
Lets Get This Party Started



5 Years
05-23-2015, 10:51 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2015, 11:01 PM by Eridanus.)
Eridanus 'Adahy' Sterling

The male stepped onto the rolling plains with an easy stride, molten heterochromatic gaze sweeping the land. Though snow lay over the ground, it was pockmarked and torn up, stained in places by blood. This appeared to be where battles were fought, and blood was shed as a matter of practice. His bushy tail flicked out behind him, level with his spine as his head lowered to hold the same level, ears swiveling to catch any sounds of approach. His scarred face remained impassive, eyes alert to movement as he crossed the battlefield, skirting bloody stains and long bared bones of those who had lost battles to the death and had no one to bury them.

He took his time, finally settling on a flat, wide area with plenty of room to move. He surveyed the small section of the land he’d chosen, then nodded, tossing his head up, jaws parting to utter a melodious low howl, offering strangers the chance to dance with a warrior. His head lowered, jaws closing, molten gaze of gold and orange-red scanning the surrounding for an answering approach. It would be an interesting endeavour to see how well the wolves here fought.

-:: Eridanus vs ??? for Spar ::-
Round 0/0




Extra Notes:



10 Years
Dragon Mod
05-24-2015, 02:05 PM
Itching for some leg room, Enigma had come to a place where he knew he could find release. He wanted to seek out something, someone, to test his claws. And although the place seemed lonely, he could hear the distant cries of others locked in a vicious dance. Would he get that chance today too? It seemed so. He stopped when he heard the call of another, calling for an opponent it seemed. And Enigma would swiftly respond, sending a short howl of his own to say he heard it. A foul grin appeared, the young male heading towards the initial howl and he would soon come upon it, yet taking his time. He walked past bleached bones and long forgotten bodies, becoming a part of the Earth as all things eventually did. Glowing amber orbs flashed as he rounded a boulder, and he would soon spot the male who had drawn him in.

Stopping approximately ten feet away, Enigma stood with an equi-distant stance. A bemused look in his eye as he surveyed his potential opponent. He could see structured muscle beneath the others pelt, scars crisscrossed his visage, making him appear to be a quite handsome brute to some he was sure. With a smirk of delight, he spoke "You who seeks an opponent, I am him." His voice called out, his voice was loud. Clear. Unafraid and eager. He could tell the other male was older, had been in his share of fights evident by the visible scars on his face. It would do. Enigma had been wanting to test himself against an experienced opponent, win or lose he would only gain from this.

He cared not for introductions or long drawling banter, though if the other brute thought it polite to introduce himself then Enigma would oblige with a single letter. For now, he would set his defenses and wait. It was the strangers call after all, and so he would allow him the honor of striking first. Without a moments hesitation, Enigma prepared himself.
Ears leaned back against his skull, flattening to disallow a grip. Legs remained equi-distant apart, shoulders rolled forward to allow his scruff to bunch with naught but skin and fat. His eyes narrowed, hackles beginning to bristle until his hairs stood erect. Tail aligned with his spine, ready to aid him should he need to move quickly. Toes planted firmly in the ground and claws dug trenches as he attained a grip on the earth, should the brute decide to charge. His teeth bared slightly, muzzle wrinkling ever so slightly to prepare himself at a moments notice to protect his face. And lastly, his head bowed low to protect his throat like any sane creature would do. And then he'd wait.

Enigma VS Eridanus for Spar

Round 0/?

Defenses: Listed in last paragraph

Attacks: None

Injuries: None

ooc// Been a long time since I've sparred, so advanced apologies for any confusing things lol ^~^


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



5 Years
05-24-2015, 03:01 PM
Eridanus 'Adahy' Sterling

The warrior wasn’t given a long wait; it was mere moments before a figure loomed into view, stepping around a boulder and into sight. Eridanus surveyed the male that would be his first opponent on this land. He was young, but equal to the monochrome warrior in height, though Eridanus hazarded a guess that the younger male still had a ways to go, if he hadn’t already reached his full weight, before he reached the warriors heft of a hundred and eighty pounds. An advantage, if he guessed right. He locked eyes with the male as he greeted him in common.

"Polý kalá , néa. As dokimásei o énas ton állon." He said simply, then lunged forward, attempting to close the ten foot distance between himself and the younger male, hopefully before all the young fellows defenses had fallen into place.

His tail flowed at a balanced level with his spine, his head falling level with his shoulders, ears pinning, eyes narrowing to protective slits as his face wrinkled into a snarl, jaws parting, jowls lifting to unsheathe pearly whites. His chin tucked, and his shoulders rolled forward into place at other side of the base of his neck, while his neck bunched backward into his shoulders, scruff rolling into a fatty layer of protection over the muscles and vertebrae of his neck, hackles rising from the base of his skull to the base of his tail as an added layer of defense. His weight fell evenly over each leg, his toes spreading to widen his range of balance as his claws sank into the ground for traction and propulsion. Lastly, his abdomen tensed and his elbows bent slightly to center his gravity and balance.

A throaty roar of challenge left his jaws as he sought to slam the bony point of his left shoulder squarely into the base of Enigmas throat, where it melded with the center of the chest, hoping to knock the wind from the younger male and daze him, simultaneously aiming to lunge forward with gaping jaws and seeking to sink his canines into the boys scruff, wishing to gain a hold on the point where Enigmas scruff met his withers at the tops of his shoulders, above the point between Enigmas shoulder-blades, and shake his head violently in a manner to cause pain, tearing of flesh, and distraction to his younger opponent. Lastly, his left fore-paw snapped upwards, his weight falling with balanced precision onto his other three legs as he sought to slam the heel (main weight bearing pad of the paw), of his left paw down on the toes of Enigmas left front paw with enough force to possibly sprain or fracture the boys toes, or at the very least cause severe bruising and great pain.

Eridanus had never held blows in spars or training; many of the scars riddling his body under his thick fur were from sparring and training, as well as many real battles. Best way to learn was to make it as real as possible.

-:: Eridanus vs Enigma for Spar ::-
Round 1/3

Defenses: Listed in third paragraph

Attacks: Attempting to close the distance before opponents defenses are all in place; Aiming to slam the point of his left shoulder into the base of Enigmas throat at center of chest, as an attempt to wind and daze Enigma, while attempting to bite/grasp the scruff at the point where Enigmas scruff meets with his withers (Between the shoulder-blades, but several inches upwards), and shaking his head violently in an attempt to rip and tear flesh, and distract Enigma with pain. Finally, attempting to smash his left forepaw on Enigmas left forepaws toes in the hopes of severely damaging.

Injuries: None; First round.

Extra Notes: Don't worry; I'm still rusty.



10 Years
Dragon Mod
05-25-2015, 01:44 AM
Words fell upon deaf ears. Enigma didn't understand a word the stranger said, nor did he care. Names were evidently not exchanged, so it was time to get this pony show started. He had been watching, studying any signs of his opponent's potential movements since he had arrived. For he would not fall for a sucker punch nor cheated measures. Whether this brute would fall for such tactics, he didn't know. A roar erupted from his opponents maw, followed by Eridanus's movement. The fight was on.

Enigma was no fool, he always expected the unexpected, and so his defenses were set as soon as the other brute tensed a muscle in preparation to run. Ears were pinned to his skull, hackles raised, tail flagged out like a banner; to aid him like a rudder as he prepared himself to move forward. Toes spread apart, claws digging into the ground for traction as he followed his opponents lead. His eyes narrowed, teeth bared in preparation for an attack of his own, his muzzle wrinkled in a menacing and vicious snarl. Simultaneously, his head aligned with his spine, abdomen tensing and his shoulder blades rolling forward. Finally, he bunched his scruff to further protect himself, so if a grip were to be attained all that would be consumed would be fur and fat. The boy lunged forward, angling himself towards the left (Eridanus's right) as Eridanus attempted to meet him head on.

As Enigma moved towards his own left, the attempted attack from his opponent's shoulder would miss its intended target. However, not completely. Eridanus would strike him, the older males left shoulder, striking Enigma's upper right shoulder in a near jarring impact that would surely leave moderate to heavy bruising, for both of them he hoped. But surely for himself, he knew it would be. And yet, he would not allow that to stop him. Eridanus's attempted attack towards his scruff would also fail, though not wholly. He would feel his opponents teeth slice down his upper back, leaving a mild bite wound but Eridanus's hold would not hopefully stay long as Enigma moved, tearing himself away from his opponents frontal positioning. Enigma continued to move, attempting to position himself at an angle to where they would form a "T" shape, thus completely negating the older males attempt to slam down on his toes, however he saw this as an opportunity. With his opponents paw in the air, Enigma would move forward, pushing with his hind legs to shove his chest and his weight into Eridanus's left side and Enigma would lift his own right foreleg. With his motion, he would attempt to hook his right foreleg around the inside of Eridanus's left hind leg (At the knee or hock area) in an attempt to trip or unbalance him as he simultaneously attempted his ongoing push maneuver. All the while keeping his own weight as balanced as best as he could upon three legs. As he did this, Enigma would seek out a target. Through narrowed amber eyes, Enigma's jaw gaped open. Teeth flashing and saliva flying as he attempted to bite Eridanus's right thigh. Wanting to lock his upper canines on the inside of the thigh, and his lower canines on the outside. Head snaked to his right, teeth seeking flesh and muscle and he would  hope to achieve his goal. He wanted this brute to feel pain, and perhaps at the same time, Enigma hoped to make his opponent falter. If he attained this grip, then the youth wanted to hamper the heavier brutes movements, as well as tear the muscles that lay below... And to cause as much damage as he could, of course. Since he was never easy going in any sort of fight.

Enigma VS Eridanus for Spar

Round 1/3

ooc//if there's any confusion feel free to contact me to clarify. Although I wrote this at like, 1am so i was tired..I expect some mistakes, but i tried to make it as clear as I could ^~^


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



5 Years
05-26-2015, 08:28 PM
Eridanus 'Adahy' Sterling

The boy moved to intercept Eridanus’ charge, angling himself toward the monochrome warriors right, seemingly directly into Eridanus’ shoulder attack, yet, oddly, where their chests should have impacted from a direct charge, he felt only his inner left shoulder make contact with the younger males upper right shoulder. Moderate bruising welled at the point of impact on Eridanus’ left shoulder point, but the seasoned male ignored the pain, setting it aside for the present.

His teeth sliced into Enigmas upper back, off target, and not in a good enough place to afford a good grasp as the younger male tore himself free to move in a clear attempt to position them at a 'T'. Eridanus’ left fore-paw smashed down on bare earth, the targeted paw having escaped any damage. However, Eridanus quickly resettled his weight on all four paws and bent his elbows slightly to lock his center of gravity into place as Enigma sought to shove his chest into Eridanus’ left side. Eridanus braced, and as Enigma sought to hook his left foreleg around Eridanus’ left hind hock, the veteran attempted to swiftly step his hind legs to his own right, avoiding the unbalancing attempt, though Enigmas claws scraped against the fore-point where his hind leg bend at the hock, leaving mild scrapes. It was defense mixed with an offense; in moving, he also hoped to turn the younger wolfs strength and his shove against him, taking away the support and leaving room to topple forward.

With Eridanus’ movement, Enigmas teeth would find nothing but air in his quest for Eridanus’ right thigh. The veteran sought to shift their positioning to a parallel stance, left side to left side, head to tail, his jaws seeking to gain a deep bite on the younger males lower left spine, just before the point of the pelvis, wishing to rip into Enigmas flesh and leave painful, gaping gashes behind as he sought to shake his head violently once more. His left foreleg snapped forward, his other three legs receiving his weight, tail flicking out as a balancing rudder, as he sought hook the crook of his left foreleg around the back of Enigmas left hind hock, at the point where the achilles tendon attached to the point of the hock bone, seeking to drag his younger adversary’s leg forward and out from under him and shake his balance as he attempted to shove the whole left side of his chest and outer left shoulder into Enigmas left rear side of the stomach.

His ears were held flat to his skull, nestled in his raised hackles; his eyes were narrowed to molten slits, his jaws parted, chin tucked. His shoulders were rolled forward over his neck, his neck likewise scrunched back into his shoulders, his scruff rolled up to provide a fatty, furry layer of protection. His abdomen was tensed, his tail flowing out behind him at a level with his spine, while his toes spread to add balance and his claws dug into the ground for added traction. His legs were bent slightly, his supporting three legs spread in a balancing stance as his left foreleg attempted its grappling maneuver.

-:: Eridanus vs Enigma for Spar ::-
Round 2/3




Extra Notes: I would suggest in future posts that you try to keep your paragraphs slightly smaller; say around six lines each. I had a difficult time reading your post, I'm afraid - I had to paste it in notepad and break it down in order to read it. Just a thought.



10 Years
Dragon Mod
05-28-2015, 07:42 PM

Some of his attempts seemed to be somewhat successful, though he growled in frustration as his teeth missed his mark. Enraged that he had failed to get a hold of his adversary, Enigma would push on. Eridanus had moved, obviously the older male was experienced in the art of fighting, and Enigma would bear in mind the tactics that this opponent creature used. If he didn't win, he would learn from this. A defeat, yet victory would be gained in knowledge. He was only barely pleased that he had made some contact with his claws, though his initial attempt not pleasing enough.

