
Visitors Pass needed



4 Years
05-27-2015, 05:32 PM

The plains were a very different place where she had been living. Not as cold so she was fine at this time of year, feeling warmer than possibly most wolves would. Tonight she would be spending the night and then heading home the next day and the sun was just above her. Mid-day or at least a little past since she had spoken to Bass. For now she'd look for Limno and also take a rest. Finding a suitable spot the cripple would sit in an indent in the grass. Giving a yawn to her tired state after walking so far, but she enjoyed it despite her permanent limp, maybe that was why she enjoyed it so much.

Her crystal blue eyes looked at the dwindling grasses, sniffing the air for any source of other wolves. It was abaven everywhere, not quiet used to being here so she couldn't pull out a certain members scent unless it was Bass. Her front paws crossed in front of each other, she hoped Cypress was doing alright at home. She let her tail curl around her hind quarters. The breeze was nice, even if to a lot of others it was bitter and cold.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



5 Years
05-28-2015, 12:45 AM
Starling was missing his flowers. He had so little to do now that he couldn't really fill his day with herb hunting. Sure, there was still so much to learn, but the life of a healer was hard in the winter. He hadn't seen Aunt Harmony in so long, and he was starting to miss his daily lessons. He guessed he could possibly go to Allen, he might know some tricks, and Aunt Rhythm would be a good choice too. But it was hard to learn when everything was pretty much dead. At least, all of Starling's reserves were. And there wasn't much he could learn in the winter, right? With a gentle sigh he took to his new past time of pacing the packlands. He made his circle, searching the borders before going around and seeing where everything was. As much as he had paced the packlands before searching for herbs, he had never really looked at it without his hunt in mind. His anxieties kept him on the safe side of the border far more often than outside, especially when he had no mission in mind. When it came to plants and flowers Star would often find himself rather brave and cross over into mysterious places, but without that mission he had very little desire to do so.

So he paced, worked on trying not to trip on his paws as he moved. He wanted to be more elegant, an adult didn't trip all the time. It was hard, and he really didn't like how...quiet it was. He needed something to keep his thoughts calm, something to focus on. Bass was too busy with Alpha things to constantly be at Starling's beck and call when he wanted to learn some Italian, and he had a hard time teaching Shrike in large doses. He needed something to do. But at that exact moment he looked up and blinked. Bright blue eyes grew wide as he stared at this unknown woman, wondering why she was in his pack lands. A sudden flash of terror ripped through him when he thought that she might be a tresspasser, and as an adult he had to do something about it. Gulping slightly he trotted forward, trying to appear far less gawky and comfortable than he felt. He was the alpha's son, it was his duty to do...something, right? Oh he wished Lark were here. "H-hello?" He instantly lowered his gaze, angry at himself for stuttering. That is not how you look mature and grown up, Starling! Clearing his throat he tried again. "Are y-you new here?" At least it wasn' noticeable this time. He tended to trip over his tongue like he did his paws, but sometimes it was just a stumble rather than an all right fall. "I-i've never met y-you before." He said, stating the obvious. She had a mysterious scent on her, one that didn't smell at all like Abaven, but he would wait, hoping she was harmless and she had some reason for being here. If not, he might just....have to call his daddy.

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"



4 Years
05-28-2015, 09:39 AM

It was expected others would be suspicious of her. Her crystal blue eyes rested upon a young man, a year old at most and in her eyes that was not an adult. At one, she had thought she was an adult, ready to face the world and then look what had happened to her. Two years old was pushing it as well, but that was a time when mostly other wolves would look at things with a right of passage. At least she did, perhaps that should be a ceremony for the young wolves of her pack. At two years of age they could celebrate and do something special.

