
There's more to find



6 Years

05-16-2015, 01:49 AM
She had left home so long ago. Traveling was routine to her, and her paws ached for it more than they ached for rest. She had never stayed in one place for very long, preferring to be on the move constantly, so long as she'd eaten enough and she wasn't marching through a thunderstorm. She'd been trying, unsuccessfully, to track a long lost friend, her childhood friend Ajax. She had left behind everything familiar to try to find him, to seek a fresh purpose in life, but she hadn't found him or anyone else. So what was she really looking for? Even if she found him, what would happen then? What if she never found him? Then what would she seek? She had no idea what she strived for, if not her friend; however, she knew she couldn't seek him out forever. Life would go on. Though her paws were on the move, her mind struggled, unsure of what she was doing.

After so many moons alone, she had finally made a friend in these lands. She hadn't thought of settling before, but now she couldn't imagine leaving behind a new friend... for what? An uncertain future? What if she moved on and never found something meaningful? It hadn't bothered her before, but now she felt unsure. She had never felt so distressed over the choices she had to make. What was she supposed to do? Her paws froze to the ground as she came upon the great spires of ice that reached toward the sky, the wind buffeting her obsidian pelt. Though the sight was something incredible to behold, she found herself distracted for only a moment, emerald gaze cast to the unending white of the landscape. Her mind quickly raced back to her current dilemma. She refused to stay locked in one place, but she knew she would roam the Northern territory until she circled back to where she'd met her friend. She would probably stay. She simply couldn't leave it behind. But, perhaps by the time she had made her way back, things would be different and she wouldn't feel so conflicted.

Grumbling to herself, she slumped to the ground, pressing her snout into the frozen ground and burying her eyes under her paws as the wind blew a light flurry of snow around her lonely jet black frame. Having no place in particular to be, she wondered what she would find here, if anything. So far, it looked barren, and she felt like the only living soul around.



10 Years
Dragon Mod
05-24-2015, 01:31 PM
And yet you are not

The Serpent moved easily throughout the lands, his initial destination unknown, though now purpose driven for another. He had arrived firstly in the North, returning to unclaimed lands that had once been an empire that had evidently fallen. It seemed to him, his grandfather wasn't as great a ruler as he made himself appear to be. However, Enigma couldn't go based solely on rumors. He didn't know his Grandfather nor his other kin, and knew only what his Father had told him. He remembered when he was very young, Sin telling him of the Glaciem Empire. How Isardis ruled with an iron fist...until he became to weak to keep a hold on it, thus giving it to another who also failed to keep her grip. He scoffed. Was his lineage really that weak? Or just liked to throw their weight around because they could? His own father had left on a journey to find whatever it was he sought, and that he'd be back. Well...Enigma was still waiting. As for his mother and his other siblings, it seemed they too had dispersed into the winds, Enigma doing the same. And yet, it should not have been at such a young age. But it bothered him little, because they would all eventually reunite better and stronger then ever! He couldn't wait for that day.

Skillfully weaving his way across the land, The winds picked up and blew snow across his fur. He wasn't expecting a blizzard, but who knew in these parts. He was moving opposite the direction of another, and he would not know it until a gust of wind carried to him, an unfamiliar scent on his backside. Stopping, he turned his gaze towards the Northern point, amber eyes narrowing as he tried to attain a better view. Seeing nothing, he'd continue a few more paces until the scent hit again. This time, however, he'd change his direction to angle towards wherever the scent came from. Enigma's deep amber eyes splicing through the snow whipped winds. He would find his target, and he'd discover the source of the scent.

No less then an hour, he would find her. A black form pressed against the snow, fur ruffled by the winds that had dropped to a lighter caress. Curious as to who this creature was, he approached from behind on silent paws. The only giveaway to any other creature were the few black and brown markings on pristine white pelt. "My, what are you doing out here alone?" He'd rumble. He stood a few feet behind her, head high and tail level with his body. Legs spread apart, his voice a low drawl and his eyes betraying little to none of the curiosity he held before.


