
Now I'm running for my life



3 Years
05-22-2015, 04:52 PM
ooc: This is likely to be one of the last opportunities to thread with Soliloquy so if you do join, I ask that you please try to keep the thread active.

There was a bitter chill to the air thanks to the furious winds a frantic flurry of snow that attempted to freeze anything it landed on. None of that seemed to bother one figure, pushing on through the harsh conditions at the same steady, unwavering pace. Soliloquy was practically invisible here, so easy to miss if you glanced at the scene. He had numbed emotions to match the same numbness the cold tried to bring him but none of that was enough, there was not an ounce of relief at all.

He was a complete an utter mess now, a scraggly coat that clearly hadn't been groomed for some time and thinning form that looked rather gaunt and unhealthy. He was almost unrecognisable, not even a shadow of his former confident and prideful self. There was no purposeful prowl, instead a senseless shuffle on and on through the lands. He had no set path and lacked any sort of goal, he just walked and walked and even though he was running out of land, there was still far more walking to be done before he could escape.


05-27-2015, 09:40 AM

The female had gone North, hoping to chill the disappointment from her very being. Her hopes in finding Rune were dwindling, and Secretua had fallen apart. Her hope to keep the pack together had been shattered in the turn downs, and now her only hope was finding some others who might be seeking a home to try and build. Her mind was a haze, her thought process working at a mile a minute as she proceeded on through the chilly cold. Tiny had once more been left with her larger son to keep him safe. Why she was even in this winter wasteland she didn't know anymore.

Akemi would lift her gaze, single orb falling on what looked to be a miserable mess of a wolf. He walked with a movement that said he was defeated, and Akemi would feel a sense of sorrow at seeing such a thing. At one point in time she too walked with that sense. A loss of self after being defeated and violated in a way beyond repair.

Perhaps that is what drew her to him.

Akemi would move her legs quickly to come up beside him, her gaze questioning as she looked upon him. Her voice was surprisingly soft, a question leaving her lips. "Are you ready to talk about it?"

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'



3 Years
05-27-2015, 02:20 PM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2015, 02:20 PM by Soliloquy.)
Whilst Soliloquy was a mess, his injuries were of course still rather minimal in comparison to the little figure that suddenly appeared at his side. He had succeeded in finding isolation so far, hadn't seen another soul since he had fled from Isolde and the children but that appeared to have all come crashing down to an end now. To be completely honest though his sanity was apparently fading too, for a brief moment he thought the woman a figment of his imagination.

The way she so bluntly came to the conclusion that something had happened to him as well brought him mixed feelings. Initially he ignored it, she was a daydream or something after all, he knew what traumas he had suffered though in the same way he didn't want this company he didn't want to think about it. That was perhaps when it hit him that this woman was indeed real, she was stood at his side and daring to encourage him to talk.

Soliloquy had never really been one for words or spilling emotions other than lust or rage yet now he had someone, a complete stranger, here trying to encourage him to share his story. A low growl was his first form of response, she'd better drop any foolish ideas of starting some sort of self-help group, besides he was beyond help now.


05-27-2015, 05:34 PM

Akemi’s words were met with a growl. She should have expected the stranger to not necessarily be willing and ready to jump the gun and begin talking. Yet, all the same, she would try to find some sort of way to make peace with him and make him talk. The woman would breathe in, deciding to shift the attention so to speak for now. “You know... At one point and time I was in a rut too.” Akemi would begin, keeping her voice level.

“I was probably pretty close to your age. A little younger than I am now. I met a monster of a wolf in size and thought. He wrecked my being. He tore my face, ripped out an eye, shredded my ears, and removed my tail...” The woman wouldn’t pause, continuing to speak on.

“He violated me. He had me bear his children. I thought my world was ending. I thought that I was never going to be the wolf that I was... That I was ruined for good.” Akemi would let her gaze trail back to him. Even if he didn’t look at her she would keep speaking.

“I went to a pack, seeking help. I was accepted there as a regular member, and you know what? I was told originally it was yes, out of desperation they took someone as beat up as I am. But I proved to them, and to myself, that no matter what scars you bear you can come out stronger. I became the huntress of that pack before it fell apart, a leading rank.” Akemi would keep her gaze upon the man.

“When life sucks the best thing you can do is spit back in it’s face and tell it to fuck off. If it hands you shitty cards, so what? You can overcome anything you put your mind to.”

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'



3 Years
06-05-2015, 03:34 PM (This post was last modified: 06-05-2015, 03:42 PM by Soliloquy.)
The stranger's words held a decent meaning behind them, not only a simple pick-me-up, sickening can-do attitude this was a woman that had lived through the wars, suffered terrible fates and somehow found her life turning out better. The blunt addition as well perhaps was better than some chipper comment though evening sharing and caring wasn't going to get through to Soliloquy now.

He was of course ashamed of what had happened to him but more than that the man was disgusted of the fact he had now helped to drag the Destruction name through the dirt, had let down his family completely. He'd never shown the signs of being a particularly committed family man but somehow despite being far from perfect they had won him over. They had been torn apart, and now only allowed to be pieced back together because Valentine had chosen, not because Soliloquy had saved them.

"Go tell it to someone who cares." Soliloquy grumbled in response, though the hoarse voice not used for quite some time didn't carry the power behind it. His life couldn't be saved, he'd committed himself to that already and no stranger would change that fact. There was perhaps only one wolf in the world that stood a chance of talking some sense into the stubborn man but Scorpion was nowhere to be found.


06-15-2015, 01:01 PM

His words were a low grumble of a response. His horse voice did not carry a lot of power behind it, showing a sense of a wolf who was certainly defeated. He didn’t care for her story to try and pick him back up, to give him hope. Akemi would give a light sigh, her voice soft when she spoke again. “If you give up now... Then surely you are beaten. But if you decide to try again, you might find that you can overcome this time.” Akemi would pause, letting her single gaze trail over him.

“Don’t you have someone who might care about you now? Who would care if you suddenly disappeared or died?” She would ask. “If not for yourself... Is there not someone else that you need to try for? To be there for?” The female would ask gently. “If you don’t care for yourself... Care for them.” Akemi would shake her head.

“If you don’t then you are sure to be completely lost.”

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'



3 Years
06-16-2015, 06:31 AM
There were indeed people out there that he cared for, some of them the very reason he was in this mess in the first place. As for getting better for them, there was no such luck, this was something he couldn't just overcome and they were better off without him. It was a fact that had probably been true from the very start though only now was Soliloquy truly aware of that fact himself.

He could scream and shout these truths at this ridiculous woman but something told him she wouldn't listen nor did he really want to waste his breathe on arguing with her any longer. Life may have dealt her an unfair hand at some point but it didn't mean to say she had any right whatsoever to now run around assuming things and telling him what to do with his life.

Another growl resounded in his throat, a deep warning this time, hackles prickling as moved to face the woman head on. His stance widened, his balance settled evenly amongst those paws and knees bending to lower his centre of gravity. His tail and head both flicked into position to align his spine, his shoulders rolling forwards and chin tipped down to protect his throat. His ears pinned back against his skull, eyes narrowed and as his lips curled into a vicious snarl the skin around his features wrinkled up further to protect them. If it wasn't clear already he'd had enough of talking.

It was risky getting into a deep, meaningful conversation with Soliloquy at the best of times, now he was hardly one to have a heart to heart talk with anyone, certainly not a stranger who thought they possessed all the answers. He was going to make the little know-it-all pay and hopefully prevent her assuming she could change peoples lives. His destiny was set now, there was no way she could change it much as she couldn't change her own now.

Suddenly he shot forwards to try and close the distance between them, he would step slightly to his left, Akemi's right, and his weight would shift to his front left and two back as he came to a stop, the front right paw lifting and bending to try and strike the middle of her throat with the front of his ankle. He hoped to momentarily close the windpipe with his attack to leave her choking and struggling for breath for a moment; that would certainly silence her ramblings.

