
Don't you dare [MEETING]



4 Years
06-02-2015, 09:44 PM

Some time had passed since the last meeting and indeed a lot had happened. They had spars that nearly no one participated in and she was rather upset. Arian was upset about the lack of activity that was going on. Cypress was active, Kreft was as well. Mirabelle and the others had been hiding. Now was the time for her to lecture a bit, as well as tell them about Kreft's new position. She was certain he would be harsh for fight training, but she trusted him to do it more than herself considering her condition. Even with the outcome of their last spar. Soon would be their annual winter festival as well. As she stood on the top of the deck, she threw back her head into a howl.

Arian would stand there afterwards, her blue eyes watching the pack. If they couldn't function without her, what sort of pack were they? She may have been upset, but hearing their reasons and explaining her own could make things clear. Afterwards she would calm things down with the news of Kreft's promotion and of their festival. Over all it would be an exciting meeting, that and the possibility of trying to get members to recruit more members. Let alone, no one besides her had a mate or partner in the pack at the moment.

ooc: Posts due by the 12th, anyone who does not post and is not on absence will face the consequences for their characters whether it be demoting or something else - haven't decided yet-

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



9 Years
06-03-2015, 01:19 AM (This post was last modified: 06-03-2015, 01:19 AM by Xephyris.)
Xephyris heard the call, his head raising and ears swiveling against the cold winds. A summons had been made, and he would respond at once. Though he didn't recognize the feminine voice yet, he could only assume that it was Arian, their President. Who else would call for the pack to come together? His large paws carried him swiftly toward the sound of the call. Within moments he'd arrived before the President, his silver eyes scanning over her and noting the slightly anxious expression, like she wanted to get things moving around here. It was her pack, after all, though communal as it was, she must have personal aspirations for their group as a whole. His tail flicked upward, waving at her as he approached. "Greetings, Miss President," he called out to her, his tone rough and gravelly.

Dipping his head to her, Xephyris seated himself within 10 ft., not edging too close, yet not situating himself so far away that he would need to strain over anyone else to see and hear the meeting. He was very curious to see why she would have them gathered today. Perhaps he would find a way to integrate himself further into the pack, get to know the others a bit and grow his future here. It was about time that he got to know his packmates and created a name for himself here in Sonticus.

Sage I


3 Years
06-03-2015, 10:56 AM

Sage puzzled himself over what he saw in front of him. The deja vu of this moment was astounding. Even though he wasn't officially a healer, something he had meant to talk to Arian about a while ago, here he was sitting in his solitary den and looking in at his herb stores. He had a large range, rivalling even the cache he had had last year. He had everything he needed, too much even, but there was no-one in need of help or treatment. He wasn't especially  close with anyone in Sonticus yet. The only ones he truly knew a little were Arian and Mirabelle, and every time he felt like talking to either of them he felt that it would just be bothersome for them.

With a sigh, the lonely healer rose and exited his den. Perhaps he's search for some simple winter sprouting herbs today. Sage hadn't collected very many when the summons of Arian pierced his concentrated bubble. At a hurried pace, the man made his way to her and saw that another of his packmates had arrived before him. Herbs still held gently in his jaws, Sage nodded and smiled to him and then sat a little a ways away from Arian and put his collection down. The once socially at ease man looked at Arian a little awkwardly before smiling at bowing. "Hello, Miss Ari-. Um... Miss. President. " he looked down a little in embarrassment at his blunder.

"Burn Baby Burn"




9 Years
06-03-2015, 12:17 PM

Kreft would be lying in his den thinking to himself when he heard the call, Arian was calling a pack meeting. She hadn’t told him at the spar whether or not he had gotten a promotion, he hoped that she would say something at the meeting. As he arrived at the ship he saw two other wolves that he hadn’t met yet, he didn’t really have any desire to make any friends though. He would pass by Arian and nod at her, he would then make his way behind the two wolves to sit and wait for Arian to start speaking.

[Image: Gqk3pLr.png]
[Image: xfrNNFt.png]



9 Years
06-05-2015, 05:14 PM
Silver eyes shifted, his only movement, as another wolf made its way to the gathering. The lanky brute had a mouthful of herbs, clearly having come here at Arian's call straight from his gatherings. He was surprised when the male with his two-toned eyes nodded in his direction and offered a smile even with his jaws stuffed full, and he found himself rigid and not offering a greeting in response. He wasn't familiar with such friendliness. Moments later another male joined them, uttering not a word and paying no attention to his packmates, aside from his leader, offering her a nod before settling himself. This was an attitude that Xephyris was more accustomed to.

It seemed that they were still waiting on others, and the meeting would not begin until then, so Xephyris shifted over to where Sage had placed his collection. He waited until Sage had greeted their leader. Pausing a moment, wondering how to start, he then cleared his throat. "You must be a healer," he stated gruffly, motioning toward the herbs, "I'm new here... my name is Xephyris." He had been wanting to know who his packmates were, so now was the time to start, he supposed, since they would all be gathering together.



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-05-2015, 10:34 PM (This post was last modified: 06-09-2015, 05:49 PM by Avalon.)

