
It Took Me By Surprise



2 Years
06-27-2015, 10:09 AM
The woman's dark coat stood out throughout the woodlands. The smell of the other prey animals who's scents scattered throughout the terrain. Some old tracks had been mostly filled in with the frigid, alabaster ice crystals that were laying upon the ground like a cold sheet, and a smile came over her. She loved the cold, for it helped her with her cold-hearted self. Also, the heat was not something she was used to, and the cold was much easier to be around.

Her mint green optics shimmered as the sunlight beamed across them, making them shimmer and sparkle in its gold glow. Everything about this place brought back memories of home to her, however, she paid no heed to the prey and sat her haunches upon the ground and wrapped her tail around her bodice, a grin plastered upon her face as she looked around, seeing a deceased bird upon the ground, but, she only chuckled and looked around in various directions, a sinster smile upon her maw like always.
Ylva is rather manipulative and is mostly causing fights on some occassions. You have been warned.

Etani, Ylva's brother, is allowed to enter any or all threads that Ylva is in, unless otherwise noted.



2 Years
06-27-2015, 10:14 AM
(06-27-2015, 10:09 AM)Ylva Wrote: The woman's dark coat stood out throughout the woodlands. The smell of the other prey animals who's scents scattered throughout the terrain. Some old tracks had been mostly filled in with the frigid, alabaster ice crystals that were laying upon the ground like a cold sheet, and a smile came over her. She loved the cold, for it helped her with her cold-hearted self. Also, the heat was not something she was used to, and the cold was much easier to be around.

Her mint green optics shimmered as the sunlight beamed across them, making them shimmer and sparkle in its gold glow. Everything about this place brought back memories of home to her, however, she paid no heed to the prey and sat her haunches upon the ground and wrapped her tail around her bodice, a grin plastered upon her face as she looked around, seeing a deceased bird upon the ground, but, she only chuckled and looked around in various directions, a sinster smile upon her maw like always.
Ylva is rather manipulative and is mostly causing fights on some occassions. You have been warned.

Etani, Ylva's brother, is allowed to enter any or all threads that Ylva is in, unless otherwise noted.


06-27-2015, 10:17 AM
The woman was sore, but happy. She had tried her best to fight against Sin, trying to be a worthy opponent, and it ended in something that would be all the more beautiful between them. Excitement burned in the pit of her stomach, the chance of having children again with the man a privileged and an honor. He was in a sense her mate, yet not. He was her Lord, her savior, and the female practically worshiped the ground he walked on. If Sin wished it, it would be done. All he need do was command.

The woman was wandering, alone for the time being, but she knew better than to believe Sin was nowhere close. Her eyes would shine, memories stirring as she arrived at the Mile-High Woods. At one time she resided in a pack here. A place that was her home. But it was not a good place for young puppies who could easily fall and hurt themselves.

A frown would appear on Arietta’s face, shivering a little. Her body had truly never fully grown accustomed to the cold. But she put up with it for Sin’s sake. He loved the North. The biting cold wind. Such was the place of his birth. She could still remember the ice king, Isardis, and his plague that he spread across Alacritia.

A plague that would continue on through her mate.

Taking a step, Arietta would continue towards the trees that rose to the sky. Perhaps some investigating with a sense of nostalgia would be welcome.



2 Years
06-27-2015, 10:33 AM

That was when an unfamiliar scent surrounded her nostrils. This wolf whom she happened to come across did not smell like someone whom she had just met, and a chuckle rose throughout her throat as she stood up and stayed in the shadows, her body corredspnoding with some of the shade of the trees so that she was well comoflauged throughout her surroundings, the only give away being her mint-green optics.

When the woman was close enough, she approached behind her quietly and leapt upon the woman, a small chuckle escaping as her sinister eyes met the woman's. Though, a scent that she did remember very distinctively resided among the woman's scent. Sin, the male whom she had met the first time she had come to these lands, and he had planted his seed in her. Was it perhaps that he had a slave? Someone who he can take all his lustful wishes upon? She raised an eyebrow.

"I take it that, Sin, must have been your somewhat commander I take it? Funny, you seem rather submissive, why would he choose a wolf such as yourself? Do not take it the wrong way, i am only asking for he had planted his seed inside me as well. Boy, he sure is something, a white devil he is,"
She chuckled and got off of her,
"May I ask your name if I may be so bold?"


Ylva is rather manipulative and is mostly causing fights on some occassions. You have been warned.

Etani, Ylva's brother, is allowed to enter any or all threads that Ylva is in, unless otherwise noted.


06-27-2015, 10:48 AM
A surprised gasp escaped Arietta as she went down. For a moment she was frozen, her gaze looking up into a pair of sinister mint green eyes. Arietta would feel her heartbeat quicken, fear rising. There was something about that look that reminded her of Sin... And with her wounds already hurting she wasn’t looking to get into another fight so soon. When the black she-devil spoke her words caught her offguard. It was as if a blow had been delivered directly to her heart.

Why had Sin chosen her? What made her so special. She would advert her eyes, her spirits feeling somewhat crushed. She was nothing special. No dominant wolfess who could help him lead. No... The only thing she could possibly be good for was a job other women could do. This woman would also serve that purpose. It stung. It made her realize just how useless she was to the man she loved. Ears would fall, a sigh passing her lips.

