
The Latest Expansion



6 Years
05-24-2015, 12:31 AM
There was both happiness and sadness today, both warring so heavily inside him as he stood in the grass of the prairie. This was where a family once lived, a pack once thrived...and now, nothing. It had all disappeared, right beneath his nose, and they didn't even realize it untill it was too late. What had happened? What if Rune had needed help? What if there had been something Dono could have done to help their neighboring pack? Had Rune been too proud, or had he simply been overwhelmed suddenly? Everything ended, it seemed. It wasn't necessarily Voltage's place to pry into what had once been a pack's business, instead he had to focus his own. Hence the happiness. Their family had grown exponentially since they had come to Alacritis. First the third litter had joined them, then Astrea had found her special someone, and now both Glacier and Voltage had someone who they wanted (and did) bring home to stay. There were many new mouths to feed, and there would be more soon...they had outgrown the little beach they had come to call home, became too many mouths for even the ample ocean to feed.

But today they had found their solution, and it thrived in the ashes of their neighbor pack. The grass was perfect for prey, even under the fresh layer of snow. It allowed them the chance and the ability to hunt things other than fish, and house all the wolves that had joined them. While they still had ample caves in the beach, he was sure that some of his family would want to move inward. While he still wanted them all to sleep close together, he could understand his aging siblings wanting their space. They weren't children anymore, huddling close for warmth or With a sigh he shook his head before finally tossing it back, howling towards the sky. It was a message for Glacier, to come and seek the land Voltage had decided on, together they would call to the world to claim the land. But for now, he needed his big brother's approval.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
05-24-2015, 01:13 AM
Glacier had spent the day with anais, showed her around the complex caves and the den he called his own. In terms of cavern dens their was ample space and so many not in use - a wolf could own two or three at this stage if they wanted to, which was lucky for the growing pack. He had been waiting however for the cal from voltage that would now come, echoing through the trees and across the sandy beach they called home.

Going to his brother was only a short trip, he would find voyage in a neighboring terratory, one in fact that rune had once called home. That had been expected, the old alphas terratory was the only one that touched sides with dono, and well the pack had been there, dono had been unable to expand. It was sobering, but perhaps also beautiful that life came out of one tragedy, as glacier wondered once again what had happened to rune.
Glacier would be beside his brother in no time at all, brushing his coat against his lithe brothers side as he stopped and looked about them. Their was a layer of ice across the terratory, and it gave it a beautiful, untouched sensation to it. Through glaciers gaze would immediately land to the spot voltage had dug to display the bountiful life buried beneath the snow. The soil was good and glacier knew there would be plenty of rabbits and other small critters dug beneath the earth here, and likely some grazzing animals still pushed away the snow to find the treasures beneath. Glacier nodded his head briskly in approval "it looks perfect" he agreed.




6 Years
05-24-2015, 01:27 AM
He'd feel his brother approach before he actually heard him, but perhaps that was just because he was ultra sensitive to his brother's precense. The millasecond that Glacier brushed against him, Voltage was leaning in turn. If Glacier hadn't been there at that exact moment, Voltage would have fallen over with the weight he pressed into his brother, and he'd sigh softly. It was mostly out of sadness for the fallen pack, the second that Voltage had witnessed. "All the parties we could have thrown...the sleepovers, the beach parties...the comradere we could have had with our neighbors...gone." He whispered so softly. Perhaps it was out of his new found but intense desire for friends that he felt this way. His entire life he had been surrounded by and consumed with his family, it was only now, that he was leaving his prime years, that he managed to settle down and make friends. And the potential that lived here was gone, and they were about to claim the land before the body had even cooled.

But that was the way of life, there was happiness. The fact that Secretua was gone, meant that Dono could expand. And the moment he heard his brother's approval he felt some of the weight life off of him, and happiness managed to return to his smile. Closing his eyes slightly he soaked in his brother's strength before lifting himself back onto his paws. Everything was perfect...everything would work out. They were Elementas, everything would always work out. "Brother, there may be another reason...I wanted to find a new land so quickly." He whispered softly. Food hadn't been the only thing weighing down his mind. "Our family is expanding..." He wasn't just talking about their loves coming to join them. Spring was around the corner, and with it another litter. "We are much farther from the island than we used to be...and we also have many more responsibilities keeping us here to ever allow both of us to return to our birth home.." He had never done this before. It had always been him and Glacier, facing the world, saving their family, taking on all the responsibilities. And now..they had too much to juggle to leave their family and make sure another litter was abandoned and left alone. Someone had to make sure Dono was safe, that it didn't go the way of Secretua. "What if...I go...alone. You handle the pack, make sure no one tries to take our lands, work to help...organize the pack's move...and I'll go to the island and bring home our new siblings." He whispered, his voice shaking slightly at the very idea of facing his parents without Glacier...but he couldn't see any other way. They had responsibilities to their pack, but they also had responsibilities to their siblings. He couldn't bare the thought of any possible siblings being cast out, never to know the true bond of the Elementas...and feeling as Voltage had once felt as a child. He couldn't bare the thought...he had to go back...alone.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
05-24-2015, 02:09 AM (This post was last modified: 05-24-2015, 03:33 AM by Glacier.)

The pair together where like clockwork, running smoothly and for each other, predictably, as voltage leaned into touch almost before glacier moved to rub against him. He would feel his brother's light weight against him and feel a sad smile across his muzzle, he was sure voltage wasn't eating enough. Voltage would dwell upon the fate of rune and his pack, and glacier would nudge his head against his brother's side "perhaps we will see them again, perhaps they just migrated for the winter, or perhaps they went off to live a quieter life as a family. There was no struggle here, no challenge, whatever happened feels almost volunteer" he would attempt to sooth his brother by drawing pictures with what logic they could draw from the situation.

