
These squirrals ain't gona cook themselves



6 Years
Extra large
05-25-2015, 08:24 PM

It was going to a be a strangely quite pack without Voltage in it for a few weeks. That boy carried energy with him like a living entity and he put off a bright presence that could be felt from a mile away. Glacier could already feel his absence and knew he needed to keep himself busy or he would lose his mind. They had spoken about hunting and now would be a good time to put that thought into action. They had a new territory now that many of the wolves of Dono hadn't had a chance to explore, so this proved to do two things at once – catch them some food and introduce the new land in a good light – one that showed it was a good place for hunting, even in Winter.

He didn't expect to find any deer, likely they would have to be quite cautious hunters and catch out rabbits and squirrels and other little critters. The Titanic brute made his way to the borders where the beach ended and the Prairie began and lifted his head to howl for members of his pack – for his family to join him in a hunt.





5 Years
06-02-2015, 01:30 PM

Locha was aware of the fact that Volty and Glace had claimed a new land, but Locha had yet to give it more than a peek. It wasn't like she didn't like it. She knew that not all of her siblings were their happiest here on the beach, a perfect example being her fire sister, so she knew that the addition to their growing pack was a good call. The prairie would provide some good hunting aswell and would probably lessen a little of the strain that feeding almost an entire pack had on the sea.

When Locha's blue stained ears caught the call from Glacier, it just happened to be one of the moments where she wasn't drenched in salty sea water or in the sea itself. After rising to her feet, the girl set off at a quick pace to her blue brother. It had only been a few days since Locha had come across the ink that now stained her fur blue, but none of her siblings had yet remarked on it. She had been a little scarce, so perhaps no-one had seen yet.

She noticed that she was the first to arrive. With a gentle grin she stood beside her mountain of a brother and leaned into him, hoping to give him a little comfort. She could tell that Voltage's absence was really tough on him, more so probably than the rest of them. They had been through so much together. "Hey, big bro. What are we doing?"

"Listen To Me Talk," 'Or Read My Thoughts.'



8 Years
Athena I
06-03-2015, 01:12 AM

Solaris lifted his head and listened as Glacier's voice reached him. It was usually fairly quiet up on his roost on the cliff side, but even he noticed the quiet that Volage had left when he went on his trip. It was good that Glacier was keeping them busy though, that was something he could appreciate. He was also pretty eager to go on a hunt since he had been working on his hunting in his spare time. Now he had a reason to use it!

He got up and trotted down the slope through the caves that lead back to the beach and then headed toward where Glacier had summoned them. Solaris had breifly crossed through their new expansion, but he hadn't gotten to thoroughly explore it as of yet. He spotted Glacier and Locha and smiled as he trotted toward them. "Hello there," he said as he stopped in front of them, his tail waving slowly behind him.

Talk You Think



5 Years
06-08-2015, 09:33 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Slowly but surely, Anais was getting used to her new surroundings. It felt a little odd living in a place that was so new to her, especially one that was so full of wolves already, but Glacier's family was proving to be as kind and considerate as he was. Whether they held any curiosity over her or not, they were giving her the space and time that she needed to explore her new home and become acquainted with what pack life here was like, though she did feel like a misplaced cog at times, not quite certain where she fit in or if she might bring the pack's functionality to a halt if she tried to jump in. Glacier was positive and filled her with reassurances that everything was alright, and though the golden-brown wolf had her own misgivings she wanted to believe in his optimism.

She looked for little ways that she could prove herself and step up to help the rest of the pack, ways that she could meld into their group seamlessly and fit in among them, and the opening she was looking for ended up coming to her in the form of a hunt. Her aimless wandering was put a halt as she stopped and listened closer to Glacier's voice as it called to each of them - eliciting a quiet stirring of affection that she felt for him within her chest - and she smiled without quite realizing. The big blue wolf had something planned and they were all invited, and since she felt most comfortable around him she did not hesitate in changing her course and setting off at a lope toward the border between the pack's territories.

