
When Doves Cry



09-01-2014, 09:26 PM

She had been deprived of everything she needed. The devotion of her children, the want to eat a succulent deer, and even the fire of her loins continued to burn bright. The golden goddess was mad and there was only one way she could get rid of such energy: be dangerous. She had done pretty well when she entered the Swamp a few weeks ago. An alligator had taken her for a treat and ended up losing its life. With assistance from a stranger, she had slain him and enjoyed the main course without complaint. Such a memory made her salivate and she moved quickly through the Moore.
Her paws softly squished in the ground, heat from the summer and murky depths of the swamp sticking to her golden frame. Fur became matted and stuck out in various directions as she left the mossy grass to venture through shallow and unfamiliar water. She splashed in various directions, trudging through the mud and the fog that lazily hung above the swamp. Yet, the desire for danger was not quenched and so she still moved.
The answer she was looking for came in the form of another wolf. He was slowly stalking through the marsh, unaware of what was coming for him. Saliva ran down her chin and into the water around her as she imagined unlawful things happening to him. For the first time since her first husband's disappearance, Maija was considering doing what she had enjoyed doing with Dragomir. Memories flashed back and she heard the cries and wales of forgiveness and mercy from her victim. An evil grin flashed across her golden face and she licked her chops with a salmon pink tongue. Oh yes, he was her prize.
She lowered herself into the water until her head was the only part that stood out. Maija moved through the fog, leaf-green gaze remaining focused on the wolf a few yards away. Adrenaline rushed through her frame as she got close enough to rise from the water and touch base with the land. Dirty paws caressed the ground beneath them as she moved, figure nonchalantly showing off the curves she had been blessed with. The inner Pandora that dwelled within her revealed itself and she slowly approached the unknowing wolf without a sound.

She didn't waste any time with proceeding with her plan. Tender words slipped from her mouth, thick Romanian accent dripping with venom that was too sweet to not want. "There are many dangers in the world and you decided to come visit one. Tisk, tisk, my sweet." A dark chuckle left her lips and her gaze turned from soft to wicked in a flash. Tail flicked behind her as the wolf began to set defenses. She walked around him, getting ever closer until her body touched his, fur for fur. Within two seconds, she grabbed ahold of his neck and tossed her head so he would fall to the ground. Stepping over him, she stepped on one of his limbs, breaking it with her full weight. An evil cackle slipped from her lips and as it echoed around them, she cooed, "Oase rupte şi zornăind golgota, oh cum durerea mă transformă pe." She watched his leg as it bled, blood slowly seeping into the ground beneath him. Her eyes met his and she saw the pleading and sadness mulled into one. All she could do was chuckle and she slashed him across the face with a front paw, leaving scratch marks upon his eyes. She lowered her head and bit into his skull, eager to have the pressure cause him to whimper. Maija was not disappointed and his cries rose with the murky fog.

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09-01-2014, 09:42 PM

She had left behind her home, in favor the moors nearby. She loved this place. The fog swirled around her ankles and draped off her hips. Paws sunk into the muck, it clung to legs in a familiar way. Last she had been here, she had been with Kylar. Desire curled her belly. Her crown would lift as cries filled the air. Unable to resist, her would move forward in search of the source. Saliva pooled in her mouth at the thought of murder. Someone was dying, that much was true. And now she had the chance to partake. A shiver ran down her spine as she closed in on the scene. Muscles rippled beneath her pelt as her pace quickened. Muck flung from her legs to her belly, matting her pelt.

Coral pools swept over the scene as it unfolded, and frankly, she was shocked. She recognized the golden woman immediately. Taurigs whore. Lips curled in a devilish grin. Did he know what his precious wife was doing? Leaving behind the shadows, she would approach the woman head on. Pupils dilated with desire as the faint scent of blood swirled in her nostrils. "What an unexpected surprise." She would coo. Words dripped sex and carnal desire. Her gaze would lower to the pitiful man, his limb broken and bleedy, his face permanently scarred. He pleaded with her to save him, and slowly her crown would shake back and forth, a wicked chuckle rolling off her tongue.

"You're doing it all wrong, my golden dove." She would approached boldly, not fearing the backlash she might face, she could easily overpower the woman. Her crown, tongue lashing out to wipe the blood from his face. Moving with lethal speed, she would snatch up his leg between fangs, and with a swift jerk, she would dislocate his shoulder, earning a howl of pain from the man. Leaning back, she would peer down at the golden woman, a smirk curling her dark lips. A brow would lift in silent challenge. Sex oozed from her pours, desire heated her flesh and swarmed her mind. Another afternoon filled with blood and murder, now if only Kylar was around, her day would be perfect. Murder, blood and sex.