He'd stumble forward slightly, mentally cursing himself for being so careless and not looking at this at all angles. But then again, who had time to think that much during a fight? Not him, that was for sure. His adrenaline was pumping, the male's only thought was to cause pain to his opponent, for it seemed Eridanus's goal was just that. After he stumbled forward a step or two, Enigma quickly regained his footing, but not quick enough.

Enigma used this mistake to move forward a couple more steps, using the momentum and improvising as Eridanus moved to become parallel with his body. His defenses would remain in place: Ears pinned to his head, hackles raised, eyes narrowed, teeth bared, abdomen tensed, his center of gravity lowered as he bent his knees, toes digging into the dirt as well as his claws. His shoulders rolled forward, adding protection to the sides of his neck. His scruff bunched up, adding more protection to the hind of his neck should the brute seek an attack there. But it seemed not.

As Enigma sought to tuck his tail, he'd feel Eridanus's teeth bite into the base of his tail, where it connected to his body. He bit back a yelp, for any wolfs tail was sensitive to attack. Another rookie mistake. His legs planted into the ground, and as he tried to rip his tail from Eridanus's grasp, he could feel heavy bruising and blood welling from the wound. Deep lacerations no doubt. That would definitely be painful later if he so chose to sit. And there might be the possibility of a mild fracture, but he couldn't be sure. Anything felt beyond the initial savage bite would not be felt until after the battle and his adrenaline died.

Enigma would then feel a paw as Eridanus attempted to hook around Enigma's left hind foreleg, but the attempt at unbalancing him would not bode well. The younger boy would keep his legs planted, bracing himself as he felt Eridanus push against him. An alternative the pushing tactic he himself tried to do seconds ago, he thought. Except this time, he would hit a mark. With determination, he would stand his ground. When Eridanus sought to push his hind side, Enigma would use this as an opportunity to move. He allowed the movement, using Eridanus's pushing momentum, Enigma angled himself so his front (chest) was lined up with Eridanus's abdomen, an odd angle for himself. Though it would seem to bring them to the position he had them at just moments before.

He'd raise himself on his hind legs, abdomen tensed. He would decide to sacrifice some balance for an opportunity, and hopefully it would hit something this time. Enigma would attempt then, to wrap his forelegs around Eridanus's back, to attain a grip and hold him. And with gaping jaws, his head snaked forward in an attempt to bite his spine, near where Eridanus had tried to bite Enigma. If successful, he would strive to hold on and and tear flesh and muscle, hoping to leave the same amount of damage Eridanus had attempted on him. He was sure Eridanus had possibly fractured, if not broken his tail. And all Enigma wanted to do was inflict as much pain as he could. As he attempted to do this, he hoped that his weight would unbalance the other male. And he hoped that his attack would be successful, even if somewhat.

The Devil Speaks || The Devil Thinks


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



5 Years
05-29-2015, 04:21 PM
Eridanus 'Adahy' Sterling

The boy Enigma did indeed stumble, his inexperience showing in light of Eridanus’ quick thinking and tactical movement. However, his stumble carried him just out of line with Eridanus’ attack on his lower back. However, Eridanus still met with success in his jaws. His canines sank into the flesh at the base of the boys tail, and as he gave that violent shake, he felt a certain snapping sensation between his teeth; perhaps a fractured tailbone. Lastly, his canines left deep lacerations and blood in their wake as he tore his jaws away.

His attempt to unbalance the boy was less fruitful, Enigmas stance solidifying until Eridanus sought to shove into him. Ah, the fellow was learning on the go. As soon as the veteran felt the boys bulk move away, he resettled all four paws on the ground, spreading his weight evenly between them, toes spreading for added balance, and claws sinking into the churned dirt for straction, thus keeping his balance and avoiding falling over.

The boy was moving, apparently aiming to re-angle them at the ‘T’ again. Eridanus sought to move with the boy, wishing to keep them parallel, left side to left side, and negate the maneuver. Thus, when the boy rose on his hind legs, Eridanus countered swiftly, seeking to lunge forward and slightly under Enigma and latch his jaws onto the boys exposed belly, about seven inches forward from the parts that made a male what he was as opposed to a female, and three inches to the left He sought to hold that point firmly in his jaws and shake his head yet again in a violent manner, wishing to leave considerable damage in his wake.