Glacier would fall silent after his speech, and it wouldn't be long before voltage was pulling himself straighter, away from where he leaned on hos brother, and would really say what had been on his mind. Voltage had been giving thought to the potential of yet another litter. Glacier hadn't thought too strongly about it, as it was the amount of offspring their parents had produced was nearly unheard of, and they where also getting on in years, soon they wouldn't be able to reproduce any more. They could never simply assume that however and leave potential siblings to fend for themselves, and voltage was right about the distance and responsibilities. Voltage would continue on to offer to be the one to go. The thought of glacier himself leaving at this time almost broke his heart - he couldn't abandon Anais for the journeys length and he would be worrying about her and their family the entire way, ans he wasn't even certain another litter would be waiting for them on the other side and yet, he couldn't not offer himself when he knew how voltage felt about their parents and how at the arrival of another litter voltage always lost his strength, his joy, it ate at voltage and it wasn't something he wanted to put his brother through alone "are you sure that's what you want to do? I can go, if you need me to" he offered softly.

"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
05-24-2015, 02:37 AM
He'd feel his brother's love and affection though every beat of his heart. It was one thing he had never gone without in his life. Sure, he had felt the rejection of his parents, felt the sorrow of leaving his little siblings behind, but he had never gone without Glacier. And he was happy to know that even in their ever changing lives, they always managed to stay together. They had found loves together, perhaps they would have their children close together...they would retire, grow old, and probably leave together. It was beautiful, and glorious, and something hardly anyone would ever get to feel. Which is why the idea of going on this trip alone hurt so. Never in his entire life had he spent a night where he couldn't just go and cuddle up to Glacier if he wanted too. There had never been a day where his brother wasn't avaliable for him. Even when Glacier was hurt, he had still been there, laying in his den for Voltage to visit.

It was a scary thought, more scary than the trip. He had never been without Glacier, he had never been truley alone

With a gentle sigh he shook his head at his brother's predictable (but appreciated) gesture. Voltage had made up his ever fleeting mind. Glacier had too much here now to ever leave for too long. Distance could make the heart grow fonder, but if you leave a bud without water it would, Glacier had to stay, if only for Anais. "No...I will go." He said softly, smiling up at Glacier. "It makes the most sense. One of us has to stay, and you have too much to lose if you go." He would grin his toothy grin then, nodding his head just so. "Perhaps I will ask Gaia to accompany me...lord knows Serefina would not make the trek in the snow." He said with a laugh, shaking his head. Being alone scared him far too much to think of truley going alone, but he knew it wouldn't be Glacier that would accompany him. Not this time. "This will probably be our last trip, Glacier. Our parents are getting too old.." He whispered softly. "One trip, I can do it." He would sit down then, gazing out at the Prairie and imaging little feet of his new siblings. He wondered how many there would was two and then four and then four again, there wasn't much of a pattern. "Are there even any elements left?" He asked with a tilt of his head, thinking.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
05-24-2015, 03:32 AM

Parting for any amount of time would never be something either brother would be okay with. They where so integrated into each others life, each such a vital part of the other that distance was simply unheard of. The day to day essentials and a few nights apart weren't even noticed, but the pair weren't talking about such a mundane distance, they where talking about miles, and what could be weeks apart. Glacier tried to imagine that it was he taking the journey, well being alone wasn't an issue for the quite and thoughtful giant, being apart from his family (which included Anais) for so long would definitely be one.

Voltage was however already shaking his head at Glacier's offer. How ever the lightning boys words lifted Glacier's heart a little. ”I would feel a lot better if you took her with you” Glacier admitted softly, well he would miss his brother, it would be knowing his brother would be going through a tough time alone that would hurt Glacier the most. If Gaia was there, then Volt age would have someone to hold onto, and to hold him together so he wouldn't fall apart.

Voltage would speak some of Glacier's own thoughts and the titan would smile softly through the wave of sadness. “My thoughts exactly” he agreed, their parents where getting too old. Glacier was even able to laugh at Voltage's last comment. “I hope so, I would want to pass the tradition along. Through who knows, maybe somewhere through my line there will even be a lightning child” he said with a very fond grin.

"Burn Baby Burn"




6 Years
05-25-2015, 04:27 PM
Voltage would smile easily up to his brother with a gentle nod of his head. He didn't want to go it alone, but he figured he was the only one of his family that could really go. So Gaia seemed to be the best option, especially if she wanted to go. It would allow them to be together, without the drama of their lives hanging over their heads. It might be nice to spend that time together, and Gaia could learn first hand what Voltage came from. Plus, maybe it would solidify what relationship they may have, with what little time they had spent together thus far. He wanted so much more for them, he just hadn't had the chance to go see her too much. So he'd smile and nod. "I will ask her to join me, brother..." He said softly then, looking out at the prairie again. "But if she doesn't wish too, I will go it alone."

He laughed then, loudly and boisterous as he shook his head. He couldn't fathom his brother having a child with his element. With a chuckle he looked up at Glacier. "Neither you nor Anais have enough energy to produce a child that bares my element." He said with a cheeky grin. "And if you do, god help you." He would laugh and shook his head before he seemed to sober a little more. "We are getting older, brother...spring will be upon us soon. Another year older, another wiser...and soon we will be out of our prime and even I wont have enough energy to keep up with children." He would smile a small smile then. "We have to get moving on that, then, while we're still realitively young." He said with a laugh.

"Burn Baby Burn"