She had hardly kept herself far from Arian since her recent arrival in the pack. So when Arian had called for Sonticus to gather, she was already on her feet and moving. Though she wasn't the first one there, it seemed. It didn't bother her, except she knew nobody but Arian, and being among them was rather intimidating considering she had not been around such a large group since the war that shook the lands two years prior. She skirted the edge of the small group with caution, probably a strange sight to see such a large wolf doing that. Her hind left leg limped a little, causing her rear end to bob just a bit. It had been bothering her lately, and it was probably due to the cold season.

Avalon seated herself fairly close to Arian, just a bit to her right and a few feet in front of her. Avalon noticed that she was taller then the others, so when she went to sit she felt out of place. Her gaze brightened when she looked at Arian, the only comrade and friend she had here, but she didn't mind. In time, she hoped to get to know the others, providing they wanted to integrate themselves among one another. She watched a male wolf rise to meet another, the healer it seemed, or at least she thought...he had a bundle of herbs with him, but she could only assume.

She dipped her head to Arian, respect for her clear and evident in her eyes. "Good morning, Arian." It was a simple greeting, full of warmth. She didn't want to hold up her first meeting by talking too much, but she was sure that afterwards, her and Arian could talk and find out more. She was eager to get started in learning what knowledge Arian had to offer.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



5 Years
Dire wolf
06-05-2015, 11:07 PM

A beast had stumbled upon the meeting, sometimes she wished she was small so she could hide away like other small wolves. She was cursed to stand out she guessed, as she moved along the deck stopping on the outskirts. Her gray eyes would lock on Arian for a moment, she seemed upset however the girl who sat next to her looked a little happy. Amachi herself was a newcomer, she only briefly had met Kreft. In which like herself was a man of little to no words. The beast would take a seat on the outskirts.

Avalon would of course greet Arian by her name, although there was probably a reason. The lady probably knew Arian one way or another. One by one, she assumed they would be all calling miss president by her first name. Amachi would curl her tail around her haunches. Expecting for something to happen, as she tried to keep herself calm. Simply looking on and listening carefully.


06-09-2015, 05:27 PM

He was running later than he would have liked, though not without cause. A breathe would escape Cypress as he helped Hakku towards the meeting. The other young man was limping badly, having fallen upon ice and seemingly sprained something. Cy felt bad... the young man was trying, honestly trying to hunt on his own for the pack. But just one set of fangs to provide for them wasn't enough. To make things worse the other members of the pack had not been as active as they should have been. He felt that he had not been as active within the pack as he needed to be as well. It hurt him... because he wasn't strong enough for Arian.

Cypress would arrive with Hakku and help the other sit. Bicolored eyes would longingly look towards his mate, ears lowered some. He hated this feeling. He felt... distant from her lately. It was his own fault, not giving her enough attention that she deserved. His heart would ache, wanting to approach her now and shower her with affections. But it was not the time. In front of the rest of the pack he was just another member... and sometimes that hurt him. It hurt to know that he didn't stand beside Arian in the way he felt that he should. Not so much that he wanted power, no, but he felt that he wasn't taken seriously as her mate... almost like he was dragging her down.

It was hard to explain... but Cypress knew he would need to talk to Arian again soon. He would lay down, resting his body down upon the earth as he waited for the meeting to begin. He was silent, his mind being the only thing that spoke to him in that moment.



06-09-2015, 05:38 PM
Each breath he took was slow, ragged. He felt like a complete and utter failure. Honestly he had been. Hakku had tried to hunt, to provide for the pack that his sister ruled, and for what? For her mate to come across him laying in a mess of snow and fur. He and slipped, fallen, and scrapped up his leg pretty good. The thing that injured Hakku most however was his pride. The fun loving male wore now smile, but instead a frown of worry. He felt guilty... he had not done as much as he could have. Should have. He did not participate in the spars that had been requested of them. He was a failure to his sister... to Sonticus.

With the help of Cypress the red-brown male would settle down into a comfortable position to await the details of the meeting. There was no sign of Ixionn, nor Mirabelle. Had both abandoned the pack? It was something that he truly had to wonder. The young man would breathe in, tipping his head to Arian. He spoke two simple words, giving no further explanation. "I'm sorry." There was much for him to be sorry for, and surely she would catch his meaning. He knew he needed to step up his game but... it appeared he was not the only one.



4 Years
06-09-2015, 06:02 PM

Arian would wait, as many members arrived. Though, ones that were missing, stayed missing. Mirabelle was excused from this meeting, Arian had seen her prior so she would not in trouble. However, Ixionn she expected more from. Even the new members were showing more initiative. As she saw Avalon, her anger drew down a bit, and at the last moment Cypress appeared. It made Arian smile, mouth open slightly and tail wagging, though it stopped a little when she noticed how.... sad he looked. Crystalline eyes focusing on Hakku for a moment she would smile softly at him. "I'll take a look at that wound after the meeting Hakku. No need to feel ashamed." she moved her eyes to Cypress. Looking worriedly, as she decided for a moment to get down from her perch and nuzzle him on the cheek. "There is nothing to worry about love." she whispered before returning to her spot and sighing. Now, was for official business. She was, indeed still angry at many members of the pack.

"Welcome Sonticus to our second meeting." Arian would begin. "I have something very important to speak to you all about. And it's about the recent activity in the pack, or lack there of. I've been very lenient as of late, but I am very disappointed in some of you. Only a few of you, not even half have been showing an effort to get involved in the pack. I want you to understand clearly that I will not be tolerating this farther. We all need to pull an effort into this pack for it to work. Kreft, Avalon, Cypress, Hakku, and Amachi are doing the best they can to provide for this pack." Her voice was stern and serious. Giving a soft sigh she shook her head, "Anyway now that I've gotten that out of the way I have a few announcements and something to discuss with you all." She nodded her head to kreft.

"Recently we had spars as you know, between me and Kreft I have deducted that through his efforts he is being promoted to the fighters commander despite being a rank as a runner. He had shown much valor and respect for this pack." Arian would look to Avalon and smile, and to Cypress as well. "It's time that we choose our cabinet members. I promptly nominate Avalon and Cypress for these positions. Remember our cabinet is made of three members who represent the pack and help run it. They vote upon who the beta will be as well. Speak up now for who you think will be the most qualified. Otherwise if you have no objections Cypress and Avalon will be given the positions." She shifted slightly. "And the last thing I must share, is soon we will be holding our annual lightning festival in the honor of the god Denki. However it is not a religious event as you may think. The festival I will be invited Fiori and Abaven to, while no spars will be taking place there will be a group hunt and a race to celebrate. I would implore you to participate." Arian finished her talking, as she watched the members of the pack carefully. Seeing what would happen next.

ooc: It is not required to post after this unless you have an opinion on the council members being appointed. Feel free to nominate someone else. If you do not post Arian will assume you have no objections to Avalon and Cypress' promotion and they will receive the ranks. You have until tomorrow (around noon) to post because I'd like to get this done quickly.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



9 Years
06-10-2015, 04:17 PM

The meeting would start when Arian started talking, Kreft would sit through her talking about the need for activity in the pack. What he was really looking forward to in this meeting was whether or not he had gotten his promotion, she would say that she had some announcements for them. When she nodded at him he would shift on his paws, she would start to speak again and his ears would perk when he heard his name. He had gotten the promotion, at that moment if you would have looked at him you would have seen an extra spark of life in his eyes. His eyes would then glaze over a bit for the rest of her speech, he didn’t really care about politics or the festival. If two other packs were coming that would mean more wolves than he was used to, it also didn’t have spars. He could hunt well but only on his own, other wolves would probably slow him down, racing didn’t really appeal to him either. At that moment he made up his mind, unless another wolf came and dragged him away he would spend that day doing whatever he liked.

[Image: Gqk3pLr.png]
[Image: xfrNNFt.png]



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
06-10-2015, 06:05 PM

She waited eagerly, seeing only a couple more wolves enter into the meeting. The lighter toned male was greeted by Arian, affection clear and Avalon wondered if that was Cypress. It would soon be confirmed when the meeting started. The woman listened quietly, her eyes occasionally glancing around though it didn't seem like any of the wolves were interested. It puzzled her...wouldn't you want the best for your pack? But...these wolves seemed like they didn't really care. Turning back to Arian, her ears pricked when the alphess had announced members for ranking. Avalon was quite surprised that Arian had nominated her for a promotion, for she had only joined recently, but she had been actively seeking a place in which to do her part. Her tail wagged slightly, wondering if anyone had an objection to the newcomer. But it seemed, nobody had anything to say.

She'd glance at Cypress, the man with whom she'd be working with she was sure, and offered a friendly nod before turning back to her President. "Thank you. I won't disappoint you, I promise." She offered kind words to the pair, sure that the rest of the pack wouldn't care either way. They were...silent. Much more different then Avalon's birth pack, or even the cruel pack of Amenti. But either way, she'd do her best. And perhaps, she could try to motivate the others and get them interested in something, otherwise why be in a pack if you didn't want to pull your weight and earn your keep? It simply was puzzling.


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



4 Years
06-10-2015, 08:11 PM

As it seemed like usual..... everyone was mostly silent. However she had said what she needed. Her crystal blue eyes would wait for anyone to speak up. Nothing, and thus the council members she knew would do their part in the pack. After all, if the inactive members of Sonticus continued she could simply kick them out. She was nice, but if you didn't pull your own weight, you needed to learn how to do so. What better way to do that then to spend a few months as a loner. Arian would dip her head to them. "Thank you for those who are participating and congratulations Cypress and Avalon. Know that you will be punished in the future, and if Kreft is in charge of fight training expect swift punishments." she didn't want it to sound mean but it was the truth.

She would let out a small bark to dismiss the pack. Stepping back from her place, somehow she felt like she needed to cool down now. She approached Hakku, to check his wound. "You can come to the den with us." she said to her brother. Looking at Cypress for a moment to see his approval or not. Hopefully yes because it nearly looked like they needed to talk. And she wanted to do her best to console him.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.