
misstep and misplaced



9 Years
06-26-2015, 10:42 PM

It wasn't so much that Arcus wanted to stay away from his family so become a rather...recluse. Family was important! was everything, wasnt it? Isn't that what he was always taught? Then again, those lessons were only recent, weren't they? He remembered that day, when their parents told them to leave, and the two that came to wisk them away. Voltage and Glacier. He sighed softly, sitting atop his perch, away from the cliff they had found for him and his siblings. He thought of his elder brothers, thought of everything they said and did for him. It wasn't fair, was it? Arcus was just a mooch, he didn't do anything, he merely laid where he laid. And that also wasn't fair. It wasn't that Arcus wanted too, nor was it his intention at all. No...but he couldn't. He didn't have a place, he couldn't find it. He and his siblings all seemed to be on the outside of the family. The last to join what had been so tightnit. It would take them to time to join their siblings. But that didn't change anything. With another sigh he'd shift himself, staring down at the ground beneath his perch. Arcus was a lot like his named element, but it seemed the older he got the more closer he seemed to it. The wars raged in his chest were something he kept from his family. It was his reason for staying away, his reason for staying so distant. Anger was not something he was unfamiliare with, and it made him feel almost volatile. Something so seperate from the calm and considerate members of his family. He hated this feeling, but at the same time he wanted to embrace it. It was an odd feeling. Shaking his head he stared up at the sky, watching as the winter clouds rolled across the expanse of dark blue sky. Voltage was gone, the beach was quiet...With a gentle shake of his head he'd shift, move to leap from his perch to search for food.




6 Years
Extra large
06-29-2015, 06:48 PM

Voltage was gone, had been for a few days now and the silence where once had been Voltage's energy, was deafening to the giant. Already the scent of his brother seemed to have faded from their shared den, and the well traveled paths of their pack where Voltage had tread where fading. So easily was every impact his brother had made seemed to be fading, and that in itself made Glacier furious. There was very few things in the world that where as important as Voltage in this world, and he felt that there should be more recognition to that then what there was. The clouds should be dark, and the day colorless. The scent of him should be everywhere, a daunting memory of someone so important. That the only reminder of who Glacier was, was inside his own heart made the boy moodier then normal as he stormed the winter beach of Donostrea.

Movement would catch the giants eye, as a wolf leaped to the sandy beach and started to trot off in the opposite direction. Glacier quickened his pace, he wasn't certain if company would do him any good but perhaps it would be better then mopping about by the water front all day, and besides he didn't think he and Arcus had had a real conversation since.. well.. since they had moved here! He was definitely a reclusive member of their pack and he had to catch him every chance he could before he faded like a storm to a sunny day. “Arcus” he called out as began to catch up to the other boy.





9 Years
06-29-2015, 07:05 PM
Arcus would move along the beach, his head hung and his eyes staring dead ahead. He wanted to move quickly, to move away from the expanse of beach, away from where the searching eyes of his family could see him. He could feel the storms rage in his chest, fear the fire course through his stomach. It was so strange too him, so scary. He had always been a calm individual, always been able to control his emotions. He always knew where his place was...but now.. It had been a year since they had come here to this new land, away from what he had known as home. A year, why was he feeling anger now? Well, he supposed, it could have just been the calm before the storm. With a thick, heavy sigh he continued to trot, moving with speed untill he heard Glacier's voice. He paused midstep before continueing a second later, his ears pulling back. Luck was not on his side, today, it seemed... he continued to move, his pace a tad slower to allow the behemoth to catch up to him, but he allowed no words, not even a cast of his gaze to show Glacier he had heard him.



6 Years
Extra large
06-29-2015, 07:10 PM

The only recognition Glacier would receive in response to calling out, would be when Arcus's pace slowed to allow the Mountainous boy to catch up. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so much as a twitch of an ear to indicate that he knew Glacier was behind him. It was easy for the longer-legged male to catch up to his brother and slow his pace to match that of Arcus and walk at his side. Since Arcus showed no inclination towards speech, Glacier would have himself walk in silence. He was no stranger to that, he himself had never been much of a talkative creature, it was always those around him that prompted speech from him.

It didn't take a lot to guess that something was going on with his stormy brother, and that there was likely a reason he had seen little of the other boy. So Glacier easily gave him peace, simply walking beside him in support, offering nothing to bother the other from his thoughts, and letting Arcus choose their pace and destination.





9 Years
06-29-2015, 10:14 PM
Arcus continued to walk, momentarily glad for the silence before it suddenly began to get on his nerves. Glacier was one of their leaders, right? Didnt that mean that he should care a little? Arcus had obviously gone off the radar enough...with a heavy sigh he'd shift sheer slits of glass blue eyes towards his larger brother before he suddenly stppped. Lifting his head he'd look up at glacier, his ears pulled and his chin tight. He fought his inner gales for a moment, staring before quickly and swiftly glancing away in hopes the fire storms may settle in his chest. "Hello Glacier" He said softly, his voice slightly strained as he moved to continue walking. "What can i do for you?" He couldnt understand why it was so difficult to make small talk. Here was a man who breathed for them and yet he was more or less a stranger. Sure they had had a few conversations in the past and Arcus had expressed his desire to help --that hadnt changed-- but that didnt mean Glacier was someone Arcus really knew. Perhaps and quite possibly it was the storm runner's fault, he hadnt dived in, he had kept to the sidelines and in the shadows. He had desired so little to cause his brothers strife. And yet, now, all he felt was burning anger. He couldnt help if his voice was clipping or his glare was sharp. He felt alone on a family that didnt know lonliness. He felt forgotten. He was storm, but Voltage had the energy, he had the lightning. Arcus was forgotten...



6 Years
Extra large
06-30-2015, 12:46 AM
They didn't walk long before Arcus came to an abrupt stop, and Glacier easily brought his own stride to a close until he was standing at ease beside his brother. As Arcus looked up at him he would see a hint of the storms seething beneath the gaze of the younger boy, see see a stubborn nature in the set of his chin and the tightness of his ears. There would be no response in glaciers at the clear aggression barely contained, only gentle love and patience, the nature glacier boosted the best. Glacier expected Arcus to get right to the point, instead he skirted around his anger and absence and simply asked what he could do for the alpha of donostrea.

"It's less what you can do for me Arcus, and more what I can do for you" he started to speak as the duo began to walk once more, and his voice was quietly to the beat of their paws against the shifting sand. "I know you've needed some space, but I've also been worried about you. You know I'm always here if you need someone to vent to" he offered gently, and that was really all glacier needed in life. He slipped easily into the roll of helping his siblings, it was what he lived for, and we'll he did so the missing beats of the half of his heart that was absent, could be pushed aside.. at least for for a time.




