



1 Year
05-20-2015, 02:34 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Winter had finally settled in, and with it came the first snow. The little yearling had been too sickly and weak at birth to think of venturing out of the den like her siblings once they got their feet under them and were able to move about on their own, and so she had not gotten to see it from the same perspective that they had. It meant she was a year old now, well on the right path to recovering from whatever had ailed her as a child, and fully capable now of discovering what she had not been able to investigate before.

It was because of that eagerness and determination in her to catch up to her siblings and all that they had gotten to do that Minerva was out in the snow now, walking slowly through it. The cold seemed to seep all the way up her frail, spindly legs as it touched the pads of her feet, but even though it caused her to shiver her delicate features were as stubborn as ever and she refused to be fazed by it. Her purple eyes stared at it underfoot as she walked, listening to the sound of the snow crunch with each deliberate step, and again she shivered. The further she moved through it, the more she could feel it, and the more it seemed to be getting to her. Perhaps the cold was a little more incessant than she could yet handle.

But without one of her siblings accompanying her on this trip - one of the rare moments where she ventured off on her own in order to be alone with her pitiful frailty - the grey and white girl had no one to turn to but herself. She sighed, shivered yet again, and turned in place to begin retracing her steps, hoping to be lucky and stumble across somewhere she could warm up her legs before making the return trip to her family before they noticed her missing.



1 Year
05-20-2015, 05:42 PM
In a few short days he'd no longer be a yearling and would be considered an adult. It wasn't something he liked to think of. Autumn and winter had a close threshold and thus sometimes the two could get mixed up. Autumn could last longer causing winter to come late, yet other times winter showed up earlier than one might come to expect. He had no doubt that half way round their world the season was the opposite of the one which he saw now.

He watched his paws leave great big prints in the snow. The pristine sparkling stuff thus was no longer a blanket. No longer only the artwork of mother nature. It was his as well as he walked in a large circle. He then jumped from the edge to a couple tail lengths and then again and once more. He'd left what he thought were two eyes in the circle.

Plopping down atop the circle he began to roll to the right and then back to the left. He knew not what he was doing, only that he felt the need to burn energy. Perhaps he'd hunt something later though it was not the skill he enjoyed learning or testing out best.

When he paused to rise up, he stilled. Hearing footfalls as snow crunched beneath the weight of another he turned his head. There was a pretty young she-wolf not too far off to his left. Parting his lips foggy breath flittered up into the air before dispersing as he called out to her. "Hello there miss!" His Irish Gaelic accent didn't fall from his maw as he spoke the areas common language.

OoC: Envoking liquid time a few days previous to a Force Claim thread



1 Year
06-09-2015, 01:18 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Her attention was distracted by the cold as each step made it more pronounced to her. There was no avoiding it - there was quite a distance between herself and known shelter, something that had seemed bold and daring at first and only now in retrospect seemed stupid and foolish - and so though it bothered her the little grey and white wolf did not let up on her pace. The sooner she got out of the crunchy white mess, the sooner she could warm up and try venturing out again later, possibly next time with someone else's help since her own choices did not always make for the best results.

With her narrowed purple eyes upon the snow-covered ground, she missed spying the stranger ahead, plopped within the snow and looking as if he had just lost a war with it. It took his friendly, welcoming greeting for her to notice him, and as she caught the words her forward progress halted while her gaze immediately went upward and toward him. Good grief, why was he peppered with snow?! Was it not cold enough already without someone having to roll around in it too? Her eyes went wide as she stared at him, incredulous and confused. At odds with his perfectly comfortable facade, Minnie shivered yet again, reminded once more of what she had been doing before she had become distracted.

Feeling she could not risk standing around and chatting, she resumed her pace, though did manage to speak up to the wolf as she moved along. "Aren't you cold?" she asked, bypassing the friendly greeting and going straight for the question and was at the forefront of her mind. She did not plan on staying in one place within the snow for too long; this was the best she could do as far as conversing under the circumstances. Minerva only hoped he might answer before she got too far out of earshot.