
Something Fun



5 Years
05-20-2015, 04:04 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The party had been a success as far as Gale was concerned, and with a lingering smile she had welcomed in the winter season. The temperature changes were a little less drastic along the coastline, bringing clouds in off the water, but a definite lack of snow for now compared to the interior of the continent. Being still new to the place, the lavender-marked wolf did wonder if they would see any of it, if it would be possible for their beach side residence to be caught within a windy snowstorm, even though it seemed unlikely. But hey, there was no telling really, and being the flighty, adaptable creature that she was she knew she would be ready no matter what the winter season brought them.

For the moment, she was making them ready in other ways. Her quick. lavender paws had helped her catch a nice rabbit further up the beach, closer to the border that she so often frequented, and the limp body dangled from her jaws. She carried it with her head lifted, still half expecting its paws to drag the ground, but managed to make the trek back toward the pack's designated cave system closer to the beach. Gale picked up her pace the moment she saw the shelter and hurried over toward it, stepping inside to set the rabbit atop the pack's cache of ready meals. It did not feel like much, at least not compared to the fish that Locha was able to catch so effortlessly, but it was a start at adding a little variety into their diets. Sea food was nice for the most part, but Gale missed a little of what could be found further inland.

The grey and lavender wolf sighed quietly to herself and turned, staring out at the waves. Just a little breeze rolled across the beach, rustling her wispy fur, but otherwise it felt calm and peaceful. Maybe too much so. She needed to do something else, something to appease the need in her for energy and fun. Sitting down, she set about giving it some thought, her lips pursed and her pale green eyes narrowed as she stared at the water for inspiration. Something fun, something fun...



6 Years
Extra large
05-20-2015, 04:21 PM

The Elementas Behemoth was returning to the beach he and his family called home. He was out exploring more often of late, just exploring and getting to know the lands, and running into wolves every so often. It could perhaps be true that the wintry season had also encouraged his trips across the border. Their sunny beach territory seemed to be avoiding the worst of the chilly season, but further inland he would snow and rivers that where beginning to freeze, and chill winds to whip across his coat. It was so beautifully to finally feel the cold again, with his thick insulated coat, the heat was often insurable, but the cold was nice and refreshing, cool and pleasant.

He would never stay away for any long periods however, his family was too important for that. Speaking of, as he made his way down to the waters edge he would see a familiar form. For some reason he and Gale hadn't crossed paths very often of late and he felt a surge of happiness to see his windy little sister sitting there. Quietly he would make his way to her side and without speaking would sit down beside her, turning his head to rest his much larger one on top of the form of her littler head. “Ah ha! I caught the wind” he teased gently.

"Burn Baby Burn"




5 Years
06-09-2015, 12:01 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She was still mulling over her options, lost in thought, when she heard the large, heavy footfalls of her brother. There was no hiding who it was - no one could make quite the sound that he could when they moved, and though an ear flickered at first in recognition of it Gale made no motion otherwise to hint that she had heard him, that she knew he was approaching. Keeping her thoughts on the task at hand - Something fun, something fun... - was considerably more difficult though, her mind now distracted by the presence who quietly approached. Still she tried to think of what she could do, of fun things that she had yet to try within their seaside home, but she gave it up when she sensed and only vaguely saw the massive blue-black shape of her brother settle in beside her.

Her grey-green eyes remained fixed on the waters ahead, and the slight motion of her brother from the corner of her eye was all the warning she had before she felt the heavy weight of his head plop down upon her own, squishing her ears against her skull and causing her to shrink just a little under the weight. Unable to help herself, she grinned, bright with amusement as her brother professed to catching the wind. It was something of an old joke by now - along with a lot of the other airhead remarks that could have been made about her - but time did not seem to dull the humor in it for her. "Oh yeah?" she challenged, wriggling a little as she struggled to turn her head toward Glacier though he still had his resting atop her own, "not if the wind catches you instead!"

