
A moment to discover

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-05-2015, 08:21 PM
It was difficult to get word to Arcus when she wanted to find him and spend time with the friend she had made in him. She wasn't familiar with his pack, and knew nothing of its Alphas and prior to this day meeting had always been prearranged like waiting for a storm. She didn't want to wait however, she wanted someone to talk to, she wanted to stroll along the beautiful beach of his pack, watch dark clouds out in the distance and feel his familiar companionship. He wasn't always one for speaking, but even that was okay, even the silence was comfortable between them. Well, when she wasn't filling it with nonsense that was anyway.

She didn't have a real purpose for searching Arcus out, except perhaps for the hint of adventure. She had discovered that it was so much more fun to explore when she had company and well her Aunt had always been her first option it was interesting to do so with someone new. She made her way to the border where they had originally met and shuffling on the spot a first, before raising her head and howling for her Arcus.

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
07-07-2015, 01:29 AM
(Set after Voltage came home)

South- Corpseghoul Swamplands

Arcus hadn't been able to properly sleep the night before. He had spent most of the time with Astrea, trying to calm her down and return her to the sweet, gentle state he had known. It was his first time ever really being there for his sister, or any of his siblings really, and he still felt awkward about it. He wracked his brain, wondering if he could have said something different, something better. Had he properly been able to calm her sadness? Was there something else he could have done? He also wondered if he should have fought his elder siblings a year ago, if he should have stayed on the island. Would he have been able to protect his parents from whatever evil fell onto them? With a heavy sigh he'd move, aimlessly, before he heard her call. For a moment, just a small moment, he had moved to ignore it, but he shook his head. No, Shaye would be able to turn his thoughts away from all this, he would be able to get a small vacation from it all.

So he moved towards her, his head low and his eyes downcast as he crossed the border. He stopped then, taking a breath before he lifted his gaze to her. "Shaye..." He said softly, his face devoid of the gentle smile she could pull from him. "I dont...think this is a good time..." He rumbled, glancing over his shoulder. What if his littermates needed him? Well, they hadn't up to this point, but he some use right? He shook his head then, looking back at his new friend. His feather swung from its place behind his ear, showing that he indeed managed to fasten it in properly and wear it. Infact, he secretly adored it, his first gift. "No, never mind." He cleared his throat then, attempting to smile. "What's uh..what's up?"

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-07-2015, 03:02 AM
She didn't know how close she had been to to missing her chance at seeing her friend. She didn't know what she would have done if he hadn't turned up, perhaps wondered aimlessly for a while, perhaps worried for him. Her sweet nature held a certain view of the world, and even when events forced thst into question she was still herself, and that was someone who would never have dreamed for a moment that Arcus might have ignored her call. When she heard the pad of his paws through the new grass and caught a scent of him on the wind she would start to dance on the spot, excited to see him again. She still remembered the perfect moment of sharing the storm with him, of the wonder and of his companionship, how her white knight had sheltered her from the rain and drawn her into his warmth. Her head would lift up and her would eagerly search for him when he came into view. There was always a reservation about him, but this was different, he seemed directed and distant from her, his beuitful feather limp behind his ear.

He would look up at her only after he had stopped, speaking her name softly and she tilted her head, taking him in as he told her it was not a good time. "Oh..." She said softly, chewing her lips. Clearly there was something wrong but she couldn't fathom what. Without an insight, how could she fix it for him? But in that moment she would see a trace of the Arcus she knew he was, life and wisdom and all things wonderful as he asked her what was up, shaking off some of his troubles just for her, proving once again how he was her white knight. "I just. .. needed to get away from some things for a while. I thought we could go exploring, find some herbs or maybe some secret places people don't know of yet" she said, perking up a little as well as she spoke and warmed to the subject.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
07-07-2015, 03:29 AM
Arcus would stand on his side of the border, watching Shaye with a small, half smile upon his lips. He didn't realize untill just now that he greatly needed her right now, and when she spoke he couldn't help but nod. "Yeah, I think an adventure...would be," He said softly, his deep voice quiet as he glanced behind him. He didn't know how his brothers would react if they saw him leaving after the news they had given them...but it was his way to heal, he guessed. So he crossed the border, stepping up to his new friend and giving her a larger smile.