09-01-2014, 09:58 PM

Ah, she would not be alone for long. A presence appeared, one that was, without a doubt, startling. Cat's scent hit the air, but Maija didn't move from her spot. She continued to enjoy the look of agony upon the man's face, something she was beginning to feel wrapped up in. Cat's massive frame appeared beside her and an evil chuckle slipped from her own lips. Maija's eyes didn't hide the desire that craved to be satisfied. Her former husband's baby mama had entered the scene, so she was now a part of it.
She watched with adrenaline rushing in her veins as the woman cleaned up her prey and then dislocated his limb. Pain wrapped in agony rose from his body in a harsh cry, but Maija only laughed. Her tail began to wag side to side as she felt the rush hit her like a wave. She reached out and grabbed Cat's scruff, lightly tugging it but then licked the same spot before turning her gaze back to the writhing wolf. At this point, Maija didn't care if they had shared the same man or were on different sets of evil. For now, they were on the same page and that was all that mattered.
Maija didn't say a word, but slowly walked towards the male's hind leg. She met his gaze and he started to stutter, begging to just be killed. "Not yet," was all she said before she flawlessly wrapped her teeth around his ankle and jerked her head in the right direction. His leg popped out of its socket and with a sick twist, the grinding of bones and tendons breaking hit the air. He yelled out in pain, louder than when Cat had done it. The golden female felt giddy and an evil giggle lifted in the air around them.
She wasn't done yet. With her grip still on the leg, she slowly moved around towards his tail and pulled the appendage towards her. He yowled in pain, writhed in agony, and she let it go, stomped it until it touched the ground and she gleefully squealed, "Does it hurt? Does it make you want to just die?" She chuckled again and looked at Cat with the all-knowing gleam. She hadn't felt so alive since the night Taurig had made love to her upon his return. Memories of her second husband were pushed from her mind and she growled hungrily at Cataleya. "Give me more, my fellow succubus. I want more."

speech here


09-01-2014, 10:20 PM

She would not be greeted with aggression, but rather affection. Fangs would tug at her scruff in an unexpected fashion. A lust growl would vibrate in her throat as she lashed to the side so that her fangs could nip at her golden throat. So Taurigs toy had a dark side. Lips remained curled in a vicious smile as she watched the golden temptress grab a hold of the mans leg. He begged for death, just as they all did. His pleas fed her high. "We have plans for you my lovely." She would coo to the man a he cried out in agony. Squeals would glee would have her turning to the watch the woman, amusement dancing across her features. This was either her first time or she hadn't done this in awhile. Taurig didn't strike her as the man to entertain such activities. "Don't me this is your first time?" Her crown would tip to the side, a brow lifting.

The woman would step on his leg, his cries echoing in her skull as he struggled to escape their wrath. Her hungry growl would bring her attention back to the golden woman. Sultry words made demands of the Queen, pulling a chuckle from her throat? "As you wish, little dove." Her coral gaze would turn in favor of the man. "What to do with you?" Her words were soft, as if she spoke to a lover. Jaws would unhinge, saliva dripping from her jaws.

Her crown would lower, gently taking his paw in her mouth. She would roll her tongue against the appendage before snapping her jaws shut. Bones would crunch between her fangs, a scream filling her ears. She would grind her teeth together, tearing away skin and muscle before dropping the appendage. She would step away, peering down at him. "Run little bird, run." She would hiss at him, lips curling back to flash daggers at him. He wouldn't get very far, two dislocated limbs and a shattered paw, he'd be lucky if he even got up. Turning her attentions to the golden woman, she would press against her side, showering her neck and throat in rough nips. Following each nip was a lash of her tongue, soothing her skin. Audits would tip towards the man, listening to him struggle away as she dotted on her newfound toy.




09-01-2014, 10:35 PM

The high was too much for the golden woman to take. She hadn't done it in so long, the drive for more was all she would want. Leaf-green eyes watched the male as Cataleya waltzed her way around their poor victim's body. The Queen's question would reach golden ears and she turned her beautiful head towards Cat's coral gaze. The smirk widened into a deeply wicked grin and she cackled. "Only since Dragomir disappeared." No one knew of her first husband and his split personality. He had treated her wrong, but he had taken her out on some nice dates every once in awhile.
Cat then focused on the dangling paw of the male. She wrapped her teeth around it and then -- SNAP! -- the paw was no longer attached to his limb. Maija's heart began to throb in her chest as she felt the woman's presence rub against her, nips and then tender licks given in the same places along her neck and jugular. She closed her green eyes and thrummed against the touches, ears flipping forward for pleasure, as well as to heed to the man's movements. "Mmmmm...fuck," she softly said, Romanian accent thick with lust and the thirst for blood. "So delicious, for an appetizer.."
Her tongue slipped from her lips, saliva dangling from her teeth as she opened her mouth to grab onto Cat's cheek. Nibbles were given upon her jawline, tender yet harsh. Soft licks were given to the woman before she pulled back and bumped her frame against the other's. Heart rate began to simmer, but she was needing it to boil in order to obtain her high. Adrenaline rose up and down her legs and body before she slithered away from Cat's side. Their victim had hobbled across the marsh and through the shallow pools of water, leaving behind a trail of blood and meat. Maija growled and her eyes flashed vindictively. "Almost time for the main course," she happily murmured before setting off for their victim.

