
You can be my hero

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-01-2015, 06:25 PM

Learning about Vail's blindness had been a confusing thing for the girl, and her mindset now was only to do the best she could for the little sister she already loved. Perhaps Motif's determination had rubbed off on her, or Rhythm's logic in finding an answer. Either way, the moment something was mentioned about finding an expert, Shaye had been all over that. She not only volunteered but had taken off pretty much immediately.

That had been yesterday, and well one single day might not sound like much, an entire day and nigh empty handed sure felt like a loss. She had no idea how to find a blind person who was also willing to help, just somewhere in the middle of Alacritis. How did a person even do that? She was feeling pretty dejected as she stomped through the Fern Gully, her little blue feather flicking back to and fro as the girl, with a determined expression, marched with no destination.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
07-01-2015, 07:15 PM
(Set before Voltage and Gaia left)

Oddly, despite Arcus' near constant desire to get the hell away from the packland that caused him so much strife, he never seemed to skirt more than a few territories around it. Perhaps someone deep inside of him he was terrified to be too far away from his family and his cushy bed. What did Arcus know about surviving anyways? Up untill now his food was always pretty much provided, his home was safe. All he had ever really had to do was walk. And for some reason the coddling upset him, it made him angry. What did Glacier and Voltage think? They'd be around forever? He huffed slightly as he moved through the strange territory, his slate blue eyes glinting as he thought. There was only so many times he could go over what might just be what was bothering him, before even that started to bother him. He curled his lip just slightly before he continued to walk, moving with a purpose without really having one. He only half saw the girl, but he mainly ignored her, not really wanting to stop and socialize. There was rumor on the wind that his elder brother was going on a trip back to their island, Glacier had invited him to a "surprise party" but he ignored it. Instead he skirted away, not wanting to be seen, not wanting to think that his brother would go back to the island to bring new siblings back, if there were even any there to begin with. He didn't remember having any little siblings, and it seemed he should have if the pattern would continue. With a gentle sigh he moved, just wanting to keep walking and forget it all.


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-01-2015, 07:34 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2015, 07:36 PM by Shaye I.)

As she walked, head held high and her stride purposeful she would begin to realize she had walked in a circle. Somewhere along the way, passing obstacles in her path had deterred her so much she would end up where she had begun. She hadn't done a great deal of exploring territories that weren't next to Abaven or Imp, and it would seem, oddly enough, that she was lost. She had just started out again when she caught the movement of another wolf through the ferns. She titled her head and was rewarded with a better glance of smoky fur and even a hint of brilliant blue eyes. The girl grinned widely, she wasn't accustomed to being cautious with strangers and wouldn't start now.

She moved up her trott and made a path that aligned with the stranger, calling out when she was nearly beside him. “Excuse me, Mister?” she spoke, and at the sound of her voice she would be rewarded with a glance at his eyes. Brilliant blue orbs looked back at her, in a similar shine to both her own, and the feather that currently skirted about her cheek. She grinned, and couldn't help but speak her mind. “Oh! You have really beautiful eyes. Maybe you should get a feather like mine, it would look really cool next to your stormy fur” she offered in a friendly manner.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
07-01-2015, 07:57 PM
It would be useless to say that Arcus didn't jump at the sound of her voice so close. He skipped a few steps away, turned towards her as he did with large blue eyes staring at her. It was a miracle he didn't make a sound, and he kept his jaw clenched as he stared at the young girl. At the comment of his eyes he rolled them and looked away. Just his luck, a very polite and social girl had managed to spot him. With a small sigh he'd look back at her. "A feather, huh?" He said in his deep voice, wondering just why he was humoring her. "What bird did that even come from?" Naturally he'd keep his bitter self. There was something about authenticity that he clung too, it wasn't in himself to be fake to anyone. A smile on Arcus' face was always and truley a smile. He glanced away just slightly before he took a step away from her, as if to try and put distance between himself and the overly happy girl. "Didn't your parents ever tell you not to talk to strangers?" He asked with a rumble, gazing at her. He took her in, her appearance, her youth, it was obvious she was younger than him. Not by much, it seemed, perhaps a year or so, but she was still young. "Evil men behind blue eyes and all that?" He smirked then, which...felt off, because his lips hadn't done anything aside from sneer or frown for a long while now.


