
Azula Destruction-Oaks [closed]



3 Years
05-17-2015, 11:29 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2015, 03:49 PM by Titania.)
Due to inactivity, Azula Destruction-Oaks is back up for adoption. She is the result of a one night stand between Titania and Soliloquy (meaning she has Destruction blood) and will be two seasons old in the winter. For a look at her appearance and personality, her profile is here. Her design and name are staying as they are, but because she has few posts, tweaking her personality is allowed (no drastic changes, please). Currently, she's being played as an adventurous and troublesome girl who holds a strong bond with her mother. If you wish to keep the same outline for her personality, I only ask of you to re-write it in your own words.

At the moment, Azula is living with her loner mother in the West. Despite being an only child and a rogue, she is guaranteed to be an active character. I plan for her to be close with her mother, which means plenty of threads (and adventures) between the two. Being new to children, Titania isn't so much of a strict mother, and so there is room for Azula to interact with other loners within a close distance of home. There is also the potential hunt for a pack in the future, as Titania will eventually want her daughter to grow up in a safer and more comfortable lifestyle. There is also the chance for her to explore her Destruction heritage and meet some of her family, however, don't feel that she is limited to these ideas.

Oh, and she comes with a pretty leaf necklace that matches her mother's. I'm happy for her to have extra accessories or a companion, if you so wish (I may be able to help out with cost, if I like your application).

I would like for her to be active. I'm flexible with scarcities and absences and I will try to send a reminder before taking her back, if she falls inactive.

Onto the form!
Quote:Your name:
Personality: Site minimum and in your own words
Plans: What do you plan on doing with her? If you have ideas different from above, feel free to suggest
Changes: I would like to be aware of any changes made to her personality
Roleplay Sample: Just so I can see how you'll play this character
[Image: 0qTRS7R.png]



8 Years
Dragon Mod
05-23-2015, 03:12 PM
Your name: Dragon

Azula laughs in the face of danger. She fears nothing, and no one. She loves to adventure, and if there's no adventure to go on then she'll make one. She doesn't care if it's a meadow or a murky swamp. She believes her self image to be more important then her outward appearance, thus she doesn't care if she gets dirty. She's still a child after all, and children are meant to get dirty. Azula also seeks out others to talk to, whether or not they talk back she cares not. Hell, she'll talk to a toad as long as she gets to brag about her carefree rogue life and gossip about the next door neighboring raccoon.


As mentioned before, Azula fears nothing. She will laugh at an opponent (because that toad is a bully) or run full pelt into a situation that most won't. She doesn't know the meaning of "being careful" so don't even bother telling her. Then...She'll just laugh at you for being a wimp.

Stubborn & Rude

The girl is stubborn...very stubborn. If she does not get her way then she will give you the silent treatment, or you can expect a tantrum. Whichever one works better and achieves her ultimate goal. If she can't get what she wants, then expect a foul tongue on her. She doesn't like to be ignored, doesn't like to be "second-best" and it will most definitely show when she opens her mouth to speak. She will not hesitate to call you names or say the wrong things. She won't really care if she hurts the other persons feelings, because as far as she knows, if she's hurting then she'll make you hurt.


Azula is prideful...very very prideful. She wants to be first, always. She won't settle for second best, and she does think she is better then everyone else. Which is why she believes she is the best. She can be arrogant, believing she is more superior then all (if not most), and most definitely shows it in the way she walks and talks. She believes herself more important then others, and she will make it known.

"I want what you have"