It was futile, but she sat back upon her hind legs and reached upward with her forepaws anyway, attempting to wrap them around her brother's big, bulky neck. If he had moved his head, she might have tried leaping atop him completely, but in her current position this was the best that she could muster.



6 Years
Extra large
06-09-2015, 12:33 AM
The sweet wind woman gave only the faintest acknowledgment to his approach and wouldnt resist as he settled down beside her and lowered his monumental head until it was resting against her own. Even careful not to push against the littler wolf and hurt her neck, his weight did still cause her to hunker down a little and squish her velvety little ears to her skull. He would grin playfully down at his beloved little sister, who was small even to their other siblings and easily half the size of the giant. He felt he could wrap her up in a little ball and tuck her to her chest and no one in the world would be wiser that she was there. He'll even his fur could simply envelope her and hide her from view. Well, maybe not that easily. .. but still, she was and tiny creature and one he owed much to - More then she knew. It was the reminder of Gale he had seen in anais that had compelled him to be quite and patient with anais and discover in her his soul mate.

Gale would respond pleasantly, he could hear her grin in her challenging word and feel her wiggle away as she worked out how to move so that she could reach up and wrap her smaller paws about his neck. He lowered himself a little so she could have a better reach and then, laughing decided instead to flop completely onto the ground at her feet, being careful no to squish any part of her through likely she would end up pulled onto him if she kept her grip about his neck.




5 Years
06-09-2015, 01:36 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She judged from the easiness she had in reaching her brother's neck that he was working with her, possibly leaning downward so that she could get a hold of him better, but whether he did or not she brought no notice to it. If he was going to make things easy on her then she was going to take it and run with it. Only the easy that he had in mind was not quite what matched her own thoughts, and as he rolled the petite lavender-marked wolf felt herself going too. Her grey-green eyes went big and a surprised, "Whoa," slipped from her lips before she could stop it, but in the end everything worked out in her favor. She had clung still to her brother as he had moved, and had been drawn over him in the process.

Feeling victory within her grasp, Gale quickly scrambled to get her footing, wondering if her big brother could even feel her walking over him or if it just felt like a little bug crawling about. She made to stand over him, her front half still lowered so that her forelegs were stretched out and around Glacier's neck, ineffectively pinning him in place as she growled playfully and tugged at his ear gently with her teeth. Her tail wagged victoriously above her, and after a moment she stopped and collapsed on her brother, sprawling over him as if to keep him from moving.

"Ah ha ha!" she laughed triumphantly, her tail still wagging as she grinned down at her brother from her perch, "I've scaled the mountain. The Little Giant has conquered the Glacier. I win!"



6 Years
Extra large
06-09-2015, 01:51 AM
Gale would utter a surprised exclamation as she found herself being drawn forward and onto him and the fluffy giant easily carried her weight as her grin on his neck held before she would rearrange herself. He was still laughing as he felt the smaller wolfs paws push lightly into his over grown fluff and find purchase as she took full advantage of the situation to assert control over the giant by placing herself towering on top of him. If there was one thing Glacier expected from his siblings it was for them to treat him like their own personal climbing tree and heater. Gale wouldn't disappoint as she skillfully climbed her mountainous brother. Her arms would still be wrapped about his neck as she finished climbing him and made her point by tugging on his ear and he playfully shook his head "wind howling in my ear" he complained, as through her entire weight and presence could be accounted for as nothing more then howling wind.

Gale would then collapse up him, sprawling easily across his bulk and burying herself in his thick coat. She would look triumphantly down on him and he would look back up at her with nothing but love and amusement in his eyes as he skillfully moved his head to nip at a wayward paw of hers without actually moving his bulk at all. He waited until Gale had finished her triumphant speech before 'ruining' the moment "there's nothing giant about you, little one" he teased her. He took in a deep breath just so the inhale and exhale would easily be felt by his load. "Whatever will I do now... we'll, if I'm stuck here i might as well hibernate" he decided and would drap a paw over his eyes and pretend to snore, each breath disturbing the fur between his toes and around the forepaw he used to cover his eyes.




