
Walker Adoptables!



5 Years
05-12-2015, 08:09 PM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2015, 08:37 PM by Limno.)
I made walker adoptables :,D Comes with pictures. There's five normal ones and three ones that would cost gems. I'm willing to pay up to half, even all of the cost gems ones if I like your application. All of them have the surname walker and it will explain who their parents are and their relation to the walkers on Ala today. Each has a slight story to go with them, but you can choose to change it around. Also there will be those marked with a percentage of either having or carrying a mental disease. You can decide whether it's carrying or having, because if they have it they obviously carry it xD. YOU CAN TWEAK THE DESIGNS AS YOU WISH AND SIZE IS UP TO YOU WALKERS ARE A HUGE VARIETY BUT SOLID TAIL IS A TRADEMARK MARKING SO PLEASE DON'T CHANGE THAT IF THEY HAVE ONE!


[Image: arrowxunknown_by_limnoh-d8t62er.png]
Parents: Arrow Walker(Mother) x Terrik Walker(Father)
Age: two
Season: Autumn
Relations: Allen Walker(Uncle) the rest are either cousins or further down the line.
Carries/has Psychopathic disorder 85% in male

[Image: siftxunknown_by_limnoh-d8t62xo.png]
Parents: Sift Walker(Father) x Hanns Walker(Mother)
Age: three
Season: Autumn
Relations: Allen Walker(cousin - sift walker was the youngest walker brother allen's father was his brother), SIBLING HERE!
Carries Psychopathic disorder, MAY HAVE boderline personality disorder

[Image: siftxunknown1_by_limnoh-d8t63ak.png]
Parents: Sift Walker(Father) x Hanns Walker(Mother)
Age: Three
Season: Autumn
Relations: Allen walker(cousin), SIBLING ABOVE

[Image: unaxunknown_by_limnoh-d8t63hl.png]
Parents: Una Walker(mother) x Cate Walker(Father)
Age: one
Season: Summer
Relations: Allen Walker(uncle), SIBLING BELOW
Multiple personality disorder 50% chance if male

[Image: unaxunknown1_by_limnoh-d8t63tg.png]
Parents: Una Walker(Mother) x Cate walker(father)
Age: one
Season: Summer
Relations: Allen Walker(Uncle), SIBLING ABOVE


[Image: polyxunknown1_by_limnoh-d8t641q.png](NOTE: THE HIP DOTS ARE ON THE LEFT SIDE ONLY)
Parents: Polythemus walker(father) x Tally Walker(mother)
Age: Two
Season: Summer
Relations: Allen Walker(uncle), SIBLING BELOW
high chance of having Multiple personality disorder if male

[Image: polyxunknown_by_limnoh-d8t64gq.png]
Parents: Polythemus Walker(Father) x Taller Walker(Mother)
Age: Two
Season: Summer
Relations: Allen Walker(Uncle), SIBLING ABOVE
high chance of having boderline personality disorder if male

[Image: salvantxunknown_by_limnoh-d8t64z7.png]
Parents: Salvant Walker(mother/father(biologically father)) x Carter Walker(Mother)
Age: One
Relations: Allen Walker(Uncle)
mother was non binary born male

So since the family tree is so messed up xD here's a basic run down. The heads of the family were Zeref Walker, Sift walker, and Alec walker. Sift was the youngest, probably only one year old when Zeref died and Zeref had thirteen children Allen Walker is one of those kids(most of these adoptables are his grandchildren besides sifts kids). The family is prone to Multiple personality disorder, Psychopath disorder, and borderline personality disorder on the male ends of things, rarely are women born with this. Even if I've evena  probability above you can decide whether they have it or not but they do ALL CARRY IT whether they have it or not.

Even after the children left the kingdom, many of them should be educated on their grandparents history and parents family.

The walker family ran a kingdom and were well known among their adversaries. For generations they ruled, and things weren't that bad until Zeref showed up. Because of the tragic family events he went through(his mothers death, followed by his fathers abuse and ultimate suicide), he was a tyrannic leader. Cruel and ran with an iron fist, falling farther and farther into insanity he even went as far as banishing his siblings Sift and Alec from the kingdom. After having so many children they scattered many started up their own kingdoms and some grew to hate or love Zeref. Many have installed a sense of royality in their children. Some might have made them believe they should be a king or a queen so a few could be princes and princesses.

