late, was making sure everything was okay before I left home again" her voice still the usual soft and gentle tone. She did care about the members who were her pack mates but still she needed her time away from them.

Nona was pleased that he did come here again, it shown her that he did stick to his word about showing up again. Nona licked his muzzle in her way of greeting and gently placed her muzzle against his neck. Perhaps this time he might do the same thing but they would have a little longer together. Nona felt comfortable around Ambros despite how different he was compared to other males she met. Nonetheless she felt comfortable and happy to be around Ambros again.

Last night was filled with wonderful dreams about him, he said goodbye to her before they parted yesterday and now he was here again. "Ambros, you brought me happiness yesterday and the night when I returned home to drift off to sleep, I finally was able to sleep a little better knowing that there was someone I could come back to and someone who would come back to me, thank you for coming again" her words were filled with joy in which they didn't hold this much happiness for awhile. Was she starting to fall for Ambros, this dark handsome male. Maybe but for now she would enjoy the time she got to be with him again.

"hear me sing."
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


09-04-2014, 10:18 AM

His ears quivered at the sound of her chuckele, a new sound from her. It quickly twisted his interest to the many other sounds she could make. What did she sound like when she was scared.. Sad, and angry? Unclean thoughts shifted passed his mind before her words would snap in his attention. I'm really happy to see you again.I'm sorry i'm a little late , was making sure everything was okay before I left home again, Pack news, though he was beginning to become curious as to what roll she played in the pack.

His muzzle would lift after recieving her lick to provide more room for her muzzle as it settled against his neck. He couldn't help but wonder what could make her come back again tomorrow, would she even come again? He was getting ahead of himself, knowing he should just enjoy the time they would have today. There was an entire afternoon ahead of them.

Ambros, you brought me happiness and last night when I returned home to drift off to sleep, I finally was able to sleep a little better knowing that there was someone I could come back to and someone who would came back to me, thank you for coming. She almst sounded like a poet, twisting the words just right to keep him engrossed on what she could say next. But it was still hard to hear, he was never someones peace of mind, but the shuddering figure in their nightmares. Could he ruin her? He didn't have words to say to her, he didn't know what to say to her.

His body was tired, and despite himself he couldn't bare to force his front limbs to straighten out. Sorry, don't mind me, let me lay down. His form began to lower to the ground below, after making sure he wasn't going to throw her off balance by doing so. He slept during the day normally, once the sun came up he'd be settled in until later afternoon but today was different. Last night had been harsher on his bod then usual, perhaps because of her. Settling on his stomach, he keeps his head up looking at her. I'm glad your dreams were pleasant, Nona, and I too am glad that you came today.




4 Years
09-04-2014, 05:49 PM

Nona moved a little bit so he could lay down and when he did she would lay next to him. Right now he was keeping her company once more, company that she enjoyed. Laying next to him seemed easy for her to do because she was comfortable around him. She wanted to know what he did last night after she left but restrained herself. What he did last night was not of her concern but what was before her now was. The trek here again was uneventful but what was waiting for her here was well worth the while.

The afternoon was ahead of them and for now laying down would work, so long as she got to spend time with Ambros, to get to know him a little more today. She smiled as she rested her earthen toned fur pressed against the ground beneath her. Nona was going to enjoy the moment and hoped that she could always seem him even if it was only during the day. The thoughts about become his mate grew stronger but it was still small. Her forest green eyes gazing over Ambros's face. Another chuckle bubbled from her maw as she gently rested her head on his side hopefully he would let her anyways.

She felt somewhat safe around him at the moment. Despite what little she knew about him there was just something about the brute that kept her motivated to spend time with him. Nona had to know Ambros a little more and thus her words came about "I hope you don't mind me resting my head on you for a bit, I just want to spend time with you" she kept her usual tone of voice as she spoke to him. His words were pleasing to hear as they made her relax more from her run to here. Perhaps it was the heat again that made her think of these odd things once more but for now she wouldn't fight the feelings she had for Ambros.

"hear me sing."
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


09-04-2014, 08:49 PM

Ambros eyes watched her closely as she settled on down beside him, well she certainly wasn't going to go anywhere for now. and she hadn't taken notice to his fatigue. With the weight of her head against him, his shoulders rolled just slightly so she wouldn't find herself directly on the phone. I hope you don't mind me resting my head on you for a bit. I just want to spend time with you. It was confusing to him, why would she ask when she was already doing it? He hadn't shifted away in disgust or complain about the weight so why would she ask?

No. It doesn't bother me in the slighest. He was quick to answer, hoping to settle any nerves she may have had. His ears twitched as he let his mind drift just a little, he was debating to act on his urge to smother her in licks. To gather her scent into his nostrils again and even force her inches closer. Nona, He began, but his words faded away as he seem to loose his train of thought.

Nona, He began again, his head burying in close to hers as his nose connects with the lower part of her neck. Thats all he managed to say, unsure of the words he urged to say, the only thing he knew for sure is that he wanted to call her and wanted her to always be there to answer him. Nona, A third time, a third beginning, his ears twitching back against his head.

Beautiful Nona, His voice dipped deeper, and he began to groom her neck, her muzzle and the crown of her head. The licks lovingly and slow to keep her still. His licking would cease as his muzzle rubbed up into her neck to settle there. What will I do when you leave? Will you return again? Or shall I have to follow you around to gain our attention and your affections? His eyes slid closed, his questions were seeking real answers, but things he just had to say.