Simultaneously, he sought to swing his hindquarters away from the younger male, all four paws seeking a squared stance, elbows bent. The boys attempt to wrap his forelegs would fail with this movement, his legs sliding off over Eridanus’ rump, though the boy wouldn’t fail to make a mark, though missing the point at Eridanus’ lower back, his canines slicing down the top of Eridanus’ left hip, taking fur and flesh, leaving moderate lacerations in their wake. The veteran ignored the pain as he lastly sought to shove his heavier bulk into the underside of his opponent, wishing to knock him over onto his right side while seeking to keep any grip on the boys belly he might have obtained.

Eridanus’ defenses remained solidly in place as he fought; ears pinned, hackles raised from the base of his skull to the base of his tail, face wrinkled into a silent snarl, and his eyes narrowed to protective slits. His shoulders were rolled forward over the base of his neck, his chin was tucked, and his scruff was bunched over the muscles in his neck as that too scrunched back into his shoulders. His abdomen was tensed, and his elbows bent to lock his center of gravity in place, as his toes spread over the ground to afford him added balance, and his claws bit into the ground to include extra traction. His tail flowed behind him, waving as a rudder to balance him.

-:: Eridanus vs Enigma for Spar ::-
Round 3/3




Extra Notes:



10 Years
Dragon Mod
05-29-2015, 05:51 PM
Through narrowed eyes, teeth would seek flesh. Enigma's attempt at gaining a hold upon the older male failed, his forepaws sliding off his rump, however, his teeth would seem to make contact but not as much as he had hoped. Nonetheless, at least he had done some damage. The other male, however, had repositioned them. Keeping them parallel, and it was in this that Enigma could keep his movement. As he slid away from Eridanus, he used the momentum to take another leap forward, saving himself somewhat from the grasp his opponent tried to get upon his abdomen. As he leaped forward (towards Eridanus's...rump? I guess.) he kicked out with his hind left leg, hoping that he would scratch the other males nose or eyes, or whatever made contact if it did. Eridanus's teeth would bite into his lower thigh as opposed to his belly, leaving moderate lacerations and he could feel the wound bleed. Although this fight wasn't going in his favor, he hadn't expected it to with this brute.

It was obvious Eridanus was better trained in the art of fighting, but that didn't mean he wouldn't try. He would take the experience and rerun it in his head, to take from it and learn from it. The battle was but a blur. Before he knew it, his opponents hips had swung away and he saw through narrowed eyes as his opponent tried to knock him over, to no avail. Leaping away to face him head on once more, his defenses would set into place. Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, tail flagging out like a rudder, toes spread, claws digging for traction, legs spread for balance, teeth bared, abdomen tensed, and his chin tucked. Lastly, he would roll his shoulders forward to protect the sides of his neck and bunch his scruff, and then his head would lower over his throat.

With a furious bark, he leaped forward at Eridanus, he sought to slam his left shoulder into the center of Eridanus's chest, in the hopes of bruising his opponent further if not knocking the wind from him. These were his last attempts, and success or failure he didn't care. This was practice, to him. And whether Eridanus knew it or not, he was teaching him however harsh he was. Whether Enigma made contact or not, he would twist his head up. Jaws gaping as they sought to get a grip on Eridnaus's lower jaw bone. He wanted to attain a grip, upper canines enclosing the left side of Eridanus's jaw and lower canines on the right. Since Eridanus had fractured his tail, he wanted to fracture of not break, his opponents jaw. If not scar his face further.

ooc//it's evident i've been screwing up the whole spar so this last post i know is really shitty and i'm really tired and discouraged so...yeah sorry. not in a good mood right now >.>


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!

The Judge


06-08-2015, 06:11 PM

Eridanus vs Enigma for SPAR


9 for clarity:

  • You didn’t start by establishing how they were positioned. You either have to state that or decide among the two of you.
10 for powerplaying.
10 for defenses.
5 for attack.
  • +1 shoulder slam into center of chest
  • +3 bite/hold to scruff
  • +1 heel slam
10 for injuries.
  • First round.