If you want a better idea of some histories, look at Allen walker, Limno here, or even Arian. You can have a normal past, but walkers tend to be on the more depressing side but a few are still optimistic. ANY ADOPTS WILL GET A FREE TABLE BY ME! All walkers are welcome in sonticus.


Name: NAME walker
Adopt: (1-8)
Sex and Gender:
Why do you want this character?:
Plot idea's:
Roleplay Sample:




1 Year
05-12-2015, 08:18 PM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2015, 08:32 PM by Anaeia.)

Name: NAME walker
Adopt: 7
Sex and Gender:
Why do you want this character?:
Plot idea's:
Roleplay Sample:



3 Years
05-12-2015, 08:27 PM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2015, 06:23 AM by Luck.)
[Image: siftxunknown_by_limnoh-d8t62xo.png]

USERNAME; salmon!
NAME; kohaku walker
ADOPT; two
PERSONALITY; ever since childhood, kohaku has had a very balanced personality. sometimes, he can be friendly. other times you'll find him to be aggressive and irritable. but these are only for good reasons. his alignment is currently true neutral, which is why no one should fear him. but this is also why you shouldn't approach him with such comfort.

overall, kohaku is a friendly young man. if someone approaches him and wants to have a conversation, or they just want to say hi, he'd be glad to settle down and chat. it's just natural for him. one may notice, when just meeting him, that he tends to raise his hackles and narrow his eyes. this is only because the boy doesn't like letting his guard down until he trusts the person. otherwise there is no need to worry about the man. he wants friends and allies like everyone else.

when is comes to siblings, kohaku is completely loose. he'll be playful if it comes to that, he'll laugh, he'll chat, the boy isn't afraid of his siblings and never will be. if they are family in wish he doesn't know, you may see him stiffen up just slightly. but overall he's very excitable around family, whether it's siblings, parents, children, etc. if his family is in danger, however, he'll do anything to protect them. and he may seem scary if it ever comes to this.

WHY DO YOU WANT THIS CHARACTER?; because walkers should rule the world



9 Years
05-12-2015, 08:34 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2015, 05:20 PM by Kreft.)
[Image: unaxunknown1_by_limnoh-d8t63tg.png]

Name: Satoshi walker
Adopt: 5
Personality:Sato will be a lawful neutral wolf not really having a strong desire to be good or bad. He will enjoy fighting for the sport of it, not for the blood like most of his family does, he will be protective of other wolves who can’t fight for themselves, he will gladly help somebody in a fight if they ask or if they seem to be losing. He will obey orders he is given if not after dilly-dallying for a bit. He will try his best but sometimes his best is not up to other wolves standards. He will be trustworthy, you can trust him not to be an open book about everything he knows. It won’t take a lot to gain his trust, but it will take some trust on the other end as well. Around women who aren’t family he will be a bit uncomfortable, he will be more comfortable around males and will be more likely to be himself around them.
Sex and Gender:Male
History: thinking something like he and his sibling went wandering when they were pups and couldn't find their way back to their parents
Why do you want this character?: Because the walkers are an interesting family and i want one of them
Plot idea's: if the sibling gets adopted then maybe going on adventures, and in general just dealing with his crazy family.
Roleplay Sample:
He would look up at the sky, winter had come and it was snowing. The lake in front of him had started to freeze over, his sibling had wandered off by themself again. He would have preferred to have stayed by his Sibling’s side so as to make sure that they didn’t get separated like they did from their parents. He would lay down at the side of the river, his right paw dangling over the edge. A small fish would swim by, he would take his paw and swipe at the fish attempting to catch it. He missed, it was okay for now since he had eaten a rabbit not too long ago. Only if he was to survive the winter he had to improve on his hunting skills, he would stand up again. He was getting worried for his sibling, it had been a while since they had left. He would walk in the general direction they had gone in, he hoped that they hadn’t gotten lost.
[Image: Gqk3pLr.png]
[Image: xfrNNFt.png]