5 Years
06-09-2015, 04:12 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She did not quite notice his intention to nip at her paw as she basked in her victory, though she did feel the gentle brush of his teeth against her toes. Instinctively she drew it upward and let it fall back softly to touch his pale pink nose with a laugh. It was just like him to let her win like this, to play the part of the lamb even though he was something even mightier than the lion. Gale loved that about him, loved that though he could have easily thrown his weight around that he was never anything but considerate with it, and it made her want to be the same. She might not have had the same sort of bulk to throw around, but she could still be good too, and kind and gentle and warm to others. She looked up to him in more ways than one.

He teased her even in her triumph, remarking upon her size and the nickname she had stated as her own. Did he recognize that it was one he had given her, something she had been sure he had used as a means to tease her further, the same way that she did to him? "It's supposed to be funny, Tiny," Gale teased right back, though she was unable to get the words out without laughing herself. Little Giant and Tiny: they made quite the pair.

The breath he took shifted the petite grey and lavender wolf above him, and she held still so she would not lose her balance and tumble off of him. Like the kind brother he was, Glacier did not attempt to free himself but seemed resigned to his fate of being his sister's captive, and with a playful action he tried to feign sleep. Again Gale chuckled as her brother raised his massive paw to drape it across his face, covering his eyes as fake snores were elicited from his muzzle. He was such a goof sometimes, but she was glad for moments like these; they seemed to be fewer and farther between now that they had a pack. "Hey, no sleeping on the job, Ferax," she chided jokingly, again lifting a lavender paw so that she could bat at the one he covered his face with. "Too much to do for you to be hibernating too." One reclusive sibling was enough, especially with Voltage out. Someone was going to need to lead them, and it certainly was not going to be her.



6 Years
Extra large
06-09-2015, 06:46 PM

Glacier adored his family and even grown up as they where he where grateful they could relax so easily and play like this with him. He didn't know the high esteem in which his beautiful sister held him in, but if he did he would have been wholly honored to be the role model of one of the wolves he loved most in this world. As he gently nibbled against the first toe he could reach, she would raise it and let it drop gently against his nose, and he opened his mouth and blew against the paw that rested there, or at least as best as he could with it resting against his nose.

His little wind would remind him of their backwards naming, of her title of him to be tiny and in response he had called her giant. He grinned back at her, seeing the laughter in her own expression he would join in, capturing her paw and kissing it as through she was a princess. Well, to him all his siblings where royalty, they where stars and infallible, they where his everything and in some way Voltage and him where like their parents, stepping in to take the place of the ones that had failed them.

As he pretended it was time to hibernate she would pretend to be serious, pointing out that he was sleeping on the job and deferring to his pack title. She battered at the paw he hid under and he groaned. “Dont remind me” he complained, through there was a teasing tone in his voice. With a hearty sigh and another groan he began to shift, moving his weight slowly but unstoppable, much like an avalanche as he rose and gently tipped off his burden to the side. “Your very right, we have work to do Miss Giant” he pointed out very seriously “The last one to the water catches us lunch!” he cried, taking off before he had even finished – the giant brute needed as much of a head start as he could get if he had any hope of beating the wind woman.





5 Years
06-09-2015, 10:14 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The reaction she got out of him as she reminded her brother of his responsibilities was amusing, though it did get her thinking. It must not have been all that fun, what he did. Being a leader and all. It sounded like incredibly hard work, something you needed to focus on all the time and that could steal all of your time away without you even realizing it. How often did he get time to play like this? Or time just to do things that he liked to do instead of things he had to do? Did Voltage feel it too, or was his endless energy more suited to this job than anything else?

