
Fill Me Up



5 Years
07-08-2015, 04:38 PM (This post was last modified: 07-08-2015, 04:41 PM by Evelyn.)

Time had healed most of her wounds, although the deepest one on her right shoulder was still scaring over. Most were now scars, and she had already grown rather bored of waiting around for them to heal. Serefina was pretty certain that Voltage would kill her if he found out that she crept out of her healing den. Being locked in a cave was not her plan, and all her siblings knew that she did not do best rest well. She found that her paws took her to the battlefield, the chilly breeze whipping around her black and red coat. She hated that Spring brought no relieve from the cold, and shivered against the chill. Scowling, she settled herself in a nice clear spot as her ember like eyes glanced around. What a better thing to do that fight again? Its how she got herself into this situation in the first place, and it was generally something that she enjoyed. Stretching out her sore limbs and licking her lips she waited, not even bothering to let out a call. Besides, Volt might hear her and come to drag her sorry ass back home. Not this time, brother dear, it was time to spill more blood.



07-08-2015, 05:36 PM

She stepped foot upon the battlefield. The she-creature wanting to vent frustration out from her last encounter with the man who refused her advances. So what if she was different, but the fact that others still seemed to turn their backs on her because of her chosen life style pissed her off. She needed a release, and if she couldn't find it sexually she'd do it by fighting. This is when she spotted another not too far away with a curious coat. She was similar to her, red and black placing itself on the majority of their pelts, and if there was one thing that Val loved more then her independence was the color red. This drew the creature towards the curious woman, Val coming up from behind her.

"Well aren't you a pretty sight." She purred, her olive green eyes glancing over the woman. She wasn't the type to play dirty, so she wouldn't be attacking the red hued woman this way. She held herself tall, green hued eyes searching the other in delight. She adored the pelt of the other, and somewhere in her soul she hoped that after this, whatever this encounter might be, which most likely would turn into a fight, she hoped that they'd become friends through blood. For that is what Val sought most above all else. To belong. To feel accepted and not shunned. And what better way to do it then by shedding blood from one another?

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'



5 Years
07-08-2015, 05:54 PM

It wasn't long before another showed, the slightly confusing smell washed over her. It had an underlying masculine tone, but it sang the sweetness of a female. When she spotted the other, feminine in shape and sound, a slow smirk came to her maw. My my, she was a sight for sore eyes. A soft hum vibrated in her throat as her ember glowing eyes roved across her form. She didn't often run into others that had red adorning their coat -- and while hers was a much prettier -- it was still nice to look at. The strangers voice called out to her, saying that she was a pretty sight. A soft laugh left her mouth as her eyes followed the others movement, her mind drawn off of fighting and towards something a lot more... intimate. "Mmm, that makes two of us then, doesn't it?"

It was hard to tear her eyes off of the stranger, a playful sparkle to her eyes. "Now did you come here to fight or flirt, my dear?" she asked, eying the other up and down again. "Or will we be playing a delightful mix of the two of them?" Taking a single step forward, she paused and lingered there, allowing the other to answer before she spoke yet again. "I am Serefina, by the way. Call me what you like, though. I have been called many things..." with a wink tossed in her direction, she waited, eager for an answer.



07-09-2015, 12:37 AM

The words of the other woman pleased her, swelling the woman with a sense she could not describe. It caused her chest to puff out, for once someone other then the creatures mother had technically said she was pretty too. That in itself attracted Val even more towards the pretty woman. Green eyes stared calmly at the other, a spark of interest and a certain longing unnamed in her eyes, though guarded. She had been afraid to get close to others asides from fighting, that being perhaps the only intimacy she had with others. "Agreed." She purred, tail flicking at her hocks as she peered curiously at the other.

As the woman took a step toward her, Val held her place. She was always wary of others, while on some occasions she could care less and run head first into the fray. But something about the woman put her on edge. Perhaps even made her nervous, but why? Her stomach tightened, Val's mind confused. She didn't understand, but the colored woman's words tore her from her unnamed thoughts. A smile tugged at her lips, the playfulness returning to her gaze as her words became laced with a certain toxic flare of flirtatiousness. "I'm up for a little of both if you are, I'm not afraid of a little adventure." She teased.

"Serefina...I like the sound of that. It's quite pretty and leaves an exotic taste on my tongue." She purred gently, the woman herself taking a few steps forward though leaving a fair distance between them so as not to invade Serefina's space. "My name is...Valentina. You may shorten it to your liking, if you wish." She had debated on giving the woman her primary alias, the name she was given at birth...but not even Val liked to succumb to the memory of her past. The she-creature haunted by a name she knew she could never get rid of, thus Valentina was born. A name given not by biological birth, but a named birthed when she became what she chose to be.

"Listen to me talk," 'and know my thoughts.'