Without a word he'd turn then to begin to walk, not knowing where their destination was. As he padded his mind mused over her words before something clicked, and he blinked. Tilting his head, he'd quickly look over at Shaye with a slight bit of concern. "Get away from some things? Do you...need to talk?" He asked softly, concern lacing his words. He felt...sensitive still, from the news, and perhaps he was still expecting and ready for crying and to comfort his siblings. So when it clicked that maybe, just maybe, Shaye would have something that she needed comfort over aswell, he jumped instnatly. "What's the matter?"

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-07-2015, 03:43 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2015, 03:44 AM by Shaye I.)

She did partly suspect he would turn her down in light of whatever was troubling him and she would be pleasantly relieved with his answer. It wasn't fully enthusiastic, but it was clear he was trying and that was all she could ask for. He would finally cross the border to her side, a grin upon his lips and she let her lips slip upwards into a warm smile of her own. It was also one with a hint of trouble, and a glint in her eye as she thought of what they could get themselves into exploring.
Arcus would chose the direction and to that she would have no complaint, falling into place at his side as the pair began to walk away from Donostrea.

It wouldn't be till a moment after that Arcus would turn to her with worry and question what she had said. She smiled a little sheepishly, she hadn't meant for it to sound like things where bothering her. It wasn't that anything was... wrong, exactly, she was just confused and didn't know what to think of some of the things in her life. He would offer to talk however, and it was sweet of him to ask when clearly there where things going on in his own life. She didn't want to pry, seeing that whatever it was, was something he needed to get away from for a while, which was a feeling she could understand. He would bring it up again, asking her what was the matter, and she sighed, trying to put into words something that was only a feeling. “I guess I don't understand why my Aunty chose to live the one shes living. She could come home to us, where everyone loves her and she can be my mentor in our pack and help raise Vail. Instead she lives in a different pack, knowing everyone is unhappy with her decision. I mean, I always thought that was her right and didn't think anything of it, and it kinda became the way things always where its just... she got beat up, real bad, and she was lying in her den injured and alone when I came and healed her. If I hadn't been there... would anyone? I don't want her to be alone, and i'm afraid no one loves her there. I just know that if she comes home.. well.. it doesn't matter, I guess i'm just rambling because I don't understand it, I don't know how to.. to think of it, it doesn't fall into the way of the world as I know it, it just doesn't make sense” she was rambling, she knew, and she let out a little frustrated huff at the end, she couldn't even explain herself properly, that was how little she could compute the situation.

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
07-07-2015, 03:57 AM
Shaye seemed to be quiet for a moment after he asked, but as soon as the first word fled her mouth many more seemed to follow. Not that Arcus criticized, infact he listened intently to every word, staring ahead of them to make sure they didn't stumble into anything and his ears flicking forward. It lacked context, sure, but Arcus could quickly connect the dots as he listened. He would humm softly as she finished and huffed, if only to show he was listening so she didn't feel he had ignored her, but allowed a small window of silence to settle between them after as he carefully connected the dots and tried to figure out what to say. He could feel her worry and concern, and he knew it had to be a sensitive subject. He'd hum again softly before tilting his head to look at her again. "In a perfect world, everyone can see twenty steps ahead and know if their decision is correct, and in a perfect world family would always be together and the people we love would be with us.." He said softly, warmly. "I hate to break it to you, Shaye, but it's not...a perfect world, is it." He whispered, turning again to look infront of him.

Sure, he wouldn't win the nobel prize in...comfort but. Well. No, he had to say something else. So taking a deep breath he'd look around them. "Why is your auntie in another pack?" He asked then. "Does she have family there as well? Someone she loves and wants to be with?" It was more words, really, than he was used to saying, but if it meant somehow trying to help Shaye fix this thing she must have been carrying for a while, then it was worth it. He'd turn to look at her then, again. "Have you...talked to her?"

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-07-2015, 04:10 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2015, 04:10 AM by Shaye I.)

She was chewing through her own words herself and the duo easily fell into a comfortable silence as they thought. She wasn't really certain where they where going, but trusted Arcus who easily took the lead, allowing herself to simply follow him, and to think. He would hum softly, a sound he seemed to make when in thought himself and she couldn't help but smile at the cute sound of it. He would make the noise again, and this time it seemed to conclude his thoughts because he began to speak. He would start again, trying to tell her it was not a perfect world, and she couldn't but snort softly at the words. They weren't an answer at all, all he seemed to gather from her rant was that her own way of thinking was wrong. He offered no insight into Rhythm's way of thinking, and she didn't reply as she took that in. It was silly, of course it wasn't a perfect world but that didn't help her any. She still worried about her Aunt and the decisions Rhythm was making, still ached to find a way to give her Auntie a perfectly life, Shaye knew well that she deserved it.