Azula can be quite a brat, and truly believes herself entitled to almost everything. If another kid has something she wants, she will not hesitate to take it away from them. Even though she doesn't need it or doesn't really want it, she'll just take it because she can. Because she's a brat...because...well yeah.
Plans: I don't think any plans different. I'm open to the sticking around with her mother. Maybe when she's a year or more then she might consider a pack but mainly, i like to leave it up to IC happenings ^~^
Changes: I only added prideful, but you can look it over
Roleplay Sample:
Azula wandered away from her mother for a bit. Wanting to find something to do on her own, though nothing in particular coming to mind. She was about six months old, boredom always increasing as she grew and it was hard keeping her entertained nowadays. Walking with a bounce and her head and tail held high, she decided she would visit the neighboring raccoon family. Knowing that at this time of day, the mother was out foraging for food. A devious grin spread across her lips, and she'd move a bit faster.
Once there, she saw a raccoon pup hanging out at the base of the tree, an object in its paws that she couldn't quite tell what it was until she got closer. It appeared to have feathers, and she soon noted that it was a small dead bird. She could have fun with it if he could. Walking up to the raccoon pup, who was a little smaller then she was, she demanded "Gimme that bird! I want it!"
The raccoon pup stared at her, looking from her to the bird and back. Finally pulling the bird closer to his body, "No! It's MY bird!" Azula glared at him, teeth showing. "I Want it! Give it to me before I take it, you stupid furball!" This only seemed to anger the raccoon, "No way! Go away and leave me alone you meanie!"

With a snarl, Azula leaped forward and knocked over the raccoon, taking the bird from his paws as she did so. Once she had it in her jaws, she ran back a few paces, a smug look on her face. "I tol' you I'd tae it afay!" She said through teeth and feathers. Ready to turn tail and head home, a snarl came from behind her. Whipping around, she saw mama raccoon glowering at her. Fur puffed out as if it had been electrified. And she didn't look too happy. "Uh oh..." She murmured, and yet with the bird still in her jaws she turned tail and fled back towards her mother, the raccoon hot on her heels. When she reached the den she'd call for her mother, dropping the bird in the process. "Mama help!" She raced inside, the raccoon stopping before the entrance as her mother came out. "What is going on here?!" She exclaimed, growling at the raccoon. Azula peered from behind her mothers legs, a fake display of hurt and fright on her face. "I-I caught a bird, and her son was trying to-to take it awaaay!" Fake tears began to roll down her face as she continued. "And then, he lied and told her that I took it away from him! And now she's chasing me!" Lies...ah but it benefited her. For as soon as she finished, her mother scared away the neighbor raccoon and Azula got to keep her stolen prize.



6 Years
05-24-2015, 09:01 AM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2015, 01:53 PM by Vrel.)
Your name:Frost
Personality:Azula will be a troublemaker, she won’t always follow the rules. If you ask her to do something it’ll take a bit of protesting before she actually goes and does it. She’ll love to explore the world around her, finding interest in everything. Socialization won’t be a problem for this pup, she could walk up to anybody and easily strike up a conversation. As for her friends she won’t care about who they are or what they look like as long as they’re nice. Her closest friend though will be her mother, when she is a bit older she will be protective of her mother and any other siblings that she may have. She will not enjoy fighting and instead see it as a barbaric activity, hunting is what she will enjoy because not only does it provide food but it also means that she is caring for her family.

Plans: just staying close to mom for the most part, but also meeting other destructions and in general having fun
as for finding a pack i'll leave that up for IC to decide
Changes: i think everything is about the same but i added being social and caring
Roleplay Sample:
The black pup would stretch her legs, she looked to the left side of the den. Her mother was fast asleep, why wasn’t she awake. This was no time to be lazing around, there were things to explore. She would walk over to her mom and repeatedly paw at her side till her mother woke up, she would back up to watch as her mother slowly stood up. Azula would start towards the exit of the den, “Come on mom, let’s go play in the snow.” She would look back to check that her mother was following, confirming that her mother was following she would then dash out of the den and start digging through the layers of snow that had amassed over the last couple of weeks. She would hear her mother chuckle and nuzzle her between the ears, she came up from the snow with a muzzle coated in white. She would head butt her mom in the leg, she thought this was fun, nothing could ever possibly top hanging out with mom.
[Image: uizVOfV.png]
[Image: vrel_by_reflectedmemories-d8klbte.png][Image: I1DXszi.png]



4 Years
05-25-2015, 05:09 AM
Since I want to have her up and posting as soon as possible, I'll be choosing the player this Thursday (Ala time) so you've got until then to finish your application :)



4 Years
05-28-2015, 05:07 AM
I liked both of the applications and enjoyed reading them, but I've decided to give Azula to Dragon. I'll be sending a PM shortly about it =3



8 Years
Dragon Mod
05-28-2015, 09:53 AM
Wee thank you :D I promise she'll stay active ^_^