
I'm a hot topic

Absinthe 1

06-08-2015, 10:40 PM

The lass had wandered somewhere she hadn't before, and she couldn't think of why she hadn't. Lengthening limbs pulled the babe forth, alabaster toes skimming delicately over the terra. It was dusted finely with snow, matching her stained features. The night sky was a bottomless abyss over her head, and the girl was awed by the pinpricks of light that were artfully scattered over the blackness. How could anything be bad on a night like this? Today had been a good day, she'd taken a walk and kept on walking until she fell over in the middle of a small wood and had a long nap. When she'd awoken, the sun was falling below the horizon. She probably should have returned and at least checked in with her mommas and Bacc, but the violet babe couldn't bring herself to end this adventure of hers.

A soft sigh left her as she dropped her gaze from the star spangled ceiling and to the tendrils of mist trailing rhythmically from her nostrils. It was very cold, and this was the first time she'd experienced such a thing. Her first winter was rather uneventful, but she rather liked the snow. Bacchus had briefly mentioned snow being in abundance in the North place. They should go there, and have a long adventure where he showed her his home. That would be fun. It was merely a dream at the moment, but she was entertained by the thought. It would probably be a nice trip.

Tail tip flicked at her heels, and she watched bright little stars blink into life right before her eyes. Fallen lights from the sky above winked into brightness just a few feet from her. A gasp, soft as falling snow, was sucked between her teeth. Mismatched optics widened in awe, and her jaws parted. Cranium dipping between her shoulders, she lowered her body closer to the ground and crept forward. Fallen stars? No, that wasn't possible. Were these faeries? She'd heard much of the fae in her life. Wiggling her rump briefly, she pounced on one of the floating lights. To no avail, as it disappeared just before she could capture it. Frowning, she examined her paws. Nope, no lights, no tiny winged body clinging to her pads. Looking about, she narrowed her eyes at the lazily floating lights all around her. "I see how it is, faeries." She mumbled to no one in particular, straightening up. Bounding forth, she snapped her teeth shut where one of the little fallen stars had winked out of existence. This time, a horrid taste in her mouth.

Squealing in horror, the girl spat the disgusting thing out. Gross! Scraping her tongue over her front teeth, she curled her lips back in distaste. Tail curled over her haunches, she backed up in a fruitless attempt to rid herself of the assault on her tongue. Maybe this was why everyone treated the faeries with reverence?




2 Years
Extra large
06-09-2015, 07:09 PM
He'd hear a squeal of horror as the tall boy made his way through the newly emptied forests. He'd never explored here before, having been occupied by a pack since he'd moved to the east. He had half been following Absinthe, unintentionally he'd followed her here and now that it sounded like she'd gotten into trouble he'd triple his speed and make his way towards her. The paths were already easy to follow, and he'd find her somewhat close to the lake. Already the bioluminescent insects were floating around and as he caught sight of her he realized outwardly there was nothing wrong with her. He'd speed the rest of the way to higher, attention obviously focused on her form with ears perked and concern written on his features. "Absinthe, are you alright?" He'd ask as he came to curl around her form and protect her from whatever might be ailing her petite form.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Absinthe 1

06-22-2015, 10:06 AM

A familiar voice interrupted her spastic dance, giving her pause. Bacchus' immense body wrapped around her own, concern etched into his features. She spat once more at the ground, before abandoning the act. Ivory stained features would twist into a grimace of disgust. "The faeries taste horrible, Bacc." She informed him with a note of indignity in her voice. "Don't eat them." She cautioned, shaking her head. An affectionate nibble into the fur of his shoulder would be offered, more to reassure him that she had been the source of her own misery than anything. She scowled at one of the floating stars as it bobbed lazily over their heads. Her mothers had been right about one thing, magic was not to be trifled with. Tongue would escape to run along her muzzle, wetting her nose. Well, at least now she knew not to eat the dancing sprites.

Bumping her shoulder against her friend's, she smiled up at him. The violet girl was happy he was here, as she hadn't seen too much of him lately. Well, sure, they shared a den and all that, but she only saw him in the mornings before they went their separate ways. It was getting a little annoying. Haunches would fall lightly upon the terra, as she wrapped her tail about her paws. "So, what 'cha been up to lately?" She enquired, melodies infused with a distinctive drawl she'd gotten from nowhere in particular. She'd done enough walking for now, a short rest would be nice right now. Not to mention, the faeries looked nice as they danced about around the lake. It was oddly quiet, as more often than not where there was water, there were frogs singing their hearts out.