“Arietta...” She would response simply. Though her mind was on Sin. What if one day he just decided he didn’t want her anymore?



2 Years
06-27-2015, 10:57 AM
She could tell that the woman was on edge with her response, and she felt somewhat guilty for implying about Sin when the woman that he had used was right here in front of her. Perhaps he did have some interest in her, but, she was not so sure as of yet for she had only just met the woman who said her name was Arietta. The name was different, and not one that she knew was used often when she was around other wolves. Her mint green eyes softened as she looked to her.

"Look, I am sure Sin thinks you're special in your own way. I am sorry entirely that i had hurt you, but, there are other fish in the sea, for i am sure i will only be used. You, however, are staying with him, and that is a luxury i wish i had, for i am jealous you have him, and that is something you can brag to others about," she explained, sitting down beside her and trying to lighten the woman's spirits. She felt it was the least she could do since she hurt her feelings and tackled her.
Ylva is rather manipulative and is mostly causing fights on some occassions. You have been warned.

Etani, Ylva's brother, is allowed to enter any or all threads that Ylva is in, unless otherwise noted.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
06-27-2015, 04:16 PM

A snarl curled his lips, the beast remaining quiet and hidden. He had followed Arietta, his babe never out of his sights for long. It wasn't that he didn't trust her, no. He trusted her completely. It was merely the fact of her nature, that others would take advantage of her. Nobody was allowed to do that but him, though did he really take advantage that way? Or was it his drive to be near her? Was it the need to protect her? Or protect her like a piece of property? That question would be answered today. Amber eyes fell on the woman whom he had encountered before, the woman claiming to be of a dark heart and sinister, but he could see through her lies. Alone, she was all bark and no bite. It seemed she was the same way around weaker wolves. Such as his Arietta.

The beginnings of a growl bubbled in his throat, first low then growing ever louder. Amber eyes turned to slits as he watched Ylva pounce on his mate. Then bragging to the smaller woman that he had planted his seed within her. This brought him to hold back a scoff, one that would be saved for when he revealed himself. He waited a moment longer. Waiting to see if the bitch would harm his trophy. But she'd let go, and explain something else that made his fur prickle. Was she trying to get her fur torn off?

It was time to make his presence known.

"That is enough!" He growled, his fur bristling and his teeth bared as he came up to stand on Arietta's left. Venomous orbs stared dead straight at Ylva, he was not a happy camper today, not after witnessing that. However vicious he could be, somewhere inside his dark core, he held a special place for Arietta, and nobody would demean her nor hurt her as long as he breathed. He practically thrust his muzzle in Ylva's face, daring her to challenge him or else forcing her to take a step back. Letting her know that he was the dominant one here.

"You laid paw on the wrong wolf. Arietta belongs to me, and no other. And if you dared try to lay claim upon her, you'd have me to deal with. She is not replaceable, not even by you. And you'll find soon enough that you're not even pregnant." He scoffed then, head tilting upwards as his tail swept over his back, a challenging look in his eyes. "I pulled out before anything could happen, unless you were too blind to notice. As if I was going to plant my seed without ensuring I wouldn't be betrayed later. You must think me stupid." He hissed, spit flying from his maw. Though the woman had claimed to come to his doorstep when the time was right, with her brother at that, he would surely see whether her words would be true or false. He needed to see actions and results.



06-27-2015, 05:57 PM
Though the woman tried to cover up what she had done, it didn't do much to soothe Arietta's wounded spirit. Special in her own way? Arietta could barely get herself to meet the other woman's gaze before she heard the growl. Her eyes would trail to the man, finding his fur on end. Arietta would move instinctively closer to Sin, pressing against him. He cared. It was something that the woman would remind herself of. What would she do without the man? She wouldn't speak, instead allowing Sin to take charge with what he needed to do.

His words were sharp to the other woman, and Arietta found herself grateful that he stood by her. Defending her. She would gently nuzzle his side, a motion of gratitude for what he had done. The blood marked man was many things... but in her eyes all she could see was the good through the evil. She would twitch her ears, letting her gaze slide back to the other woman. How would she respond to Sin's challenge? Would she find herself submitting before her mate, or would a fight ensue?



2 Years
06-27-2015, 08:49 PM
Ylva's eyes widened slightly when she heard his words. She turned her head away to avoid looking at his gaze, "I meant no disrespect to you or Arietta. I guess being kind and generous is not something that anyone thinks I am good at. However, I will leave to avoid anymore conflict. Good day, Arietta...Sin.." Ylva gave a small sigh and turned away, eyes somewhat saddened as she walked away. This was the first time she had been yelled at, even if it was by someone who she liked, but, she knew that Arietta wouldn't be replaced, and who was she to get in the way of their happiness.

Her head hung low slightly as she walked away from the duo. A somewhat sparkle of a tear was present, but barely noticeable.

-Exit Ylva unless otherwise stopped-
Ylva is rather manipulative and is mostly causing fights on some occassions. You have been warned.

Etani, Ylva's brother, is allowed to enter any or all threads that Ylva is in, unless otherwise noted.