
Let Me Show You My World


07-04-2015, 03:30 PM

Félicien was thrilled that Tac was now part of his pack. His promises to her were still to be kept, however, and one of the first things on his list was to show her around Threar. Trotting over to the den he shared with Tac he would pop his head inside. He had insisted, in part to make her feel comfortable, that she share a den with him when she got to Threar. She seemed to settle in alright, but now it was time that she really got to know what being a wolf of their pack was all about.

"Wake up sleepy head!" Féli would call inside of the den. "We're going exploring! I'm going to show you all the best places to hang out in Threar and, as a warning, probably bore you with stories about memories!" He let out a laugh. He was in a great mood and there would be nothing that could spoil it.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



3 Years
07-04-2015, 03:48 PM
Text "Speech"

She grumbled and rolled over while muttering, "Five more minutes..." She wasn't really a morning wolf, and tended to sleep until later in the morning. She heard his excited voice and rolled back over with a yawn. "Fine... I'll get up. But tomorrow, we sleep in until I like to get up." She said with another yawn. Rising to her paws, she stretched out her legs. Shaking out her fur, she made for the entrance.

She slid out of the den and nuzzled Féli before lightly touching her nose to his cheek. "Show me the world you grew up in. You'll never get to see mine though, sadly. Though at some point, I'd love to look for my younger siblings. I miss them, and would like to know if they survived my brother..." She said, trailing off in thought. Her brother had betrayed her entire pack, bringing a group of murderous wolves to destroy her birth pack. He'd killed her parents, and possibly her 5 younger siblings. Shaking her head to clear it, she tried to bring back a happy demeanor, which wasn't hard when she was around Féli. She had easily begun to fall for the male shortly after they had met, and enjoyed having him around her. It made her less lonely.

Félicien is allowed in any of Tacheté's posts, be them private or not


07-04-2015, 08:19 PM

Félicien would chuckle as Tac grumbled, rolling over and asking for five more minutes. She might not have been a morning wolf, but with him she might eventually learn to be. Félicien loved to rise with the sun, getting up early and setting to work. Sure he might take a nap or two during the day to make up for it, but as long as things got done he didn't really see how that was an issue. A yawn would escape the pretty she wolf as she made her proclamation, and he couldn't help but let out another chuckle.

He would blush some as she nuzzled his cheek, feeling his heartbeat pick up once more. He would gently look at her with his bicolored eyes. "I'll do just that." He would gently lift her muzzle with his own. "Chin up! I'm sure that they've made it. You're strong and I'm sure they are too. We'll find them someday. It's my promise." The young man would take a step back, offering a smile.

"So come on~ For now let's focus on this morning. One step at a time!"

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



3 Years
07-04-2015, 09:53 PM
Text "Speech"

"I have no doubt that you will help me." She said softly, smiling at him sweetly. He was so sweet to her, and she adored him for it. "Thanks for offering to help me find my siblings. I've never really told you what happened, have I?" She asked. Now that she had finally joined his pack, and they shared a den anyways, she figured he was trustworthy enough to trust with her backstory.

If he wished to know about her past, she would willingly tell him. He deserved to know how damaged her family was, if her brother decided to show his muzzle around these parts. "I'm more than willing to tell you." She said softly as she began to walk away from the den a short distance before stopping and waiting on Félicien.

Félicien is allowed in any of Tacheté's posts, be them private or not


07-14-2015, 11:39 AM

Félicien would frown with a bit of worry as she asked if she had ever told him what had really happened. “No... You haven’t.” He would say gently. “But I’d like to know. So I can help you more... So I can protect you and help your siblings.” The golden boy would feel determination in his heart. “I’m sure that Threar would do all they could to help them as well.” He would add. “You’ve met my some of family... You know that they are kind.” The golden boy would pause once he reached a familiar spot, turning to look at Tac.

“This spot right here was one of my designated play areas as a pup with my siblings... I think this is a good spot for us to talk.” He would motion for Tac to sit with him. “So whenever you’re ready, I’m willing to listen to what happened.”

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



3 Years
08-26-2015, 06:54 PM
Text "Speech"

She followed him to the spot he was leading her towards. She balked slightly at the idea of others she didn't know helping find those dear to her, though she knew Félicien always had her best interests in mind. She snuggled up next to the white, pale ginger and brown male, bracing her mind to tell her tale. The chocolate and white female took a deep breath before beginning to speak.