Arcus it seemed wasn't done, he would ask then why Rhy had chosen to live into another pack, and Shaye sighed. “Valentine I guess, he talks really smooth but I.. don't like him, i've never ever seen him support her or be there for her, I've seen no sign that he cares for at all only that he knows how to talk sweetly when he wants to.” Next he would ask her if she had spoken to her Auntie and the girl slowed her pace, dragging a paw through the grass as she walked. It was difficult to explain why she couldn't bring this to her Aunt. “Everyone was really mad at her when she chose Imperium, there was this big situation where a bad wolf came and fought to steal her and my Uncle risked his life to save her but lost, and then in the end Rhythm wanted to be there anyway and everyone decided to stop talking to her and she was all alone for a while except for me. I used to sneak of and see her until everyone forgave her again, then I didn't have to sneak to see her. She's finally, finally, not getting grief for her decision. Its just.. they where mad because it wasn't fair on them and that's why they didn't want her to move. I'm worried because i'm afraid for her and that's why I wish she would move back” Shaye tried to explain that, she couldn't do to Rhythm what everyone else had done, even if she thought her reasons where a little more fair.

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
07-07-2015, 04:26 AM
Arcus hadn't meant to say that her way of thinking was wrong, and if he had known that's what she thought he would have quickly stepped back and tried to explain it better or even apologize. He had merely mused. But perhaps it was his less than gentle nature coming out. Arcus didn't know how to sugar coat words, so much, and he tried to tell the truth...and that often came out sharper than expected. But he listened again, intently as Shaye began to explain and discuss exactly why this Rhythm went to the other pack. He'd hum again, perhaps more out of habit than anything else, so much so that he didn't even notice it. "Reminds me of Voltage." He rumbled almost bitterly, before he shook his head, not wanting to dwell on his own problems when she obviously had her own things to deal with. So he would pause, stopping his pace to look at her. Jaws would part slightly before closing as he sighed, trying to figure out how to word this.

Then he'd smile softly, stepping up closer to Shaye. "Look, Shaye.." He said softly, his voice a deep sound as he looked down at her. "I spent....pretty much a year not talking to my family. Infact I..." His brows would furrow then as he glanced down at the ground a moment. "still haven't...spoken to most of them. But that's beside the point!" He said quickly, shaking his head and looking back up at her. He'd try to meet her bright blue eyes with his own, his lips set in a hard line as he tried to help. "You don't wanna end up like me. If you keep this within'll get so out of your control. It could damage what you have with your Auntie, it could shadow your view of her. I know you want save her from any more strife, but from what I understand.." He paused then, sighing softly. "It seems your family that..that had been angry at first...they reacted out of anger. Which can be, well, really sharp and hurtful. But you, Shaye, you're reacting out of care..." He smiled warmly then. There was something about Shaye that just settled his storms, and it was this very thing, he knew. She cared so much... "Your auntie will want to know exactly how you feel, especially if she cares about you as much as you care about her..."

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-07-2015, 04:41 AM

Arcus would mention a name in response to her words and she tilted her head, instantly curious. She had no idea of anything in Arcus's life, she didn't know what troubled him now nor what kind of pack he lived in, if he had family and who they where. She was intently curious yet somehow it just never came up. Perhaps one day she would know all the working of her new friends life, but for the moment she wanted to have fun with him, go on adventures and watch storms, give him gifts and share life with him, they had all their lives to learn about each other, why couldn't they have a little fun first? The thoughts where totally contrary to the rant she had given about her Auntie, of course.