He would aim to try and bring his front right paw down again and striking Akemi's toes on her front right paw as he did so. He hoped to potentially break a few bones there at least leave her with some bruising. Once the paw had moved back to the ground, he aimed to redistribute his weight so that he was once again balanced on all four paws.

Using his height to his advantage, Soliloquy then attempted to lean over Akemi to place a bite just on her right shoulder, aiming for the softer section just behind the joint. Teeth would hope to sink heavily into place and grip hoping to cause a deep wound creating enough pain and damage to possibly limit her movement of the limb for a while.


ooc: Sorry Keno, Sol's really not one for talking at the best of times. I'd like to be a little flexible with default times because of work and all. Let me know if you've got any problems with this/questions about anything.


06-16-2015, 01:16 PM

Perhaps she had spoken too much. The man would take a turn for the worse, spinning to face her. Akemi would feel her hackles raise, bristling as she watched the man set his own defenses. The growl he had given continued to ring in her ears. Had she done it again? Would this be another fight that she would never win?


She would stand by her beliefs of what she felt was right. She had been doing the right thing, and if the male was too stubborn to see that then fine! Akemi would find herself dropping into her own defenses. Single orb would narrow into a slit, her muscles tensed beneath her raised hackles. Her weight would be distributed across all four limbs, widening her stance by spreading her legs. Toes too would be spread,claws biting into the soil. Head would lower down to align with her spine, tucking her chin to protect her throat, and she rolled her shoulders forward. Finally her jaws would part, lips snarling as she practically beckoned him; come!

Akemi was not going to leave her blind side open to this man. No, she would shift to her right, so that her angle with the man was more parallel, left side by left side. His right forepaw would miss his intended target of her windpipe and instead strike the left side of her forechest thanks to her shifted position. It would surely blossom into a severe bruise thanks the force behind it. As that same paw came down it would catch the last two toes on her left forepaw this time causing moderate bruising to the inner toe and a fracture in the very last toe.

Akemi would aim to dive under his left side, adjusting her angle now to a perpendicular angle as she made her attempt. She would feel a woosh of air above as his jaws closed upon nothing above her body. He had been close to getting a hold and had she not shifted her position and tried to dive under him he surely would have gotten it.

She sought to slam into the right hind leg of the brute, using her height to her advantage here. Akemi not only wanted to slam into the limb but once under him lift her right forepaw and strike down harshly upon inner two toes, hoping to break bones or cause a fracture as he did to her. Finally her jaws would hope to grab that fleshy bit between his thigh and stomach and sink in a harsh hold. Whether she would win or lose... She’d give him something to remember her by!

Akemi vs Soliloquy For Dispute (“I’m Right!”)

Attacks:: Last two paragraphs.

Defenses::Legs spread, toes spread, claws biting the soil, weight evenly distributed, muscles tense, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, head aligned with spine, chin tucked, eye narrowed, lips snarling.

Injuries:: Severe bruising to left forechest, Moderate bruising to left forepaw’s outside toes and minor fracture to the outermost toe.

Notes:: No worries Eldar! ;w; I’m pretty sure Akemi is beat, but I hope we have fun anyways~ <3

Diagram:: How I Picture The Fight In Stages

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'



3 Years
06-16-2015, 02:18 PM
There was no sound of a satisfying coughing fit though at least his turn to action had silenced her from her endless droning on. He still felt that she had no right at all to try and assume things about his life and tell him it would all be ok. The fight was good though, something about causing pain even receiving it right now just felt right.

His defences remained in place, weight evenly distributed over a widened stance, knees bent slightly to lower his centre of gravity and his toes splayed, claws gripping and the earth beneath them. His shoulders remained rolled forwards and hackles stood up on end. His chin remained tipped to protect his throat and head and tail in place to align his spine. His ears remained pinned against his skull, eyes narrowed and lips pulled back in a snarl, revealing those teeth and wrinkling the skin around his features.