"My brother was originally named Héritier, heir. He was the original heir to my birth pack, and the oldest of my group of siblings. We had a pretty normal puphood. It wasn't until I was about a year and a half old and he was about 2 years that things got strange. He began to have random seizures, and episodes of craziness in the privacy of our parents' den. It wasn't until he began to have nearly violent outbursts towards the pack members that my parents decided it was time to change who the heir was. I became the pack's heir, and Héritier was not too pleased about it. He began to leave the camp at random spurts, different times of both day and night."  She paused for a moment to catch her breath and gather her memories.

"One day, he left late in the evening and didn't return. I figured he had just left the pack, or had been killed. I oddly was okay with either one."  She admitted. "A few days passed, and nothing popped up about him. And then he reappeared. He had banded with a group of very violent rogue wolves around the pack's territories. My parents, once they saw what he had become, no longer called him Héritier but instead Traître, traitor. He betrayed our pack by banding with rogues. Not a week after we spotted him the first time, he and his band of wolves attacked the camp, murdering every wolf they came across. They had no qualms if it was a pup, elder or even if it was a normal wolf. They just murdered them..."  She said, her voice hiccupping and cracking as she spoke about the murdering of her pack.

"Traître then came with his 'second' towards my mom, dad, the Betas and myself. His 'second' took out the Betas quickly, leaving my parents with little to no protection. He then paralyzed them in a way to make them immobile so that he could slowly kill them. He murdered my mother first, so my dad could watch and then he killed my mother. He came for me next. Oddly enough, the Beta's son had hid and survived. The two of us had been... somewhat together in a way, just basically dating in a way. He launched himself at Traître, taking the death blow that was meant for me. It gave me time to get away and get away from my brother."  She finished.

"And that's how I came here."  She said, breathing out a heavy sigh. "So now you know how damaged my brother was in his mind.. And how dangerous he is."  She ducked her head, not knowing how Féli would react.

Félicien is allowed in any of Tacheté's posts, be them private or not


08-30-2015, 12:36 PM

Félicien would listen to the tale of woe that Tac had to tell. A pack, murdered by one who was once family, but then was family no longer. It was horrid to think about, really. The young man would wrinkle his nose in disgust. But now was not the time to judge, nor to make sharp, snapping remarks. Instead he would move close to Tac, wrapping his head around her gently. "Shh Tac... It will be alright." There was of course nothing he could do for the dead, those who were lost.

"I will do all I can to protect you, to stop this madman from hurting you or anyone in Threar or any who come with him. I am not the greatest fighter, but where I lack experience I have strong will." The young man would breathe in, moving back so he could try to look her in the eyes. "No matter what happens I will do my best to protect all of us. I'm going to keep getting stronger, by each passing day, alright? I'll make sure we're all safe... no matter what."

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



3 Years
08-30-2015, 08:15 PM
Text "Speech"

She snuggled into him, pressing her nose into his fur as silent tears slid from her face, the occasional hiccupped sob leaving her as she continued to think of the massacre that had happened to her family and pack. She sniffled slightly, letting those memories disappear back into her mind, stored away in a hidden location in her head that kept it at bay. She owed Félicien for a lot lately. He was her anchor point during the strange newness of new lands, and a new pack.

"I know you'll protect me." She said softly. The chocolate and white girl knew that Félicien would do anything for her, as far as she knew anyways. "I just fear that I would lose you in the process. I think I'm in love with you Féli..."" She said softly, not really minding if he heard or not. She just needed to actually say it out loud for one. The young male had stuck through what seemed to her a lot, and he wasn't appalled by the fact that her brother was a murderer.

Félicien is allowed in any of Tacheté's posts, be them private or not


09-11-2015, 09:48 PM

The man would let her lean into him, snuggling against his body. His cheeks would heat up as he returned the gesture, giving a gentle nuzzle to her in return. He would listen to her words, feeling his heartbeat pick up. He felt that gentle racing, that nervousness and excitement all in one. He would breathe in, holding her closer to his body. "You're not going to lose me, Tac." He whispered to her. "You're not going to lose anyone again." Slowly he'd let go of her, and he'd offer a little smile.

"Tac... I..." He'd shake his head, taking a breath, starting again. "Tac listen... I know that I love you. I've been falling for you since we first met, my desire to protect you growing with each passing day. I... I'm not going to let anything happen to you ever again. I promise. I... I just have one question of you." Feli would gently move his paw over Tac's own. "Will you be my mate?"

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



3 Years
09-11-2015, 10:08 PM
Text "Speech"

She left out a soft rumble of contentment as he reassured her. "I don't want to lose you... You're precious to me." She said quietly with a smile. She looked at him as he pulled back from her, curious. As he began to speak, she felt herself growing warm inside. Happy. "I... I feel the same for you Féli." She admitted. She then grew very alert as he mentioned that he wanted to ask her a question.