9 Years
06-30-2015, 01:02 AM
Arcus continued to move, his paws beating the earth a bit harder than he needed with each step. Slate blue eyes continued to gaze ahead as he heard Glacier's smooth voice answer his question. And he huffed, gazing forward. He wasn't quiet sure why he felt his storms rage so carelessly in his chest, he didn't understand this lonliness he felt. He knew how easily it would be for him to be able to mingle with his family, to request a rank so he could have something to work towards. And yet...he hated how easy it was. It all didn't make sense to him. "You've done enough." He seethed back, his eyes distant and searching as he thought. He thought, he hoped for an anwer. And then, it seemed to hit him. Or at least, he believed it did. He would stop again, this time rounding on Glacier, a man who stood roughly a foot over him. He'd gaze up, deep blue eyes narrowed slightly before he looked down again. He wasn't angry at Glacier, infact he was one of the only ones Arcus had had a true conversation with if you counted outside of his littermates. "Why." He said deeply, a demand over a question. "Is it some sort of hero complex you and Voltage have?" He whispered, shaking his head slightly as if to deny his own words. But there was some truth there, some small part of him that wondered. "Do you think I...we" he stressed the fix, hoping to erase the implication it was only him feeling this way (which was probably true). "Do you think we are unable to fend for ourselves?" He said deeply, licking at his lips as he kept his eyes away from Glacier, knowing he was grasping at straws. Being angry at someone else was easier than being angry at himself. "You take us from our home, and you make this perfect little paradise and tell us what our jobs are." He seethed, his lips curling now. "Do you think we are too incapable to take care of ourselves?? That we needed you...we never even met you!" Perhaps it was all too...random, especially considering the last time they had spoken had been pleasent. But Arcus had wanted to help, had wanted a hand in it all. He was a leader of his generation, it was in his blood and he felt like he was forced to sit back and do nothing but watch for storm clouds. He would stare, now, hard up at Glacier, wondering what his answer would be. "Do you think we're children?" He whispered, spat, seethed, his storms raged inside of him, attempting to destroy everything in its path.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
06-30-2015, 01:20 AM
Glacier kept the gentle smile he felt inside hidden, he knew when he was being baited and clearly Arcus needed to vent. The brute had no problems with becoming a punching bag, literally or figuratively to the siblings that created his world. So when Arcus's thanks sounded more like an insult he said nothing, he was debating the idea of aggravating Arcus and giving him something to vent about, he could see that the boy was about to explode, needed to explode, and he would rather he did so to glacier then to anyone else. Arcus would bring them to a stop again, and this time his accusation was even more plain as he demanded an answer, accused him of his hero complex. "It dosent matter if you can or can't, my belief is that you shouldn't have to" he said, when finally he spoke. Arcus would speak again, really speaking his mind but glacier could see it was only anger building, Arcus was at the point of explosion but not there yet.

"We took you from your homes and dragged you here, I get that, but I haven't seen you do anything about it yet. If you don't like something about your situation, change it" glacier challenged, his voice losing its gentle touch, he was baiting Arcus now, giving him a reason to argue. He moved closer to Arcus, keeping his gaze square on the other boy even as he lifted a paw and touched it to Arcus's shoulder. "If your not a child, prove it" was his final dare, even as he subtly loosened his muscles and squared his stance, prepared himself to take and hit. He was giving Arcus exactly what he wanted, needed, a chance to explode.




9 Years
06-30-2015, 01:55 AM
Arcus would stare up at his brother, one of the ones who had promised all the answers. They had promised bright skies and good days under their rule, under their paws. They had promised sun and prosperity and all Arcy felt was storms and rage. All in all, he guessed, he felt left out, pushed aside, alone. Out of four he was a solid one, a brother who knew his place, who could help his siblings if they needed him. But out of ten, he was nothing. No one would come to him for his thoughts, he had no use that someone else couldn't do better. Gale could run twice his speed, Glacier and Voltage knew the answers to all life's problems, and if they drew a blank there was always Astrea. Arcus was miniscule in the grand scheme of his family, even his element was rather redundant in a way. He felt tiny, even now under his brother's gaze, the way he seemed to brush aside Arcus' storms with his cold indifference. With a glare of slate blue eyes he'd raise and curl his lip, listening to his brother. And then he choked, eyes growing wide before hell fire erupted at his paws. Anger flowed through him like burning rage, the stuffling feeling of storms raged in his chest. "Do something about it?!" He spat, glaring up at Glacier. "How could I do something about it when you have your big paws on everything!. What do you want from me?!" He yelled, his voice raising and echoing around the once silent beach. Paws would clench at the ground as he tried to keep his head up in the tide of his rage, his anger, the fire eating at his paws and his chest. He felt so full of it, so much so he wanted to expload. Eyes would tear up in his rage as he curled his lips again. "You and Voltage! You both sure know how to tie up all the ends so you can keep the power over each of us!" He seethed. "Make it so we can't survive without your gracious leadership. Not giving us a choice!" He spat, anger of all the months of nothing, of neither Glacier nor Voltage checking up on him, of not knowing where he belonged. Months of rage building up in him. He felt so small, but his storms allowed him to feel bigger.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
06-30-2015, 03:00 AM
As predicted Arcus blew at the larger boys words, anger all but steamed from his ears as glacier truly woke the storm. He steeled himself, expecting a blow from this wolf who darely needed to vent. Glacier didn't flinch or back down, but rather was prepared to face whatever the storm.blew his way face on. Arcus however responded in words, his voice demanding and furious, his tone unforgiving. Arcus raged, and it became clear to glacier just how powerless his brother felt. He felt terrible for not seeing it sooner, seeing how left in the cold Arcus had been feeling all this time. Glacier, selfishly, had been lost in his own world, of finding anais and missing voltage. In truth, the brute deserved the words thrown his way.

He wanted to deflate in the face of the righteous anger, but he could not let himself, instead he raised his head a littler higher, keeping his eyes directly upon the raging storm sibling that stood before him. "Your partially right, I'll give you that, we should have checked in on you and we did not. But nor did you out yourself out there, there's a lesson in life your going to have to learn Arcus, if you want something, do something about. If you think you aren't being heard, that yoh don't have a voice here, then dammit boy open your mouth and speak!" Glacier's entire life was dedicated to protecting and looking after his siblings, but not once in his entire existence did he ever seek to control them. He wanted them to learn to speak for themselves, to find what it was in life they wanted and grasp it for themselves. Not that any of that made right the neglect glacier had shown to a brother he loved. Once more, his words weren't to convey his point across but only to give Arcus something to vent about.




9 Years
06-30-2015, 03:15 AM
What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? Wasn't that the same answer as dividing by zero? Someone had to have punched in the calculations on Arcus' anger, dividing the sum by zero and watching as the forces and objects met in a winter storm of rage and solidarity. Something had to give, and as history could show, it wouldn't be Glacier. If only the boy had known how many years Glacier had had in experiance dealing with Voltage's ample energy and strong emotions. But, it seemed storm and lightning felt the world at the same strength, but at different end of the spectrum. Slate eyes would narrow dangerously as he listened to what he percieved to be Glacier's attempt at freezing his firestorm. His gaze was almost nothing but slits, his lips curled as Glacier turned it on him. Arcus should have a voice? For what stage exactly! It wasn't like his big brothers had just opened it up and allowed all the younger siblings to speak. He would glare, eye sparking with thunder as his emotions clashed, and his teeth bared. "I have a voice." He said deeply, almost a whisper as his paws continued to clench at the ground. "But it's hard to speak when no one will listen!" Okay, maybe now he was just...throwing things that he hoped would stick. But it was all he had. He couldn't attack his big brother, so all he could use were words. Burning hot words that he hoped would sting and sizzling in the ice king's frozen exterior. "I have spoken! What do you want from me Glacier?!" He yelled, almost desperately now. "You have all the answers don't ya? You have this pretty little box with my name on it, to fit where I belong, huh? The perfect rank with my name on it. So what is it?! What have you and Volty-boy planned for me? What do you want from me?!" His voice would raise from the hushed octave he had used, untill he voice echoed once again. Perhaps he would become embarrased of how he acted here, but for now he was blinded. All he saw was anger that rose up and shielded his raw wounded and lonely heart, and Glacier just happened to be there.

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
06-30-2015, 03:27 AM
He could see Arcus's resentment and he could understand where the boys thoughts heere coming from. In his perspective, he had been dragged along the entire journey and now here at the finish line he was being told 'hey, you had a voice all along!' Glacier somewhat resented the idea that Arcus might think he had no choice in this life, and knew he would do what he could to correct that. First, he had to deal with the inevitable meltdown at his doorstep. Here is was, Arcus dug at the ground, his voice, as he repeated glaciers words was deadly and glacier knew he had pushed him over the edge. He had never let up from his initial preparations of a blow. Still no blow landed, which Glacier was certain Arcus needed to let out the poison in his heart. Still, perhaps it said a lot for the brotherly love buried beneath this resentment.