7 Years
Dire wolf
05-12-2015, 09:17 PM (This post was last modified: 05-12-2015, 09:57 PM by Caia.)
peeps jumped on this quick O.o

ooc. Den
name. idk walker
adopt. secretly secret
.apathetic- they literally do not care about a single thing. There isn't much that can get their knickers in a twist, or get anything better than an eyebrow raise out of them. If they could, they'd probably be snapping gum between their teeth on a regular basis, for the sake of appearances.
.sarcastic- they always have a witty comeback, or some snappy comment to make about something. An obscure reference? Sure. A wry smile is hardly ever far from their lips, albeit a half-assed, lazy one. Most things are funny, in some ironic or dark way. Call them twisted, maybe crazy. You'll probably just get a snarky reply for your troubles.
.lazy- they don't really want to do anything, for any reason at all. It's not that they don't care, it's- oh wait. Yes it is. Usually, it takes nothing short of a threat to their life to get them up off their ass. Sometimes, not even that. However, this also means that they're very resourceful, and good at making up excuses and reasons not to do things.
sex/gender. female ?....agender...?
history. to come
why this one. reasons
dem plots. maybe going to Sont, maybe becoming a slave???????????????
sample. there will be dramas.


05-13-2015, 02:14 PM
Username: Croatoan

Name: Katsuro Walker

Adopt: #4

Personality: Those who first meet Katsuro would truly believe that he is a normal wolf, without the several other 'wolves' lurking under his surface. His main personality is a sweet one, and very quiet as well, some of his words slurring and the male stuttering some when in this personality. Quite a few things trigger his other personalities, though, and such a change will more than likely make another wolf alarmed with these sudden actions. If the male feels threatened, a more aggressive side will come out, not afraid to hurt anyone even if they didn't mean to threaten him. As with his more aggressive personality, a sudden scare can make Katsuro's current personality change into something more afraid. Having a bad injury can also make his personality change once more.

Katsuro has a goal, even if the wolf protected is different. In his main personality, the male wishes to protect his siblings. In his more aggressive side, he does not wish to protect anyone at all. Rather, his goal is to claim a pack and make it feared, make the enemies of that pack cower in fear. The goal that his more timid side has is to protect himself, and himself alone. To this side of him, his family could take care of themselves. As long as he isn't hurt, he doesn't care. The side that comes out when he is inured only has himself in mind as well; get this wound healed, and fast.

Without his sibling to confide in, Katsuro is not the most social wolf. His sibling is the only wolf that he will talk to. The others will be greeted by a not-so-friendly silence, regardless of who they are. The male isn't exactly shy, but he prefers to stay away from crowds. Honestly, crowds care him.

Sex and Gender: Male.

History: I guess history shall have to be decided with whoever gets his sibling?

Why do you want this character?: I think the history would be really neat, and I haven't really played a character like I made Katsuro, so I think it would be fun playing him.

Plot idea's: All the craziness as he searches for his sibling and probably runs into other Walkers.

Roleplay Sample:

No, no no. He stared down, inside the pit, at the rabbit he had dropped when he had tripped over something. His stomach rumbled, as if reminding him how hungry he was. He needed that rabbit. Hesitantly, one paw after the other, Katsuro made his way towards the rabbit, despite the fact that he could get badly hurt. His blue eyes narrowed as he made his way down the side of the pit. Just a little closer...... He moved closer to the rabbit, his tail held behind him. Close-
A rock slid under his paw, or something like that, sending the russet male into the pit. A soft yelp escaped him as his head landed on something, sending piercing pain through him as everything around him started to go black. This can't be..... His thoughts trailed off as everything went dark.

When his blue eyes finally opened, he rose his head, getting to his paws. Instantly, he was rewarded with a sharp pain. A soft whimper came from him as he tilted his head, trying to figure out what was wrong. If he could see beside his ear, he would see the deep cut from a rock, and the bloody, stained fur around his wound. But as he looked around, he saw the blood on the rock, splattered against the gray, an explosion of color against the dull pit. Raising his head, despite the pain, Katsuro stared up at the sky. He faced one question, one that could be life or death if he was in this pit long enough.

How was he going to get out of here?