Beneath her, Glacier rolled, and the little grey and lavender wolf was shifted along with him. She was ready for the moment when her paws touched the ground and skipped off of her mountainous brother to take a few steps away and allow him adequate room to rise - heaven knew he needed plenty of it. But she was all smiles and tail wags as he got his feet under him again and stood, agreeing with her statement that there was work to be done. Gale was just lucky her work was the kind that she enjoyed and not something demanding and tedious like watching over the whole of their pack and family. It sounded much too stressful for her tastes.

But just when she thought their fun little moment alone together was over, her brother threw her for a loop. Instead of acknowledging the responsibilities they had waiting for them, he challenged her instead, demanding a race to the water. It caught her completely off guard, and even as Glacier took off in a head start she stared after him with wide, grey-green eyes. Did he just-? Oh, but he did! And she could not let him win a race against her!

Oh no you don't! She did not call out the words but they rang loudly through her mind as Gale raced after her sibling, letting loose a quick laugh. Her short legs might have been nearly half the size of her brother's but she was the wind, and she used it to her advantage. Her reach was stretched as far as it could go, her legs churning up a trail of dark sand as she tore across the shoreline toward the water's edge and the figure of her brother ahead, getting closer with each stride she took. She was grinning by the time she reached him, sidling close to reach out and nudge his hip with her muzzle before she attempted to get around him. It was not so much that she did not want to fish for them, but that racing was her thing. And she had every intention of winning.



6 Years
Extra large
06-20-2015, 03:02 PM

Gale was well adjusted to the movements of a mountain, and as he started to shift beneath her she was well prepared to leap from his stomach and landed lithely on her paws. She moved so fluidly, so carefree like the breeze that swirled around them. She gave him plenty of space to find his legs and rise, to shake off the dirt that had settled into his coat. That wasn't the best part of course, the best part was the priceless expression he gained, through he didn't stop to admire it as he shamelessly cheated, starting his avalanche and unstoppable pace before calling out to her their race.

Each step let loose a cascade of sand about him and if anyone stood before him when he started such a run would surely be shivering in their paws and the unstoppable force he woke inside of himself. Of course, his steps where heavy and ground-shaking but they weren't light and free like a certain wolf he knew and soon she would be proving to the world that agility would beat raw power in ever race. She would catch up to her heavy footed brother, and he made sure to kick up a hurricane of sand as she moved to pass him, but other then that he just lowered his head and attempted to keep moving, to make it to the sea before the little wolf that had already started to beat him.

"Burn Baby Burn"




5 Years
07-08-2015, 08:52 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Gale grinned as she crept up on her large, lumbering big brother, extending the stride of her fast pace in order to gain ground on him faster. It worked, allowing her to catch up, though Glacier was quick to act as defensively as he was able while he still had and held his lead. Sand was kicked up in a flurry with each thunderous step he took, sending it upwards and back to pepper across the grey and lavender wolf's face and body. She clenched her eyes shut to try preventing the little annoying grains from getting into her eyes and was for the most part successful, though one did itch now. Oh, that crazy brother of hers. He was going to get it now!

More determined than before, she sprinted along beside him, exerting herself at full force and speed. She no longer looked at him but at the water, the waves that crashed on the shore and drifted back in an almost beckoning motion. Gale heeded their call, regardless that water was not her element of choice, and raced headlong toward it to practically leap into an oncoming wave.

The water chilled her almost instantly, but through the sudden shock of it she felt triumph. She had given her all; surely she had been able to get ahead of Glacier and win their race? Not that she was against getting them a meal - she just wanted to win. She had to fight a little against the retreating tide as she turned and pulled herself from the water and back up onto the wet sands, water dripping from her undersides and slicking her grey and lavender fur down over her body, contouring the lithe figure beneath. She paused to shake, taking a little longer than average just to get as much of the water off of her as she could, before she turned her grey-green eyes on Glacier with a teasing smile. "So who's getting lunch?"