
They'reeee HEREEEE Sonticus babies



4 Years
06-27-2015, 05:37 PM (This post was last modified: 06-27-2015, 05:38 PM by Arian.)

We waited, we agonized, we read the fancy pancy threads. It is time, me and Keno proudly present the adoptable thread for the Cyrian babies! Before we begin, there is some information you really need to know about these lovely young ones.

1.The children will be born 22nd of July, therefore playable 5th of August. If you plan on adopting them please make sure you keep these dates in mind.
2.Anyone found inactive with these pups, me and Keno reserve the right to take them back and adopt them out no matter their age - this warning will serve as proof. Please be active with your pups post at least once a week!
3.All the pups will bear the last name Adravendi as Cypress is taking this last name.
4.Both me and Keno have provided you with premade designs, you may choose from those designs or make your own. HOWEVER, the white eyepatch for this litter is a requirement. You may switch the side of the eyepatch for these adopts from the designs after all are adopted out Riv will be making everyone pretty tables.
5.Finally, with alignments. Since Arian's is neutral, but Cypress leans more towards good these pups are not allowed to have anything on the chaotic side of the spectrum. Of course they are liable to character development as they grow this is just for their younger months. So be wary of this. They will be growing up in Sonticus which accepts all alignments.

If you've read the rules put Sonnie in the password section of the form no cheating.

We only received one free pup. Since Riv has so many gems I will be paying for any extra and am willing to make the litter the full five pups! I will cover the cost so you do not have to worry about paying for your own puppy. Arian's family bloodline has mental disorders in it, Multiple Personality Disorder, Psychopath Disorder and Boderline Personality disorder. Although it's only a 25% chance of having one of these if male(Like 5% if female) so it is totally up to you if you want them to have one or not.

Rivaxorus II(Taken by Riv)
DESIGN FOUR & FIVE -middle one is taken by Keno-

Username: Your name
Name: Name of pup
Appearance: at least 100 words
Personality: at least 150 words
Rp Sample: At least 150 words!


[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.

Absinthe 1

06-27-2015, 08:20 PM
Username: Den
Password: Sonnie
Name: Opium Ios Adravendi
Design: My own
Sex: Female
From the time she is born to the time she reaches maturity, she will never be an impressive girl. All large ears and fluffy fur. It is obvious from early on that she is no more than a simple runt. Opium will never let it affect her, though. Haters gonna hate, and all that.
Among the rest of her siblings, the girl is an anomaly. She seems to be the only one to bear Walker genetics. A base pelt of brilliant russet hues could come from her mother, her ancestry, or even, if one is whimsical, the Adravendi line. It covers almost the entirety of her form. Her face is darkened by a mask-like marking in deeper rust hues, similar to her father's. It only covers her head, trailing from the bridge of her muzzle to spread over her forehead, across her cheekbones. Brow spots of pure ebony stand out, stark against the softer hues of her face. An alabaster patch over her right eye marks her as one of her mother's children. Her entire tail is also stained in obsidian, as well as her ears. Her eyes are a brilliant violet hue, standing out against her face.
She will not be a large girl. Standing at only twenty eight inches when fully grown, she won't even break into the medium size range. At most, she will weigh eighty pounds. Bodice lean and sleek, she will be a runner for sure. Dainty paws and sharp cheekbones give her an air of royalty, her stride as careful as that of a doe. Most of her meager height will be thanks to her slender limbs, and her narrow build gives her the appearance of being made of fine china. Perhaps she is, no one is quite willing to test it.

Sometimes the babe may appear callous and rude, but she does not intend to be this way. She simply finds it very difficult to care about this and that. Apathy is a very serious character flaw with this one, yet she doesn't even attempt to cover it up on most occasions. Instead, she simply lets it flow freely through her veins. Sometimes this inability to give a shit shows itself in the form of blissful relaxation during times where others are stressed. She simply goes about her business, regardless of the connotations or effects on others.
Opium is a regal creature. It comes naturally to her, the nature of acting as though she is royalty. She holds her head high, and stands tall always. Perhaps it is because of her diminutive size that she feels the need to assert herself often. From a youthful age, she will learn to stride like a ghost across the terrain, gliding smoothly over it with a soft sway to her form. Her posture will be rigid and yet her willowy frame will lend to her an ethereal air. Her attitude can sometimes be mistaken for haughty, and there will be plenty of occasions when it very well is. No one will quite be able to pinpoint where this idea got into her head, that she is a queen and should make sure everyone knows it.
Her temper will manifest itself in odd little ways. As she is still uncaring toward most things, there are only certain times she will raise her voice or snap at someone. If her siblings happen to be bickering too loudly, and she gets irritated, she won't hesitate to shout at them. Then, as quickly as it appeared, her anger will disappear. Never will she go on a tirade, or prolong an obnoxious tone. However, she will hold a grudge for the rest of your life. Wrong this girl, and she will resent and remember. Rather than go out of her way to make you miserable, Opium will simply shoot little barbs your way when you don't want to hear them, or use your own words against you. She is not the kind to forgive, and if one were to try and earn such a thing from her, there would be much groveling and begging involved.
Night time is her favourite time. The daylight is too harsh, and she much prefers the mystery of the dark. It will take a while before she is allowed to keep her schedule to the nocturnal hours she would rather they be, but it will happen regardless. Every chance she gets, the girl will sneak off in the late hours of the night to see the things everyone else has already seen. Most of her activity will occur in the evening and night, though with some cajoling she will emerge in the early morning. Mist and shadow is her element, and she fears nothing in the blackness.

Alignment: Neutral

Rp Sample:
The sun rose long ago, but the girl was still laying comfortably in the den. It was cold outside, and she wasn't yet interested in venturing out to see what the world had to offer. Instead, she rolled over and curled up into an even tighter ball of russet fur. Sighing quietly, she let her violet optics fall shut once more. It was probably a lovely day outside, but... she wasn't feeling like going outside yet. Her siblings had long since left her behind to adventure, bounce around the territory looking for something new to investigate. Instead, she had remained alone. It was comfy inside, and abandoning her warm bed would be a crime right now. Someone came thundering by, for no reason she could imagine. "Shut up." The tiny phoenix muttered grumpily, ebony audits flattening against her skull. After a few moments, everything was silent again. The lass settled back into a comfortable position, and drifted back off into sleep.



6 Years
06-27-2015, 08:57 PM (This post was last modified: 07-12-2015, 04:36 PM by Vrel.)
Name: Cedric Adravendi
Design: lineart
Sex: male
Appearance:Cedric won’t be a boy of small stature once he’s an adult he’ll reach a height of 35 inches almost as tall as his mom, but with this height won’t come muscle throughout his life he’ll retain a slim build. The base of his coat will be a solid brown stopping only for a few markings, a white eyepatch covering his left eye will stand out amongst the rest of them. A spot of brightness amongst the rest of his dirt like coat, his paws and ankles will look like they have endured a constant state of dirtiness appearing like the color of fresh mud. The last of these markings will be on his tail where the last half of his tail will be the color of a light brown. His eyes will both be a bright emerald green sparkling with ideas and dreams.
Personality: Cedric is a boy of many words and few at the same time, if he knows you he’s likely to talk your ears off but if the other wolf is a complete stranger he’ll wait to share his entire life with them until he knows at least the basis of who they are. When it comes to his family they’ll be close to him, when he grows up he’ll put whoever is his family at the time ahead of anything else he wants to do. He’s not the most active pup he’d rather sit off to the side and look at the clouds than play wrestle with his siblings, but he’ll gladly go with you if it’s on a walk just looking at nature. If he finds an object of curiosity he’ll observe it from afar before going in and actually touching it. This boy will most likely be completely ignorant of any feelings he has for the opposite sex until he’s at least three years old, but when he does find them he’ll be as great a mate as ever could be.
Allignment: lawful good
Rp Sample:The small boy would be just waking up from a well deserved nap, stretching his paws out and yawning as his pink tongue started to curl. He would walk outside the den to find an insect, it was a cricket but he wouldn’t have known that. To him it looked like an animal that could either be incredibly nice or had the potential to kill him. He kept a wide berth from it keeping his eyes trained on the small thing, he would skirt around it to make sure that if he stepped backward he wouldn’t just be furthering himself into a corner. It stayed still for quite a while and he was starting to think it would be safe to inch a little closer to it, but then it jumped in his direction. He jumped backwards letting a little high pitched yelp out, whatever this thing was it seemed scary for its size. It jumped towards him again and this sent the little boy running, he ran off to go find one of his parents to see if they could tell him what it was and if it was dangerous or not. When he found one of them his mom he told her all about the little thing not just what it did but what it looked like and smelled like, in the end he dragged her over to look at it but by the time they got over there the little insect had disappeared. Leaving the little pup a little bit sad and his mother a tad annoyed.
[Image: uizVOfV.png]
[Image: vrel_by_reflectedmemories-d8klbte.png][Image: I1DXszi.png]



1 Year
06-28-2015, 02:21 PM (This post was last modified: 06-29-2015, 01:47 PM by Ion.)
Username: Croatoan

Name: Kasumi Adravendi

Design: #2, slightly edited

Sex: Female

Password: Sonnie

Appearance: Kasumi has her her mother's height when she's full grown, even towering over her father. Unfortunately, her height will make her look less than dignified. She is an unnaturally thin female, although her weight is still enough to keep her healthy. Even as an adult, big ears will poke out of her head, seeming to be too large on her head. Kasumi will also have large eyes, although they do not have the impression that her ears will. Long, thin legs seem like stalks, barely able to hold her weight. And yet, despite her delicate appearance, Kasumi is stronger than she seems. She isn't meant for fighting, sure, rather meant for hunting. She could reach surprising speed if she wanted to. Her long legs, along with her thin body, makes it easier for her to keep a fast pace. She looks ready to flee is she's standing still, her large ears pricked and the female leaning sideways a little. Any sudden movement makes her flinch, moving further sideways.

Kasumi is cloaked in her father's gray, the only difference being is that she is a little darker than him. She has two markings, but they stand out in their own way. A dark warm gray starts at her nose and stretches out to the tip of her tail, covering the fur around her ears and the fur around her eyes as well. Her ears themselves are coated in the color. The only other marking is a white patch over her right eye, claiming her as her mother's pup. Her fur is short, and Kasumi tries to keep it clean, although she may not be the best at it. It's not strange to see sticks, leaves, or anything else tangled in her fur, or matting it. When she gets back from an adventure, her gray fur will be splattered with mud, most likely, and possibly sticking up in places because of it.

Kasumi has a brilliant pair of mismatched eyes, standing out against her monochrome fur. The left is a bright green-yellow, flecked with shades of both colors, even a few hints of orange in there. Her right eye is the color of her mother's, a brilliant blue flecked with darker and lighter shades. In her right eye, there are a few flecks of her father's brilliant purple eye color, although not enough to change her eye color. There are no slight tints to her right eye, it being blue through and through.

Personality: Kasumi is a sweet girl, but she has a disorder from her mother's side that could make her deadly if she chose to be. She suffers from Psychopath disorder, her thoughts less than pleasant some of the time. If she did kill another, she wouldn't feel remorse, unfortunately. Or maybe that is a good thing, in a way. If she did feel remorse, killing the wolf would bother her for a while, until she killed something else. Despite her disorder, she tries her best to be friendly to everyone, and defend them from anything she can, be it another wolf or the smallest creature. If it bothers them, she's attacking it. In battle, her thoughts change from anything to just 'kill'. Yes, the young girl could be quite terrifying already. Kasumi tries to fight these thoughts as a pup, but will not be as capable until she is around a year old.


Rp Sample: At least 150 words!



4 Years
06-28-2015, 04:01 PM (This post was last modified: 07-12-2015, 03:45 PM by Freya.)
(Lolaf wants to preface this: I’m going to be camping the week of August 5th. I believe they’ll be wifi but not sure how much time or chance I’ll have to post but if given the chance I’ll do my best to get Vevina posting. No promises unfortunately.)

Username: Lolaf

Password: Sonnie

Name: Vevina

Design: #4 (Slightly altered to have heterochromia)

Sex: Female


As an adult the girl will be only a hair shorter than her father at 31 inches at her full height. She weighs a dainty 112 pounds which gives her an elegant frame, long slender legs and lithe feminine form wrapped in smooth thick fur.