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-01-2015, 08:11 PM

The little jump her new friend made at the sound of her voice was adorable, she hadn't intended to startle and nor was she being particularly stealthy in her movements. She was also perhaps behind a little presumptuous in assuming automatically that in this stranger she had made a new friend, but... that was just her way. The beautiful blue eyes she admired did an arc inside their sockets and she watched their movements as he made them.

At first she wasn't certain she was going to get much out of the boy, but after a moment he would turn back to her and make a comment on the feather. She grinned wide, truly happy – her feather was a mark of pride to her, it was something she and her father had done together. “It's a Macaw feather, you can see a touch of gold at the base and that's how you can tell, see? Macaw's are the sturdiest, if you get a feather that's what you should get” she explained, tilting her head down and to the side at a funny angle so he could see the end that was tied messily into her coat.

Next he would comment about her parents, and she gave an amused snort “My parents where strangers when they conceived me, so it would be odd advice to give me” she said with a brazen indifference. She loved her parents with all of her heart, she had no qualms with what had happened between them – all that mattered to her was that now they loved each other. “I don't know, I think an evil man wouldn't look as pretty as you” she pointed out. The young girl really was shameless, and outspoken. Just as Arcus's face would never tell a lie, the girl only ever spoke what she meant.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
07-01-2015, 08:44 PM
The young elementas was equally put off and intrigued by this girl. He spent a good portion of the last year in near isolation, so to suddenly have an optimistic little stranger suddenly in his face was a tad bit...jarring. But it put a small hint of a smile upon his lips, and he couldn't help himself from looking at the odd colored feather weaved into her fur. And he snorted. "I don't even know where you'd find a macaw, let alone pluck a feather from it." He said in his deep voice, tilting his head as he looked down at the girl. "Wouldn't that be like..someone takin' a big chuck of your fur and stickin' on them?" He said, an odd teasing tone on his lips before he looked away quickly, blue eyes slightly wider at his odd behavior. He couldn't understand it. When she spoke of her parents he glanced back at her, seeing her pride. And he tilted his head. His was odd, but he knew little about his parents. They never really...revealed stuff about themselves. With a sigh he'd look back at her. "Well...that's something." He said softly. "Better than you bein' strangers to them I guess.." He whispered as the odd sense of pain crept up again and he shook his head to try and relieve it. This girl was odd...he wanted to go home. But, it seemed she wasn't finished at all! With a tilt of his head he'd look at her again, his eyes searching and brow lifted. "'Pretty'" He rumbled, ears pulled forward. "I'm a brewin' storm, kid." And he'd look at her again, eyes scanning her small form, her blue fur, her odd feather. "Pretty is a word someone would use for you, not me." His voice grew quiet, shy at those words before he huffed to hide whatever embarrassment he held as he turned away again.


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-01-2015, 08:54 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2015, 08:54 PM by Shaye I.)

She snorted again and glared at Arcus's, through the expression was clearly playful “I would never! I found it on a beach in the South with my dad” she explained, once again a hint of pride creeping into her voice as she spoke of the feather. " I could find you one too if you where interested?” she offered, still adamant that the blue would set nicely in his coat, toned with his eyes. The boy was sounding a little less reserved now, and she easily enjoyed their conversation.

He would say something else then, something odd and she tilted her head. “Family's are odd, but it all worked out in the end. I got the people I needed in my life, and didn't get the ones I didn't” she said easily. She got Shai, but not the huffy girlfriend he had had at the time, she got Motif and Rhythm, even when they hated each other.

At her comment of pretty, he could explain that he was a storm, and her grin would only widen. “But storms are pretty. Haven't you ever seen one let out in the ocean before? If you get up real high you can see the dark clouds and the blues reflecting on the water, I love storm clouds, and the sound of rain. Its prettier and more beautiful then people give it credit for” she said, actually getting passionate about the conversation. She loved the sound of rain beating against the roof of her den, but that didn't mean she hid when a storm came – she loved even more to be out in it, to feel its wild nature and see its beauty, a stark difference from a sunny day. She didn't like normal, she liked things that where different. “... But thank you” she tucked in cheekily, not missing the half compliment that she could be considered pretty



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
07-01-2015, 09:24 PM
She had found it, huh? Well...that was a bit more nature-friendly, he guessed. But when she offered him the feather he blinked slightly and shifted his weight. Perhaps he was imagining it, but he felt a small semblance of care in the offer. It was...unusual to him for some reason. It jarred him slightly, made him almost uncomfortable and yet... Slowly he'd nod, tilting his head to side glance at her. "If a....If you're offerin'.." He paused, swinging his head slightly to look at his paws. "I..ah, wouldn't say no.." He whispered, awkwardly, his deep voice just barely a sound. But she would continue on about her family and he wouldn't offer any more words. Family was why he was here, or rather his desire to get away from his family for just a bit. He didn't want to have to spend his "vacation" time thinking about them. But he'd offer a small smile anyways. He wasn't so selfish to not be happy for her and her situation. She really was optimistic, and she certainly seemed happy with the cards she was dealt.

But as she continued his slate blue eyes would tilt towards her, large and wide and surprised. It wasn't necessarily something that was so surprising. He knew many people who loved storms, he was certainly one of them. The only one he knew that didn't really like storms was Voltage and he was an oddity. So he'd smile slightly. "I...I live on the beach, on the ocean.." He said softly. "And we got this cliff, you see. The most beautiful view of the ocean, and just...when the skies break open." He sighed then, shaking his head. "Just beautiful..." He whispered softly, staring at the ground now. Before he knew it, he felt opened to this stranger, to someone he didn't know. "My...element is storm." He whispered. Elements, he knew, were strange to "have" weren't they, but his family was original, was something...different. "So I'm a lot like 'em, at times..."


Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-01-2015, 09:33 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2015, 09:33 PM by Shaye I.)

At her offer to find him a feather, he would agree, if a little hesitantly, and the girl was already beaming. She was going to find the one that was perfect for him, something that seemed blue and stormy and perhaps a little messy, unlike her tidy one. “Perfect! You'll have to be a little patient tho, not just any feather will do, I have to find the right one” she explained. She spoke a little about her family, and he offered no information of his own. She shrugged, that was his right, they had more interesting things to talk about anyway – like feathers and storms!

She had commented on storms, and the look he shot her was surprised, and hesitantly at first he would begin to speak, explaining how he lived on a beach, with the perfect cliff for viewing storms. She grinned at that, looking into his similar toned eyes. “That does sound pretty perfect” she commented. He would then say that his Element was storms, she giggled, that was an odd way to say his passion was storms. “Well, then my Element is healing. I'm gonna learn until I can be an awesome a healer as my Aunt” she said, her eyes a lit – this was awesome, everything they touched on so far she was passionate about, it made it really easy to converse with her new friend. “That's cool tho, I've never had a storm for a best friend before”


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
07-01-2015, 09:53 PM (This post was last modified: 07-01-2015, 09:53 PM by Arcus.)
Arcus would nod at the feather thing, smiling so softly. "I'm...rather patient." He said with a nod. He wasn't entirely patient, but it did take about a year for him to feel so stiffling angry about his situation. He was slow to anger, slow to rile up at all, but when he was. "How..will we meet again? I'm not very familiare with these lands yet." He said softly. He didn't know where she came from, the scent she held was nothing like he had ever smelt before, no pack name came to mind. It was odd, only moments ago he didn't really want to speak to her, he felt odd about her but now..he wanted to meet again. But he wouldn't dwell on it, not now.

Healing was her element? He laughed softly, an awkward sound. "Mm, then Plants would be more your element." He said then. "My brother, Terrae, he's Earth. He's a healer himself, but he also knows a bit about animals and stuff....nature stuff..." He shrugged his shoulder. He hadn't really had much...speaking time with his nature-loving brother. Infact, he only really guessed from his rank, his element and what little he knew of Terrae. Sad, wasn't it? He smiled softly, taking a step closer to her, getting more comfortable. "Best friend?" He asked softly. He hadn't had a friend before. The island they had lived on had been rather deserted and...since then.. "You barely know me, Kid. Should I remind you of evil men with blue eyes thing again?" He said softly, a teasing smile on his lips this time around. "Maybe...ah, you'd wanna come see the thing I was named for one day? On our viewing cliff...We get the best storms, and spring is just around the corner..."