4 Years
05-13-2015, 03:57 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2015, 05:58 AM by Varda.)
[Image: salvantxunknown_by_limnoh-d8t64z7.png]

Username: Millie
Name: Kichi Walker
Adopt: 8 (I can pay for the design)
Her traumatic past and disrupted upbringing has consequently given Kichi a low confidence and self esteem. Being apathetic and impassive, it's difficult for her to find any motivation to do anything, unless, of course, she's forced to. Her physical size and stamina reflects her mental will; weak and fragile. Her soul is of pure innocence and naiveness, and can be easily manipulated to the use of one's advantage. Whether it's because of her appearance, size or orientation, she believes herself to be unworthy to others. She doesn't feel a sense of belonging in society and simply can't find the satisfaction of fitting in with everyone else. Others seem so different from her, and so she fears that she will be criticised or harassed for who she has chosen to be. Compliments simply aren't enough to thaw her heart, as she will severely deny their truth by constantly leaning to the negative side of things.

These are the many reasons why she hides her depressed and so called "unwanted" self, despite it being her true and honest personality. On the outside, she appears to be a shy, timid and dainty girl with a reassuring smile across her gentle expression. In fact, over time she has learnt to hide her emotions quite well. In public, she forces herself to look alright to avoid any concern, sympathy or attention that may be displayed towards her. Growing up as a lonely single child, it's no wonder she has grown into an antisocial adult. She feels insecure when around others and can't find the strength to trust anyone, let alone develop a mere friendship. Discomfort and occasional stress are felt when pressured to talk and merely interact, and so she attempts to keep away from others. She has potential to be a bright and intelligent individual, however, her beliefs and fears are what hold her back from optimistically emerging into the unknown.
Sex and Gender: Biologically female, contemplating on her gender identity
Kichi Walker, the only child of Salvant and Carter Walker, was born into a well-known kingdom run by her family. Salvant was the son of the kingdom's once imperious and unjust leader, Zeref Walker, and was ever so loyal to his brutal father. While some of Zeref's other children scattered from the kingdom in fear of their father, Salvant dutifully remained in the hopes to grow his family's lineage and domain. However, an injury left Salvant crippled for the rest of his remaining years. With a thirst for power, he was in no state to take leadership over the kingdom. Yet, there was one possible option available, and that was to conceive as many children to ensure the throne would be theirs. Taking Carter Walker as his mate, he planned to manipulate his children to his advantage and select the strongest and most subservient one as the future successor. Nevertheless, Carter gave birth to one daughter, Kichi Walker, a runt and an only child. Incensed, Salvant believed it was a punishment from the gods, which only enraged his demeanour. The child was seen as useless, weak and a bad omen upon the Walker family. To ensure the pup didn't spread the believed "curse" onto her children and grandchildren, he planned to punish the evil spirit she contained and eventually kill the child. Throughout this time, Carter perceived her mate's actions to be morally right, and unwaveringly supported his cruel ambitions. Her thoughts were led to this way of thinking, perhaps even brainwashed. However, the sight of an innocent scrap of fur being tortured melted away the emotionless barrier as she soon came to realise the mad mess that she had entangled herself in. For the first time, she fell in love with her daughter and discovered all her flaws to be true perfections. Kichi's father, on the other hand, was still determined to ruthlessly go ahead with his plan, and out of desperation, Carter instructed her daughter to sprint as far as her exhausted and bruised limbs would carry her. She promised her of a land where the rest of her family; kind-hearted family, would be waiting for her. The pup, who had just started to return the love back to the woman once seen as cold and bitter, insisted that they escaped together. Carter wanted to; it was what her heart was achingly screaming for her to do. However, there was unfinished business, and if Carter and Kichi were to both ominously disappear, Salvant would certainly hunt their scents down. He had a smart mind full of cunning tactics with strength outweighing their size pulled together. Carter was aware of this, and didn't plan on living the rest of her life on the run and in fear of being captured. After wailing in protest, Kichi stumbled out into the unknown and began her exhausting and labor-like trek in search for her family. In fact, she didn't want to meet any of her family as she feared they would be exactly like her father. All she wanted was her mother, who never seemed to survive the sacrifice she was willing to take. Thus, Kichi Walker stumbled across Alacritia, where she begins a new life with an overhanging shadow of her past life.
Why do you want this character?: The history sounds cool and the design is pretty tempting. This character probably looks like an active one as well, seeing as there is a possibility to interact with family and join Sonticus.
Plot ideas: Main plan is to eventually join Sonticus and for her to learn as much as she can about the rest of her family by meeting up with them. Before going to Sonticus, I'm planning for her to stay as a loner and find herself in difficult situations because of her personality. As well as that, I'd like to develop her personality more deeply, as it is the part I am most looking forward to writing about.
Roleplay Sample:
Yet again, her thoughts drifted away from reality. There was so much on her mind, all these different thoughts, memories and voices just racing madly through her mind. Sometimes, she would mentally scream at all these thoughts, ordering them to stop. However, they never listened to her and so they would freely continue chasing around. It was pleasant to hear a little silence once in a while, but today, she couldn't care less about the voices in her head. Although, she found it difficult concentrating; at least the easiest thing to focus on were her steps. She walked at an enjoyable pace through mountainous trees, gaining a few moments to regenerate from her usual attacks of depression. Perhaps it was the crisp chilly air of which she inhaled that provided a calm mood upon her emotions. It wouldn't last long; nothing ever did.