The babe is swaddled in a rich fulvous tone though it is broken by many other colors. Blending with her light brown coat is a deeper chocolate tone that extends in a thick stripe down the base of her tail all along its length. This color also marks her muzzle, pulling up from her nose up past her eyes and down to just past her mid back, coloring the entire area above in the deep brown color. Additionally her back paws below her hocks is an ashy black color. Most notably however is the white. Her front paws just below the ankle, chest and underbelly are this bright ivory color; and of course the iconic eye patch on her left eye.

The girl possess a brilliant pair of mix-matched eyes, the left is a deep violet color and the right is a brilliant yellow.


The girl is a rebel, fiercely independent and sure in her identity. Vevina is a little shit disturber, stirring up trouble and then playing dumb in attempt to get off scot-free. This is all in good fun though she may take things too far without realizing it.

She is however not harboring any malicious intentions; she’s simply struggles with empathy. Not that she lacks it but it’s perhaps not as strong in her as in others. She strives to do what’s right but doesn’t tend to be too beat up if she doesn’t succeed and will choose to serve herself over others one hundred percent of the time.

She is however fiercely loyal to her family, they are most likely to see her good side as she strives to impress and even sometimes outdo them. She loves hard and fast and thinks just highly enough of herself to have high standards. She knows what she deserves and won’t settle for anything else, of course this doesn’t account for true matters of the heart and she’s vulnerable to being caught off guard by any wolf she views as attractive. They become a goal, something to strive for, something she deserves.

Allignment: True Neutral

Rp Sample: Vevina was playing princess… of course she was always the princess! But she didn’t want to be saved, not this time! So while her siblings planned the best way to save her she snuck away, giggling under her breath and sneaking around a behind a metal partition. She grinned as she heard her siblings begin to realize she was gone and jumped out from the other side of her hiding place.

“I am warrior queen Vevina!” She declared, holding her head high and allowing her tail to flag out over her rump proudly. “And I need no one to save me!” Smugly aware of her captive audience she paraded in front of them. “The evil dragon was vanquished easily at the end of my fangs!” She snapped her jaw shut audibly, lips curling back in a demonstration of her prowess. That was when they began to clamor, declaring it unfair and asking what they were supposed to do if she had killed the dragon.

She huffed, puffing out her chest. How was this her fault?

[Image: wrqQfHn.png]



3 Years
06-28-2015, 06:13 PM



Juniper (split personality) Lydia



Juniper will stand at thirty-four inches and weigh around one hundred and twenty-five pounds, about in the middle of her mother and father. Body will be lean as an adult, not too toned and not too thin, about a perfect mixture. Bits of muscle will be packed on from all the adventures this child will go on, lots of vigorous activity, but it won’t be enough to make her appear beefy since she will want to retain her feminine curves. When it comes to coloring of her pelt, Juniper took more so after her mother in that department, retaining natural colors and markings of a timber wolf. A base of timber covers the entirety of her body, with a darker, almost brown is ticked over that, layered with a darker brown and finally black. The dark brown and black ticking is heavier around her cheeks, ears, nape, chest and tail. A off-white, near beige is located on her lower jaw that spreads like a bib onto the upper portion of her neck and can also be found on her shoulders that spreads partially down her forelegs. Eyes are a sky blue, the area around her left eye covered with the family's iconic white patch.

Family Oriented. Family is everything for Juniper, and because of it she will usually take their side and always have faith in them despite any hardships they might go through. They will try to make amends if an argument might cause trouble among the family, and if all can not be forgiven then she will still keep in contact with the family and be there for them, just won’t share any personal details similar to what might have caused trouble originally. The family will be involved in life changing decisions, an example being that in the blessing of taking on someone as a mate or maybe moving across the lands to start their own life. And when it comes to their safety, you can bet your tail that Juniper will be standing right at your side, read to jump into action to protect the family and ward off any intruders.

Respectful. When it comes to interacting with others, Juniper has a degree of respect when speaking and acting towards an individual. You could say that depending on your age, gender, and ranking (pack member or loner), it tells just about how much respect they have for you be default. For example, a regular wolf that's commoner in the pack will get more respect than a rogue. Just because you aren't in the pack doesn't mean you get zero respect however, you will still be treated as an intelligent equal.

