
I didn't mean to fall in love


07-01-2015, 09:14 PM

Alethia moved along with a light bounce in her step, her magenta and violet gaze taking in everything around her. Now that she knew where her brother was she could go about exploring the rest of this continent that he had decided to make his home. She had headed out in a straight diagonal away from where he had been and now she was nearing the far edge of this place called Alacritis. Despite the distance she had traveled over the last few days she was still excited by everything she saw here. It was all such a change from what she was used to.

Sun had just begun to set, the sky now brilliant with shades orange, red, and purple. She knew she should be finding somewhere to stay the night so she shifted her focus from sightseeing to searching for a temporary home. The area she was moving through seemed to be saturated with water and the air was thick with the sounds of birds settling in the trees for the night. She could smell various scents of wolves in the area, most of the scents stale. There was maybe three or so that seemed pretty fresh, but she hoped they wouldn't mind her sharing the area with them for the night. She moved toward the large willow tree that seemed to be at the center of this area and curiously slipped past its branches. This would be as good as anywhere else she was sure, especially since it was such a nice night. The air was brisk but clear and the sky was bright with stars. She stepped back out into the open from behind the willow branches and settled on her haunches as she looked up at the sky. It was definitely quite the sight.

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