
Some Legends Are Told


05-17-2015, 05:48 PM

What had happened to Rune? Her mind, her body, her very core screamed the question. It was as if the man had suddenly disappeared off the face of the earth and was nowhere to be found. She had bypassed Alamea’s gathering with the others, her mind frantically working, trying to decide what she was going to do. She needed to make her choice. The chance to reclaim Sec... No... Not to simply reclaim it. To build her own pack. To do what no one thought that she could.

Her mind was abaze with ideas. With a fire in her very soul that burned brightly in her single eye. Akemi was strong. She was far stronger than any of them ever gave her credit for. The female would make her way through the southern lands, in a place that seemed so dead, so lifeless. She would breathe in the scents of the area, resisting the urge to gag. This was no place for a home. In fact... The only places she could imagine as home was back where Sec once lay. But could she take those places when Sec could very well rise again?

Her mind worked, surveying the land. No... This wouldn’t do at all.

Table by:: Tealah



3 Years
05-28-2015, 02:37 PM

The gray and black male had met up with his beloved Rainbow again. His blue gaze searched the land as he made his way, the crazed smile back on his jaw. The smile that had earned him his nickname. When he stopped for a moment, he saw the female making her way through the land. A quiet chuckle came from the male as he made his way closer, almost as if he were a ghost himself. As he got closer, he noticed the scars and the missing eye; this female had lost a battle badly. His silver tipped tail held behind him, the male stopped before the female could see him easily. If the female was one to be in a fight, then maybe the male could see how well she could fight. Shiranui had went too long without a good battle to keep him entertained. Maybe this female, with the scars, could help. And with those thoughts, he would move closer, so he was closer to the small female.

As he spoke, Shiranui would meet the smaller female's gaze. "Are you sure you should be here? I've heard about monsters that lurk around here, waiting to snatch an unsuspecting wolf and drag them into the shadows, so no others see them again." He waited, still with the same crazed grin, to see what the smaller female would do.

Oh, yes, this would be a very interesting meeting.

"Listen to Rainbow," "Listen to Shiranui."


05-28-2015, 03:34 PM

A male would appear, and my he was a looker. He had a crazed look upon his face, and the woman would eye him with her single gaze. There was something in his look that worried her. Akemi would bristle a bit, her hackles raising. The male’s words were what had her on edge, and the spitfire nature of the female would come in. She would raise her head, dominance in her gaze. Did he think she was weak because of her battered appearance? She’d have no problem taking him down a peg or two if she had to.

“I’m more than fine going where I want, sir. Nor am I afraid of said monsters, for I have the strength to fight off any such creature who dares show their face.” Her words were bold, but hopefully this man wasn’t planning anything. No... She would not be made a plaything ever again. She would bare her fangs slightly, her orb narrowing. “I’m not afraid of you, if you’re suggesting you might be that monster.”

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'