Well, it seems she would get her wish as Arcus opened up a little, explaining how he had spent nearly a year not speaking to his family. She couldn't even fathom that, she didn't even go a day without speaking to at least her Auntie, if not her mother and father too. She couldn't help, she giggled softly as he told her there where still some he hadn't spoken to and quickly decided that wasn't the point. He would then give much sweeter advice, pointing out that the different angle that she was coming from changed everything instantly. Anger was sharp, care was softer, and that would show if she brought it to her Auntie. “Thanks Arcus, I guess it helps to talk about it too. I didn't even realize it was bothering me so much until I started ranting about it!” she laughed, moving forward to nuzzle against his side as she took up walking again, and began to lead them. ' “Did you want to talk about why it wasn't a good time?” she asked, she wasn't prying, only giving him he same opportunity he had given her – a chance to speak it out loud, to work through the problem with a friend. “Oh! Dandelion. Did you know that if you hold it under your chin and it makes your fur yellow your telling the truth?” she giggled, picking a single flower as she mentioned a kids game she had only ever seen played but never had a chance to try out herself. After all, you couldn't see your own chin, you needed a friend to tell you the color. “also when applied to the body it eases some pains, but that's beside the point” she giggled, looking up at him, still waiting to see if he would share his woes, even between her own ramblings.

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
07-07-2015, 04:52 AM
Arcus would smile warmly as she thanked him, and he'd dip his head to her gently in response. She would nuzzle against him which made him feel just a tad more awkward than he usually was before moving to keep walking. With a slight sigh he'd follow after her, stumbling just slightly when she asked what was wrong for him. But he remained silent, eyes suddenly turning towards the ground. There was a very strong yearning to tell her, to spill his own sadness and woes but...that also went against most of his basic instincts. He usually kept it all in, but that went entirely against the advice he had given her, didn't it? Anger festered and grew and discolored the world. He knew that, and yet he wanted to bottle it up. But she would understand, she would try and help. She was Shaye, after all...his little light. So with a sigh he'd part his jaws before he jumped slightly at her loud exclimation. Slate blue eyes would stare wide before he blinked and then chuckled. "Dandelion, huh?" He said with a laugh, moving towards her to see the flower.

The truth...a ease pain. He blinked slightly then, jaw clenching before he moved to walk again. His jaws would part, once, twice, to try and get it out before he finally took a deep breath. "I just found parents are dead." He said quickly, wincing the moment the words left his lips. He didn't want to ruin this adventure, he didn't want to plague it with sadness, nor did he want her to treat him with the baby gloves he was sure would follow the proclimation. He just...wanted to feel a bit better. "Last night, my brother came home from his trip...and he found our parents dead..." He hummed then, shaking his head quickly to try and cover it up. "But that's not important Shaye!" He said quickly, his voice tight. "Come, lets go, we...are adventuring after all."

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-07-2015, 05:02 AM (This post was last modified: 07-07-2015, 05:02 AM by Shaye I.)

Arcus would chuckle softly at her little discovery, moving to see the flower she picked and she beamed up at him, flicking the flower between her paws for a moment as she thought of the old game, and how Arcus's laugh was a wonderful sound. They started to move again and she easily complied, shifting the flower to her mouth so she didn't have to leave it behind. Then Arcus would speak, his words blunt and simple, yet so life changing. She opened her mouth, the dandelion fell out and dropped to the ground but she had already forgotten it. She felt a twinge in her heart at just the thought of losing Shai and Motif. The idea had never occurred to her, not in her entire life and the sudden pain that came with the idea.. she walled it off immedietly, she hid from it, she buried it deep, deep inside where it couldn't hurt her.

“Where you close?” she asked softly, already unfolding back to her normal self after the shock. It was quickly obvious that Arcus wasn't looking for a reaction, and he did just want to escape it. “Yeah, we have to find things no one has ever seen before, go places no one's ever been” she agreed “know anywhere we can start looking for that?” she wondered.

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
07-16-2015, 12:54 AM
He shouldnt have said it, he shouldnt have told her! Instead, it should have been buried and forgotten untill he was alone and free to let out his anger and his rage. It was instant, the flames of hell fire at his paws, the sound of thunder cracking in his head. It boomed within him, flooded him with sheets of instant and ice cold rain. He shouldnt have told her, the words should have never left his mouth. The flood gates were open.