Whilst two of his attacks had made contact, Akemi apparently didn't want to stand around for that third, ducking lower and moving out of it's way, teeth instead snapping on air. As if his teeth lacking in making contact hadn't been enough of a clue that she had moved, the collision of her with his back leg soon made it all the more apparent. Though her weight was rather minimal in comparison to his own it was certainly enough to sweep that hind leg right backwards and off the ground a little, tilting his balance though saving his toes from her stomp.

Her bite would catch him as he stumbled, missing the fleshy bit and teeth instead grazing down the inside of the thigh itself, a harder place to try and grab and the damage resulted in a mild puncture wound and scrape. The pain only spurred him on further.

Rather than fight to regain his balance, he allowed his weight to suddenly drop, aiming to settle it back upon Akemi and hoping send her to the ground and trap her beneath him. Her dainty little form would surely sustain some damage beneath his larger figure, a broken leg perhaps if it crumpled at a bad ankle but at the very least some serious bruising over her body and yet another attempt to take that air away from her as he tried to crush her.

Head and neck twisted to his left, attempting to place a bite on the end of Akemi's spine, upper jaw seeking purchase on the right hand side and lower jaw on the left teeth once again hoping to sink heavily into place and leave behind a decent puncture wound and if he was lucky and she unlucky perhaps cause some permanent damage to the nerves along her spine as well.


ooc: So apparently scrap that note about the default times, this may turn out to be the quickest fight I've ever had!


06-18-2015, 03:51 PM

Pain. It was something though both unknowingly agreed upon as feeling right. Her slam would place, though his leg slipped, much to her dissatisfaction. Paw would settle back on the earth, weight being shifted back evenly across the four limbs. Her stance remained widened, limbs bent at the joints. Hackles stood on end, her fur bristling, with her single eye narrowed. Muscles too were tense in readiness. This fight was not yet over, and with a touch of satisfaction in her heart she would land her bite. Maybe not where she had intended, but as he stumbled her jaws would graze the inside of his right thigh. With no hold successful to help bend him to her will {in her own mind} Akemi would seek one thing only -- Get out of there.

Akemi would change her angle, keeping her head aligned with her spine and neck scrunched for when she made her lunge. Her chin too was tucked yet again, no care given to the tiny remains of her ears. Shoulders would once more roll forward as she tried to move out from under his body as it started to come down around her. Luckily she was saved from his bite, but she would feel her back end going down as he LAID on top of her. A snarl would rip from her throat as she too started to go down, anger surging within her. What on earth made this brute feel he had any right to SIT on her!?

At the angle her legs went down she was sure she would have some bruising along them, as well as some along the back half of her body. Pain varied in places, most of it from her right hind leg. It didn’t feel sprained, but it was certainly going to be more heavily bruised than the other.

The female would twist her upper half back to her left, aiming to latch onto his right lower shoulder and sink in her fangs. She didn’t care what she got but she was aiming to puncture his flesh deeply and taste his damned blood. She could feel the fire burning in her single orb. Damn him! She wanted this bastard to pay! She would also try to squirm her hindpaws best she could, aiming to slice his stomach with them the best she could. Minor or not... Any damage would do now.

Akemi vs Soliloquy For Dispute (“That’s What You Think!”)

Round:: II/II

Attacks:: Last Paragraph

Defenses:: Legs spread, weight evenly distributed, limbs bent, muscles tense, hackles raised, shoulders rolled, head lowered to align with the spine,  neck scrunched, chin tucked, eyes narrowed

-Severe bruising to left forechest
-Moderate bruising to left forepaw’s outside toes and minor fracture to the outermost toe. -Mild to moderate bruising on her back half of her body.
-Severe bruising on her right hind leg.

"Listen to me talk," 'or read my thoughts.'

The Judge


10-07-2015, 06:50 PM
And the winner is...

AKEMI! Due to Eldarwen leaving the site. Soliliquy must now give up by either submitting, fleeing or passing out.