Whilst peering through the pine trees, her gaze spotted another individual only mere metres away. Already, the anxiety and stress were starting to return to her somewhat empty mind. In her mind, it was just another wolf to judge her and use her against her will. They were a potential bully, someone who could inflict harm upon her. She perceived everyone to be a heartless killer; why should this particular stranger be excused from the equation? There was no way she was going to put any trust in this wolf. No-one could be trusted; she discovered that a while back. If only...


Fluorescent amethysts hesitantly drifted down to her ebony dipped paws that stood upon a cracked twig above the earthen soil. After realisation, she froze, not making a single move. Even her breaths grew swallower and quieter, as if the stranger was intently listening to every sound emitted from her. Her optics were glued to the snapped twig, not daring to look up into reality. An awkward silence befell the atmosphere; had she alerted her presence? Had the other canine heard the noise? More importantly, were they making any progress to reach her position? If she moved, she believed the other would definitely see her. If she launched herself into a frantic scramble, they were sure to hear her. Perhaps she could edge away slowly, or find a bush to hide behind. It all seemed too much to do, and so she remained in her stunned and exposed position. Leave, her inner voice ordered without emotion. Leave while there's still time.



1 Year
05-17-2015, 04:40 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2015, 07:26 AM by Savage.)
[Image: polyxunknown1_by_limnoh-d8t641q.png]

