
May The Songs Wash Clean Our Hearts


06-07-2015, 06:20 PM
OOC//Wanting to get Navigation or Intellect points with this thread ^~^

The night sky was beautiful. Or so Aqil though. Stars twinkled above his head, miles and miles high, and sometimes he wished he could be up there, dancing among the stars. A small laugh escaped him, soft and full of merriment. He had found his sister, Eshe, and that gave him more delight then anything. Now he just had to find the others. Aqil strode through the undergrowth, his coat not blending well with the shadows, but perhaps to another, it might be a trick of the moon. He was quite pale in comparison to his siblings, but it made him different. However, he was also more susceptible to the sun's kiss as well. Though he loved being in the outdoors, Aqil hated getting sunburned, or otherwise uncomfortable when his pelt grew too hot. He should be used to it due to the face he was born in African lands, where the sun had no mercy for the lands inhabitants, but growing up, he had always sought shade to save his hide.

Dainty paws kissed the earth as he moved, the male soon coming into the sights and sounds of many different things. He could hear frogs croaking, loons calling, and many other things as well. This placed intrigued him, for not only did the sounds of the other creatures draw him in, but so did the water that lurked here. Aqil made his approach at the waters edge, where he'd crouch to drink. Once he had his fill, his green gaze looked around his surroundings. It was quite dark, but the moon reflected off the water, and with it the dancing light of the fireflies. Ah, it was such a beautiful sight.




6 Years
06-14-2015, 05:23 PM

The woman had grown momentarily bored with her k-9 company. The mutt had absolutely no sense of humour and a bad attitude. That kind of thing wore on a girl so she got up early this morning to go hunting. Granted her new pet kept her from having to hunt but she still enjoyed the excitement once in a while. The smell of frear that radiated off of herr prey was intoxicating and there wasn't anything like the feel of life draining from another creature.

Her original plan was to hunt down a deer but thats not what she found. At first all she jad found was an unknown scent. It. Was definitely feline but not one she had ever encountered. Then she spotted him and her jaw dropped. He was white and spotted like herself, unlike her his fur was much thinner his spots werent the right shape to be a leopards, besides that they were blue.

She had never seen anything like him in her life. Sure shee had mer the beautifully orange and black striped Skaelinger, but this guy was something else completely. Kathleen had to know who and what he was ir she would drive herself and Vrel crazy...not that she wasnt already driving her pet crazy. Kat walked out in the open not caring about cover and stared at this new cat. "Who and what are you." her usual hostile tones were temporarily replaced with curiosity.


06-23-2015, 05:21 PM

A creeping sound from behind would not capture his attention at first, for the male was drawn upon the scenery of this wondrous place. "Who or what are you?" That's what would draw his attention. A feminine voice full of curiosity, a scent that was unknown to him. He turned to find his gaze falling on a woman much smaller then he, a feline of a grey complexion with much bushier fur then he. Her stature was much smaller then his own, but she appeared to be feline! With a twitch of his tail, it was his turn to be curious.

"Why, I could ask the same thing of you!" He exclaimed with a bit of humor. Never before had he seen a creature such as her, and it intrigued him greatly. He turned to face her, approaching a couple of steps before coming to a stop. He was relaxed, his posture non threatening and a curiously gentle gaze in his green eyes. "My name is Aqil, I'm a cheetah. However, I'm not like your average cheetah looks wise." He purred, a smile gracing his lips. Perhaps this would be an opportunity to entertain his new company with a history lesson about his kind! And maybe he could ask about hers! The thought made his paws tingle with excitement. "Pardon me, where are my manners this evening? What might your name be, Miss?"


BG © Inadesign-stock



6 Years
06-30-2015, 05:13 PM
For a few moments Kathleen would stare at him as though he had never said a word. She would listen as he answered her question. A few seconds after that he would apologize for not asking her name and then would ask it. Manners be damnd, Kat wanted to know about him and dint want to talk about herself. She would answer him regardless. "I'm Kathleen."

She wondered if he had wanted all the same information she wanted him to give her and then dismissed the thought. She was no mind reader and wasnt gonna start today, no she would simply continue asking her own questions. "Now, what do you mean you dont look like other cheetahs. Do the others not have spots or do they all have different colors and shades like smaller cats?


07-02-2015, 01:15 AM

He'd nod his head at the curious kitty, the woman obviously greatly interested about him. Although he too, was very interested in her, he'd try to quench her thirst for knowledge first. "Well Ms. Kathleen, there is somewhat of a broad answer to that. My species usually, are of golden or tawny colored with black spots all over them, like me, except my lineage also bears various, er...mutations among our coats."

He sat down, eyes bright and tail twitching as he looked at her. "My coat mutation is one of many varieties. I carry what is known as the "chinchilla" coat mutation, otherwise known as a "blue cheetah." He tilted his head slightly, the male thinking of the various other varieties. There were many, though easily explained. "There are also those with cream pelts, which are lighter in color. They are the ones with a color known as Isabelline. Then there's erythristic variations who basically have dark tawny spots on a golden coat. Maltese cheetahs are gray with dark grey or black spots. And sometimes there are dark brown variations with black spots. Among us are also albinos and melanistic variations, which I'm sure you are familiar with already. And still, there are other variations I've seen though rarely." He took a breath, then continued. "There are also, spotless cheetahs. Those who are golden, or perhaps not, that carry no spots at all! It's quite a sight really. And our species has a a few other, er...variations of us as well. Not only are we in Africa, where I am from. But I have heard of my ancestor the Woolly Cheetah. I'm not sure what he may have looked like, though by the sounds of it, he must have had quite the hard time maintaining his fur."

Indeed, there were many different variations he had seen once or twice, and some he had only heard about from his mothers tales. He hoped he hadn't talked her ear off, though when it came to feeding another's curiosity, he couldn't help himself.




6 Years
07-04-2015, 01:04 PM

She would soak up the information he was giving her as if it were the most interesting tging she had ever heard. Aqil the chinchilla cheetah is how she would recall him from now on. Then again she didnt think she would ever forget his blue spots anytime soon. She would never consider him a mutation but she would not interrupt him.

She committed every color variation to memory as Aqil listed them but would blurt out her thoughts when he spoke of cats without their spots.  "I dont think I could do without my spots. " spots had been her entire life when she was young. She could remember her father telling them that any cat who didnt have spots was beneath them....then again he did throw his own children over a cliff for having blue eyes. When he mentioned the woolly cheetahs Kat would nod in agreement. It did sound like he had messy fur. "Ive never met a cheetahs before."


07-09-2015, 11:27 PM

He chuckled at her exclamation about spots. "Yes, I couldn't imagine myself without my spots either. I've grown quite fond of my spots, however different they may be. Although I think blue is a lovely shade, much like your eyes." He laughed lightly again, stumbling a second for words when he realized what he said. Though pushed that away as he decided to continue with his compliment. "Which I must say, you have lovely eyes." Yes, they were full of curiosity and a hunger for knowledge, and that he adored within any creature. It reminded him of himself, always thirsting for the next knowledge trip.

His throat produced a light purr, green eyes looking at the smaller creature. "The thought is mutual, I've never met a creature such as yourself. So this is quite the pleasure." He tilted his head curiously at her, wondering exactly what kind of cat she was as well as her heritage, and being who he was, he just had to ask. "I don't mean to be a nosy nancy, but what exactly are you? We don't have pretty little creatures like you where I'm from, you, I've never met one such as yourself."


BG © Inadesign-stock



6 Years
07-16-2015, 07:41 AM
At first she would start to smile at him as they had come to an agreement. Their spots were beautiful. If she could agree on anything it would be that, and she agreed with the fact that blue looked good on him. It was her eyea she couldnt agree on. Yes they were blue, but they were the reason she had been tossed over a cliff with William and Accalia.

With his compliment the smile would leave her features. A blank look would cover her features as she emotionally fought herself. She didnt know hiw to react so she wouldnt do anything but give him a small nod as if to say thank you even though her voice wouldnt. It was when he would change the subject that she would find her voice again.

"Im a Snow Leopard and we are native to the mountain ranges of Central and South Asia other than that I cant tell you much about us...the man I once called father disowned me and two of my siblings for having our uncle's eye coloring." for now she wouldn't go into detail, instead she would just look at him.


07-20-2015, 01:13 PM

He gazed at her with curiosity, though it quickly faded as she explained to him. More so when she got to the part of her Father disowning her and her siblings. That was terrible! Why would a parent do such a thing? Although the males in his lineage usually went off on their own at a certain age, the bachelors generally stayed together. But he hadn't heard of someone disowning, let alone try to kill their child for having the wrong eye color. He shook his head, feeling sorry that he had said something, but then again how was he to know her history? He frowned, wondering what to say next.

"Nasikitika." He gazed at her with profoundness. His heart going out to her. He really did think she had pretty eyes, despite her dark past. "You know, butterflies don't know the color of their wings, but our eyes know how beautiful it is. Likewise, you don't know how good you are, but others see that you are special." Green gaze locked with her blue gaze, he didn't know how she would react to what he'd said, but it was pure honesty. And if it got him in trouble, so be it. "Kwa uchache, nadhani hivyo."




6 Years
07-28-2015, 04:12 PM

When the man would speak for the first time after her explanation and she would not understand. To her it was just noise. Silently her brows would nit together and her head would tilt slightly to the left. He looked as though he couldn't believe what she had told him about Abbas. Before she had given him everything she knew about her own kind his eyes had been filled with curiosity now it seemed as though they were full of pity. She didn't want pity, she wanted her family back. Her mother and siblings in particular, but she would never be with them again. Her mother and sister were dead and she could only assume her brothers were two. His voice would come again, brining her out of her mind and placing her back in the world around her.

This time she could understand what he was saying. Her ears would perk toward him and her eyes would be curious once more. To any other creature she would have leapt at the chance to be hateful, to enslave them even. Skaelinger had been the only creature she had truly been nice to since coming here but Aqil was different. She had liked the tiger because he was beautiful, she did not take the time to get to know him as she only saw him as a potential for beautiful children. Yes she thought the Cheetah was a beautiful creature as well, but he seemed to see beauty in her where others didn't. They hadn't mentioned it anyway. "If you truly knew me you might not thing the same of me."

With her words she would think back to Vrel, her slave. Would this spotted male still think of her as beautiful and special if he knew she was a slave owner. Being in control of the wolf made her happy. Since the day Abbas threw her and two of her siblings from the cliff their den had been on, Kathleen hadn't felt in control of anything. She couldn't protect her sister that day, she couldn't protect her mother either. Being completely powerless had made her into a cold feline. She was close to no one, trusted no one. She was smart, but she made herself seem like an evil bitch to those around her to keep from getting hurt again. Again Aqil would pull her from within herself as he spoke once more in a foreign tongue. "What is that language?"