Arian would pull her ears forward to listen to the boy, regardless of age though it didn't mean you could not treat them with respect. He seemed nervous, not that it minded her. Giving him a soft smile, patience was something the woman valued. "I'm a visitor passing through. My name is Arian Adravendi I'm the alphess and President of the pack Sonticus. My pack is a bit far from here so Bass offered to let me stay the night." She explained to the young boy. "Are you Bass' son?" Arian would tilt her head to the side, not wanting to make assumptions. Yet he resembled the man so it must have been alright to assume. After all, one of these children would be her potential pupil along with another member of the pack.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



5 Years
06-13-2015, 04:11 AM
Starling would stand where he choose too, keeping a rather safe distance between himself and the stranger. He tried to be brave, to be strong, but he couldn't help the odd little tremble in his legs or the way he seemed to be losing feeling in his toes. He stared at her, nearly unblinkingly, as if he were afraid that if he blinked she'd manage to eat up the distance and get infront of him before he could manage to run away. It was a grippling fear, something he couldn't much manage untill she began to speak. Her voice was soft and gentle, explaining just why she was here. A visitor? He remained tense untill he heard his father's name, and instantly all the fear rushed away. His father gave her the permission to be here? Well! Then everything was fine. With a small smile he'd nod his head when she guessed his heritage. "Y-yes, B-bass is m-my fa-father." He said with a gentle smile, dipping his head to her. "Benvenuti a Abaven!" He welcomed in his favorite tongue, taking a decisive step towards her. She was a friend, so there was no reason to be afraid, wasn't it. "M-my name i-is Starling." He said easily, his charming little smile upon his lips. "I-it's n-nice to m-meet you. Ari-ian.."

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"



4 Years
06-13-2015, 01:43 PM

Every time she saw a young one, or anyone for that matter being afraid of her presence she felt her heart jump some. Not because she was offended, but because she knew the feeling, knew the feeling of being afraid of everything. However, how did they expect to make friends if they remained strangers. Arian's soft crystal eyes watched as it melted away, he had a speech problem but not that it bothered her. The young boy speaking in a different tongue, she didn't know what he said but her guess that the language itself was probably Italian. When he spoke his name, Arian became even more interested. This was the boy Bass suggested come train with her in the spring. A smile spread across her face. "It's even more of a pleasure to meet you Starling." Arian would raise her head a little.

"I've heard a bit about you. You want to be a healer?" she would jump right into the discussion she and Bass had. The first thing was to get to know him, and for him the same to her. Somehow she saw a bit of herself in him when it came to healing. It made her hide the soft sigh that escaped her lips. Tail flicking back and forth from its spot on the plains floor.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



5 Years
06-14-2015, 12:05 AM
Starling would blink when he noted a rather odd sort of...recognition cross her face? Confusion colored his face as he watched her, keeping his little smile upon his lips as he did. How was it even more of a pleasure to meet him? He didn't understand. But he remained where he was, just letting his mind turn as he waited for his answers. And then they seemed to come, of course. Suddenly, and for a moment he nearly sighed at how silly it was for him to not have connected the dots. His father! She had met him, and he must have told her about Starling. Perhaps it was because Arian had an interest in healing as well? That thought caused him to light up as he blinked at her, grinning wide and bright before trotting closer to her. "Y-yes, i-it's what I'm m-meant to do!" He said with excitement, his tongue tripping over the words as usual as he grinned up at her. "W-what d-did my f-father say?" He asked softly, tilting his head. Bass hadn't told him he ran into this woman, which he would have if he had made any plans or if it were something that Starling would be interested...unless he was busy, of course. Which, knowing his father, was likely the case. Not that Starling could blame him! He couldn't imagine running a pack. "D-do you l-like healing?" He asked softly, hopefully. Maybe he could gain another teacher out of this..

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"



4 Years
06-14-2015, 01:46 AM

His interest made her happy on the inside. Anyone eager to learn she was eager to teach at this point. Her talk with Bass had lifted her spirits, and she hoped that if she were allowed to train Starling during the spring. That he would come back a fine young healer that the pack could use. Arian would let a laugh escape her lips when he asked if she liked healing. "Like is a bit of an understatement for me. It's my profession. Like you, I feel like it's what I was meant to do. Your father said you are bright, and very eager to learn about healing." not every alpha meant you had to be a fighter. She knew of Erani and maybe a few others who were healer leaders.