Helpful. Juniper can not resist helping other people out, whether it has to do with emotional distress or maybe even injury. And when she is older, it could be something like teaching that person about the pack or how to hunt a certain prey species. You can always find them running to and fro with a task, liking to keep herself busy so that they aren’t lazing about all day.

Bold. This girl is not afraid to say what she thinks or act on what they believes in. You do something she doesn't like, she will say something without a care in the world. And if they don't care about something, they will do whatever it likes, which means crossing pack borders.

Adventurous. With always wanting to have something to do, if no one within the pack is interested in games or tasks, Juniper will decide to explore beyond the borders. She will want to learn about the surroundings areas like the back of their paw, find out what secrets the land holds and what kind of animals hide away in them. What makes it better is that the aim for doing this is to find a form of entertainment, something that could be passed onto the rest of the family and friends. Special little hangout, exclusive.

Disorder. Juniper has inherited a personality disorder from her mother’s side, but it isn’t as severe as some cases. For her it only shows up when she is very mad or in severe pain, and what tends to happen is her heart will begin to race and her body will tremble. Just before the switch occurs she will go wide eyes and a shiver will run down her spine, after that she becomes almost like a completely different person. What tends to happen is she will lash out at anyone around her, doesn’t matter their relation towards her. Fangs will aim to tear flesh and words want to hurt the soul, denying any and all assistance from others and determine to fix things her own way, doesn’t matter if she can’t even stand. This part of her is known as Lydia, and her goal is to break away from anything that could be considered weak, including “soft” emotions or injuries. She wants to charge head on into a situation with jaws snapping, determined to show her strength. Because she wants to show this, Lydia will try to humiliate others, hurt their feelings and all that jazz. Sleeping around and injuring people are not out of the question and she won’t hesitate in doing so.

Neutral Good

Rp Sample:
Juniper was inspecting and interesting thing she had found near one of the pack borders, a mound of what looked like finely grained dirt, lighter than the surrounding area. Not only that but small black things were crawling in and out and all around, some even carrying pieces of grass or the bodies of other small creatures (bugs). The girl moved in close but was careful with where she placed her paws, nose just barely touching the black bugs, her breathing sending some of the grains of dirt flying away. They were unusual, unlike anything she had seen before, and it made her wonder just how many were hiding in that hole at the top of the mound.

That's when she got an idea... Quickly the girl rose to her paws, and without even thinking about it her back legs spread and her forepaws began digging away. Dig dig dig dig. Dirt was sent flying between her legs and up into the air, appearing almost as a dust cloud from how fast she was going at it. "Oh I'm gonna get you guys! You can't hide from me!" She barked, shaking her head when she accidentally got dirt in her face, but she wouldn't let it stop her.

A couple of minutes had to of passed by time the girl finally came to a stop, breathing heavy as she stepped away from the mess she had created. What was once a half a foot big mound of dirt was now reduced to a dip in the earth, black ants swarming away from the disaster in panic, some of them carrying the eggs of their young. "Hey! Where are you going!" She exclaimed, slamming her oversized paws on the ground in front of the bugs to keep them from escaping. "Stop! Halt!" She tried and tried to keep them in the dip, spinning around, running back and forth. How was she going to be able to show her family if they all ran away?



4 Years
07-12-2015, 08:36 PM
[Image: 4325640.png]
Azzy will be playing Juniper/Lydia Adravendi -Female-
Den will be playing Opium Ios Adravendi-Female-
Frost will be playing Cedric Adravendi-Male-
Rivaxorus will be playing Rivaxorus II Adravendi-Male-
Keno will be playing --- Adravendi-unknown-

Thank you for everyone who tried out! We did have a bit of trouble picking who played who out of all the babies xD. All in all we ended up with a full FIVE pups. Make note the pups are born the 22nd have your bio's done by then! By that time I will have all puppies with a fancy table and icon just for you to use. They will be adult versions since I suck at puppies. YOU MAY START POSTING THEM ON THE 5th. If you do not keep them active either me or Keno reserve the right to take them back. Don't worry about the cost I'm paying for the extra pups.
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



4 Years
08-02-2015, 01:06 PM
It's been decided Keno doesn't want to overload herself so one more pup is available. Since I payed for all the passes I really want to see all of them played. So one more pup is OPEN! They're playable the fifth so I'd like to get her/him picked within the next three days.
[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



8 Years
Dragon Mod
08-02-2015, 03:01 PM (This post was last modified: 08-02-2015, 03:15 PM by Shiki.)
Username: Dragon
Name: Holly Adravendi
Sex: Female
Appearance: at least 100 words
Personality: at least 150 words
Allignment: Lawful Good
Rp Sample: At least 150 words!



