
Shelby's Plotting


06-11-2015, 07:56 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2015, 03:10 PM by Leo.)
Click picture to go to their profile.

Athena Armada
3 years old. Female. Bisexual. Lawful Neutral. Married. Four kids.

Athena is currently living in Fiori with her wife, Amalia, their four sons, and their adopted daughters. I'm trying to get her into more spars and I'd love for her to get out more and make more friends.

Báine Rose Adravendi
Pup. Female. Undecided. Lawful good. Single. Little babbu.

Báine lives with her parents and siblings in the Veronica Plains. I'm looking for her to have all the threads and make all the friends. I'm also not against threading with someone that will pick on her or for some little puppy crushes. All that character development and what not.

5 years old. Male. Straight. Neutral Good. Taken.

Currently lives in the Vericona Plains with his wife, Surreal, and their kids. He's blind from a past injury and is working on learning healing from his daughter. I think he needs someone else to learn from, maybe just some new friends in general and someone to challenge him so he will venture out from the plains more.

Gethin Zatol
3 years old. Male. Chaotic evil. Single.

Gethin is definitely a thread with at your own risk kind of guy. He's not really overly violent at first, but if he meets a pretty woman he's basically going to be their stalker for the foreseeable future and if they try to run away then he might have to use force and make them stay. So keep that in mind! But that being said I want him to have all the drama! Bring on the threads and plots! Maybe a girl that's as crazy as him to ballance him out and make him a one woman lady? idk lol

Herne Destruction
2 years old. Male. Neutral good. Single.

Herne lives in Threar with his many, many family. I want to get him into all the learning/teaching threads, but he also needs to make some friends and maybe find himself a love interest now that he's turned two.

3 years old. Female. Bisexual. Chaotic good. Single.

Kalliope is my pretty, blind girl who currently lives in Threar. She doesn't really have any friends so she is VERY open for any threads or plots. She's pretty sassy and not afraid of one night stands if that's what you're in to, but I'd like for her to find a mate at some point. She needs to find someone that will teach her healing things! She also has family members up for adoption HERE

Aaron "Leo" Leopold Adravendi- Mathis
3 years old. Male. Straight. Lawful good. Single.

Leo is currently the alpha of Fiori and lives there with his fam. He loooooves pups and definitely wants a family some day. He's going to either want a fling or a long term relationship, nothing in between. He's very open for threads and plots.

Sarai Kaname
Pup. Female. Undecided. Lawful evil. Single. Little babbu.

Sarai is living in Fiori right now with her mom and siblings. She's kind of a jerky little kid, but she'll pretend she likes you if you play with her. I'd love for her to get into some trouble or thread with some other pups she can either befriend or pick on. She is open for threads and plots.

Solaris Elementas
2 years old. Male. Undecided. Neutral good. Single.

Solaris lives in Donostrea with the rest of the Elementas clan. He is very dedicated to his family and isn't likely to travel more than a couple of territories away from the pack lands. I'd like for him to get into some kind of love plot. He is very awkward and tends to see a lot of meaning in the little things so threading with him can be weird for all involved sometimes lol. But still, I think he needs a mate. (Not to say said mate has to be a girl mind you.) So he is very open for threads and plots.

Tiburtius Armada
1 year old. Male. Straight. True neutral. Unoffically taken.

Tib lives in Fiori with his mothers, Athena and Amalia, and his siblings. He's in need of some more friends, maybe a friendly rival of sorts that will make him get his but in gear and make him feel like training in something.

Zuriel Daelos Adravendi
1 year old. Female. Undecided. Lawful good. Single.

Zuriel lives with her parents and siblings in the Veronica Plains (but there's a plot for her to be kidnapped to Imp, so stay tuned for that).The way to her heart is herbs and healing knowledge. I really want her to get some love interests going whether they end up in a long term relationship or not.