
Afraid to Lose Control


06-15-2015, 10:45 PM
Set outside pack boundaries

Massive paws carried him through the snow as he followed Nysa through the woods, they'd been tracking for most of the day minus their playful excursion earlier. He'd wonder briefly if she'd meant to skirt so close to the borders of this pack or not, though no matter what she thought he was eager to possible catch sight of a scout. He was more than curious about the wolves who lived here, the eagerness to start meeting them could hardly be contained and her seriously debated crossing the pack's border just to see what might happen. He was more concerned with his health though. Two loners against a pack could potentially turn out less than thrilling. They needed to get to know their neighbors before they went around riling them all up. Though sometimes he was sure Nysa wanted to do the total opposite.

Now it was her turn to hurry him up, he'd slowed to a halt, thickly muscled neck arching as he observed the border 5 meters away. The trail was more than obviously worn, though how fresh might the tracks be? Would Nysa slow so they could take a closer look? Dark ears were perked with interest towards the occupied lands, eager to catch the sound of approaching foot steps. Might someone be able to inform them of this place? Silver accented tail would flick with anticipation, his gaze finally breaking as he searched for his sister's similarly icy gaze.




4 Years
06-16-2015, 12:05 AM (This post was last modified: 06-16-2015, 12:05 AM by Nysa.)

Despite deio being in charge of their little duo nysa did not follow, nor lead. She simply walked with him and sometimes that was behind and sometimes it was ahead. This time, as she flirted with a packs border during their little scouting mission she was ahead. In fact, as she amused herself by dancing a short distance from the border line on the rouge side of the pack she wouldn't realize how much her brother had fallen behind.  It was the silence that told her something was amiss, without the sound of his titan paws touching earth nor the familiar rhythm of his breathing, she keenly felt his absence. Shaking out her wondrous coat she turned to find him hesitating a fair distance behind her and rolling her stunning pale orbs she turned and strolled back to him. Making each movement a work of art, rolling her hips to the movement and accenting each drop of her paw with a delicate shift of her body. Her head was held high and her plush tail swayed in a hypnotising way behind her, drawing eyes to the curve of her ass. With only her brother to enjoy the show, some might consider it a waste of her energy but to Nysa, the constant search for amusement could never be considered a waste.

In moments she would be at her brothers side, peering up as his taller frame through the lashes of her eyes and grinning a cute kitten grin that held exaggerated innocence. She seated herself on the ground beside him, still peering upwards. "expecting company, brother dear?" she asked, winking mischievous past the front she easily slipped on.




06-16-2015, 02:27 PM

She'd gotten a bit ahead of him as he stared intently into the claimed lands. The questions would not be released from his mind as he mulled over possibilities, impossibilities, and reality. What he knew was relatively little, but there was plenty of information one could glean from the border. There were quite a few scents that had reached him, as well as the well worn path. These wolves at least knew how to keep a border kept up. To what he was sure would be Nysa's dismay his eyes wouldn't linger on her for long when he noticed she'd stopped and turned around. Hew knew very well what his sister looked like and he wasn't about to ogle over her just because she walked funny.

Deio had looked back to the border by the time she came up to his side, he could feel her icy gaze upon him as she took a seat near his form. He wasn't quite sure he was comfortable enough sitting down with the border being so close. They couldn't have both of them off their guard, so the titan would stand as he glanced back to her at her words. "Always expect the unexpected." They didn't know if a resident might show up or not. They could leave this place with out seeing another wolf but they could also leave with a group of them on their heels. "Wouldn't it be fun if someone showed up though," was all else he would say, leaving her imagination to decide what it was he was really thinking.




4 Years
06-16-2015, 06:47 PM

There was no doubt in the seductress's mind that Deimos would be in trouble later for his inattention now. His eyes glanced once her way in disinterest before settling on the border that had captivated him once more. Not once did he see her perfect stroll nor the fire in her cold eyes that both flared and vanished as she reached him. Yes, he would definitely be paying for that later, but for now her eyes would follow his gaze to the border and the pack lands within.