Arcus demanded answers, demanded to know how glacier had planned out his life, but glscier could never give him that. He didn't plan out their lives, he gave advice and suggestions, he nudged, but he never controlled. "I want you to choose!" He roared back, sweeping a paw in the space between them as through to destory the imaginary box of ready made decisions arcus seemed to think glacier had over him. His voice was spoken directly before arcus, directly into the face of his brothers anger "I want you to stand up for yourself and choose what it is you want from this life! You have safety, and a home, a place where you can learn whatever you want to with the support of your family and then stand up and do it, follow your dream, but dammit Arcus you have to decide for yourself, more then decide, make it happen" glacier, and it was more then just word now, what he said he meant, and it was more then just to push Arcus to let out his anger, it was to push him to take control of his life.




9 Years
06-30-2015, 03:41 AM
For a moment much longer than he'd ever admit, Arcus was stunned. Slate blue eyes would gaze wide eyed at Glacier before he'd quickly snap his gaze away the moment he heard his big brother raise his voice. The power...wasn't this the same sound an iceburg made when part of it fell and crashed into the ocean? Even the storms couldn't break apart the ice, and he felt the natural inclination to yield. But oh, he was young.... It was then that he registered Glacier's words rather than his volume level, and he would clench his jaw. So that's what he wanted all along huh? Arcus had to choose. Growling deeply he'd close his eyes tightly. "I don't know!" He shouted before Glacier could even finish, perhaps close enough to cut of his last words but perhaps not. He growl weakly, eyes opening slowly to search for the answers at his paws. "I don't know...what..." He whispered. But storms would rage, even after a calm, and he'd quickly reel back up, gazing up at Glacier once more. With a curled lip he'd move to turn, to stomp away from his brother. "You know," He shouted then, refusing to look at his brother. "life made sense before you showed up. And I don't know!" He had dreams, aspirations. He had wanted to lead his littermates, had wanted to be strong and powerful like their father. He had wanted to create a pack and be someone to be respected and feared...but now he was nothing, a miniscule piece of sand. He would turn around again, glaring up at Glacier. "You don't know what it's like to have two strangers suddenly come and take you away from every dream you've ever made! How do you expect me to be able to find new ones in this place?" He snapped, teeth clenching. Sometimes, too, it was easier to be angry at the entirely wrong person. "What even gave you the right?"

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
06-30-2015, 04:20 AM (This post was last modified: 06-30-2015, 04:21 AM by Glacier.)
Arcus's reply would be doubt, that here and now with opportunity to choose he could not do so. Glacier almost almost smiled he could see a little bit of Voltage in Arcus, through Voltage's energy ran more in the lines of compassion, they where both fiery, and Arcus was young. He didn't know what he wanted, he was just looking for someone to blame. He was a young wolf who had let himself drift apart, and on his own all this had bottled up until it was ready to explode. Glacier would see a moment of calm in the storm, a calm that truly showed the confusion and youthfulness of Arcus. Glacier did not resent himself for challenging Arcus, for giving him an outlet, even if for the moment it made all of Arcus's anger and hate focus on the larger wolf.

Instead of completing his lashing out, Arcus would turn and begin to stomp away, turning before he could fully do so to speak further, point out that things had made sense before Glacier came along. That was good, it meant Arcus was really thinking. The next words however, they struck home, and Glacier really did flinch. It sounded like Arcus didn't resent their parents, not like Voltage and most of the others did. Did he truly resent Glacier and Voltage so much for taking them away? They had only ever intended to give them a better life, one of love and stability, a home. Glacier did deflate then, no longer was this to give Arcus an outlet, but the cool and controlled boy was starting to feel the emotions he conveyed. “No one did” he replied softly “No one”




9 Years
07-01-2015, 02:07 AM
The way Glacier would face every moment of anger with strong solidification only fueled Arcus' anger even more. He would glare, his teeth clenched as he stared, wondering when Glacier would feel some emotion. Anything. Sure he had yelled and raised his voice before, which Arcus had been surprised about, but he didnt feel pain. There was no sadness, nothing at Arcus' words, and it only pushed him closer to the edge. With slated eyes narrowed deeply he'd huff and begin to turn away again. He wanted to get away from Glacier, away from this stiffling feeling when suddenly...there was something. The quiet words carried over to Arcus, his ears flicked as he froze. There was something inate in him that panged at the smallness of Glacier's voice. He couldn't move a step, couldn't continue to walk away. It was profound how it seemed to affect him, it quelled his storms to know that maybe...perhaps he had taken it a step too far. Clenching his jaw he'd slowly turn to look back at Glacier, yet he wouldn't saw a word. Eyes would search needlessly for answers to this sudden turn of events, and he desperately scrambled to try and grasp for the fleeting threads of his anger. He wanted to stay angry, in some way, he wanted desperately to try and hold onto his rage. It gave him power, strength, and it kept his pain at bay. Right? With a heavy sigh he'd shake his head, moving slightly to turn away before he paused again. "I don't.." He said in his deep voice, once again soft. "I don't know what you went through, Glacier. Or what the middle litter went through...I don't even understand...what I went through." He said softly, keeping his gaze away from Glacier as he tried to find his rage once more. "I just...don't know how to deal with it." He admitted with a low growl, turning now to step away. It was Glacier's choice if he wanted to follow, but he knew in some way that he might want his elder brother's attention...

"Burn Baby Burn"



6 Years
Extra large
07-01-2015, 02:21 AM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2015, 02:23 AM by Glacier.)

It wasn't often that Glacier's cool broke with anyone other then Voltage. To his other siblings, he was unfathomable, barely capable of bringing out emotions stronger then the soft love he felt for all of them, or his desire to protect them. Anguish, rage, hate, and hopelessness where labels only Voltage could ever tie to their iceberg eldest. Arcus's words however, dug beneath the surface and he was unable to keep himself separate from the situation despite the entire point of this being solely to help Arcus – he hadn't intended to have any emotional attachment to his words, yet somehow, it happened.

Arcus it seemed had intended to walk away at that point, still bottling up his rage rather then igniting it upon Glacier. Only, the giant's words or rather what wasn't said but felt, stilled the storm boy. Glacier could see that Arcus wouldn't let go, Glacier couldn't push him over the edge the way he was going, instead it was turning to something else, as Arcus let the poison in his heart out little by little in his words, and Glacier felt its burn.

At first, the boy just watched him, and Glacier rewarded him by letting down his guard, his impassive eyes where instead compassionate, and old, very very old with a sadness that he felt to his bones but had never showed go anyone but Voltage, it was a sadness to the wrongs each and every sibling had faced in the hands of their parents and something Glacier and Voltage had desperately tried to protect them all from.

Despite letting down his walls, Glacier had no intention of running and hiding, and ruining the progress he had made today with Arcus. As the other boy started to walk again, Glacier would also start up his pace. He at first stayed silent, before letting himself speak out in heavy tones. “I understand Arcus, I do. I thought I was protecting you, all of you from the impact of parents that abandoned us, but in doing so I guess I gave you nothing to work with, and no way to work through what you felt about them. Its your right to make you own opinion of our parents, and our situation here... and i'm sorry I've been sugar coating the entire situation for you.” He said, finding himself at a lose at where to bring his point to, and instead not finding one, not dropping wisdom, but simply saying it as it was, and how he felt it. God, but did he want Voltage at his side with all his heart at that moment.





