
You Saw Me Standing Alone



4 Years
07-06-2015, 12:25 PM

Freewing had led the pair back to Donostrea once Voltage had left them. He'd given her a kiss and an apology but she still felt uncomfortable about losing his presence. She didn't know if it hurt worse that she hadn't been able to keep up with him or that she hadn't even been able to comfort him. Not in the least. Her heart was heavy as they made their way back, Freewing sensed the pace she wished to take and would slowly flit from tree branch to tree branch as she took her time in the return. Hopefully giving the family enough time to grieve alone, but at the same time giving her too much time to think.

Eventually she and Freewing ha crossed the border, she hadn't said much more than a word to Orchid since they had been left. Now as she found her way home the silvery girl would follow Freewing to the den she had slept in before the trip. It was empty, blessedly so. Flopping onto the ground her form would melt into the floor. She was tired, emotionally worn out, and was tired of beating herself up. Why she decided to blame the outcome of the trip on herself she wasn't sure, but she felt like she'd failed those she told she'd watch out for Volt, in the end she hadn't been able to do anything for him but slow him down.
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6 Years
07-06-2015, 09:12 PM
The very moment the meeting ended, Voltage would move instantly towards the den he and Gaia shared. It was instant, he wouldn't even wait, he needed to make sure she had arrived home safe and sound, and apologize profusely for leaving her behind. She had to understand, he hoped. There was certain things he needed his siblings for, and this was one of them. So with a gentle sigh he moved across the beach, stopping before it to see if her scent was fresh. The second he knew she was there he quickly ducked in, stormy eyes wide as he approached her. Without a word, he'd settle in beside her, pulling her close to his side. Since the moment they had left, he and Gaia had gotten close. He knew for sure that he loved her dearly, and he couldn't imagine another at his side. He'd nuzzle close before sighing softly. "You know.." He said softly, his voice gravely and tight with all the emotion he felt. "Up untill the moment we stepped foot on that island, I wouldn't trade it for the world." He'd attempt a joke, moving to nuzzle his nose into her neck fur and breathe in her scene.

"Gaia.." He said softly, eyes closed tightly. "Please, understand that I needed to get home to Glacier as soon as possible."  Half of the pain he carried from the island was knowing that his siblings would be equally as hurt and angry with the news. They would never get the answers they seeked, they would never be able to know if their parents truley loved them or not. "I only went ahead because I knew you would make home safe and sound...Freewing would watch your steps." He whispered, sighing softly and opening his eyes slowly to stare at his rock collection in the corner. "I have never been apart from Glacier for more than a day, Gaia...and after seeing...them, I had to get to him as soon as possible." He whispered, falling silent and nuzzling close, hoping he hadn't upset her. It was him that asked her to take the trip with him, so it wasn't really fair that he had left her behind.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
07-06-2015, 09:34 PM

She'd mostly fallen into a light sleep when Voltage found her side again, he'd pull her back to consciousness. Though she found her head told her not to move her heart would force her into his embrace. She'd find herself clinging to him as he tried to joke about the trip to the island. Gaia was pretty much convinced that she wanted to forget the journey. She'd sigh softly as he explained himself, the emphasis of his need wouldn't make her feel any better, but she did fully understand that she just simply could not be there for him in every situation. He hadn't left them in some strange land either, Gaia had been born in the east and lived there for quite a bit of her life. Freewing knew the lands better than the back of his wing and didn't have trouble bringing them home. Still, Gaia couldn't shake her feeling.

Voltage was being so sweet too, he'd hold her tightly in his embrace, nuzzling her softly as he whispered to her. She'd take in a deep breath and try to release the anxieties that had built up. Really, all of her attention should have been on Voltage, she knew what it was like to lose your parent. Gaia had lost her mother and the woman who had practically raised her. It still hurt to think about their loss. "I'm sorry I'm grumpy, I know you need more than that from me right now." She knew she could be totally honest with Volt, the trip had proven that over and over. "I just feel like I failed you," she'd admit as she buried her features into his neck.
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6 Years
07-06-2015, 10:14 PM
Voltage would snuggle forever closer to her, because that was exactly where he belonged. The second she would reciprocate his embrace he'd smile warmly and press a gentle kiss into her skull. He still felt insanely guilty for leaving her on that volcano. He'd sigh softly, breathing in her scent before just laying his head across her back gently. When he heard her voice he smile gently, listening as she, too, apologized. With a gentle shake of his head he'd hold her forever close her, smiling. "No, was my fault." He said gently, pressing kisses along her neck. "I'm such a fool to ever leave you anywhere. Who knows when some other dashing gentleman may try and steal your hand." He said with a tease, but paused when she said she had failed. He'd lift up slightly to look down at her before closing his eyes tightly, trying not to cry, trying to keep the feelings from resufacing.

"Gaia." He whispered softly, just holding her lose and pressing kisses whenever he could. He'd whisper her name into her fur over and over again before sighing. "If anyone had failed, it was me. I should have never left you. You...did so much for me. If you hadn't been there, I probably wouldn't have been able to leave, or I would have died running.." He said so softly, his voice barely above a whisper as he just nuzzled into her again. He'd pause then, his eyes closeing tightly. "Gaia...I," His throat grew tight as the air grew slightly thicker before he looked across the den. Breathing in softly he'd sigh. "I love you, Gaia. I never want to leave your side, never again."

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
07-06-2015, 10:31 PM

She loved being kissed by him, and even with his first one she began to feel better. She really had been given too much time to over think things. He'd take all of her guilt for himself, relieving her with each gentle kiss he placed down the curve of her neck. She couldn't help but smile as he joked about "other dashing gentleman" though there were some very real dangers out there. She wouldn't let her mind go down that route, afraid she might have said the wrong thing as he paused. A soft whine would leave her lips as he said her name between his sporadic kisses, again and again before reiterating what he'd said previously. "You...did so much for me." Dark ears fell to her skull as he 'opened her eyes' to what she'd done for him, what she'd prevented just by being at his side.

His soft voice would utter the strongest words, she'd shiver at their meaning as a quiet whimper slipped from her lips as he paused and nuzzled into her fur tightly. Through all her thinking she hadn't thought of those possibilities. She'd push into his fur as he whispered her name, she'd echo his sigh, finding herself silent as Voltage confessed to her his love. "..never want to leave.." She'd bite her lip as she tried not to cry, "Voltage.. I don't, you shouldn't." She'd cough, "I mean, I don't want you to leave my side and you shouldn't leave my side." She'd try to say them together and it's hadn't worked well for her. "I love you too."
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6 Years
07-06-2015, 10:48 PM
He'd pause, counting the seconds, the moments before she would respond. Their trip had meant so much to him, and while part of him had kept a fair pace to be able to get back home as quickly as possible, another part of him had wanted to take it as slow as possible so he could spend more time with her. But they'd have forever, if Voltage could do anything about it. So he'd just hold her close, feeling her warmth and his heart beat heavy in his chest. Voltage was not one to keep things inside, everyone always knew exactly how he felt about them, but this...this was a lot heavier, a lot stronger. But then she'd speak, and at first his eyes would grow wide and he'd stiffen, but instantly he'd relax again with a chuckle. "Oh, my little cloud.." He'd whisper with the smallest, warmest of voices, the love and devotion he felt on his tongue. This was such a weird, strange night, but as of now he wouldn't trade it for the world.

So he'd breathe in, holding her close and pressing a kiss into her cheek. "I love you..." He whispered again, eyes closed so softly. "My little cloud, please...I want you to be my everything.." He'd feel his chest suddenly grow tight again, his jaw clenching before he sighed. Everything about Voltage was sudden, sporadic, but this was..huge, even to him. "Ever since the moment I met you, I knew you would become the most important thing in my life Gaia. I want to be the same for you, to be your everything...I want you to be my wife.." He whispered, his voice dropping slightly but still there was honesty, conviction, he wanted nothing more than this and nothing less. But he was scared, terrified that he would scare her off. She had, after all, been proposed too before and that man had shattered her heart.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
07-06-2015, 11:03 PM

She'd feel him tense, just as she did, when she realized what it was she had said. Ruining their little perfect moment. Sometimes though, those little flaws and imperfections were what really made the night. She'd managed to at least pull a chuckle to the Elementas wolf, warm loving words followed after as he called her his. She'd smile softly, her ears returning to a more relaxed position. He'd hold her tightly and kiss her passionately as he uttered those words again, her smile would grow as she shared in the emotions that carried him away. She'd listen to his words, her heart stopping as he grew more serious. "I want you to be my wife." Gaia couldn't help the intake of breath as he uttered those words. All of her uncertainties came rushing back, but even as they tried to dissuade her she knew that they held no power. Voltage's love was true and stronger than anything she'd ever felt before. Solo might have crushed her, but Voltage had put her back together. "I.. I want that more than anything Voltage." She'd whisper back as she pushed her crown into the crook of his neck and jaw. "You put me together again, held me tight when i thought i was going to disappear. You are my everything."
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6 Years
07-06-2015, 11:17 PM
For a moment there would be nothing but tightness, he could barely breathe as he waited for her response. He knew that she could be scared by it, infact he was scared by it, in some way. He needed her though, just as much as he needed each and every one of his siblings. She was part of his world, and he needed to make it official. So he'd wait, counting the moments, clenching his jaw but trying not to appear anxious. He tried not to let her knew how affected he was, waiting...when he heard her small voice whisper. And he'd let out a breath in a small, happy laugh, nuzzling into her. "Oh gaia!" He said happily, nuzzling as she tucked her head under his chin. He would hold her close, hold her so tight as he looked across the cave. Somehow, she had managed to make this weird, strange night something he never wanted to forget. His hurt and his pain was forgotten (for now) as she accepted his proposal. His future was bright, and soon he would would have her at his side for ever and always. So with a warm sigh he'd pull away so slightly to look down at her face, smiling warmly before he touched his muzzle to hers. "I love you Gaia, my cloud, my everything..." He whispered warmly, shifting to press kisses along her neck. He had thought, once upon a time, that he had had everything he needed. His siblings, his home, his pack....and then he met her. "God, I can't..." He laughed softly, holding her close. "You don't know..just how much you make me smile, how much you make me happy." He said with a gentle happy laugh, not knowing how else to let out the happiness, the feelings.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
07-06-2015, 11:38 PM