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-01-2015, 10:03 PM

He would easily agree to the feather arrangement, asking how they would meet again after she found the perfect feather. She couldn't help but grin at that “Where friends now, we'll meet again easily” she pointed out, easily believing that to be the truth. When it came to Elements, he would explain that 'healing' didn't count, but that plants and Earth did like his Earth brother who was also a healer. This brother also apparently knew animals.. and stuff, it was all pretty vague and Shaye laughed good naturedly at that.

Arcus finally moved a little closer to her, finally looked comfortable in this environment of conversation, he spoke of friends and evil blue eyed men. “...Pretty storms...” she pointed out again, winking at him, apparently adamant that pretty boys could not be evil. Then again, her dad was a very pretty boy, decorated in feathers and beads, and he was definitely good.

“Hell yeah! I would love to” she eagerly snatched up the opportunity to view storms from the boys cliff, then she hesitated, and blushed a little, scrapping her paw against the earth and looking embarrassed for the first time. “Oh yeah, i'm suppose to be doing something, actually I got a little lost that's why I called out to you.. but then you had pretty eyes that would suit a feather, and well yeah, you know the rest. Umm.. I really really need to find a blind person, but I have no idea how.” she admitted, raising her eyes from the dirt to look up at him, wondering if her new named best friend would be able to help.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
07-02-2015, 09:28 PM
She seemed so sure of herself. They would meet again, there would be no trouble. But in a land of strange faces whos to say theyd ever stumble upon each other again. "What's your name?" He finally asked in the softest of voices, ignoring how impolite he may seem for letting their interaction get so far without proper introductions. Who knows, they might have let it go so long it would have been awkward to ask her name, but then again he doubted she'd ever be put off by that. Something about her told him she wasnt put off by things he would normally feel awkward about. When she enunciated that he was a pretty storm and not an evil man, he couldn't help but smile. One day the girl would get stung by realities of the world, no one could go so oblivious for so long. And Arcus was suddenly taken aback by two similar but opposing ideas; how easy it would be to turn and be the evil he warned her of, to take advantage of her rose colored optimism...but also, by the strong, sudden and intense desire to shield her from all that, to keep her safe from the world he knew existed.

Needless to say, the gentler side of his thoughts won...

With a hum he'd shift towards her then and smile softly. It wasnt open mouthed and toothed, it was something soft and gentle and almost...timid, like he was afraid to smile truley to her. "When you find my feather, I'll find you a storm" He rumbled, his voice like the calm roll of thunder. But when she spoke of her mission he blinked, tilting his head to look in the distance as he thought. Blind? He thought then of the rumor of Voltage's new squeeze. He never met her face to face, or even seen her, but he had heard she was blind. "Well..." He began, his voice aquiver with uncertainty. "I believe I perhaps Apparently my elder brother has an interest in a certain blind woman. And as far as rumors go, she seems sweet." Like either Voltage or Glacier would ever fall for anyone that didnt need knights in armor, even subconciously. They lived to help and fix things.

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-02-2015, 09:51 PM
Her new friend would easily point out something the energetic girl had missed, as he asked for her name. His voice was gentle and she grinned up at him "I'm shaye destruction" she introduced herself "what's your name, is it stormy, or boom clouds ?" She teased him playfully, her tail swishing the ear behind her and her head tilted to watch him with a playful expression. She was totally innocent to the ideas playing in his head, or about the potential bad in the world that she had yet to encounter. He would lean towards her then, and she didn't move an inch, letting his face lean in a little closer to her as he spoke of feathers and storms. "That's a perfect idea,next time there is a storm brewing I'll meet you here with your feather, and you can show me your storm" she decided.

Her small show of embarrassment didn't faze her new prince charming, in fact he even seemed to hold her answer. What where the chances of that? If she needed any further evidence if how awesome her new friend was, it was in front of her "your amazing! It's pretty important, if you could show me where she is you would be my hero" she said sincerely, looking up again into the blues of his eyes. They where a tone no longer guarded but shinning and timid send sweet and she thought they truly where wondrous. She found herself leaning in a little closer at first without realizing, then catching herself and pulling away with a giggle "I think your eyes hypnotized me" that was a big word, but she knew it's meaning.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.