
She Sparkles As She Makes Me Lose The Game~


09-01-2014, 10:18 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
What in the name of the good and holy was this place? An unsettling feeling would was over Ellis' body as she descended into the crypt, ears lowered against her skull. The place smelled of decay and death, her teal-gren eyes looking around at all that was around her. This place.. it smelled too of death. So lost to the rest of the world. The white woman marked with shades of browns and grays would turn on heel, heading back towards the entrance. At least she thought it was the way to the entrance. She would frown deeply, worried as she took slow steps, ears lifting as she scented the air again. No... there was something else here.

It had to be blood. It was faint... but it seemed she was walking towards it? Her heart would start to pound in her chest and the young woman would come to a stop. Where, where was the exit!? She took a step back, gaze darting around as her breath quickened. Ellis would turn a different direction now, the clacking of her nails sounding on the concrete beneath her paws. The way out. She had to find the way out! She was letting paranoia rule her mind, her fear scent spreading. That was until she crashed into something. She would stagger back, looking up at an odd shaped stone in the middle of the floor. A whine would leave her, slowing stepping back. Was she ever going to get out...?

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.



4 Years
09-22-2014, 02:22 PM

Heavy footfalls marked the passing of the stout brute. He moved with ease, each fluid step a testament to his comfort. The crypt was cold and dark, but Thor, being confident in his abilities and not prone to starting, was fearless in the face of spooks. No, his purpose for being in the crypt far outweighed whatever unusual properties the dark passageways possessed. He was willing to take his chances.

Stretched out before him was a trail of blood. The drips were widely spaced, but nevertheless, it was a trail. Somewhere in the distance the sounds of something moving reached his ears and the brute paused to listen. That had to be it. He stepped over a drop of blood with care and then picked up the pace, hoping to close the distance between himself and his prey. The prey in question was a goat. Wounded in the chase, the silly animal had sought refuge in the winding passages of the crypt. Not one to be so easily put off, Thor had followed.

The sound of a collision off to his left drew the brute's attention away from the chase. He turned to peek around the corner of another passage, and then once his eyes settled on the form of another, moved to stand in the entrance way completely. "Miss," he queried curiously, "Are you alright?"

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]


09-22-2014, 02:42 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
Was anything right? Her mind reeled, a sickening feeling in her gut. The moment she spent stunned from running into the stone gave another enough time to find her, and hearing his voice the small woman would jump, spinning to face him with her ears pinning back against her skull. It would take her a long moment to register what he asked, and Ellis would take a shaky breath, shaking her head and trying to regain her composure. When she felt she could give a coherent response she would lift her teal-green gaze to him. The woman could only imagine what this earth toned male was thinking of her.

"I... I'm alright... mostly." She still looked very scared, but seeing another was a bit of a relief. Male or not. She would shift on her paws as she realized he blocked her way out, her eyes shining nervously. "I... I just got lost... and... I guess I started to panic, not being able to find my way out." She was trying to keep herself from freaking out more, and jumping to conclusions. A low whine would leave her. "Do... do you happen to know the way out of here?" Ellis would ask softly.

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.



4 Years
10-01-2014, 09:23 PM

The brute's browspots lifted as the fae started and spun to face him. He flicked an ear back, unsure of how to respond. It hadn't been his intention to frighten her, but he supposed it was a natural enough reaction. The little wolf stuttered out a reply, her words saying one thing but her body saying another. Thor wasn't sure what to make of her. Maybe it was him? He wasn't scowling, was he? The brute had what was referred to as a "resting bitch face" so while he didn't mean to look grumpy, that may have been it. He relaxed his features a bit, trying to appear less disgruntled.

She went on to explain that she'd gotten lost and that was the reason she was so jumpy. Alright, so it wasn't his mug that was the issue. Good to know. "I'm sorry I scared you, I wasn't trying to." An apology was the least he could offer her.

Her question pulled a shrug from him. Of course he knew the way out! He'd found his way in, he could find his way out. Piece of cake. "Sure do," he rumbled, ducking out of the entrance way before a silly idea struck him. The brute poked his head back around the corner and dipped it, forelimb sliding out before him, in a bow. He jerked his head in the direction he'd come and boomed, "This way, m'lady." Ridiculous, sure, but perhaps his light-heartedness would put her at ease.

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]


10-05-2014, 05:00 PM

"Go and Wander." Said my heart.

...and so I would wander.
The young woman would give a small nod. So he hadn?t been aiming to scare her, which was certainly a good thing. The apology settled upon her, and Ellis would breath out. Further relief would spread across her features when he said he knew his way out. Thank goodness for that. A soft chuckle would leave her at his light-hearted act, almost as if he were a knight. Such a strange male, but he wasn?t doing anything to her, so that was a relief for the femme. She would give a small nod, breathing out.

?Thank you. Glad I ran into someone who could help.? She would then pause. The more she looked at him... She would tilt her head to the side. Some of her memories were still foggy but... ?...I... Feel like I know you...? She would furrow her brow some. ?...someone... Someone had needed healing... You were with them...? The silhouettes of wolves appeared in her mind. It was quite a time ago... Wasn?t it? ?...My name is Ellis Cathal.?

"Settle down." Said my heart.

...and so here it was I would settle down.