
one, twenty one guns

Absinthe 1

07-02-2015, 10:52 PM

"lay down your arms, throw your arms up into the sky"

It was spring, and now she was a year old. It didn't feel any different, really. Nothing special had happened in the time it took for the seasons to change. No sudden growth spurt overnight, and she was still little. She hadn't magically gained all of the knowledge she would need for the rest of her life, either. Now that the weather was calming, she wanted to see about setting her plans in motion. Milli was still missing, and she wanted to find her sister. Bringing her back to somewhere she might be happier would be nice. So, the girl trotted through the mangrove. She needed to speak with miss Epiphron, and see if it was okay that she head off for a short time. It would be even better if Bacc could go with her, since the trip would be much safer with another. Alabaster toes skimmed over the cool terra with a soft, doe like step. Dew had soaked the fur of her paws thoroughly, but she welcomed the cool between her toes. The pudge of her childhood was long since lost, and her form was slender now. Gentle breaths would disturb the foliage as she crept through it, and she sought out the alphess.

Ivory stained features turned this way and that, mismatched gaze seeking the familiar figure of her best friend's grandma. A tentative call of "Miss Epiphron?" would fall from her lips, as the lass kept on walking. The sun had only recently risen, but she had been awake for a while now. Perhaps she should have waited until later in the day to meet with the important woman. Slinking onward, she frowned lightly. It was a little late for that now, it seemed. She splashed quietly through a pool of stagnant water, and she jumped when the cool water splashed her belly. Continuing across the mangrove, she tried to pick up the scent of her queen. Maybe she'd gone out of the territory for a little while. The violet femme hadn't seen her around for a little while, but that could easily be attributed to her desire to be out and about so much.




2 Years
Extra large
07-05-2015, 03:03 PM
Bacchus was wandering through the mangroves restlessly, he hadn't been able to sit still for a week now. He hadn't wanted to leave the mangroves, but with Amalia deep in her studies and his mother worrying over her he hadn't the heart to leave. He knew how much that would hurt little Ama, but still he couldn't help the want of his paws to move.

He wasn't really on his way to anywhere when he heard Absinthe call out a little bit aways. She sought his grandmother. Curious he'd follow after her until his big paws came crashing up behind her. He really needed to work on the quiet, stealthy, kind of walking. Though his movements were loud he'd follow behind with his lips silent, if Abby wanted to tell him what she was doing he'd listen, and his simple presence would be his question to her.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



9 Years
Athena I
07-08-2015, 09:57 AM

Leo just so happened to be making his way through the Mangroves when he heard someone calling out for his mother. Curious, he wove his way through the trees and water toward the voice until he easily Absinthe's vibrant purple form along with the huge form of one of Athena's largest sons. Even if he hadn't seen them he probably could have heard Bacchus coming from a mile away. He chuckled a little bit at that, knowing it couldn't be easy to move quietly with such big feet.

"Hello, you two," he said as he greeted both of the younger wolves with a smile. He stopped in front of them and looked curiously between the pair before settling his gaze on Abby since she had been the one calling for Pip. "I'm not sure where my mother has run off to, but perhaps I can help you with whatever it is you needed?"

"Talk" "You" Think

Absinthe 1

07-14-2015, 11:17 PM

"I only plugged in to save rock and roll"

Bacc lumbered through the brush not too soon after she'd called out for their leader, keeping his mouth shut but continuing to stomp and crash along after her. His clumsiness amused her, and a lopsided grin teased its way onto her face. Any sourness of her mood was lifted by the antics of her best friend. "Bacc, you're so noisy! Whatever am I gonna do with you, silly?" She giggled, looking over her shoulder at him. She slowed down so he could walk along at her side. She wondered if he still wanted to go on this trip with her, since he hadn't been really super clear on his feelings about it to begin with. The duo walked on for a little while longer in what constituted for silence with her giant of a friend at her side.

Leo, who was Miss Epiphron's son, appeared not to soon after the dynamic duo joined up. When she learned their sovereign wasn't present, she had to stifle a mildly confused frown. He greeted them warmly, enquiring after her purposes in trying to summon Pip. She suddenly found herself without a voice, though her tongue worked furiously in her mouth trying to form them. Jaws would open and close a few times, before she figured herself out. "Well, you see, Mister Leo, uh," She hesitated, stuttering and stammering like a fool. Her accent was unbearably thick as she fought to speak coherently. "I'm a year old now, and I was thinkin', maybe, if it was okay with you and your mama, that I could take a trip." She paused, watching his face for signs as to how he felt about this. "I wanna go back to the south, and the west, and see if I can find my sister Milli, and visit the place where I was born. And," Swallowing visibly, she looked over at her best friend for reassurance. He was very good at keeping calm, and she wasn't so good at that, at least not yet. She was much better than she had been a few seasons before. "I wanted to bring Bacchus with me, if that's okay too." The lavender nymph looked between the russet male and her best friend, seeking reassurance.

If all went smoothly, they could set out the next morning! Otherwise, they could take their time, preparing for the trip, making their goodbyes, and all that jazz. She wasn't picky on when they set off. She just wanted to get out for a little while, get some closure. Taking Bacchus would just be nice, since it would be pretty cool to show him all of the places she'd been to as a babe, where her parents had settled her and her sister over the seasons. She also wanted to see if she could cajole her best friend into doing the same, but she hadn't really gone into detail about that one. It would be a spur of the moment thing, if they were still feeling up to it.




2 Years
Extra large
07-19-2015, 02:05 PM
Abby wouldn't ignore the fact that his large paws made all sorts of noise as he made his way through the underbrush. He was big and bulky and hadn't quite grasped that Armada grace so many of his kin possessed. "Walk around with a really noisy wolf?" Despite his lumbering he was obviously well fed, in no small effort of his own. He'd been spending a lot of his time hunting and was becoming quite the practiced killer. He'd just offer his friend a bright smile before Leo arrived. He wasn't his grandmother, but he was close enough surely. Abby would start, offering her plan of going out and searching for her sister... with him. He'd nuzzle her shoulder encouragingly in her need for his reassurance. Yes, he would go with her. He'd keep her safe like any good big brother would do, they would look out for each other and have their first real grand adventure. His eyes would seek out Leo's wondering if he'd be able to allow them to go.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



9 Years
Athena I
07-24-2015, 08:15 PM

He watched Abby curiously as she began to explain herself. He smiled kindly and waited patiently for her to get it out, letting her stutter and struggle all she needed. Surprise showed in his expression at her request, but he didn't see it as an unreasonable one. She then added that she wanted to take Bacchus with her and he would look to the young man. He gave no objections and seemed to be waiting for an answer just as eagerly. He did have to agree that if Abby was going to go on an adventure he certainly didn't want her to do it alone and it wasn't likely for anyone to mess with her with a man the size of Bacchus at her side.

He looked back to Abby and smiled. "Well, I certainly understand wanting to get a little bit of adventure in during your younger years. I did some exploring myself when I was younger. I don't have a problem with you going on your trip and I would be happy for Bacchus to go with you." He glanced to Bacchus, knowing that he would take protecting her seriously so he didn't feel a need to remind him of that. Looking back to the sure to be very excited Absinthe, he asked, "I don't want to rush your trip, but just remember to come back as soon as you're done with your journey. Maybe you could check back in if you find yourself needing to be gone for longer than anticipated? If for no other reason than to make sure you're both okay." A thought suddenly dawned on him and he looked at them both. "Does Athena and Amalia know you two are going on a trip? They'll both be upset if you don't say goodbye I'm sure.

"Talk" "You" Think

Absinthe 1

08-03-2015, 03:40 PM

ooc. omg this took me forever I'm soooo sorry!

Bacc's reply earned a soft snort, and she flicked her tail in his direction. He was so silly, that Bacchus. He encouraged her as she spoke, knowing her pension for anxiety. When all was said and done, she looked up to her friend and then to the fiery male. She really wanted to go and find her sister, and see her old home one last time. However, she would understand if Leo said they couldn't go. Well, she would try to understand. It might take awhile. However, when Bacc's uncle spoke again, it looked like things would be heading towards her favour. She grinned, tail wagging slowly behind her in anticipation. When he finally gave the approval, she bumped her shoulder against that of her friend excitedly. "You hear that, Bacc?" She squeaked, grinning from ear to ear. They were allowed to go! Oh, it was going to be such great fun, she would show him all the places she went when she was little, and tell him all the stories about her life. She would take him to the black beach where she was born, and they would play in the waves!

Leo continued to speak, and her celebration would be cut short as she tried to return to paying attention. He cautioned them to not dally everywhere, and return as soon as possible. She bobbed her head enthusiastically, fair wiggling with delight. At his question about their mothers, she gawped. "Um, I think they do? I'm sure I told them about my plan..." She muttered, frowning at the floor under her feet as she thought. Had she? She couldn't quite recall, but she was sure they'd be alright with it. Shrugging, she returned her gaze to the older male. "Don't worry, mister Leo, we'll be sure to tell them, and say goodbye." She chimed, beaming at him. Bumping up against Bacc again, she gazed up at her best friend excitedly. It was going to be awesome, she just knew it!
