
Pick You Up {Joining}


09-01-2014, 05:32 PM

The woman had made the decision of where they were going. There was no better place, really, since Vesta held blood family in this pack. She would take a breath, padding towards the once familiar territory. The female had lived here for a time with Sin, under the ice king, and right before she left she would become pregnant with her heirs. Yet now... now the only one of her children who was still with her was her daughter. Arietta had decided she couldn't give Vesta what she wanted and needed, and instead would heed the advice of Roseletta, a wonderful wolfess who helped the brown dame find some sort of confidence in herself. She wasn't incredibly strong, or fast, but the woman wanted to be something more as well.

The woman would stop at the borders, flicking her tail as her blue eyes searched the borders. Vesta, she prayed, had stuck close enough. She explained to the girl she was going to Glaciem's old lands, where the Armada's ruled... to join them. Arietta would take a deep breath, tipping her head back to call for the leaders here. It was time to start again... and move forward. She couldn't give up. Not when she still had her little girl.

Speech, Thought

Vesta I


1 Year
09-01-2014, 05:48 PM
Psychosocial Baby

I've been around for a long, long year

Stole many a man's soul and faith

She was buzzing with the excitement of the idea that she was going to be training. She was going to get proper training about how to fight and hunt like she had always asked for but it wasn't coming from father which had upset her slightly. By now she had come to terms with the fact that her father was a coward. He had obviously left with his boys because he had seen her potential and was terrified that she would make an embarrassment out of them. that was how she rationalized it anyway. She stood at the borders to her aunt's pack and waited in silence. She had a proud look on her features as she waited. Vesta Armada would demand her aunt and no less, though she doubted her mother would be as picky.

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ

Had his moment of doubt and pain
Vesta Armada



3 Years
09-02-2014, 02:30 AM

Vesta would have to be disappointed if she demanded her aunt, the girl was to receive her cousin instead, not that most in Bevroren or the Armada family were aware of this fact. Talvi was simply Athena's younger half sister as far as everyone else was concerned and the blue and silver girl didn't care enough to correct them all, blood relative or not, she had always been welcomed and treated as family. Though the Armadas were running a little thin as of late as anyway, the once powerful family that had resided within Glaciem had been broken and many had vanished, the Zaldun family had met the same fate though it seemed, her full blooded siblings had vanished, these days family didn't hold the meaning it once had to Talvi.

Of course Talvi wasn't simply Athena's sister anymore, the girl had found herself rising rather rapidly within the ranks and now she was the Leraar. If she wasn't good enough for the pup then tough, she was good enough for Athena and the rest of the pack it seemed. She would appear now at the borders, inspecting the waiting pair as she neared them. Arietta had been rather quiet during her time here, Talvi certainly hadn't known her well at all in fact whilst she could recognise the female by appearance her name escaped her in the moment though it was rather likely that the young Zaldun wouldn't be recognised by the other at all. One of many Bloods at the time, she had once blended into the crowd rather well.

"You have returned then and brought something back with you" Talvi mused as she came to a halt before them. How would Athena feel about this? It was during Sendoa's reign when Arietta had departed, would that make her leave any difference. She would hear out the other's explanations for leaving and crawling back now.

Athena I


9 Years
09-02-2014, 07:13 AM

Athena had almost resigned herself to the thought that no one would come calling at her borders again, but it seemed today was the day for surprises. A howl cut through the air, a voice she didn't recognize. Her ear twitched at the sound and her split-tone gaze lifted from the herbs she had been examining and turned toward the borders. She had secretly been practicing healing and working on her knowledge of herbs in her spare time, deciding that it wasn't fair to put all of the strain of keeping a pack healthy completely on Devin's shoulders. Putting her training aside for now, she rose to her paws and trotted off to see who it was that came calling this time.

When she arrived she first noticed that her blue-hued half-sister had arrived already to greet the newcomers. It made Athena proud to know that Talvi had taken to her new role already. When Athena went looking for wolves to fill her higher ranks she had no doubt that Talvi deserved to at least be considered. Athena slowed to a walk and came over to stand beside her sister before examining the pair that stood at the borders. The Soeverein had to reach back into her memories to retrieve a name for the brown and russet woman, but after a moment of thinking she came up with one. "Areitta, this is certainly a surprise." She glanced toward the pale, golden-eyed pup, realizing with a twitch of her ear that this must be Sin's daughter. The pup certainly had a fiery look about her and that made Athena smirk. She had been just as proud when she was that age. Maybe that pride ran in the family. "Where is Sin?" was her next question, her gaze pulling back up to Areitta's face. "Has he disappeared from your midst as well?"



09-05-2014, 04:14 AM

Arietta faced nervousness, the chilling fear of being denied acceptance into a pack that had once been a so called ?home?. But during that time, unknown to all of the others, the female had only mind and body for her ?mate?. His word was the law, and she did nothing that would displease him. Now that Sin was gone Arietta had found those shackles lifted, his presence no longer betraying that cloud over her. Sure the small brown woman?s mind would never be what it once was, but she could move on with her life again and try to make a new existence. A better one.