He clenched his jaws lightly, shaking slightly as he tried to calm himself down, missing her surprise but hearing her question loud and clear. Where they close? Could he even answer that? "No…well, i hadnt seen them…in over a year." he managed to ground out with an even voice, his paws stilled again as he glared coldly at the ground. "A whole year….after our brothers came and took us away without even really asking permission. I hadnt seen them, not once…i havent spoken to them in a year and now..theyre gone" He hissed, like raindrops falling on hot rocks. He felt the rage funnel through him, washing over the pain and making it far more bareable. "I hadnt spoken to them…and i refused to speak to the rest of my family…for a year!" He'd lift his head then, turning bright blue eyes towards Shaye. They shone like lightning, flashed with hale. Everything hurt but it wasnt painful…not while he was angry. "And because of it I have become the outcast! Im surprised they remember they have me as a brother! Who knows! They probably forget sometimes." he growled them, moving to stomp forward, his growl vibrating deep in his throat. "A whole year, Shaye…" He pause then, slate blue eyes melting as he stared at the ground, and just as sudden as it came it seemed to wash away, the anger.

"I could have gone back to the island…i could have made up with my siblings….a whole year.." He whispered, pain replacing anger in his deep tones. Lungs felt tight as he tried to breathe evenly, tried his hardest to get a hold of himself. "So much wasted time….and now, now the only sibling I'm kind of close too..wants me to travel with her. Ive wasted a year and ive promised to spend even more time…away from my siblings." His voice pitched then, becoming tight as his eyes misted but he refused to show any more of his sadness. He tried to call on his anger again, tried to feel better…but oh, he was exhausted. "They'll all…probably forget me…this time." he whispered softly, refusing to look at her.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
07-20-2015, 01:26 AM
Her question got a whole lot more of an answer then she realized it would, and as be came to a stop she did to, tilting her head and looking up at him and just listened as he spoke. It was a really odd situation he had himself in and she had trouble grasping her head around it. She had only really known one kind of life and her grasp of understanding seemed to be really limited when it came to other people's perspectives, something that had probably showed when she had spoken about rhythm. His eyes, when he turned them to her where bright and electric, charging like a storm preparing to unleash. She looked up into those eyes, entranced by the change that came over them and she struggled to concentrate on his voice and words too as he explained his situation to her. "I wouldn't never have forgotten you, you would have been my favorite brother" she told him loyally, taking a step forward with his stomp, then pausing again as he did. They weren't really making a whole lot of progress with this stopping and starting, but it was enough for shaye just to be in his presence.

She wouldn't show much of a reaction, except for her devoted attention, until he spoke of adventuring with a sister. "Adventuring is good though, and they would never forget you. Family is family in the end, even when you don't know them you still love them" she said, but then shaye loved easily. "I went adventuring with my mum once to meet my dad, that was pretty fun. If you want to adventure with your sister she could just come with us now, we'll we find fun stuff. Unless you just want jt to be us today" she was rambling a little, and hadn't lost her cheery nature despite the ups and downs Arcus displayed beside her. She tilted her head at him then and leaned forward and blew on the feather she had given him, that was tied into his fur. "It dosent even matter what we do or who with, so long as we are together I know it would be fun" she said, and that seemed to be her pep talk to tell him everything would be ok.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.



9 Years
07-24-2015, 02:56 AM
Arcy was just a sheer flurry of emotion, he had always been. Where Voltage was flitting with his emotion and can move from one topic to the other, and Glacier was slow in his feeling...Arcus held onto the powerful feelings, he stayed angry and upset so that he could feel, and he rolled with it. He was one to welcome anger and hurt and madness with open arms, to hold it untill he had exhausted the feeling and then move on. Being angry felt...powerful. But this, the way he was holding them back on their adventuring, something he knew shaye loved so much...he knew he had to let go for now. Being powerful and being around Shaye didn't quite go hand in hand. Sure he'd defend her and protect her, but there was no dominance, no need to hold his beating heart in check. He loved just as easily as she did, but he was slower to show it...slower to admit it and often felt..hurt by it.

With a delicate sigh he'd turn back towards his friend...his very best friend, and he'd offer her one of his rare smiles that seemed reserved solely for her. "My sister wants to go out and find herself. I'm to be her guard..her knight." He said with a smile, knowing that Shaye loved fiction and fantasy. "I will never forget you either, Shaye. I promise you." He whispered softly, his eyes darkening with a heavier emotion as he stepped forward to try and push his forehead against hers. A charming, toothy grin would take over his previously cloudy expression. "But!" He exclaimed, pulling away and finally taking steps towards the place they wanted to go. "Today I am adventuring with you. So get a move on." He would laugh then, a weird cheery sound that Arcus didn't think he could make. This was supposed to be a happy day, and like hell he'd let himself rain all over it...again.

"Burn Baby Burn"