ERIDANUS'S round one total: 44/50

10 for clarity:

10 for powerplaying.
10 for defenses.
5 for attack.
  • +1 chest shove into Eridanus’ left side
  • +1 hook his foreleg around Eridanus’ left hind leg to trip/unbalance
  • +3 bite to Eridanus’ right thigh
10 for injuries.
  • First round.
  • Upper right shoulder – moderate/heavy bruising
  • Upper back bite wound – mild

ENIGMA's round one total: 45/50


10 for clarity:

10 for powerplaying.
10 for defenses.
5 for attack.
  • +3 bite to lower left spine
  • +1 hook around enigma’s left hind leg
  • +1 shove left side of chest and shoulder into enigma’s left rear side/stomach
9 for injuries.
  • -1 bruising to shoulder
  • -1 hind hock scrapes
ERIDANUS'S round two total: 44/50

9 for clarity:  
  • "Enigma would then feel a paw as Eridanus attempted to hook around Enigma's left hind foreleg, but the attempt at unbalancing him would not bode well." How exactly did it not bode well? What damage was taken, if any? You have to be specific.
10 for powerplaying.
10 for defenses.
4 for attack.
  • +1 leg wrap/grip attempt
  • +3 spine bite
6 for injuries.
  • -4 base of tail deep lacerations/fracture
  • -1 not addressing Eridanus' paw swipe

ENIGMA'S' round two total: 39/50


10 for clarity:

10 for powerplaying.
10 for defenses.
4 for attack.
  • +3 bite to belly attempt
  • +1 shove
8 for injuries.
  • -2 moderate lacerations to hip
ERIDANUS'S round three total: 42/50

10 for clarity:  
10 for powerplaying.
10 for defenses.
7 for attack.
  • +2 kick toward face
  • +1 shoulder slam
  • +4 jawbone break/fracture attempt
7 for injuries.
  • -2 moderate lacerations lower thigh
  • -1 forgotten bruising to underside from Eridanus’ shove

ENIGMA'S' round three total: 44/50


ERIDANUS: 130/150
ENIGMA: 128/150

And the winner is...

Eridanus! Enigma must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


  • Hind hock scrapes - will heal in a matter of days
  • Moderate lacerations to hip - will heal in 1 OOC week
  • PENDING - lower jaw fracture/break (this attempt needs to be addressed in your next post)
  • Shoulder bruising - will heal in a matter of days
  • Upper back bite - will heal in 1 OOC week
  • Tail lacerations/fracture - 3 OOC weeks to fully heal, longer if not seen by a healer
  • Lower thigh lacerations - will heal in a matter of days
  • Underside bruising - will heal in a matter of days


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

For Bri:

For Drag:

For both: Ya’ll really struggled with positioning throughout most of this fight. Work on drawing models of your characters or using some other method to help you visualize what is going on. Otherwise, ya'll did a good job, this was a really close fight!

- By [Andy]



5 Years
06-09-2015, 01:17 PM
Eridanus 'Adahy' Sterling

With Enigmas failure to obtain a grasp on Eridanus’ back, sliding off over the veterans rump, came the boys jump forward, kicking out at Eridanus’ face with his left hind leg. The veteran veered his attack slightly, and the incoming paw merely buffeted his left cheek, below the eye, and in the more thickly furred region, leaving only a moderate bruise, and minor scrapes from claws not created to slice into flesh. Eridanus’ attack on the boys exposed belly was trumped, but not in vain; his teeth gained traction on the boys lower thigh instead, his canines drawing blood and leaving moderate lacerations.

The boy tore free, leaping away and turning to face Eridanus before charging at the veteran with an angry sounding bark. The veteran shifted his position, seeking to sidestep the boy. The slam attempt would make no contact, nor would the teeth questing for his lower jaw meet their intended target; instead, the questing canines took a mouthful of thick grey fur, and left behind moderate scratches along the underside of the veterans jaw, as the veteran sought to distance himself from the boy. He’d seen enough. He had won, whether the boy thought so or not.

His defenses remained solidly aligned; weight falling evenly over each limb, toes spreading apart to further his balance, his claws raking into the cold ground for traction. His tail remained aligned with his spine, flagging behind him as a balancing rudder while his head remained at a level with his shoulders, scrunched back into them as they in turn remained rolled forward. His thick fur stood on end, hackles at full mast down his spine starting at the base of his skull, and his scruff lay rolled into a thick layer of protection. His abdomen was tensed, and lastly, his chin remained tucked as his eyes narrowed to slits and his ears pinned into his fur, jaws parted in a silent snarl.

He sought a distance of ten feet, a clear signal that he was through with the boy. His low voice called out in common. ”Keep a clear head, pup. Don’t let your frustration get you in trouble.” Without waiting for the boy to answer, he turned and padded away, making his way off the field.

-Exit Eridanus.-