Username: Trinket
Name: Tajima Walker
Adopt: 6
  • Secretive - Tajima prefers to keep her ideals secret until its the right time to reveal her plans, but very few may ever have all the pieces of the puzzle. And when she knows something that might humiliate others the best form of blackmail is to keep it to herself and over the head of her prey.
  • Inflexible - When it comes to her own beliefs no one is capable of changing them. Therefore any arguments with her may leave one feeling great rage and/or frustration. One simply cannot talk to her nor try to change her opinions, outlooks or if she were on say a jury what she decided the very moment she heard of the case. Doesn't even matter if someone she thought guilty was found innocent, or vice versa.
  • Ego-centric and Narcissistic - She believes herself and her family to be the very best the world has to offer. Anyone else is but a peasant. Unworthy of her regard. Only useful for reproduction though she'd find it difficult to think of anyone worthy enough and thus would prefer her family to mate with cousins, or even closer to keep the bloodlines pure. She sees herself as beautiful and that all should bow in awe and adoration at her very presence.
  • Punctual - She believes it the height of rudeness to be late and while she might enjoy a grand entrance herself, she does not tarry. What if one were to miss something important? Not to mention others may have things to do, even if it is to stare at her with drooling admiration.
  • Ambitious - Tajima has designs on building a kingdom of her own if her family cannot see reasons. If not that, then she is desirous of a high position within whatever pack she might join. However through eugenics, if a family member of hers could be found to help her she would begin the creation of the superior wolf a breed with mostly, if not entirely Walker bloodlines.
  • Socially Adroit - Tajima can be adroit in social situations by using flattery and other means to achieve the ends in her favor in any given situation. Or so she tries.
  • Cruel - Tajima enjoys being cruel. It doesn't matter to whom, though from time to time she may show mercy and perhaps her own version of love and kindness to close family members. But she is rather sadistic and when others are in pain she can't help but laugh, sometimes manically while trying to inflict more whether emotional or physical. Even puppies may know her cruelty though it may be tempered down for she realizes just how frail they are.
  • Adventurous - Tajima enjoys discovering things, learning things, doing as she pleases. And adventures lead to discovering and learning all manner of things - not to mention possibly finding herself minions or better yet a slave or more.
  • Charismatic - When she wants to be she can put on the charm. Although she finds it best to always know others strengths and weaknesses and then use her charm to lure them into her honey trap. After all if one can groom others and get them to trust her first she believes it much more likely to be an easy thing to get them to follow her and her beliefs.
  • Amoral - She doesn't see anything as being right or wrong. Well, unless its not going her way, but then that means she'll use any means possible to obtain the desired end to achieving a goal of her own.
  • Idiosyncratic - Tajima is an odd duck, perhaps because of her outlook on life. No one could possibly be more lovely than she although anyone of the Walker lineage comes quite close. Not to mention her belief that the Walker lineage should be kept pure without anymore creatures with non walker blood mixing in unless they've passed some rigorous tasks set by herself or those of her family who are likeminded as herself in regards to pureblooded. If there weren't a need for minions, for slaves, she'd even consider genocide of all those non Walkers. Alas, she knows their is a need for them, but still considers that they're lower class than she and her family by blood.
  • Evil and Devious - With her other traits combined, it becomes evident that Tajima may be the very epitome of evil, or at least very misguided in her notions. After all pureblood supremacy and wishing to wipe out or use all others not related as slaves or minions does put her into a category of evil, particularly as she would use whatever means was at her disposal to achieve her goals. And while she has some loyalty to her family lineage at least on that of the Walker side of it if they're unable to see eye-to-eye they'd be better off dead or if not that, she'd perhaps find ways to kidnap any young they might have in order to raise them herself so that they too could work towards a world, a society where all Walkers rule the world.
Sex and Gender: Biologically female, two spirited
Why do you want this character?: Because I like delving into characters with family relations with whom they can interact. I also like the colors/design.
Plot idea's: I believe there are many possibilities within her personality profile already. Regarding potential incestuous relationships due to her belief in pureblood supremacy. Furthermore even going so far as to steal the pups of family members should their views prove not to be that of her own. To find minions/slaves to infiltrate and take over or start a new pack. No doubt she'd want to be the one pairing her family members up with suitable mates.
Roleplay Sample:

Never had the she-wolf found any previous evening droll. Tonight she found it difficult not to part her jowls wide and yawn. She had no desire to appear rude to her hosts even if they were far beneath her as removed as they were from the bloodline from which she herself descended. Why she'd accepted their invitation was no ones business but her own.

Bi-colored eyes settled upon first one wolf and another at the gathering. There looked none to be worthy of her company which only proved an unbefitting end to a rather uneventful day for the light colored Walker princess. Showing herself here would not gain her the title of Queen or whatever the equivalent title might be. Still, it was perhaps a good political move on her part to show up and make others believe she actually cared about their welfare. As if!

Tajima schooled her features so that rather than appearing bored out of her mind, or like she were about to cull the herd, she looked pleased to be there and searching out familiar faces. Some might have been known to her, but friendships weren't the sort of relationships she was after. It was only her schemes that rattled around inside her head as she sought potential minions. Victims to her strategy of creating friendships by getting others to trust her even if she'd never truly see any of them as friends. No, they'd all be dispensable, but she'd need as many pawns as possible in order to win.

This congregation she attended might lend itself to her learning more of others, perhaps even gain blackmail material to use against those less likely to follow her, or trust her so that one day the Walker Dynasty would rise. A smile crossed her countenance, but then one was supposed to smile at these gatherings, as she thought it possible to be done in her lifetime. And if not, surely she'd make way for future generations of Walkers. Eventually she'd have little ones of her own that could take over from her when the sun set on her time.

When she saw someone who was actually worthy of her regard, she dipped her head to those surrounding her as she excused herself and made her way toward them. It was always so much better when there was someone there worthy talking to without the need for putting on the charm and façade that she actually cared! For it was only Walkers of her blood she cared for in truth and very few, if any others.

"My dear, what has brought you to this event?" She drawled out, interested in their answer. It would be wondrous to have an ally whilst among the rabble. Someone who believed as she did in their family and their supremacy.



4 Years
05-18-2015, 05:46 PM
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



4 Years
05-18-2015, 06:10 PM
Welcome Tajima Walker to the family!
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.