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6 Years

05-25-2015, 10:45 PM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2015, 10:46 PM by Esarosa.)
With the blustering winds and blowing snow, Esa hardly heard the approach of another. She couldn't even detect his scent, her nose so cold and the wind blowing away from her. His rumbling tone startled her and she skittered to her paws, her nails slipping on the ice for several seconds before she could catch her balance and stand to face him. When she looked up she saw amber eyes burning into her; she was unable to tell what he was thinking, and it unnerved her slightly. Though he was a handsome brute, she wasn't so sure about him - his approach and demeanor seemed a little misleading in some way, but she couldn't put a paw on it. He seemed to hold some air of authority, though he couldn't be much older than she, if at all.

He asked what she was doing here alone... Her ears pinned back and she felt her body tense up, unsure of how to answer the question. She was always alone, after all, so what was she supposed to say? If she knew where any of her friends were, she would be with them, but they were always out of her reach. Not that it was any of his business.

Emerald green orbs met with his ambers. "Well, I was seeking the pack that resides in this area," she stated simply and honestly, "I met someone recently, and he said his home was nearby. I just don't know the lands very well..." She let her eyes wander over his form briefly, noting his height and muscular stature, larger than she but not overly so. She shook a layer of snow from her ebony coat, flicking her tail into the air and setting her head high, her stance regal and confident, though she was far from it. Not wanting to be the only one questioned, she tilted her head and posed the question at him. "So what brings you here to this terribly icy place?" she asked, scoffing at the flurries that fell around them, "There really isn't much of interest here. I wouldn't be here of my own accord."



10 Years
Dragon Mod
05-27-2015, 12:20 AM

Her reaction upon seeing him was quite amusing. a corner of his lips lifting to reveal a single tooth in a smirk. She appeared to be quite clumsy, her gaze falling on him as if she had just seen Hells Angel, and in a way he was. Yet she would choose to go into a defensive mode, and his tail rose slightly. Flickering a bit as he relished the idea of a potential fight. It would seem to take her a while to answer his question, but answer she would. He met her eyes. Amber versus green, and if he didn't know better he would say a spark passed between both view points, but not in the way one might think. His smirk grew further. Oh he couldn't wait for her response.

"Well, I was seeking the pack that resides in this area, I met someone recently, and he said his home was nearby. I just don't know the lands very well..." He scoffed for a second, was she crazy? Senile? She wasn't near the pack, and whatever pack her friend claimed to be in that resided in the North, well, there was only one. "Well, you're quite a ways from the only pack that makes their home here. So unless Sonticus sounds familiar, then you're in the wrong place." His voice was smooth, a tint of darkness to it but that's how it always sounded. He watched with even more amusement as she stood taller, as if she was trying to stand up to his regal stature. The base of his hairs prickled, she appeared to be looking for some sort of challenge by doing that simple action. But he would let this brew, amber eyes ever watchful and dissect each movement.

As he observed her changing demeanor, his face remained a mask as she inquired about his reasoning. His head lifted a little higher, tail hanging just over his hindquarters as he squared up. "Oh come now, it can't be that cold." A deep rumble bubbled past his lips, a fit of low laughter. "I was born in the North. The cold is a part of me. It is my essence." He growled in a low voice. Ignoring her scoffing, he immediately responded as soon as she had finished. "You must obviously be blind. The North has much to offer, and if you wouldn't be here of your own free will then what foolish dream forced you to a place so...terribly boring?" If she thinks this place so boring, then perhaps she'd enjoy a little entertainment.

Speech Thought Others


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6 Years

05-30-2015, 02:26 AM (This post was last modified: 05-30-2015, 02:32 AM by Esarosa.)
Esa felt a twinge of annoyance, her brow furrowing as he told her she was in the wrong place with his matter-of-fact demeanor. Her upper lip quivered, disgruntled by his statement. After all, she hadn't asked for any help finding the pack she was seeking, and she was already well aware that she hadn't found them yet. Does he think I'm just plain stupid? she wondered, Not like I have to answer to him, anyways... She didn't really know what pack she was looking for, but she wasn't in a hurry to find them; she just knew that eventually she would come across a group of wolves living in the North, and thus she would find her friend.

She saw the hair along his neck prickling, and with a raised brow wondered what was crawling in his pelt. Why did he seem so annoyed when it was indeed he who had approached and startled her? Not only that but he addressed her with a dark look in his amber orbs and a cool edge to his voice. He was not exactly being friendly, and she would respond in kind. She couldn't help it when her own hackles spiked slightly, for she could sense the somewhat malicious intent of this brute, but she didn't have enough experience with his kind to know what to expect, or when to expect it. Maybe nothing would happen, but she felt somewhat on edge, watching his face carefully for any change in expression, though it seemed he would give away nothing.

The young she-wolf didn't care much that he seemed offended by her depiction of these lands. He'd asked, after all. She didn't know him and she didn't feel obligated to say things that would keep him happy or proud. If he felt offended, then so be it. She couldn't help but clack her tongue and roll her eyes. He was so touchy. "Well I wasn't born here, and I'm accustomed to much milder weather," she retorted, flicking her tail irritably, "I don't see what a place like this has to offer for someone like me - if you haven't noticed, I stand out like a... well, you know, you must have spotted me from a mile away!" Looking over him, he just seemed more and more agitated, but she didn't know why. She wasn't used to dealing with these types. "Like I said, I'm only here because I'm looking for someone," she repeated to him, watching his eyes closely, "I'm a traveler, and I just so happened to make it this far North, but I don't intend to stay here forever. Just passing through, basically." Would he understand now, or would he take further offense? Perhaps he was just looking for trouble, and Esarosa wouldn't put it past him.



10 Years
Dragon Mod
06-08-2015, 01:43 AM

He listened to her response, eyeing her accordingly. She was cautious of him, he could tell. This amuse him, she was smart. He'd give her that much. "Well, the North has a lot to offer. There are many things you can find...and although you may stick out like a fish out of water matters not." He pondered for a moment as she continued to tell him she was looking for someone. Well that was obvious if she was out here in a place she didn't like. A thought occurred to him, and whether or not she would take to it was her decision, but perhaps it would not be either. It all depended on what happened in the next few moments.

If she was looking for someone, then perhaps he could offer a proposal. With a price of course, but he wouldn't make that obvious just as he had done with Takira. "Well, perhaps I can help you. After all, it can't just be coincidence that we meet today. I can help you find this person you seek, just tell me a name." At this point, he had made his appearance calm. Though his face remained blank with all but an innocent look and his voice kinder and less sarcastic. If he wanted her, then he'd have to play the game. "Perhaps we can even look together. Travel together for at time. Two pairs of eyes and ears are better then one, otherwise it may take you ages to find him."

Speech Thought Others


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6 Years

06-15-2015, 09:41 PM (This post was last modified: 06-15-2015, 09:42 PM by Esarosa.)
Esa merely tilted her head and huffed when he said the North still had a lot to offer, even for someone like her. She still didn't see his point. Suddenly he changed his tune, his body relaxed and in a gentler tone he offered to help her find who she was looking for. She wondered where this abrupt change of heart came from - only moments ago he had been quite offended, his tone harsh and rude. Her emerald eyes glanced over him again. He seemed genuine, but she couldn't help wondering why he would offer to help her, and what he would ask in return. Didn't he have anything better to do than help some random female find her friend? Perhaps he was just lonely in this stark white place, as she was. She supposed that was possible, and if he'd grown up here, she couldn't be too surprised about his rough exterior.

Her tail flicked from side to side as the male spoke, and she wondered if she should take him up on his offer. She couldn't disagree that two sets of eyes were better than one, and she might find her friend more effectively that way. When he finished speaking, she tilted her head the other way. "If you haven't got anything better to do, I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a companion," she said with some reservation, "I imagine you must be lonely wandering this place alone - how did you wind up alone? You don't look much older than me, if at all. Oh, and what's your name? Mine's Esarosa." She paused then, ears perked toward him as she awaited the words that would next pass his lips. She would wait for him to offer more about himself before she gave any indications of who she was looking for or where she wanted to go.