4 Years
09-05-2014, 05:06 AM

Nona happily accepted his lovely grooming of her neck, muzzle, and even the crown of her head. She enjoyed this very much so as she closed her eyes as she felt his muzzle brush up against her neck to settle there What will I do when you leave? Will you return again? Or shall I have to follow you around to gain our attention and your affections?. Nona could tell or at least what she thought the way he asked his questions was in a sincere manner. Nona wouldn't leave his questions go unanswered "I don't know what you will do when I leave, I know I will be saddened having to part ways with you again, but I promise you I will return as I love spending my time with you, Ambros... you make me happy and make me feel good about myself, just knowing that you want to see me again it brings joy to my heart and I don't want to lose that, I don't want to lose what we have now" She truly didn't want to lose having Ambros, today getting to be with him meant the world to her.

Ambros meant a lot to Nona because he did keep to his word to see her again and the fact he groomed her and the like, would he possibly be the one she could finally be happy with. There was a smile on her maw "This feels nice to spend time with you, Ambros, just getting to be by your side it makes me feel safe and loved, something I've been yearning for ever since my heart was broken by someone else who didn't even really care at all". Despite not knowing about whatever it was he did at night she did indeed feel safe around him, it was something of a unusual sort to not know what this was exactly but there was no other words to describe how she felt about being around him.

"hear me sing."
-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


09-05-2014, 05:12 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2014, 05:14 PM by Ambros.)

Her words were sweet to his ears, they brought his body ease, but his mine was still a buzz. He wouldn't want to press the topic further, he feared that if they only talked about when they had to go they couldn't enjoy while they were here. His head rolled away from her slightly, so he could look at her better. Nona, Tell me. His head gave a tilt as his gaze settle in on here. About you. Everything I should know about you.

He did surprise himself by asking, but general curiousity would escape him. If he listened then she would surely tell him. Today, learning was all he wanted to do. Perhaps he'll ask her to show him, show him the land in which she treasured so. He was the new kid here, and she the expert. While he wasn't interested in getting to close to the pack borders, he would follow her anywhere for now.

He had food stashed, maybe if she was hungr he could offter it to her later. His ears twitched as he rested his head in the dirt, facing her to watch when she was going to speak. What would she have to tell him? Would she feel limited and label him unworthy of her words? After all, he was deteremine to let her never know what changes at night...




4 Years
09-06-2014, 07:06 PM

Nona listened to Ambros's words carefully as he asked about her. She didn't have anything to hide exactly from him and thus she began to speak "Well my full name is Nona Seinaru Utahime or if translated it means Ninth Holy Songstress, I'm apart of Abaven as a healer for them and would do what I could to help them and do my best to keep them safe... it would break me if they came to harm from someone, lets see I don't normally sing in english and prefer to sing in japanese as my mother taught me to sing in that language as well as to speak it normally..." Nona wanted to keep going but she had to take in a breath before continuing on.

She smiled and licked Ambros's neck before she spoke once more "But that is basically it about me, I don't think there is much else about me to speak of... but what about you Ambros? I want to know more about you" Nona was sincere when she asked her question as she licked his neck again before resting her head upon him once more. Would he give her an answer or would he be silent about himself.

Either way Nona was pleased that he wanted to know about her, she thought that his question meant he wanted to be at least a little closer to her. However she didn't know if he had good or bad intentions with what she gave him and hopefully he wouldn't harm anyone in Abaven for if he did, Nona wouldn't ever be able to forgive him if he did. For now she was content with spending time with him even if they were just laying together.

-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-


09-08-2014, 09:29 PM

Ambros ears twisted forward as she began to speak. and while he took in every word she had to say his mind would only settle on a few. Abaven and Healer. The words gathered his focus for a few reasos, selfish and non. First, he thought perhaps he will follow her when they seperated later to etch into his mind what lands to avoid once the sun went down. Second the term healer struck his curiousty, he had heard of others with the ability before and he wanted to know how far along she was. But asking just about that would make him come off ill-focused, or so he thought.

His attention drifted from his thoughts as she licked his neck and spoke again. She wanted to know about him? What could he say? Telling her half and leaving out the rest would only be lying to her. However he knew leaving her without any answer would leave her specious, or lead her to worry over his purpose for being here. He could only tell her enough to keep her happy.

My name is Ambros Volkov. I am the bastard sun of a king, Kaisan. His head gives a turn to look full on at her. The mask upon my face is my crown, my ability to rule comes with time and my own will. This was true, but he would never be his quest to rule over what was once Volkov lands. He wanted to rule his own, worry of his own claim new and never bother with that famly. Well, other than his night filled raids to spread about some rumors and create fuss and drama.

My mother raised me until I left to high away in the shadows, now I have resurfaced and am searching for what to make of my life. More truth, Ambros only goal now days was to have a good time, but in the pack of his head he couldn't denie the natural urge to find a way to settle.

Now wasn't the time to tell her of his change of personality, he knew the time would come when he would have to tell. He knew how he could look in the future as he leaves her side at night in fear of bringing her harm. Of bringing her precious Abaven harm.