The group she found was small, just a fraction of the numbers the giant Elementas family sported, but the intimate little gathering suited her better. She approached them with a friendly wag in her tail that was just a little at odds with the shyness of her smile, and her golden eyes took in both brother and sister before settling upon the one who had called them together. Her heart gave a little leap as her smile brightened, always delighted to be in Glacier's presence, and though she felt timid with two siblings there to watch she still approached the large, blue wolf to press her muzzle affectionately against his shoulder. "Hi," she greeted him quietly with a telling tail wag as she took a seat. Her gaze passed again to Locha and Solaris, noting immediately their unique colorations that rivaled that of their elder brother as she offered each a sheepish smile and settled silently in to wait with them.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



5 Years
06-09-2015, 11:01 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

It was really not everyday that the Donostrea group was called together. They each knew their jobs and were happy to do them, and as a whole they functioned rather well in their individual tasks. So as soon as Gale heard the call sent out by her elder brother meant to gather them together she knew something fun was ahead. Racing the borders and acting as the Aertus for the pack was fun and all, but every now and then she liked grouping up with her siblings to do something different.

She was grinning with her wispy tail wagging behind her as she approached the group. It was small - they were missing a few due to the season - but that was not altogether surprising. Not all of her siblings were as social as the rest, and though she fell somewhere in the middle right now right in the middle of everyone suited her just fine. Her grey-green eyes dazzled mischievously as they alighted upon her big brother and the timid golden wolf he had brought home, his little ray of Sunshine. Solaris - the actual ray of sunshine - was there as well, missing the shadow to his sun. Maybe Selini would show up soon, as well as Astrea. Those three were closer than anyone.

It was Locha that ended up getting her attention and capturing it, and making the lavender-marked wolf question her memory. The smile on her face smoothed into something puzzling, and her eyes narrowed thoughtfully. That's funny, she wondered to herself as she approached the Seabird, I don't remember her being blue before. Where had it come from? And why was it suddenly on her? Always one to tease, Gale asked, "Did the water finally get stuck to you?" as she stopped to stand beside her sister, her lips pulled up at one corner into a crooked grin. Despite her teasing, she rather liked it; the blue suited her water-loving sister perfectly.



6 Years
Extra large
07-04-2015, 03:21 PM

Locha would be the first to arrive to his pack hunt, she moved immediately to his side and leaned against him and he grinned down at this aqua sister. “There's something.. different about you” he mused, pretending to think, although he had well seen the stain on her legs as she had walked up to him. “I think you have a bit of water stuck to you” he teased her, pointing with his head down to her stained patches. As she asked what they where doing, he would bring his attention back up again and to the surrounding forest. “Its time for a pack hunt, individual hunting wont cut it during winter” he explained to her honestly.

Solaris would be the next to arrive, and Glacier grinned at their sunny-coated sibling. “Sol” he said warmly in greeting, as he glanced past the boy to see if anyone else would be arriving. Through even just these two would be enough, Locha did a lot of the hunting for the pack with her fishing, and he had seen a hint or two of Solari's bringing in a decent catch and knew the trio would work well together. He would be treated with a pleasant surprise however, as Anai trotted next into view. She would give a more quite greeting then his siblings and he grinned warmly at his mate “Hi” he said softly back, winking at her, before his attention was diverted by the whirlwind that stepped into the group. He grinned at Gale, who also noticed and commented on Locha's new coloration “And Gale, welcome, this is a decent sized hunting party, we can get started” he said, clearly happy with the turn out. “I'm thinking of splitting us into pairs to search for prey, did we want to take down kill in a large group or smaller groups?” Glacier wondered, looking at each of them for their opinion, but asking mostly Anais – their actual ranked hunter in the group.





5 Years
07-04-2015, 03:41 PM

The howl that sounded was one that she wasn't sure how to respond to at first. Lior had been a member of Donostrea for as long as Anais had but... she had been afraid to really set out and mingle. Hell, since arriving she had pretty much stayed hidden. There was a sort of anxiety in her heart when it came to meeting these new folks and she felt a surge of uncertainty that had he afraid. She missed her brothers dearly, almost debated leaving the pack to go find them again, but after her dream the night prior she knew that this was the right place for her. She had to stop being afraid and go back to being the kind, outgoing girl she once was.

A breath was taken. She had hesitated long enough, waiting until long after the howl sounded before heading towards it. When Lior arrived she was relieved to find Anais present... but there were strangers too. The girl would shuffle up next to her sister, dipping hear head a little awkwardly to Glacier.

"I um... Do you mind if I join you guys?" Her voice started out a bit low but then, recomposing herself, she would lift her head and speak up. Her gaze was shining some, hope in her chest that this could be the new start she had needed.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Evelyn

[Image: lior_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd2n.png]



5 Years
07-11-2015, 02:26 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

With the butterflies inside of her still fluttering from the wink Glacier had directed her way, Anais continued to smile to herself as what appeared to be the last of their party arrived, the grey and lavender colored sister one that Ani could recall she had seen before. A few teasing remarks at Locha's expense were exchanged before the blue, mountain of a wolf casually began to explain to them the plan, and with their course of action revealed the golden hunter made a slight nod of her head. They had a whole new territory now to look over and hunt from, a whole new area that considerably widened their meal options, and she was personally eager to see what she could find.

The question was made of whether they ought to try catching prey in small groups of coming together to work as a whole, and though the words were spoken to the group at large, because her gaze was fixed on Glacier, Anais saw the way he looked at her and felt almost as if he was singling out her opinion. There was a nervous, reactive part of her that felt like shrinking under his stare, under the pressure of the decision he offered her, but with a swallow Ani kept herself upright though she did shift her weight between her forepaws. Hunting was her element, her strong point. She could do this.

Her golden eyes cast around, unable to hide the little sliver of anxiety that still thrummed in her veins, but the sight of her sister, looking even more timid than she herself felt, changed everything. Eyes brightening, that same light entering her smile as it widened, Anais beamed encouragement at Lior as the younger girl came her way, reaching out to offer her a gentle nuzzle against her cheek to express her happiness in seeing her there. It probably was not her place to answer, but still she offered her own opinion when Lior asked to join the group. "Of course you can," Anais answered, her voice quiet. They were all one big pack now, and that meant all of them participating to help the whole.

The arrival of her sister nearly distracted the golden brown wolf from the question that had been asked, and somewhat belatedly Ani tried to answer. With Lior there to look on, she made herself speak clearly and with more confidence than she felt, needing to be stronger for her sibling that she knew was still in the adjusting process. "Maybe we could work together in one group?" Smaller, more individualized kills were her specialty, and Anais was curious to try working with others to take down larger game.

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.



5 Years
07-16-2015, 11:29 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Her attention turned immediately back to her brother with a wide grin as he said her name and promptly began addressing the group as a whole. This meant everything was starting, surely, and Gale's tail wagged just slightly in excitement. Hunting. It was not necessarily her favorite thing to do, but it was definitely something she felt she had an edge at. With her quick legs, swift as the wind for which she was named, she was an excellent sprinter and was made for running things down. Though she was still not entirely sure what Glacier had planned, she was still eager if it meant she got to run somewhere along the way.

His plan, which he went on to explain, was to break up into two separate groups to search for prey, and though it was not necessarily the fun part the lavender marked sister was perfectly fine with it. Since she did not care one way or another for how they went about their hunt, she held her tongue, glancing about with raised brows at the rest of her siblings and the two that Glacier had welcomed among them. Her brother's Sunshine piped up with her preference, and Gale offered a warm expression of encouragement. "I'd be okay with that," she remarked in agreement, nodding her head once just for emphasis. Just a little she shifted her weight between her forepaws, already ready to begin.