9 Years
07-01-2015, 02:43 AM
Arcus continued to move, muscles tense as he moved through the beach. Silence remained on his tongue as he waited for Glacier to speak, because, as he had assumed, his elder brother had resumed his place at his side. He couldnt help but wonder why this man who could have easily been deemed a stranger only a year ago wanted to even help him through his emotions. Sure, Arcus himself had wanted to aid his elder siblings only weeks after meeting them, but one could chalk that up to being gullible and naive. Glacier would speak again, telling him he understood his woes and without Arcus' consent he scoffed at those words. But he would listen anyways, taking in every word Glacier said. And he'd think, sighing slightly and looking out at the horizon. "You are the top of the chain, Glacier" He said softly. "You dont know my strife, you just think you do to make you feel like you understand us." He said softly, a growl upon his lips as he laid the blind accusation. "Tell me something, Glace....What would you do if we had switched places. If you suddenly had a stranger on your doorstep moments after your parents told you to leave...if they just said 'come with us, we will take care of you' without really answering why. Would you blindly follow, like I did. Would you trust that they would have your answers...would you feel this anger when they never came?" He said deeply, once again refusing to look at Glacier.



6 Years
Extra large
07-01-2015, 02:56 AM

Arcus's reply wasn't encouraging, and honestly, Glacier was running out of revenues to help his sibling. He tried to give Arcus an outlet to vent his emotions, tried to help him talk through his woes, and even let the boy into his own heart – something he guarded so closely only Voltage had found his way in. Even to Anais he showed little other then the love and joy he felt with her. She saw nothing of his worries, or sadness, through perhaps keeping that from her wasn't intentional just a reaction from the automatic need to protect that was hot wired into his system.

Arcus would laid out his accusation again, clearly pointing out how he had been trusting and patient and it had all come to no avail. Glacier wrinkled his brow, uncertain how many different ways he could try to explain to Arcus that he understood, and wanted to help. Maybe that was the problem however, Arcus wasn't looking for an answer, just someone to blame. Glacier could live with that, it wasn't his job to be loved, it was his job to protect them, their bodies, their well-being, that was all Glacier's responsibilities, not to hold their hearts, as much as he might wish he did. If Arcus wanted someone to hate, fine. “Yeah,fine, I get it, we let you down, I don't know you feel because I haven't been in your situation” no, he and Voltage, they where kicked out without warning, without an explanation. In the course of a day, they went from dependent on their parents and accustomed to their lives to thrown out on their ass's and forced to figure shit out real fast. That was why Voltage and Glacier did what they did, they never wanted their siblings to ever be in that situation. So no.. he didn't know what it was like for unknown older brothers to swoop in and take them under their wing. Glacier just didn't make it sound like he meant it like that, he didn't belittle Arcus's anger.





9 Years
07-02-2015, 10:23 AM
Arcus would glare ahead, feeling his storms intensify as Glacier seemed to grow irritated, or angry...or hurt. Anger, he knew from experiance, was the perfect way to cover up pain, weakness. So he'd stare ahead, feeling the hell fire at his paws grow stronger as Glacier, the immovable object, felt strongly with every word he said. It was almost satisfying, but a large part of himself also felt guilt and regret. It wasnt his place at all to criticize Glacier and their energetic brother, but it also...was? It was all a strange predicament. And he would pause then, his thoughts turning to the little girl he met and her promised feather. Her light seemed to almost calm him down, and he'd take a strong breath of sea air before continuing. "I was asking a question" He said deeply, the words thick on his tongue as they almost refused to come out. "Look," He said, pausing again to look up at Glacier. "You try..hard, I get it, I appreciated. Whoever managed to convince Astrea that her place was on the earth was...well, brilliant. You pushed the others to do things they wouldnt have done other wise. But...there are just too many of us, I think, for you two to be able to be all big brother mentor-y too." With a shake of his head he'd look down the beach again. "Some of us just...slip through the cracks, ya know?" It wasnt anger this, his sadness and lonliness seemed to be shining through the storm.