Her eyes went wide, and she let out a startled gasp. "Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes Féli!" She said, barreling towards him, hopefully knocking him onto his back. If she knocked him onto his back, she would proceed to cover his face with happy licks. Her tail wiggled back and forth as she showed Féli just how happy she was to answer that with the answer she did.

"I thought you'd never ask, Féli." She said with a chuckle. "I've felt that way for a little while, just didn't know how to approach the situation. You quickly became my best friend, and I fell for you quickly, quicker than I probably should've." She said with a small laugh.

Félicien is allowed in any of Tacheté's posts, be them private or not


09-23-2015, 02:47 PM

Félicien would give a small nod, feeling his heart racing in his chest. The moment she said yes he felt as though everything in the world was going to be fine. Everything was right. She would barrel toward him, knocking him into his face as she covered his face with happy licks. His own tail was wagging back and forth as laughter spilled from his maw. Féli was truly happy. He had never thought before that he might find someone so loving, so adorable to be with, but now... now...

"Maybe we both fell quickly. But perhaps there are angels up there looking out for us that had the same sort of idea. That we should be together." Félicien would gently nuzzle her cheek, feeling his heart flutter with happiness. "Oh Tac! I'm so happy right now! This is the best news ever! We'll have to tell everyone~" He would lick her muzzle.

"Gosh... my heart is beating so fast..." He would whisper.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



3 Years
09-23-2015, 04:23 PM (This post was last modified: 09-23-2015, 04:24 PM by Tacheté.)
Text "Speech"

She chuckled as he nuzzled her cheek, just as happy as he was. "Perhaps someday in the future we could even have pups." She said, musing out loud. It was in the back of her mind, a curious thought in the back of her mind now since she'd finally gotten a mate. One who would be with her unless unknown circumstances forced them apart. She was happy, happier than ever before.

"Though I don't know if I'd even want pups with my brother still around, and me not knowing where he is..." She said with a small sigh. She was thinking of the future, and wished that she had the skill to defeat him completely, or just get him to leave her alone completely. She hesitated a moment before asking him a question.

"Would you help me learn how to fight? I'd like to prove to my brother that I'm strong enough to defend myself or to defeat him if he ever shows his face around here in the future. And if we ever have any pups, I'd like to know that I can defend them as well." She said quietly. She looked down, pawing lightly at the ground.

"And perhaps we should go tell everyone." She said with a light chuckle, looking up and licking his nose if he'd let her before standing up and backing off to give him room to rise to his paws as well should he allow her to move.

Félicien is allowed in any of Tacheté's posts, be them private or not


10-08-2015, 02:10 PM

Félicien would chuckle softly. “Perhaps so!” The thought of becoming a father one day was incredibly exciting. He would breathe in as she continued to speak, saying she wasn’t sure if she wanted to have children with her brother still around. Féli would place a paw over hers, his bi-colored gaze meeting the femme’s own. “Listen to me, Tac.” The male would begin.

“I’m going to teach you how to fight and, more importantly, I’m going to teach you what it means to feel safe. We’re going to defeat your brother, and we’ll someday have a family. We’ll be safe together.” The young man would say. He’d gently nudge her, getting to his own paws.

“So for now lets not think of stuff like that, okay? We’ve got to celebrate!” He would start towards the familiar scents of his family, excited to explain to them all what had occurred.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



3 Years
10-08-2015, 07:17 PM
Text "Speech"

She let out a soft rumble as he placed his paw on hers. She looked down at their paws for a moment before looking up at him. She moved closer to him before he moved off, snuggling against him. "Thank you, my love." She said softly. "I will feel much more safe once I know how to fight better. Maybe in the future I will feel safe enough to have a litter of pups with you. I would enjoy carrying and raising pups of your blood." She said with a small smile.

As he rose to his paws and began to move off. She kept her nose on his tail tip before moving forward to walk in step with him at his shoulder. "We shall. This calls for a celebration!" She said with a smile as she kept pace with him. "I love you, and I cannot wait until the day we can raise a litter of our own together, in peace and safety." She said softly, reaching her muzzle up to lick his cheek as they walked. She had fallen head over heels for the male in such a short span of time. But because of how quickly they had fallen for each other, that meant plenty of time to spend together, and maybe even has as many pups as his aunt and uncle had. She let out a little chuckle as the thought ran through her mind.

Félicien is allowed in any of Tacheté's posts, be them private or not