
I'm a lover, not a fighter... most of the time



9 Years
Athena I
07-06-2015, 08:47 PM

It had been a very, very long time since Leo had been to this blood stained place and he was almost certain that he had never done more than simply pass through... and in a hurry at that. It wasn't exactly the kind of place he liked to frequent. He could fight well enough, but it wasn't his favorite pass time. However, with his new position in Fiori he felt like it was absolutely necessary for him to work on his fighting skills. He had to be able to defend his pack after all... It still felt weird for him to think about Fiori as his pack. He kept wanting to think of it as his mother's.

He padded through the battlefield and kept his sapphire gaze peeled for any opponents also looking for a spar. It had been quite a while since he had sparred, but he hoped that maybe it was the kind of thing that you never really forgot. He had been running through all the steps and defenses in his head the whole way here none of the less, trying his best to prepare himself without actually going through the motions.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
07-18-2015, 09:30 PM

(set after he returns)

Voltage felt terribly angry, something that was so foreign to him. He hated this feeling, and with his boundless energy it didn't seem to be a great mix. It was like a storm was raging in his chest, and it made it almost hard to breathe. Even with the tender moments with Gaia, he still felt this rage. Everything was wrong, their parents had left them alone and without answers! So, with Serefina gone, he would seek out other means to expend his energy. And that seemed to be this little battlefield. Stormy eyes were narrowed as he'd step up to the field, scanning for an opponent to help him erase this pain. He needed to work on his skills, he needed to become stronger so this didn't happen to his siblings.

Blinking when he spotted someone he'd smirk and trot towards him. "Lookin for a fight?" He'd call over the distance he had left, approximately eight feet. Without waiting for an answer he'd set his stance, his limbs spreading to an equal shoulder length, hind limbs bending and clenching to allow for better spring action. Toes and nails would bite and dig at the earth as he flexed his paws, anxious to get this under way. He needed this, needed a good fight. With a quick lick of his lips he'd lower his head, muzzle curling and teeth showing. Eyes would narrow and ears would pin, hackles rose, shoulders curled forward to bunch the excess fur and fat along the top of his neck and, with a single flick of his tail before tucking beneath him, he'd set his stance and wait. "You first." He called, waiting.

Voltage vs Leo



9 Years
Athena I
08-10-2015, 06:09 PM

Leo wouldn't have to wait too long before an opponent appeared in his path. He had almost wished no one would be around so he would have an excuse to go back home, but the vibrantly marked black and yellow man prevented that option from happening. Leo smirked a little at the man's question and chuckled quietly. "I suppose I am," he called back simply. He realized that the other man was settling into his defences and he would quickly do the same. It seemed that introductions weren't needed right now. His mismatched paws spread equally apart under him and his dark claws dug into the soil under them to help gain some traction for his first movements. His eyes narrowed into sapphire slits and his ears folded back against his head while his lips pulled back into a snarl to expose his teeth. His head lowered to be level with his spine as his shoulders rolled toward and skin bunched protectively around his neck. His tail tucked neatly out of the way under him and his knees bent slightly to have more freedom to his movements.

With the man's direction for him to make the first move, Leo hesitated for a moment before pushing himself toward with a growl rumbling in his chest. He would begin to make his way across the eight or so feet that the other man had left between them. The black and yellow man was a couple of inches taller than him, but it seemed like he might have a little bit of advantage in the bulk department. Overall it seemed like a fairly even playing field as far as physical traits went, but he knew he was sure to be out played in skills. Even still, he would try his best to look for some kind of opening and think of some ideas.

When he was maybe a foot or two from his opponent he would slow his steps and leap up onto his hind legs. He adjusted his stance so his hind legs were set apart more to make for a better base. As he raised up onto his back legs he used his right forepaw to scoop up a little of the loose soil and in his momentum would try to fling the dirt into the man's face. He hoped that maybe it would at least make the other man close his eyes and make it a bit easier for him to make his next move. In the same move he would continue his forward momentum in his jump and aim to shove both of his forepaws into the area where the man's neck and right shoulder met. He wanted to push the man over or maybe just knock him off balance a bit. Perhaps his attacks weren't all that violent... but they were what he could come up with in that moment.

Round 1/2




6 Years
08-16-2015, 06:51 PM

His brow would raise just slightly at the man, his smirk almost fading. He didn't seem to really want to spar, so why was he here? The battles that were the most fun were always the ones where his opponent was excited to spar. His eyes narrowed slightly in preparation as Leo leapt forward eating the distance between them at a pace that was much too slow for Voltage. He would have to remedy that. With a growl in his throat, his head lowered more towards the earth he sprang forward on his coiled hind limbs. His body was held closer towards the earth, so when Leo kicked up the earth he was pretty close to it. With a hiss he'd snap his eyes closed tighter, feeling them water and burn just so at the dust, but luckily he had had his eyes mostly closed already so it didn't last too long. He had put on the breaks the moment Leo kicked up the earth, skidding just a few inches further with his momentum. He'd open stormy eyes again, staring through slits as his lips curled. Now, that was just dirty. With a deep growl he'd bend to curve his side to his left so he and leo were more perpendicular than head on.

His stance was still at shoulder length, his body leaned more towards the ground. Toes bit the earth as he bent. His stance was solid, unable to be dettered too much by Leo pushing his weight against him, forepaws landing against his shoulder like he wished. With a smirk he suddenly snapped foward with open jaws, hoping to grab hold of Leo's delicate right wrist and twist his head to pull it off before suddenly dropping, putting all his weight onto his back hind limbs before suddenly shoving forward and up, hoping to shove his shoulder up into Leo's chest, to meet his shoulder directly center in the soft point between leo's two front legs. He'd hope to push Leo off his two limb stance, to knock him on balance and to the earth below, to pay him back for the dirt to the eyes. If this were something more serious, Voltage may have been able to forgive such a dirty play, but here and now, he couldn't. His tail was swished out behind him, acting as a rudder for his balance as he shoved forward. His eyes were narrowed, lips curled and ears pressed. Shoulders remained pinned up, bunching the fur along his neck as the rest of his fur raised on end. Chin was slightly tucked to protect his neck, though he was sure that Leo wouldn't be able to reach at this vantage point.

Voltage vs Leo