10 Years
Dragon Mod
07-17-2015, 08:19 PM
OOC//OMG Sorry for taking so long, I forgot about this D;

She seemed to be pondering his words. Would she believe him? He hadn't entirely lied...okay, well maybe mostly lied. His goal was to gain her trust, get her to follow him, and at the end of the trail bring her to his father, if he ever found him. But he knew he was getting close, he could feel it in his bones. His gaze was fixated on her, eyes hiding the hunger for her answer. He waited impatiently, though that wouldn't show one bit as he was a master of disguise.

Finally, she'd speak! She would agree with him, that having a companion was better. A brow would then raise as she seemed to assume that he felt lonely. Not at all. In fact, it was quite the opposite. But acting it was all a part of his act, obviously it was successful. "My family got separated." The answer was short, curt. "I was born late Spring, if that answers your curiosity." He wasn't entirely impolite, but somewhere between that and polite. He inwardly sighed as she asked his name, giving him hers. Then looked at him almost expectantly. Well, there was no harm in at least that. "My name is En--Hm...Call me "N" dear." He waited to see if she would contest that, though he didn't care if she did or not. "If it satiates your curiosity, my surname is Armada, I'm two years old, and yes...I suppose I am a bit lonely." All a part of his little game.

Speech Thought Others


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6 Years

07-20-2015, 10:07 PM
His answers were short and curt, as if the information offered was calculated. Though his attitude had changed from critical and confrontational to generous and curious, something about him just didn't seem right. Why did he interrupt himself and choose not to offer his full name? And if the surname Armada was a name to be known in these parts, Esa didn't know it - essentially it meant nothing to her. She shrugged. "Just "N"?" she asked, unconvinced. Why did he seem so fake? It showed on her face that she was still reserved about him. She sympathized that perhaps his family had been separated for a while and he was struggling with that, but she didn't know what to make of him. Could he be a friend? She wasn't sure, and she was more concerned about finding someone else... but she wasn't about to tell him about Miksa.

"Sorry about your family... "N"," she said in a quiet tone, her eyes meeting his, "I hope you'll find them soon. The wolf I'm looking for, his name is... Ajax." Though she had somewhat given up her search for her childhood friend, she didn't feel like letting this "N" character into her personal life; she would rather be untruthful than give him the information he sought. Clearly he was holding back as well, but she couldn't determine his motivation. "Well, there's no sense just standing around," she said quickly, "Where are you going, anyways? Have you already searched the north for your family?"



10 Years
Dragon Mod
07-26-2015, 01:38 AM
He nodded slightly when she questioned his name. He did go by that alias plenty, skeptical and untrusting of most unless he knew them on a more personal level. That would be the only time he'd give his true name. Amber gaze cast over her facial features, it was clear she didn't believe him but he wouldn't give way just yet.

He shrugged when she said her apologies about his family, "We've been separated for some time. I've only just recently found my brother, but the rest I've not seen for some time. I'm used to being a lone wolf anyway." Then finally, she went on to say who she was looking for. Though whether or not she fed him a fake name, he didn't care. She didn't trust him quite yet, so it was only natural.

"Ajax...can't say I've heard the name. But I'll help you look." That part at least, was true. He'd scour the lands looking for this said wolf, though he doubted he'd find him. She quickly made a decision, they would go to seek out this creature whether together or split up, he didn't know. It was up to her. "I have no particular destination, but I've stuck around the Northern parts looking for my family. I'm certain they'll turn up around here, either at the Pines or the sunken ship on the far side of the Northern parts where I was born." little did he know there was a pack that plagued his birth place.


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6 Years

07-27-2015, 01:22 AM
She frowned somewhat when he merely shrugged and stated that his family had been separated for some time, and that he was used to being a lone wolf. He didn't really seem to care about anything. Yet, when he said he would stay in the North to find his family and that he would help her look for her friend, he seemed genuine. Esa wanted to growl - she couldn't stand the fact that she couldn't figure this guy out. What were his intentions? What did he really want to do?