She lounged on the ground before him, but he would keep up his guard and survey the lands, refusing to get comfortable and seat beside her with so many unknown variables lying just across the border. Her brother was, it seemed, in a secretive mood and she wasn't left unable to glean too much information from his short answers. She was accustomed to that and grinned easily at the giant beside her. “Beats scouting” she agreed, as she settled in to wait, resting her head against a giant leg as he continued to stand.



06-16-2015, 07:17 PM

He wouldn't notice the dangerous stare that mellowed to threaten him later, his focus was on this little gem they'd walked past. Hours of entertainment could be sought here, but how they might do that would unfold upon their first meeting. How would this group take the sibling pair that lingered on their door step. Him a powerful titan while she was a sly seductress, though he hadn't caught sight of them yet he was beginning to doubt that they might even show up at all. The she wolf made little comment, though her obvious displeasure in their most recent activity was once again made known. He snorted as she leaned in on him, but he coudln't help but lean down and nibble at her dark ear.

"I know you don't like it, but we've got to be smart until we find a place to settle." He'd tell her softly, revealing a hint of his plan.

They were nomads, but where they'd come from he knew where it was they traveled, it was the same route every year. He didn't know his way around here yet, though as soon as he was comfortable she'd get her more relaxed brother back.

"I can't let anything happen to you." There was always the possibility of danger and that thought lingered in his mind more often than not.




4 Years
06-16-2015, 07:25 PM

Ever faithful to her brother's side she might be, but she was not above displaying her boredom in bountiful tones and displays when what he required of her did not provide her with adequate amusement. She had scouted in relative silence for the last few hours with him but now that they settled on the doorstep of packs territory and entertained the idea of trouble she easily spoke displeasure to the boring sides of their activities.

As she leaned against a powerful leg that easily supported her, and tilted her head back to admire the giant on her side he would reach down and nibble a dark tinted, velvety ear. “I know, brother dear, and you know I will not endanger your planning” she replied easily, her tone almost bored, through her eyes glinted up at him mischievously. Next he would show a hint of the sweeter side that came out only to her, and to occasional lover of his that had stuck around for more then a night. She beamed up at him, coiling her tail about his back leg as she settled in better beside him. “Ohhh, my handsome knight” she cooed teasingly.



06-16-2015, 07:46 PM

With his ears focused on the borders ahead of them his icy gaze would linger on his sister as she sought his attention by his massive paws. Her reply was easy enough, her boredom shining through as they sat idly where they'd stopped. Really he was losing faith as well, it seemed this pack was not as eager to greet them as he first thought. Not that they were much of a threat at the moment, or particularly amusing. Sitting far enough away from the border that they could really have been there for almost any reason. His focus would be divided expertly, however Nysa demanded much more than her half of his attention as she snuggled against his legs and teased him playfully. It was neither the time nor the place to let his guard down with her. Heaving a heavy sigh he'd lean down and nudge her again.

"Maybe it's about time to get going." They still had a lot of ground to cover before the day ended. If he had to guess there was also a winter storm on the way by the look of the clouds. "I'm sure we wont be granted sanctuary if we're caught up in that storm." He'd point out to her as his attention was dragged even further from the borders.




4 Years
06-16-2015, 08:10 PM

The heavy sigh that escaped her brother would capture her attention and eyes that had strayed to the border would return to his face, as she tilted it gently and waited for the words she knew where to come. Sure enough, he would indicate that it was time to go, and she stretched in a playful gesture. “Perhaps we'll find a more interesting pack to toy with” she offered in consolation to their hopes of finding amusement here.

She rose then, and stretched out her much small frame against his height, through even pulling herself upwards as much as possible didn't allow her enough height to match her Titan brother. “Ohh, a storm, guess we'll have to find a little hole to curl up in” she said, grinning at the prospect of rubbing her scent all over him for a few hours in the hopes of driving him crazy.
