
Feel Me



10 Years
Dragon Mod
07-06-2015, 08:28 PM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2015, 08:28 PM by Paradox.)

Spring was here now, it was about time Paara finally aged up. The white mistress slithered across the landscape, deep blue orbs focused on only one thing, mind set on this mission. She was going to the battlefield to get her some action, get the blood going before she went forth with her main goal. The female had spent months preparing herself, endless hours of training along, using the bodies of dead animals and the trees around her to hone in her skills. Well, it was time she moved to the real thing, hormones pushing her further into this determined state.

So she would make her way into the plains, head lifting high and tail waving behind her frame. Blue eyes scanned the stained grasses for an opponent, hissing when a battling pair almost stumbled into her. Blood would come soon, but it would be from her doing. Paara would come to a stop in a small open area, but would remain standing, watching, waiting for a lone wolf to approach so that they could get this started.

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years
07-06-2015, 08:43 PM

Voltage was restless, he was...itching. He felt so numb and yet he felt far too wired at the same time. Everything hurt, and he needed a way to get it all out. Usually at these moments he would go to Serefina, fight or play with her in some way but...but she was gone now. So he needed another way. And that way, came in the form of a specific battlefield. There had to be other wolved out there that needed to let out some steam, or practice in some way. He couldn't look for this at home. Aside from his firey sister, none of his siblings were really into letting of steam in such a way. They were rather...docile, to say the least. It was why he and Serefina got along so well, they both had fires to put out through physical means.

So he ventured, wandered far away from his home with the pain still fresh, and found his way to the grasses that the wolves of Alacritis seemed to use as a battlefield. Venturing along he'd spot a pure white wolf standing and waiting. For a moment, just a single moment, he was hesitant but shook his head. He had never really hesitated fighting a girl, infact he often lost to a girl. Namely Serefina. Perhaps it was her color that threw him off, he was used to brilliant colors not sheer white snow. But after a single moment his usual signature toothy grin would touch his lips, despite the pain, and he'd wander towards her. Without a word he'd set his stance, his head lowering first with a polite dip before settling to align with his spin. Shoulders would lift to bunch the fur along his neck as he shifted first his forelimbs than his hind legs to settle at a comfortable width. Toes would bite the ground and knees would bend. "Ladies first." He said with a grin, his lips curling and his eyes narrowing. Ears would press against his skull as his tail flicked behind him in challenge before tucking to protect his...ahem, sensitive spots. His fur would raise along his back before he finally deemed himself set.




10 Years
Dragon Mod
07-20-2015, 12:08 PM
height; 34 in
weight; 140 lbs

Dark eyes settled upon an approaching wolf, black pelt with markings spread across similar in coloring to urine. It was an unusual sight but it wouldn't distract the young female from her intentions, so Paradox remained where she stood, waiting for him to be close enough so that they could begin. A few more feet closer and she would set herself, a combination of basic stuff she had learned while with her mother as well as what she thought would be useful. Her skull lowered to align with her spine, tail held out to continue the line behind her for balance. Limbs spread evenly, bending a hint at the joints, toes splayed and gripping the earth. She pulled her head back, ears laying flat, shoulders rolling forward to create rolls of skin on her neck. Eyes narrowed when the man finally spoke, smirking for a brief moment before being wiped off her face. Time to get this started.

It would would only take a matter of three seconds till she decided what she would do first and attempt to try throughout the fight, giving a low growl before setting off. When they had been standing there, the two wolves were about six feet in front of the other, giving each wolf a short time frame to consider their moves before the other struck.

Paradox charged forward in one hard push of her back legs, coming head on to the male till she swerved to her right and ducked down just a foot ahead of him, sliding to the man's left side, bringing her body in a concave bend towards him. Paws dug into the ground to slow her so her front limbs would not pass behind his head, keeping her tail out. Paradox tried to keep her shoulders forward and legs evenly distributed when she slid, distributing her weight as well as keeping them bent but ready to release if needed. Jaws lunged leftward in an arch, neck bending to aim a bite at the man's lower left neck region, (here!) applying medium pressure that could be left aching afterwards. Lower jaws attempted to slide beneath the neck while the top would try to make contact midway down the male's side, before the shoulder.

Limbs tried to readjust themselves, picking the girl up from her crouched position so that she was standing, back legs side stepping quickly to try and bring her perpendicular to the man while the forelegs remained planted. Paradox would then aim to bring her right foreleg up, weight distributing to her back legs and left foreleg to keep her standing. Her right paw tried to hook around the hump of his upper back, right behind where the scapula would be. Her goal was to attempt to shift her weight forward, pushing with her back legs, trying to use this to throw Voltage off balance and possibly stumble.

ONE of TWO (?)


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



6 Years
07-26-2015, 10:00 AM

Voltage was always a perceptive fellow, it was an inate ability from being surrounded by younger siblings and watching for their care. His gaze would narrow even more, waiting for her to decide. The moment she kicked off he would tense, leaning farther onto his back knees to ready himself. As she approached he would watch, toes clenching in the dirt as he waited, until she began to slide not a foot before him. He would move too, his body had been tense and ready. He'd swing his hind end around to his right, tail flaring out to help his balance, balancing for a moment on his forelimbs before he placed his paws back into the earth a half a foot to his right. He had moved so his back was in it's own bend, with the curve towards her tail. His forepaws would shuffle quickly to settle at a shoulder width length, knees bending and weight instantly settling mainly on his back limbs once more.

Due to his moving, her leg would miss his back and her jaws would land a few inches further up his neck than originally planned. Teeth would sink into flesh, grabbing at the skin beneath his neck and along the side. He'd wince inwardly as the pain of the pressure echoed through him, blood seeping through the skin. In reaction his shoulders would push forward, trying to further protect his neck, and he'd snap forward in an attempt to grab the thick muscle that lined the left of her neck, midway between her shoulder and ear. He hoped to dig straight into the flesh, past the fat and fur, and squeeze or grasp a solid hold. As he snapped forward in his attempted bite, he would try to push forward on bent hind legs, attempting to shove his whole body weight into her curved side with his solid chest. His forelimbs would just barely touch the ground as he attempted to push, keeping all his weight on spread, solid hind legs. He hoped to compromise her balance with his push, perhaps cause her to stumble or even tip. Eyes would remain narrowed, ears forever pinned. Fur would stand on end to fluff out his body, to keep his skin and muscle protected from her teeth.

Voltage vs Paradox