"Thanks N, I appreciate you keeping an eye out for me," she said, and curious about his family, she added, "So who are your family members? If I have some names too, it might be easier.". The lands were vast, and chances were they wouldn't be within earshot of one another should they find traces of their missing counterparts. Though, with how N was hiding his own name, she wondered if he would tell her any details about his family. She sighed, knowing she probably wasn't going to stay in the North - she'd grown tired of the cold and the snow - but at least if she knew some names she could keep a lookout on her travels. "N... I've been planning to head further south..." she said hesitantly, "I've just been here so long with no signs of my friend... But at least if I have some names I can keep an eye out for you. Just in case."

She wondered what he would say - would he keep secrets to himself, or was he willing to at least tell her a thing or two? It would be his choice whether or not to reveal anything, but since she ahd said who she was looking for, he hoped he would too. It would be nice to know someone out there was on the lookout, and that she could try to return the favor.



10 Years
Dragon Mod
07-27-2015, 03:18 PM
He nodded briefly at her thanks, though it wasn't entirely needed, his feelings about this random meeting were changing. Granted he was a slick liar, he would have to put in some effort now. And whether that promise was a lie or the truth, well he couldn't tell anymore. But he'd made a promise and as devious as the boy could be, part of him was noble too. It wouldn't kill him to help someone...for once in his life at least.

When she asked about his family, he pondered for a moment on whether he should tell her. Then again, his family would be known throughout Alacritis soon enough, so why the hell not? "My parents are Sin and Arietta. Father's not easy to miss, he's all white with blood staining his coat. My sister is Paradox and my brother's name is Forsaken." He'd glance at her with a mischievous look in his eye, "My siblings aren't as nice, so I'd watch yourself around them. And my father can be unpredictable. My mother is fine. Too much of a sweetheart if you ask me, but she balances us quite well."

She spoke further, causing him to shake his head a little when she finished. "Go where you desire. It's not like I'm going to keep you prisoner here." He laughed a little as he moved towards her, the boy stopping at her shoulder to look at her. "My name is Enigma, by the way." Why was he telling her this? Perhaps it was the sole fact that sometimes, to gain someone's trust, one had to be truthful with some things. She seemed genuine, and God forbid she turn on him someday for his being untrustworthy. But perhaps there was something else about her too, but whatever it was he couldn't quite tell. She had potential, even though she didn't like the Northern winds, it didn't matter.


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6 Years

07-29-2015, 12:40 AM
Esa waited quietly as he seemed to weigh in on what he should tell her. At last he had hesitated in his charade; he'd been smooth-speaking in his words and he now paused for just a moment. She tilted her head, then perked her ears as he finally spoke, offering the names of his family. She was pleasantly surprised, causing her to smirk. Her emerald eyes met his, eyes which flashed the bright yellow of canary. She couldn't help but to snort in laughter as he warned her about his siblings - so her suspicions had been right, and he did come from that kind of family. How would she even approach a member of his family if they were hostile?

She didn't have much time to think of that as he went on. His voice left her with an eerie feeling when he told her that she could go as she pleased, that he wouldn't hold her prisoner. Somehow she felt lucky, realizing that he probably wasn't joking. So why let her go? A shiver ran up her spine has he moved toward her, causing her to set her eyes on the great spires of ice rearing up over the ocean, avoiding his gaze. Why was he so close? Despite the uncertainty that ran through her, she felt a tingle of warmth despite the frigid climate when the tips of his hair brushed her shoulder. Suddenly he spoke his true name. Her lips pursed at first, but then grew into a grin. "I knew you were hiding it," she said cheekily with a light shove of her shoulder. She glanced sideways at him, her tail swishing very gently.

"Glad to meet you, Enigma," she said, blinking quickly before looking away, "I know you didn't want to reveal anything to me... I feel special." She cast him another sidelong glance, then stepped away from him, flicking him with her tail. "Hopefully we cross paths again," she said, and without another word, she took off. Fear pulsed through her veins, but at the same time she felt exhilarated as her claws dug into the ice, leaving behind the mysterious and eerie brute - she was lucky that he let her go. This time. And there was no way she'd forget him and his promise, and her silent pact to him. She knew she'd best never cross him nor his family, and yet... she knew she wouldn't hide from him if he came looking for her someday. In just moments her ebony form disappeared into a shroud of mist and gusting snow as she left for warmer lands...

-exit Esarosa-