It was the blue coated woman that would show up first. Arietta recognized her, but had no name to give her. The only names of those she knew in Glaciem had been Isardis, the white king, Sendoa, the Queen, Drashiel, and of course Sin. Her light blue gaze would not drop as she was confronted, though that pit in her stomach felt deeper at the words presented. Why now, they seemed to ask. Why come crawling back when she had asked to leave?

The words of an answer would form on her lips when another came. Another Glaciem member, and yet another name she did not have. Her ears would flick back at the question of where Sin was, a sigh leaving her lips. ?Sin is indeed gone... He abandoned myself and his daughter, taking his sons with him.? She would take a breath, lifting her head some. She was no dominant being, but she would not cower and turn away anymore... She was going to improve herself... But whether or not it was here was to be seen.

?You both know that I left Glaciem some time ago. Isardis was the one who had me come here, and it was Sin?s desire that I ask to leave. So I had. There were other plans then staying in here in his mind... And I assume at the time he did not wish his heirs to have ties to this place.? The woman would glance to Vesta, continuing to speak.

?I come to you now asking for a second chance, one not overshadowed by my mate?s decision and presence. I am no master in any skill.... I am still learning myself... And no doubt my skills will not be up to par with others my age... However...? The woman looked back to Athena. ?I am asking for the chance to prove that I can improve, that I can make myself an asset to this pack... And that if I am not welcome here, at the very least my daughter be given a home, and the training I can not give her... To become a true Armada, and rise above the common bloods to where she belongs. She deserves much better than I can give her.? It would break Arietta?s heart to have to leave her daughter here alone... But it was a sacrifice the woman was willing to make. If her daughter could grow to be stronger, happy... Than it was all she could hope for.

Speech, Thought

Vesta I


1 Year
09-05-2014, 05:22 AM
Psychosocial Baby

I've been around for a long, long year

Stole many a man's soul and faith

She had been standing tall and confident in wait for the queen until another wolf showed up and while she remained proud in stature, the nervousness was ticking away at her inside. She had no idea who the queen actually was, it had occurred to her. Then another arrived and asked Arietta a question. Her mother answered the question and then asked that at least Vesta be given a home. She looked at her mother with confusion. Why would Bevroren not take the both of them? While she knew her mother could not give her any proper training, she still loved her and did not want her to leave. She forced herself to shake it from her mind as she piped up with a name for herself. "I'm Vesta." Her voice was calm and clear but she could no longer hide the nervous feelings in her eyes. Her stomach was full of butterflies, which was more like poisonous and sharp-teethed piranhas. She waited for some kind of judgement or determination as to what would go on there that day.

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ

Had his moment of doubt and pain
Vesta Armada



3 Years
09-05-2014, 06:59 AM

Talvi wouldn't have to wait long at all to find out what her sister would think of Arietta's return. Unlike herself, Athena could recall the brown woman's name and would use it as she now spoke to her. Sin was a male she could recall though she hadn't paid enough attention to know that the Armada had been Arietta's mate all she knew was that he had cleared off though apparently wouldn't be returning with her and what was apparently his daughter. Abandoning children apparently was a trait appearing amongst these Armada men.

She would stay put if only for some sort of support for her sister. Athena certainly didn't need it and she highly doubted that Arietta or Vesta would suddenly attack but she was here now and it would look bad to simply turn away. Equally however with Athena as the Soeverein, she was the one that had the authority here to answer Arietta and Vesta's request and so the blue and silver girl would remain silent now.

Athena I


9 Years
09-09-2014, 11:45 AM

Athena sat quietly and listened while Arietta stated her case, explaining their situation, both why they left and why they had come back. Athena was not at all above giving anyone a second chance even though it did concern her a bit that even Arietta herself admitted that she wasn't all that skilled in much of anything. Athena's eyes went over to the young girl as she finally spoke up to introduce herself and a slight smile touched her muzzle. "It's nice to meet you, Vesta. I'm Athena." Bringing her gaze back up to Arietta's, she went on to say, "Arietta, I'm not going to punish you for Sin's mistakes. Skills can be learned and I'm more than willing to be patient. Vesta is an Armada and she has a rightful place here and I'm not going to separate you two." She looked to Talvi and added, "Talvi, will you explain our laws to Arietta and Vesta and help them get settled in?" Athena gave each of Bevroren's newest members a smile. "Welcome home." With that she turned and trotted off to get back to her studies, confident that Talvi could handle it from here.



09-11-2014, 10:30 AM

There was relief, and so much gratitude in the brown woman's heart as Athena spoke. The silver woman was willing to be patient with her, and give her a chance. She would not be delivered a punishment for Sin's mistakes, and instead get a new life here. She could stay with her daughter, and prove to this pack, Alacritia, and most importantly, herself, that she could be much better than what she was now. Arietta would dip her head respectfully to the Queen, her voice soft. "Thank you, Athena, for your understanding and acceptance." She would not let them down. She swore to it. Her bright blue gaze would shift to Talvi now.

She might not have gotten to know the other woman very well the first time she was here, but Arietta was confident she would get to know her better now. Arietta would give her a gentle smile. "So how have things changed since Isardis ruled?" The woman was curious about that as well. There was much to catch up on, learn, and figure out. Gaze would flick to Vesta. She would allow her daughter to pick the site of their den. She wanted Vesta to be comfortable here... and that would help, or so she felt.

Speech, Thought