2 Years
08-03-2015, 02:24 PM (This post was last modified: 08-04-2015, 03:22 PM by Lyria.)
Username: Blueberry

Name: Jasha Adravendi

Design: #4 {I edited it slightly, if that's okay}

Password: Sonnie

Sex: Male

Appearance: At the moment, Jasha is not the handsome male he will be, coated in long, fluffy fur that could disguise him as a ball of fluff. His ears are too big for his head, poking out like the ears of a bat. His eyes are wide and full of the puplike innocence he'll have even as he grows to be a year old. At this age, he will be the height of his mother at 36 inches, although still be quite gangly and skinny, as if he hasn't finished growing. He has, though; Jasha will grow out of it after a while, and become a wolf his parents would be proud of. His fur, although still fluffy, will be neatly groomed so it doesn't look as wild as it did when he was a pup. Jasha will carry himself with the grace and pride of a prince, his eyes shining vividly.

Jasha is coated in shades of russet, with few markings inherited from his father's genes. He resembles his mother the most, appearance wise. A stripe of russet makes its way from the end of his snout to his head, coating his ears and going down his back to pool near his scruff. A separate stripe of the same color starts at the base of his tail and goes down to the tip, leaving the top side of his tail claimed. Jasha's throat is a snowy ivory that also coats his stomach, the single strands of fur that are loose seemingly see through if the light catches it the right way. His front toes are coated in the snowy color, along with a patch of frosted fur around his right eye. The last marking he has is one that his father has. Dark gray coats Jasha's hind paws, going up to his ankles.

The finishing touch to the masterpiece has to be his gaze. Jasha's right eye is his father's light purple gaze, flecked with darker purples and almost a masterpiece itself. His left eye is not the same light purple, instead being his mother's crystalline blue. His eyes are gems in their own right.

Personality: As a pup, Jasha will not know the meaning of "hush" or "calm down". He is a little ball of energy, bouncing all over the place and chatting as hard as he can. He doesn't like being left alone, and will be seen trailing behind another of his siblings. Of course, at this age, he is overly sensitive. If another sibling snaps at him, it'll cause the male to become upset and wail at everyone who comes around him. Exploring is his goal, and it will not be a strange act for him to bother his siblings into explore with him. Yes, he may get hurt a few times, but with his puphood adventures will come injuries; it is almost a certain that he'll get stung more than a few times. Everyone is his friend, even those that aren't that friendly; to him, they just need cheering up. The male, despite how many friends he has, will put family before them all the time. He will demand attention from his parents most of the time, being quite clingy.

When Jasha gets older, it'll be quite obvious that he is obsessed with water and fish. At this stage, he can sit still, and will be seen gazing down at any kind of fish he can. Where this obsession comes from isn't obvious; maybe it's something he never grew out of as a pup. Even at this age, Jasha still wants to make all the friends, and is still not a quiet male. The only thing that really has changed is that he is no longer as easy to make sad. Depending on the insult, he can snap back, or just get up and leave. On really bad days, the male tends to bottle up his emotions. After all, he doesn't want his family to worry.

Allignment: Neutral Good

Rp Sample: Paws pounded at the small creature who had fluttered inside the den. It was night, and Jasha was ready to make friends with the bug-looking thing. It looked like the bugs that fluttered around the flowers at day, only it was cream colored and looked furry. Was it a miniature wolf? The bug fluttered its wings, unable to fly due to the pup's unintentional attack. "Hey! Where are you going?" Well, it wasn't going anywhere, but Jasha was ready to make friends and he wasn't about to let his new friend go. "No!" Jaws clamped shut with a snap as he pounced a final time at the moth, this time landing right on the creature. When he struggled to his paws and moved away, the small creature wasn't moving. "Hey! Don't be a lazy butt!" Jasha barked at the creature, unaware that he had killed the bug. Poor pup.