
Forgive Me If I Step On Some Toes


07-03-2015, 04:14 PM

Motif was closer to home, yes, but it was Rhythm that Allen wished to speak with first. The young woman lived in Imperium, and the man questioned how she was reacting to the whole change in leadership thing. It had to be hard knowing that Bass was gone for a while, and that, on top of things, he left a man like Allen in charge of the pack. Not that he was a bad man or anything, no, the calico gentleman knew better than to believe that. However he knew that change could be difficult to accept and he wanted to make sure that she understood he was, by no means, trying to take over Bass' position as Azat of Abaven.

The man would tilt his head back, calling for her now. Whether or not Rhythm would come was a matter of time. He wasn't sure how she felt about him, about the position he held. Was he worthy? Would she try to contest her brother's wishes? Allen wasn't sure what her state of mind about all of this was. How she would be. But he was hoping for the best. He would sit, waiting for her arrival, and to discover what exactly was to go down between them.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah



13+ Years

Treat 2019
07-03-2015, 11:30 PM

Rhythm was laying with a sleeping Vail and Motif when the call rang out for her. She'd taken to keeping close to Motif while Shai hunted and Shaye sought out help to teach her younger sister how to best lead a normal life. She wanted to stay close with Bass being away too, and more than ever she wished that Chord would show up. Shaking all of those thoughts from her head she'd seek out Allen, wondering what he might need with her. She hadn't really made an opinion of the man, but her brother seemed to trust him enough to lead the pack in his absence. She owed him the same courtesy until he proved otherwise at least.

Since joining Imperium gaining her trust had been more difficult than ever. She'd learned better than most that it was the ones who loved you the most that would in turn hurt you the worst. Rhythm had been guilty of that too.. She tried not to think of Valentine too much while she was in Abaven, it made her miss him even more.

Shaking the thoughts from her head she'd trot up to the temporary alpha, he wouldn't have a problem with her being here right? Bass would have seen to it that she could stay with Motif and Vail, she wouldn't doubt him but that didn't stop her from worrying slightly still. "Yes, Allen?" She'd ask softly as she approached with a slightly lowered head and her splinted tail by her ankles as usual.

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads


07-08-2015, 08:41 PM

Rhythm would come, thank the gods, and her tone of voice would be calm as she sat. The calico gentleman would offer the female a gentle smile, his gaze upon her kind. "First and foremost, Rhythm, thank you for coming to see me. I apologize that this is the first time we've really spoken one on one, but I felt that it was necessary." He would take a breath, breathing out. "I'm not sure how well you know of me, but I wanted to assure you that though you are a member of Imperium you are still welcome here in Abaven regardless if Bass is present or not. You are his sister and this is still your home same as it was before." The calico man would let his gaze wander to the sky, a smile crossing onto his face.

"I don't want to change Abaven." He would say gently. "I want to keep this pack safe for Bass until he returns with Wren, so that way they can pick up where they left off." Gaze would trail back to the pretty she wolf, his tone remaining kind and light. "Rhythm... can I ask you to put a little faith in me? To take care of things until your brother returns?" Allen's tone was serious. "I just want to make sure that there will be no problems while your brother is away... and wanted to get your thoughts on all this as well."

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah