
asleep at the wheel [fiori meeting & recruiting]



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

06-20-2015, 11:54 PM

Not long after he got there his friend Arivae arrived and he brightened up as soon as he saw her. He chuckled softly and nudged her playfully with his nose when she said she had gotten lost. Several other wolves trickled in after Arivae, including Vitus that seemed to have some problem with one of the other males that had shown up. Tib looked at the stranger suspiciously but brushed it off much more easily than his brother. Tib honestly wouldn't be able to tell you who was all a part of Fiori anyway if they didn't all have a similar scent lingering on their fur.

His grandmother began to speak and one of the biggest things he took from it was asking for what the younger members wanted to study. Bacchus and Vitus quickly spoke up to claim fighting at their study of choice and even their mother stated that she wished to be considered for head sentry. He looked to his birth mother with a proud glance before considering what he should do. He hadn't really figured out what he liked to do yet... Fighting hadn't really stood out to him like it had his brothers even though he was one of the biggest of his siblings and was naturally suited for it. Hunting was alright he guessed, but it was hard to be sneaky with big, clumsy paws like his. He definitely wasn't a healer like Momma Ama was... His ears flicked back uncertainly. He wished he was as certain about what he wanted to do as his brothers. "I guess I'll study fighting as well," he finally responded. At least his brothers would be at the lessons as well and maybe they could all help each other with their training.

Speak Thought Others


06-22-2015, 11:33 AM

Around her Ritselli's adopted family would speak up on what they would like to do for the pack. Fight fight fight... her brother's wanted to learn to protect the pack. To keep the rest of the family safe in a sense. Ritselli would glance down at her paws, trying to think of what she wanted to do. What she could do for the pack. She did want to learn to fight but she didn't want that to be her primary function in Fiori. The girl would struggle to find her words, trying to put what she wanted into words before she spoke up to Epiphron. Lifting her head she would look directly at the woman as she spoke.

"I uh.... want to learn a bit of... of everything... but... but do the most in... in hunting!" The female would smile some, her tail wagging some. She would glance at her momma Athena, gaze also shifting to Ama. Hopefully her mothers would approve of her choice.

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Shelby

Absinthe 1

06-25-2015, 10:57 PM

More and more wolves came filing into the clearing. The girl found herself pressing a little more into the flank of her friend. He offered a friendly nibble upon her ear, a small reassurance. Large crowds just didn't appeal to her. That didn't mean she hated others, she just didn't like the press of bodies all around her. It wasn't as bad as when she'd been a tiny babe, but it hadn't disappeared entirely yet. Her sibling by proxy, Tibertius, appeared in front of her. He beamed down at her, greeting falling from hi lips amiably. She beamed back at him, tail thumping cheerfully against the terra. "How're ya doin' Tib?" She questioned jovially, raising a brow. She liked her brand new brothers, though they made her feel puny on more occasions than she'd like. A strange girl with a dark pelt would arrive, and speak to Tib in low tones. The lilac pelted youth would cast a curious gaze her way, trying to determine what she was doing here. She wasn't from Fiori, was she going to join? Ritselli ambled up as well, joining up with the massive family and making a quiet comment to Ama.

A dark furred lady crept in, assimilating herself into the unfamiliar family. So far, this looked like it was going to be a good first gathering with this new pack. However, a boisterous stranger would cause a little too grand a stir within the ranks. He seemed friendly, entering the clearing and greeting miss Epiphron warmly in a language the child failed to understand. Vitus appeared, a boy in her family who seemed to have trouble speaking. The lavender femme had never had the courage to ask anyone why his voice was so broken, because it didn't seem like the right thing to do. Instead, she had grown to accept it as just a part of the way he was- something that made the male unique. However, he was on the defensive as soon as he entered. His aggression aimed at the friendly stranger, which startled Absinthe somewhat. Did he understand what the foreigner had said? Was it mean? Not knowing the tongue was suddenly a handicap, and the girl bristled as well. Straightening up, she watched the encounter warily. Did they need her help? She could help them if she needed to, even if she wasn't as big as them. The appearance of yet another alien figure attracted her attention almost instantly. However, she looked almost frightened to be there. Scared wolves weren't usually something to be attacking.

Miss Epiphron addressed them all, asking them, the youths, what they wished to study. How they wanted to help the pack, and whatnot. After that, it was more or less just everyone deciding exactly what that was. The girl would look about, trying to decide what it was she wanted to do. Bacchus piped up, voicing his desire to defend. Obviously her adopted brothers were keen on the idea of defending their home, though the youngest of the adopted group, Ritselli, wasn't so fond of the idea. She opted to be a hunter. A noble cause, without a doubt. Did the violet girl want to be a hunter? Well, it wasn't a bad idea. But... nah. She would look to Bacc, gaze turning furtive. Oh jeez, speaking up right now seemed impossible. Swallowing heavily, she tried to figure out how to form words again. Taking a deep breath, she found her muscles taut with unforseen anxiety. "I would like to defend the pack, too." She announced finally, though her voice sounded painfully squeaky to her own ears. Would she be turned down for being small? Releasing a heavy sigh, she flexed her pale toes in the dirt and looked up to Bacc. They could be the dynamic duo, protecting the pack when they were all grown! Well, when she was all grown.




12 Years

The Ooze ParticipantChristmas 2019
06-26-2015, 12:23 AM

Others would stream in and Hymn tried to commit them to memory, a few were easy the pretty purple girl and the handsome orange man for instance. This would be interrupted by his mother joining the group, settling herself beside Novel and offering he and his twin a loving nudge. Hymn would swipe his tongue quickly along her muzzle and smiled.  

There was a bit more activity but Hymn wasn’t really paying too much attention. Not until the alpha spoke up again anyways. Then he sat at attention, ears perked and tail slowly brushing against the ground. The woman spoke of ranks and places in the pack and Hymn frowned, unsure exactly what he wanted to do. He didn’t want to fight, he knew that much and he wasn’t much of a hunter…
Others began to speak up and Hymn still debated, finally he rose to his paws and fixing the alpha with a determined stare he spoke: "I’d like to learn as much as I can and put it to good use within the pack!"


I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3