Her fears wouldn't totally disappear, but she knew she could overcome them, Voltage wouldn't make her regret this decision. He would protect her, and cherish her, and be everything that Solo should have been. She wouldn't expect the reaction she'd receive but she knew she wouldn't have wanted it any other way. His actions matched his words, that was for sure. His happiness was more than obvious even to her sightless eyes. Her smile matched his own, and her world seemed to be right for the first time in a very lone time, despite how odd of a night they'd had. "I love you Volatge, my lightning bolt, my world.." He'd shift again, this time trailing kisses down her neck. They'd cause shivers up her spine, and a feeling of desire in her belly. She knew how he felt even as he stumbled over his words. She was overflowing with emotions and she struggled to contain them. "Voltage," She'd say with a breath, hardly expecting the words that fell from her jaws. "Will you lay with me?" Saying it out loud brought chills to her skin, she wanted to show him how deeply she loved him. She wanted, now more than ever, to have that intimacy with him.
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6 Years
07-07-2015, 12:20 AM
He'd nuzzle her and try and prove all his love with kisses. He would drink in her happiness and her sighs, feeling her tremble against him as he did. It all tasted so sweet, it was just them here in their little den, alone and hidden from the outside world. No one to bother them, just them...alone. But then she'd speak, her soft words filling him to the core and causing him to freeze for a moment. His heart beat hard in his chest, racing at her request and he felt so...nervous. Once upon a time, he had been known as a "heartbreaker" or whatever of his family. He and Serefina were both so intune with their passion, that it was well known that they shared their beds with others sometimes. But this, there was something different. Perhaps it was because he well and truley loved her. He'd breath out his anxiety, slowly shifting up. Since before he met Gaia, his heart had belonged to her. Perhaps it was fate, or destiny...but with a smile he'd press kisses along her neck as he shifted up. "I love you, Gaia...." He whispered gently as his answer, his muzzle by her ear before rubbing it down the side of her neck. This was different than any other time, he knew...this was about love, about passion. "With every single bit of me, I love you..." He whispered softly as he would lay a warm, precious kiss behind her ear.

There was so much passion in the electric boy, and every bit of it belonged to her. Heat would sway through him, and he'd rest his cheek against her neck gently. With a slow breath, he'd take in her scent, knowing that it belonged to him, just as he belonged to her. He loved every second beside her, adored the way she smiled, laughed, and trusted him. There was warmth in every embrace, every kiss. The was love, full and true, and he would love her to his dying breath. He'd settle slowly over her, limbs shaking slightly in his nervousness as he pressed a kiss between her shoulders. "amica mea

-fade out-

With a huff of air he'd settle at her side, worn but sated. The air suddenly felt too warm as he gazed at her, but...suddenly everything, absolutely everything, felt right. He had his family, he had his home, he had the love of his life....there was nothing more in the world and he felt like through it all, they had won something. With a pleased hum he'd nuzzle her neck, laying more kissed into her jaw and cheek. "My little cloud.." He whispered, out of breath as he smiled against her skin. "Are you...umh.." He felt embarrased, hot, anxious... "Are you okay?" He whispered sweetly, watching her for any sign that she was hurt, or unhappy with it all. She deserved everything, the world, and he had tried to show her...but he couldn't know for sure...not untill he heard her voice.

"Burn Baby Burn"



4 Years
07-07-2015, 12:47 AM

She'd feel him freeze, could practically feel the anxiety that rolled off of him for a long moment, and Gaia was afraid that she might have tried to push too far. This was too soon, and he would be ready to deny her. However, he would shift and press passionate kisses into her fur. She'd lean into his touch, practically purring as he caressed her willowy form. He'd whisper his answer, another confession of love as he let go of the anxiety that lingered with him. "I love you with my whole heart, Voltage." She'd whisper back as he kissed behind her dark ear.

Gaia might have been blind, but her skin was on fire beneath his touch. She wouldn't let him go with out her contact, her body was like putty in his paws. A soft whine would leave her lips as his belly warmed her back. She wanted to be vulnerable with him, she wanted him to have all of her especially her body. He was nervous, and she was too, but she wanted him, more than anything she wanted to experience this with him. Her heart would beat erratically in her chest while a breathy gasp left her lips as two became one. Gaia would give herself fully to Voltage.


Her heart rate wouldn't decrease even as he left her. She was still gasping for breath, and though she'd held a much more passive role than Voltage she was sure her legs were made of jello. There was a warmth in her belly that was impossible to replicate, and the affection she felt for Voltage was almost too much for her to handle. She could never be close enough to him. She'd pant softly as he lay be side her, not with holding his affections as she leaned into him as well. "Are you okay?" She'd giggle softly, aiming to try and nip playfully at his muzzle. "I'm more satisfied than I've ever been," She'd ask him to take her again were she not still tired from their journey. There was always the morning though. "I can't wait to have you again," She'd admit sheepishly as she snuggled contentedly into his thick fur.
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