Talk like this


09-01-2014, 11:15 PM

The name held no meaning to her, she had no idea who the golden was talking about. And so it would be forgotten. Her heavy accent would only feed the silver woman's flame. There was no turning back now. "You are simply delicious." Her breathy words were harsh against the woman's ear before she left her embrace. Fangs would land one her jaw and throat, dragging a guttural moan from deep in her belly. Eyes would flutter close as her veins burned with an uncontrolled fire. Oh how she needed this, how she craved it. Her gaze would hungrily follow the golden woman as she set off after their victim.

Hips would sway with lazy intent as she trailed after her new found partner. A perpetual smirk toyed with her lips as he jaws unhinged, tongue lolling out and dripping salvia. Their victim struggled fruitless, his pace agonizingly slow. She allowed the temptress to take the leader, lingering behind her, enjoying the view, as the trailed after the doomed man. His whimpers could be heard, his trail of blood leading the straight to him.

He noticed their approach and began to scrambled frantically, though it was entirely useless. A silver paw would land on his tail, halting his movements, and bringing forth more pleas for mercy. He spewed some story about a family, but she didn't care. "I had a family too." She accentuated her words, a cruel smile curling her features. Parts jaws would lower, grasping his upper tight. Fangs would knick his artery, starting a steady trickle of blood. He would bleed out slowly, if he survived that long. Releasing him, she would peer down at him, studying him carefully, planning how she would next disfigure him.




09-02-2014, 12:10 PM

Torture was something that Maija hadn't been able to practice in a long time. She had missed the thrill, the screams and wails of her victims as they thrashed away from her evil actions. Her sickened mind was something she hadn't embraced since her first husband had been around, but now, it was as if a slumbering part of her had been awakened. Cat calling her delicious made a soft laugh leave Maija's chest. She was clearly enjoying this.
It wasn't too long for the two women to catch up with their prey. Cat stomped on his tail, broke his artery and he fell onto his broken side, blood slowly oozing into the marsh around him. Maija lowered her head and gently licked the blood away from his neck, mocking sensitiveness showing in her eyes. "Poor baby," she cooed, eyes then showing a dangerous glint. "Cry for mama, make her heart ache." Evil was written all over her usually smooth face, and she loved it.
She snapped at his nose, enjoying the tender build of the cartilage in her mouth. Quickly, she pulled away from his face, making it break between her teeth. Blood seeped onto the ground and she licked her teeth, of which were stained red. Her eyes scanned his frame and came upon his currently working front leg. Without a word, she wrapped her teeth around it and pulled, causing the socket to pop out and become disjointed. Pain howled from his body and she worked on his elbow, bending it and enjoying seeing it work until she yanked once more. Tendons and bones broke, blood seeped from his fur, and splattered upon Maija's face. A satisfied sigh slipped from her full mouth and she pulled the fur from his limb. Meat showed itself to her and she unabashedly grabbed a mouthful. Her prey screamed as she ate the living tissue, enjoying it for every bit of blood that covered it. She slurped it before swallowing it and she looked up at Cat with a demented gaze in her eyes. "Delicious."



09-24-2014, 04:51 PM

Her new partner would coo to their victim. Her expression contradicted her sweet words. A wicked grin would continue to lift dark lips as she stood for a moment to simply watch. Her golden temptress would latch onto his nose, ripping it away from his face and causing him to howl in pain. Her next assault would be on his working forelimb, ripping away skin and flesh before ingesting it. She was gruesome really, preferring to slowly rip away flesh and skin rather than cause internal damage first. But to each their own. Stepping forward, she would place a paw on his soft belly, just behind his ribs, toes kneading the tender flesh. Lifting her hefty frame into hind legs, she would rear up before crashing down on him, her forelimbs locked as her weight came crashing down with unforgiving force against his belly. He would wail and cough and vomit, making a further mess of himself. Again she would lift herself up, though this time bringing her forepaws down on his ribs. She would repeat the process twice until his ribs finally gave away beneath her weight, snapping and fracturing. He would gasp and wheeze, struggling for air. A bone puncture his lung. Soon he wouldnt even be able to take a breath. He would suffocate.

Siting back she would watch and wait. Watching him squirm and writhe in desperation. He struggled so hard to breath, but it was fruitless battle. He only had minutes left of his miserable life. His broken body quivered, sides heaving with exertion. There was no mercy here. She would not end his life to cease his suffering, she would prolong it. It had been far to long since she heard the cries of her victims, rolled in their blood and feasted on their flesh.
