
Wild Goose Chase



5 Years
06-09-2015, 09:49 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Callisto was not entirely sure what had caused her mind to start thinking so heavily about the children she had born. Maybe it was her season that had just passed and thoughts of the previous year, when they had come into being, that filled her thoughts with images of them, still young and clingy and demanding as only scrawny little newborns could be. Maybe it was because this year everything was opposite: she had given herself freely to a male and had nothing to show for it, no unwanted, unplanned litter to carry to term. Whatever the case, the weak little lives managed to distract her, cause her to wonder, and rekindled a bit of her worry.

The cat was no help either. She seemed convinced that they were dead, lost within the care of their demon of a father, and everything she had to say only managed to rile the healer up more. It was to the point now that, rather than sit and dwell on the what ifs, Callisto went from considering trying to find them to making up her mind to do so.

Which meant daring territory she had told herself she would never return to. Though she had caught no scent of the monstrous white wolf that had kidnapped her in order to birth his demon spawn, she was still on edge, each step within the snow careful and cautious while her ears strained to listen to every little sound around them. She had snapped enough times at the cat to finally have gotten her to keep her mouth shut, but the closer she drew to the metallic structure that sat along what was now a frozen river the more Callisto began to regret it. The eerie silence was just as bad, if not worse.

Her blue eyes glanced left and right as she padded softly and slowly through the snow, her lean feline companion trotting along her own trail to her right, but so far she had seen nothing. Nor had she caught any telltale scents. Surely there had to be something here to hint at Lel and his group, especially since they were of a decent size. But the only scent she found stopped her in her tracks and struck her with confusion.

A pack? She came close to the borderline, sidling close to it as she searched through the scents. It was definitely current, strong and heavy, but nowhere in it did she smell what she was expecting or searching for. "What's this?" the cat asked as she came to stop beside her, glancing from the wolf to the territory they stood on the edge of. "This his?" Callisto frowned, her tail lashing momentarily as she tried to make sense of this discovery. "No," she remarked flatly, "I don't think so." If this was not possibly Lel's pack, then where were they?

OOC: Surprise random visit from a loner! Calli's looking for her missing kids, while simultaneously avoiding her ex-kidnapper, though she has no idea none of them are here in this location anymore. Would some kind Sonticus wolf care to inform her of this? o:


06-21-2015, 01:43 PM

The man would breathe, taking his new position to heart as he tried to work harder and be more active around the pack. Hakku was doing better, thank goodness, for Arian’s brother was in a sense his family too. The male would find himself patrolling more regularly, in search of any who might approach the borders or be bold enough to ignore them. Cy wouldn’t stand for that. Tail bristling, mind at work, he would think to himself about the pack once more. Kreft was still a male he was unsure of... But Arian trusted him. A meeting with the other was certainly a priority in his mind.

He had to right what made him feel uncomfortable so that he could do better for all of them. That he could stand to be a strong member of Sonticus. Perhaps he and Kreft could bond over a spar?

The thought would be cut short as a scent invaded his nose. Female... And... Feline? The male would raise his brow curiously, quickening his pack until he saw the two at the borders. They looked a bit... Confused perhaps? Cypress would move closer to them, on the side of Sonticus, and speak in a clear tone.

“You stand at the edge of Sonticus. What can I help you both with?”




4 Years
06-21-2015, 04:12 PM

She was glad that members were becoming more active. While some still remained in the shadows she feared she would have to take control rather quickly. However that was not for her to decide, it was a group decision by the cabinet's terms. While they could probably sort things out once they got new members. Arian stopped when she smelt the female, as she approached, it was something oddly familiar about her. A frown drawing for a moment, but quickly perked up as she saw Cypress walking up. The alphess stayed in the distance.

Not totally approaching them seemed the best, just watching form afar to make sure the situation did not escalate. Her crystal blue eyes were locked on the woman and the cat, they didn't seem here to join. She certainly hoped that they were alright. Hopefully she would figure out who they were once she heard everything. Her ears pulled forward in interest.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



5 Years
06-22-2015, 01:24 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The black and grey wolf turned, shifting her silvery blue eyes away from the pack border and out into the surrounding wood. Could she possibly have missed something on the way here? Her nose was keen, trusty in every search that she went on, but in this instance it failed her. The only way it made sense was if the wolves she sought had left some time ago, but there was a part of her that did not want to believe it. If it was true, it meant she would never see the children she had born, never know for certain whether she had let them fall prey to their father's whims or simply left them to die. Where are they?

"We've got company." The cat's cool warning drew Callisto's attention back around and as she turned she spotted someone on the other side of the border coming their way. A pack member, she had to assume, and just a little warily she took a cautious step back. There was no apparent hostility on the face of the wolf, but knowing nothing previously of a pack living here she had no idea how she might be received and was nervous about offending the new residents of this place. The cat would be no help in a fight, of that at least she was certain.

She was still unsure what to make of the wolf when he spoke from his side of the border, introducing them to the Sonticus lands and asking, in a way, of their intent. Sonticus? The distrustful healer cast a quick, sidelong glance at the cat, who merely stared back with a mildly interested look, as she tried to assess the situation. Clearly this could be no pack of Lel's. He, nor anyone who chose to follow him, would have been as polite or hospitable as this wolf was being. Though she thought she already had her answer, Callisto drew in a breath and spoke. "I'm looking for a pair of wolves," she stated flatly, cold as she tried to steel herself for the negative response she felt coming, "Brother and sister. They go by Armai and Calder." Even saying the names felt awkward and somehow bitter on her tongue. Maybe this was a bad idea.


07-01-2015, 03:16 PM

The woman seemed wary, though for what exact reason Cypress could not say. He would not harm her himself, though perhaps some other cruel beast may have in the past. He would wait patiently, letting her answer him without any added pressure. Before long her reason for being there was clear. She was looking for a pair of wolves, Armai and Calder. Unfamiliar names, unfortunately. He would furrow his brow slightly. The names were unfamiliar to him. Had this once been their home before Sonticus claimed the lands? Had they ended up taking the home from someone else who may have needed it?

"I'm afraid that I've never heard of them. They're definitely not members of Sonticus." Cypress would cast her an apologetic look. "I'm very sorry that I can't be of more help, ma'am. Perhaps I can pass along a message if either of them come by our lands?" It was the least he could offer her, though he wasn't sure how much it would help.




5 Years
07-08-2015, 09:50 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She could read the incomprehension on the male's face even before he spoke, seeing it all in that simple brow-furrowing gesture. He did not know who she was talking about, found no recognition in the names she had provided, and likely had never even seen the two young wolves - jeez, they were not even pups anymore - when he had joined this pack who lived beside the frosty ship she had been captive to for months.

Sure enough, Cypress confirmed as much with his answer, full of apology and disappointment that he could be of no help to her. Though she had been expecting it, the news was no less upsetting to the black and grey healer, but she hid her own distress behind a mask of stone, merely blinking her silvery blue eyes and nodding her head in understanding. They were gone. Her children were gone - Lel was gone - and she would never get to find out what happened to them.

Before her sadness could truly take effect, the male on the side of Sonticus made her an offer, kindly giving her the opportunity to leave a message for those she sought that could be passed along should her children ever happen upon the pack lands. For only a split second it sounded like a nice idea - just to leave word for them that she had not forgotten them entirely - but no sooner did she think the thought she saw instead Lel, so possessive and hateful that surely, if he found out she was looking for them, he would make her pay for her concern.

Her time on the border was up. Made anxious by the thought of Lel finding her here, of him somehow learning that she had been here searching for her children even if she had said nothing to solidify her relationship to them, Callisto began backing up. "No," she stated, shaking her head definitively, "No, just...forget I was here." She glanced around her, as if expecting to see a pair of malicious purple eyes staring at her from the woods, and without another word she turned and left, leaving the cat to quickly glance between her mistress and the male on the border before trailing obediently after her companion.

-Exit Callisto-

OOC: Short thread is short - sorry x: - but thank you for talking with Calli! c: