
Marako Children


07-09-2015, 11:08 AM
Alright everyone! Rainbow, aka Marina, is going to be having babies. There is a max of three babies allowed for this litter and I'm already taking one! ;w; So Ralon and I will choose the player{s} of the remaining pups. You are free to create your own design or choose from one of the ones I'll post. I'll be adding more designs as time goes on and people are welcome to donate designs as well! We've received two free pups so someone will need to pay for one of them.

[Image: marako_babus_by_shatteredbeginnings-d90layr.png]

Design Set One ^

Design Set Two ^

Color discount is 25% only. So marking color would be 600 Gems {per color}.

OOC Name::
Pup Name::
Design:: {{Set and number or your own}}
Roleplay Sample::

Due date for apps is by the end of July!



07-09-2015, 01:44 PM
Ermagherd!! I'm so applying for a maraka babu!!



4 Years
07-09-2015, 04:35 PM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2015, 04:58 AM by Varda.)
OOC Name:: Millie
Pup Name:: Zephyra "Hulk" Agatsuma
Gender:: Female
Design:: Set 1 design 5

[note: now got the gems for 41 inches]

An alluring aura of beauty is what the muscular dame lacks, a simple gift of feminism that was torn away from her body before her own birth. Consumed in a rather plain and dusty ebony, this shade of the starless night also happens to fall from her maternal side though it is the closest shade to "normal beauty" that she holds. Coloration-wise, the most hideous tone dares print itself upon her fine ragged fur. Of all the six main shades bored upon her mother's coat, a dull and lifeless green had to unwillingly inherited by her spawn. It is indeed highly noticeable, spreading over her underside, back, broad chest, mane and rising up to cover her chin, snout and cheeks before fluidly halting at eye-level, leaving a strip of black running down the bridge of her nose. Like a foreign dark slime, it swallows her tail tip, paws, ankles and ear tips.

How ironic it is to discover the shade of her optics to be a pale red, almost blood pink if gazed into under certain lighting. An unnatural colour it is, but at this point we've all given up on realistic palettes in comparison to her fur. Intimidating and daunting those who glimpse at it, the tone itself is rather luminous and piercing. Those glaring are likely to fall under the impression of what demeanour the female beholds, as red suits her mood oh so flawlessly.

A depiction of brutal strength is what the child will develop to be, with every twisted and infamous experience influencing the innocent mind to become what is destined. Structure and thew are all that matter, and it seems the elegant artistry that she is deprived of has been exchanged for masculinity in its wake, a process that the child would never dare to consider reversing. Beneath the abnormal tattered strands of a pelt lies a rippling layer of sturdy and enlarged muscle, tightly wrapped around elongated limbs. In size, she dominates most of her species, falling above the large spectrum with forty-one inches in height, towering over her own mother. Her musculature, covered with an abundant coating of fat yet not overly thick enough to create an overweight physique, is what contributes to her beastly weight of two-hundred and ten pounds at her healthiest peak. A colossal of a woman; the reflection of solidity and vigour.

Alignment:: Chaotic Neutral

I don't care what you think as long as it's about me
All in all, the child couldn't care less about her appearance other than remaining in top physical condition. Apathetically unswayed by other opinions, regardless of them being positive or negative, nothing gets to her mind personally. Words are interpreted meaninglessly, thus creating a rather cold and emotionless side to her personality. Even orders, instructions and rules she will tend to break with an unwavering courage to ignore the consequences of such actions.

One two three; eyes on me
Attention - it's what the child craves and has done so since an early age. She's big and green, therefore she must be the star of the show. All eyes must be on her form when she prances in. When she's not immaturely pouting or shunning a cold shoulder (which is usually a result of being ignored), she makes an utter nuisance of herself by clinging onto others, especially family, and demanding to be noticed.

Back when I was unafraid just like a thief
A fearless daredevil she is with a natural curiosity that develops ever since learning how to walk. After her first glimpse of the world outside her den, she discovers a whole new vast and endless-seeming terrain for her paws to cover every inch. When feeling bored at home, a feeling she passionately loathes, she always heads out for exploration, regardless of the rules that allow her or not. With a love for excitement and adventure, causing mayhem and mischief is what the troublesome girl will always take pride in stirring. Trickery and thievery runs through her veins, no matter how many stern and solemn talks she receives as an aftermath of her actions.

Gotta be mean, gotta be green
Despite frequently desiring attention from others, she is actually a rather independent female. As a result of the many explorations she has embarked on as a child and the dangerous situations she's been through, she has accumulated quite a wide general knowledge and understanding of the wild world around her. If she were to be picked up and dropped in a random region far from her family, she would know how to survive and perhaps even find her own way back. Depending on her rapidly-changing mood, she's able to master skills without the help of others and use her own initiative to aid those in need.

Gotta be hurtful, gotta be purple
Just like how she blocks herself away from other opinions and thinks nothing of them, she also doesn't think about what leaves her own mouth. Sometimes she can overly brash, verbalising whatever forms in her mind without considering the emotions of others. It's usually not the truth that she accidentally speaks, however, not so soft upon those whom she communicates to. On other occasions she will freely state her own reckless opinion, regardless of its impact. From a young age, she won't be afraid to cuss throughout her tantrums or simply to look "cool" around others. When she does hurt the feelings of others, she will gradually come to realise her mistake and feel remorse over her action but will always struggle to apologise. She will try to cut her way out of saying it, or even making the situation worse by doing so. Saying sorry makes her feel weak - the last possible thing she wants to be.

Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground
Whining and shunning are far from being her best attacks - they're only her warm-ups. Prone to tantrums and easily losing her temper, she's just waiting to be ignited. Embracing her uncontrollable anger and rage, she always lets out her fury upon the innocent individuals surrounding her, regardless of them being the cause of the original problem or even loved family. Becoming a chaotic soul by means of releasing her wrath in violence, she is a potential weapon; a danger to everyone around her. Loaded and ready to go, she could go off at any moment.

How can we not talk about family when family's all that we got?
Deep down, somewhere inside, she feels a close bond to her family. It's unexplainable how she's able to feel attached to them; perhaps it's love and she doesn't want to admit it. Sure, sometimes they'll make her so mad that she'll storm out and have a hissy fit, but spending such an amount of time with them just brings her closer to them. As she grows older, that love will turn into a protective spirit as she will be always looking out for her family's safety. To great lengths she would go to keep them out of harm's way; no-one can hurt her family or they're messing with the big, green thing.

Roleplay Sample::

[set when she's one season old, and where she has two other siblings]

Slumbering soundly in a tight black and green ball, she rolled over in her sleep only to spring up to her paws a moment after her torso made contact with the firm soil. With quick and rasped breaths, the child was still recovering from the shock, the exhaustion of abruptly halted sleep far from affecting her scared mentality. On many nights she had turned her hefty body over to rest her shoulder upon her brother's flank, comforted by his presence and warmth. This time, the first scenario of all her short life, he wasn't there, thus making her flop into thin air. In fact, they were all gone; Mama and her sister. Her mind switched to her protective mode as she narrowed her eyes at the den's empty floor. Something had happened to them, and she wouldn't rest until she got to the bottom of it. Outstretching a paw, she pressed her pads onto the exact area her brother always slept upon. Cold; they must have been pup-napped a while ago. Unless...

A head poked out of the den's entrance, hissing at the vivid midday sunshine with tiny teeth bared. Pale scarlet gaze swivelled across to her left to find her siblings boisterously playing beside their crouched mother, only a few metres away from the den. Her colourful siblings were busy play-fighting, chasing each other and batting all sorts of intriguing natural objects. Somewhere deep inside, she felt a pang of jealously at the sight. They had left her out, abandoned her, not even bothered to ask her if she wanted to join in. Of course she wanted to play; what pup didn't? Worst of all, her mother had promised that she would spend more time with her, but what was she doing? Giving all of her attention to her stupid siblings! That was all it took to tick the girl off, and in no time she was storming towards her family.

"Mum!" a droned whine cascaded from her throat as she stood in front of the tall woman, attempting to shove her smaller brother aside (which made her feel rather superior to have a size advantage) and stamping her feet. Nothing but pure rage and fury were twisted across her complexion with her jaws forming a snapping snarl. Hackles bristled as her chin lifted to meet her mother's beady stare, unafraid of the consequences yet to come. "You said you'd play with me today! Not them!" she venomously spat, sending curt glares at the pups who her mother obviously preferred. How dare she! "You lied to me!"

[app completed]


07-14-2015, 08:30 PM
Second set of designs up!


07-28-2015, 11:34 AM



7 Years

07-28-2015, 12:38 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2015, 06:44 PM by Lillianna.)
OOC Name:: Keanai
Pup Name:: Ren Agatsuma
Gender:: Male
[Image: qzNIov0.png]

Base + Dark, dark blue

Eyes + A pale icy-blue

Height + 36"

Weight + ... I'll get back to you on that.

Build + Ren is that perfect in-between; he's not thin, but he's not overly bulky either. He leans slightly more towards brawn than speed, though.

Markings + Under each eye is a single stripe, followiung the shape of his eye. The bottom of his tail has black and cream hairs scattered, with a few more hairs being a slightly lighter shade of blue. This condenses at the tip of his tail, where it's a myriad of two shades of blue, black, and cream. The majority of his neck extending down to his chest, the upper bit of each foreleg and going halfway down his back is composed of black hairs with the two shades of blue mixed in. The bottom of his toes is cream.

Alignment:: Neutral Good


Proud + The first thing you see about Ren is the way he holds himself. He holds himself proudly, unashamed by his blue coloring, unashamed by the uniqueness of his siblings and his mother. He prides himself in being different, in being who he is and the protector of his family. There will never be a doubt in his mind that his family is one of the best.

Protective + Call him old-fashioned, but Ren is protective over all his family - especially the women of his family. While he believes them equal and just as capable as males, he also believes they are the finer sex, and ought to be protected and treated gently and with respect. It is this belief that makes him willing to kill anyone who so much as thinks of hurting anyone in his family.

Possessive + Not everything about this man is fine and dandy; he does have his faults. This is one of those. It is Ren's belief that what's his is his - and he will not relinquish his hold on anything he believes is his. First and foremost of this is his family, father not included. His family is his, and anyone who tries to take him away from them or them away from him will soon learn their mistake.

Detached + In a way. Ren is very, very connected to the female side of the family - he will strive to be close to them, his sister(s) and mother. He isn't so close to the male members of the family. He is more distanced, more detached, and less emotional. This is how he is in general with males and females; he tends to stay away from other males, but feels drawn to females.

Honorable + Honor is the one thing aside from family he holds above all else. Once he gives his word, he will keep it: even if it kills him to do so. Only the most drastic of things could make him think of breaking his word, and even the thought would make guilt eat him up. Were he to actually break his word, there's no saying what would happen to the man.

Roleplay Sample::
If there's one thing that could be said of Ren right now, it was happy. His tail was wagging, he was skipping down towards the den, and if he was a cat, he'd be purring. He was, of course, worried, but that was normal. With a sister and a mother, how could he not be worried? Especially his mother, who was grown-up and had to face grown-up problems. There was, though, one thing bothering him.

And it was really bothering him, too, this one itty-bitty thought. It was a thought that probably his siblings also had, but so far, he was the only one to approach. Well, is about to approach. It just... was bothering him as to why his parents didn't have an emotional bond. His father had an emotional bond to the children; his momma had a close bond with him. And his brother and sister(s) too. But his mother and father didn't have an emotional bond. It wasn't upsetting to him, it was how it always was, but it just... didn't make sense. So he was going to ask Mommy, because for the first time she was alone and he wanted to talk to her about his alone.

"Moooommyyy," he called, tail wagging as he caught sight of the rainbow woman. She looked so peaceful, so calm, he almost felt bad for interrupting. He'd caught glimpses where she was sad, and all he wanted to do was go up to her and demand what made her sad so he could just get rid of it, no matter what it was. His mother didn't deserve to be sad, and if he had his way with it, she'd never be sad again. But, after he had this talk with her.
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-28-2015, 05:32 PM (This post was last modified: 07-29-2015, 06:26 PM by Sin.)
OOC Name:: Dragon
Pup Name:: Nixie
Gender:: Female
Design:: Set 1, Design 2
Body type
Nixie is a little sprite compared to the rest of her family. She's a tiny bundle of blue that barely reaches the height of 23 1/12 inches, and weighs just close to 50 pounds. Born the runt of the litter, she's quite small considering the height of her parents. Despite her height, the little girl is a happy-go-lucky little spitfire of curiosity. Though small, Nixie the sprite-wolf does have curves that show perfectly with her petite and slim body. Her coat is always kept clean, luscious, and vibrant. Quite pleasing to the eye. Her fur is silky and always seems to retain that fluffy pup softness. The tip of her tail remains forever curled, no matter what. And her tiny and dainty paws seem to bounce her with each step, like a yorkie. The fur on his chest and tail remains thick and full, giving her more volume and may at times, make her appear slightly larger in size then she really is.

Pelt color
Her pelt is comprised of four variations of color, the most vibrant being the Pearlescent like blue upon the top side of her body. As if a cloak had been painted on her at birth, the drastic hue contrasts greatly against the more solid hues of black, gray, and white that don the rest of her body. In bright sunlight, the aqua blue may appear vibrant and lighter, while at night or in shade it may appear as if she were a glowing ghost. Where blue does not touch, black envelops the rest of her face, a dark contrast against the unusual color. The tips of her ears are also black, and racing from her shoulders throughout the middle of her body, the black goes along until it fades at the higher part of her thighs. Black envelops her underbelly, as well as the underside of her plume.
White cascades down her chest, ending just between her front legs. As well as the majority of her ears, the tip of her tail, and all four paws. Lastly, her legs carry a solid gray between the black and white. The perfect medium for the opposite colors.

Nixie bears a doe-eyed stare, innocent and full of curiosity. Her eye color is like a pearlescent red mixed with blue, complimenting her appearance greatly. Somewhere in between the mixture, a dark purple may be seen where the colors mingle, however, it is very hard to see unless one looks closely in the right lighting conditions.

Alignment:: Neutral, however, she may be influenced throughout her life.

Nixie is an ever hopeful bundle of joy! She likes to laugh and have fun, and is always trying to get others to play with her. She adores making other people happy, and will always try to find a way to make someone smile. When something excites her, she can't help but bounce around like a fawn in a meadow. Her body may seem to vibrate, mostly due to her paws bounding in place a million miles a second. She loves to laugh, but there will be times where she'll know when to be serious as well.

Affectionate & Sweet
Nixie is an extremely affectionate person. She loves to cuddle, and often clings close to her mothers legs. Whether it's a nuisance or not, she's oblivious to it. It just means that she loves her momma! She'll often weave in between her mom's legs like a cat around a string of poles, giggling as she does it. She loves to show affection to her family, nuzzling and hugging and snuggling up close when it's time for bed. She has a strong attachment to her family, and regardless of who they grow up to be, she will always love them no matter what.
When it comes to strangers, Nixie has trouble learning personal boundaries. She'll go right up to someone and try to play or give them some form of affectionate touch, be it nose to nose, nose to shoulder, or some other form. This may lead her to get into trouble should she invade the personal space of the wrong person some day.
The girl can also be as sweet as honey, on her good days. The majority of the time she's always thinking about how to help others solve their problems, and will often put the needs of others before her own.

Fearless, Reckless, Rebellious
Yes, even angels are rebellious. Nixie is quite fearless when it comes to the world. She is not afraid of anything, instead she wonders why one would be afraid in the first place. Most of the time, she'll run headfirst into most situations without thinking, whether it's a bad idea or a really bad idea, she doesn't think about it until after or while she's already doing it. This leads into her reckless behavior, the girl risking herself to save someone else. Whether she's a heroine, or an idiot for doing that, well...who knows. Sometimes she will speak out against something she doesn't think is fair or 'right' which in turn, ties into her rebellious side.
Nixie has a way of thought where she wants to get her way more often then not. Generally, it's for something good...or if she just really really wants that juicy piece of elk thigh. If her mother or whoever tells her to stay in one place because it's too 'dangerous', you bet your butt she will not listen. Instead, she often ignores authority figures and will do it anyway. Rules were made to be broken, after all. But usually, she does it when there's a rescue mission to be had.