"Actually, we spoke about perhaps if you wanted coming to Sonticus in the spring to train with me. For how long I'd discuss that with your father and mother. But I figure it would be a good experience for you, not only to see another pack and the north but to refine your skills on healing." Arian said to the boy. He seemed smart himself, and it brought her so much joy. Despite her usual down demeanor and mental instability at times when she was alone.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


06-15-2015, 10:33 AM

When the strange aroma had hit her nose, she was instantly on her feet, her minty gaze narrowing. Obviously, Bass wasn't around to handle whoever this was himself. So, considering she was close by already, she decided to identify who this stranger was and why they were on Abaven land. After jumping over many obstacles and crossing the rapids, she finally arrived, only to see that one of her sons...Starling, in fact, was speaking to the stranger. Wren trotted over and came up from behind Starling, casting her easy gaze down onto the crippled stranger and offering a weak smile. "Hello there...welcome to Abaven." She began, glancing to her son, then back to the red-hued woman. "I'm Wren, Bass' wife. Is there anything we can do for you?" She was careful not to make a grim approach, but rather a gentle one. This woman could be sick or hurt...although, the aroma of sickness didn't linger upon her. So why was she here?



5 Years
06-15-2015, 11:38 AM
Starling would continue to grin so brightly, his heart seeming to almost glowing as she continued to speak. So healing called to her as well?! That was fantastic! It wasn't rare that Starling found himself someone to teach him, but that didn't mean he didn't appreciate it any less. He loved everyone that provided him more knowledge and helped him expand his skills. It didn't help that she relayed Bass' words to him, which made him all the more prideful. There were times that he often felt...well, sad that his calling was healing. His father and brothers were strong, so strong, and could hold their own and starling just didn't have the affinity for it. He failed so miserably at anything physical, and he was often rather ashamed of it. But when she continued to speak his smile faded just slightly and he blinked up at her in almost confusion. They wanted him to leave here? Only for a short time, sure, but he had never been far from home for so long. Anxiety slowly crept along his chest, but he didn't have time to answer before his mother came in.

Blinking over wide blue eyes he'd look at her, wondering why she was asking the same questions he had recently asked. It seemed Bass had failed to tell Wren as well, not that he could ever really, well, fail. So with a small smile he'd step towards his mother and move to place a kiss upon her cheek. "Non ti preoccupare mamma . Si tratta di Arian , di Sonticus . Padre ha dato il permesso di riposare qui prima di andare a casa per il nord." He said in their shared tongue, not once stuttering as the words flowed from him. He'd smile warmly in his mother's direction before glancing to the ground. "Ho già la salutai , e ha chiesto ... Spero che va bene."

"Burn Baby Burn" || "Bruciare Bambino Bruciare"



4 Years
06-15-2015, 05:17 PM

Arian would watch the young one as he did have anxiety creep up on him. She felt a bit upset now, she did not want him to do anything he did not wish to do. Though, she could not come and teach him here, being an alpha meant she also had duties that required she be at home. As Wren appeared, Arian would rise to her feet. Letting her limp leg sit off to the side, ears pulled forward. She did not know what starling said to her, for she was not familiar with the families language. However, she came to the assumption that he explained to his mother what was going on. "I apologize for intruding, my name is Arian Adravendi Alphess of the pack Sonticus. Me and Bass recently made an alliance, I live in the north and made a far trip here so he offered to let me rest for the night before I return." she would still explain herself none the less.

"It's such a pleasure to meet you. Your son is a very bright boy I myself being a healer thought it interesting that he likes herbs. Bass is probably going to speak to you soon but he suggested Starling coming to see me in spring to train. However, if he does not want to go I will not push him." Arian shook her head a little. She knew how it felt to be forced in order to do things. Seeing Abaven, it was the most happiest thing she could have experienced in her life. After speaking with her sister, she was certain this being her siblings home was a nice fit.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


06-21-2015, 08:26 AM

It was strange, because Bass really hadn't warned her of this woman. Why not tell her when he had free time? After a meeting, or even at the meeting. Hmm...Wren felt herself getting a little agitated at her husband's lack of communication with her, but Arian's words had quickly pulled her away from it. "It's such a pleasure to meet you," At least Bass had formed an alliance with this. Kind and respectful, unlike some other leaders. She was indeed happy to hear that Starling would be training with a woman who also knew a thing or two about herbs. After all, her little boy had been interested in flowers and healing ever since birth. This was a great opportunity for him. Wren flashed a grin at her son, chuckling gently and nudging his cheek. "Questo è emozionante!" She giggled, glancing down at Arian and smiling."I think that's a great idea. And I'm sure Bass will be fine with it, as well."