
just one yesterday



10 Years
Extra large
06-29-2015, 03:30 PM

I'm like, I'm like, like a war child

Her brother, as she had grudgingly expected, was gone again. She had long since pushed her feelings on the matter into the back of her head, and kept on going. The north had called to her, briefly. Her first trip had been to the east- a mangrove that her mother had called home, as had she, once. There had been no sign of the woman her mother had called her best friend, and named the giantess after. So, she'd abandoned the search and decided to find somewhere to stay for a time. She needed something to do, a family, a purpose. However, she couldn't find any relatives here. No one she recognized, nor anyone that stood out to her. A pack seemed like a good thing to find, but so far she'd had no luck. The estranged princess found herself in the northern lands, as winter was nearing its end. Ebony cloaked limbs pulled her lean form through the drifts of snow. The wind had long since died down to an icy breeze, daring to nip at her nose and sear her lungs with every breath.

A dark shape in the distance attracted her moonstone gaze. She paused, regarding the strange structure. It wasn't rock, it looked too smooth for that. Curiosity piqued, she headed closer. The scent of many others soon flooded her nostrils, and she hesitated. Obviously this was pack territory, and she would do well not to go further. Cranium would lift and lower, attempting to get a good view of what exactly that thing was. The wind picked up, buffeting her form briefly, before it died down again. She let out a quiet huff, the corners of her lips turning slightly downward. Brows would draw together, and she wondered if she should speak to someone from this group. Maybe it wasn't so good a plan, but it couldn't hurt, could it? Tail tip would flick hesitantly, breath flowing from her nostrils in a puff of mist. Perhaps she would be better off simply heading back to the mangrove. She knew the place, and had grown up there. It would be her best bet. Turning away from the odd shape in the snow and ice, she took a few steps in the direction she'd come. Her prints had started to fade already, thanks to the constant flow of air over the cool terra.


up in the club like 'what's up?'

avatar courtesy of trash-klng on dA



4 Years
06-29-2015, 03:59 PM

Stuck to the pack lands, like sap would to a tree. It was making her restless but she knew she couldn't risk leaving right now. The members becoming more active, but with no sign of Sage nor Ixionn they had been removed from the pack practically. Arian would sigh, and trot along the lands until her face caught something odd. A huge wolf wandering around, her head tilting to the side. Arian let a small gruff leave her snout as she limped over to this mysterious stranger.

"Hello there, I'm Arian Adravendi the alphess of the pack Sonticus here or president. What brings you to our lands on this fine day?" she was not noticeably pregnant, but her scent had changed. However whether or not other wolves would be able to tell at this point was a mystery to her. She smiled at the beast, hopefully she wasn't an intruder looking to harm her or her family.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



10 Years
Extra large
06-29-2015, 04:35 PM

You're walking in the woods, there's no one around and your phone is dead

The crunch of her paws upon the snow was painfully loud in her head, but she ignored it. The femme was large enough that most would think twice before making some sort of stupid move. Though she was far from burly, the pull of her musculature was obvious beneath her thick pelt. Lost in thought, she wondered about the rumours she'd heard lately. A pack called Glaciem, ruled over by a girl her mother had once called her own, for a brief time. Odette. She hadn't had much luck finding the girl so far, but she had time to search. A set of vocals captured her attention, and her delicate crown rotated to cast her icy gaze over her shoulder. A scarred woman stood behind her, and was quick to introduce herself. There was a white patch over her eye, and she seemed to have a discrepancy in her steps. The wolfess regarded her, this Arian Adravendi. Slowly, her form would twist so she could face this strange woman, remaining oddly silent. The alabaster behemoth blinked at the smaller female, noting the odd tang to her scent. She couldn't place it, but it was a little different from most female scents. She wrote it off, and finally deigned to speak.
"Nothing in particular." She replied succinctly, thick accent rolling off her tongue easily. "In truth, I had not been aware this land was occupied until I stepped too close to the borders." She added in a low voice, expression coldly neutral.

Tail tip would flick absently, posture rigid as she gazed upon the alphess. Perhaps she could learn something of this pack, or any others in the area. One brow would rise as the thought crossed her mind, and she focused her attention more intently upon the other. "If you don't mind my asking, what is the alignment of your pack?" She enquired casually, tilting her crown to one side inquisitively. The breeze ruffled the blue feathers entwined in her fur, and she frowned. One charcoal paw rose to smooth over the offending plumage, pressing them back down against the pallid fur of her breast. Their fluttering could grow distracting on many occasions, but she'd long since learned how to deal with them.

"out of the corner of your eye, you spot him"

Shia LaBeouf

avatar courtesy of trash-klng on dA



4 Years
07-08-2015, 12:07 AM

It didn't make sense that one would miss the scent markers. Any sensible wolf would smell them a mile away and know to step away. It was like that one male, who had stepped across the border on purpose. Arian wouldn't find herself being angry though, instead she was curious with this other woman. She asked about the alignment of Sonticus, making her ears twitch. "Depends..." she shrugged for a moment. "Majority rules, whoever is president is guiding alignment. Each wolf has a voice, at the moment we're pretty neutral." Arian mused at she looked at the female. Her crystal eyes looking her up and down.

"Are you interested in joining miss? There's always room in Sonticus for able bodied wolves." Arian would seat herself, curling her tail around her injured leg. Sonticus was still low on members, the ones bustling about in her womb would not be ready to fight for another two years. As far as she was concerned at least.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.