The girl is extremely protective of her family. She'll often eye the boys or the girls who come to court her mother, or flirt with her siblings. Sometimes leading her to chasing off the other by annoying them till they want to bury their heads in the dirt. Although she wishes her mother to find love, Nixie is also conflicted by the thought that if her momma found someone else to love, then she wouldn't love her as much anymore.
Asides from that, if someone threatens her family or if they get into a fight, Nixie has the tendency to jump in and start nipping toes. She wants her family safe, but she knows she won't be able to protect them forever.

Hopeless Romantic
Nixie is a girl who wears her heart on her sleeve. She falls easily, and falls fast. Which may lead to her heart getting broken many times throughout her young years. She believes in true love, which means that if she finds someone, they're in it for a lifetime. She doesn't understand why others prefer to have mistresses and side hoes. But Nixie will always be a one man kind of girl. When she commits herself, she's in it for the long haul. But sometimes her demons might slip her up, and if that happens...well, let's hope it doesn't.

The girl is an extremely loyal individual. She will follow her family, her mother mostly, and stick with them as often as possible. She will go where they go, and will never turn her back on them no matter what. It's the only family she has, so they're very important to her. The same applies to a pack should she join one, hopefully, with her family. She is above betrayal, and if she feels betrayed then she doesn't know if she'll be able to forgive them.

Roleplay Sample::

The morning sun would shine through the entrance to the den, the rays sliding slowly towards the girls face. Slowly, she'd open her eyes and yawn, the rays of the sun warm on her little form. Glancing around, she noted that her mother and siblings were still sleeping, so with great care she rose and tiptoed around them. Once the girl was outside her tail would begin to wag, it was the start of a new day! Without hesitation, she ran towards the nearby creek. The chatter of the stream greeted her as she approached, and swiftly she ran to the bank to see what she could find.

The morning was cool. Not too hot as the spring air kept the weather perfect on this bright morning. She walked along the bank, looking for...what did momma call them? Frogs? She sniffed around the edge of the water for what seemed like forever, and when she was just about to give up and go fishing instead, she'd hear croaak. Instantly lifting her head, Nixie peered at the large boulders that sat across from her. Squinting, she couldn't see anything at first. But then she spotted something on the rock, which at first she thought was a baby rock, but was actually a little brown river frog! Excited, she hopped into the stream, climbing onto the rocks so she could hop from one to the other. Her eyes never left the frog, and when she was one rock away from pouncing on it, the frog decided it was time. As she crouched, the frog took a flying leap over her head. She watched it sail through the air, and as it arced over her form she leaped up to try and trap it with her paws.

But she missed. As her hind feet returned ungracefully to the slippery surface of the rock, she slipped at an awkward angle and her unbalanced form flew sideways into the water. "Aawww I'm all wet now!" She cried out, lip trembling as the cold water seeped through her fur. She scrambled out as quickly as she could, the mossy rocks not making it easy as she climbed back to the side where she had started. Discouraged, she would start walking back along the bank to head back home. And to her great surprise, the frog was sitting on the bank. Crouching low, she stalked forward. Gods be damned if she didn't catch it this time! She didn't want to go home empty handed, and she wanted to give the frog to her mother. To show her that she could hunt.

Little by little, inch by inch, she crept. When she was a tail length away, she pounced. And the frog jumped too! When she landed, she glanced wildly around to see where it had gone, but then she felt something wriggling around beneath her paws. YES! She had caught it!!! "Yay! I'm the best hunter in the forest! I can't wait to show momma!" She cried out, and with great care she picked it up in her mouth and raced back home.

--Rp sample not as good as i had last night but whatevs, i tried XD-



1 Year
07-30-2015, 02:00 PM
Will be posting mine later tonight. Please wait <3


08-02-2015, 06:44 PM
Alright guys, it was a tough decision but Ralon and I have decided that Millie and Dragon will get their pups! ;w; I really loved all the apps a lot but sadly without Marina in a pack I could only choose two. Please get your baes ready soon guys!

Keanai you are more than welcome to make your babu part of Marina's older litter {as I never clarified how many pups}. If not you can also feel free to apply for her next litter.

Keno out!