
Stick 'em with the pointy end


07-10-2015, 11:10 AM

Lyre's jaws clamped down around the femur, cracking it between her teeth. The sound was distinctly satisfying. She licked her lips before grasping the bone in a new place, crunching it there as well. As splinters of bone fell away, she dragged her tongue along the exposed marrow, humming with pleasure at the rich taste. A fresh cut above her eye stung anew each time she opened her maw, stretched the skin of her face, but she did not mind. It had been a good fight, chasing that rogue off of the kill, but she gave most of the victory's credit to the element of surprise. He'd been so focused on stuffing his face that he'd never heard her coming. She gripped a piece of flesh between her incisors and pulled it away.

Spring had brought new life to this otherwise arid landscape, and Lyre was loving every minute of it. The winter had been hard on her, reducing the femme to a daily grind of searching for food and sleeping. It was no way to live, as if she were some sort of base creature. She thought, not for the first time, of migrating towards the interior of the continent. Life was more abundant there, and wolves moved about in thicker number. She was not lonely, did not crave company, so much as she was bored. The desolate region she'd called home did not seem to house even a single pack! There were certainly pros and cons. She lurched to her feet, leaving the bone behind in favor of a nearby haunch. She doubted she would have much more time on the kill before being chased off by mountain lions or another rogue. Such was life, and making use of every second available to her would make all the difference.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-10-2015, 02:57 PM

Tainted paws brought him here, in search of something greater. Or perhaps a change of scenery different from the snow he had lived within his entire life. The hellion didn't care much for scenery regardless, but the warming weather felt nice upon his pelt. The blood stained bastard made his way across the valley, the world passing him by without a second glance. Everything else was beneath him, he was the sole ruler...or at least he would be soon. His plans were setting into motion, the thought boiling in his blood. Soon, a new reign of terror would wipe the slate clean, the male setting the stage for a new era. It was all the more pleasing, for he had his family with him as well. And soon, he and Arietta and the bitch Ylva would bring more spawn into the world. Furthering his goals.

Blood tickled his nose, the scent was strong here. Coming to a stop, ears standing at full attention, he stared and listened. The source of the scent was not far from where he stood, so he sought to find it. Blood was as strong an attractant to him as were potential bodies to hold his seed, as well as capturing slaves. Though he had no slaves at the moment, he'd rather attain the loyalty of those he came across without harsher means, and if they refused then that's when the claws came out. However, it was not always so. Often he'd mark them as future targets, and when he decided to go after them it would be so.

Moving again in the direction of the bloodied scent, it was not long before the scent of a female mixed with the air brought him to her. Steady amber gaze watched her for a moment, the male sliding toward her then. A few feet behind her he stopped, the male appearing almost like a stature born from the earth itself. "My, isn't this a sight to see." He purred, indicating the mess the woman had made, though also for her.



07-10-2015, 03:49 PM

A voice entered her sense and Lyre tensed. Her vibrant gaze flit upwards to see a hulking male staring at her from a short distance away. Speak of the devil, she thought, allowing a wry smile to curl it's way onto her features. Her mind raced for a moment while deciding what to do. Something about the way he purred out his words made her cautious, but she smiled all the same. This femme was not ignorant to the ways of the world, and she fancied herself capable enough when it came to dealing with it's trials and tribulations. "Funny, I thought the same thing when I happened upon some scrawny little cur chowing down." Slowly, she rose to her feet, cocking her head at the male. What was he going to do..? "You know what they say," she provided in a light tone. "Great minds think alike."

Something inside her was itching, a mixture of irritation and curiosity. She was already worn out from the fight not two hours prior, and was in no mood for another, but she wasn't about to let this brute drive her off for free. She clung to the naive hope that maybe he just wanted to chat, but that nearly made her scoff. Seemed unlikely, all things considered. "I take it you're hungry," she drawled, a bit of her irritation seeping through despite her better efforts. Hell, she'd never claimed 'manners' as one of her strong suits.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
07-10-2015, 04:05 PM
Atreides had meandered his way west, letting the long, slow, constant pope build his endurance as he explored the lands. Speed explored, really, since he hadnt done much in the way of stopping on the way. The scent of blood and wolves caught his attention, though, one faintly familiar, not as though he knew the wolf but as though the scent contained some faint element alike to one familiar to him from birth. For one startled second he thought it was his mother's scent minus the sweet milk scent she had borne. He immediately altered his path to intercept the scent, the voice.

He was disappointed that the two figures werent his mother come to visit from the other world, but they certainly kept his attention anyway. The one was a pretty, somewhat older female. The other, a big white male with blood streaks across his pelt - or were they dyed, like Roman's had been? Curious, he ambled closer.

"Am I interrupting?" he asked with a lazy grin, winking at the female.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-14-2015, 03:26 AM
Sin Armada

An amused grin slightly parted his lips as the woman turned to speak to him. Not even a minute and already he liked her attitude. He gazed at her as he tried to decipher her character, but he didn't have to try hard for that. She made it pretty clear who and what she was, and he found an attraction towards that. "Great minds do think alike, you're right on that darling." He purred, his manner cool and collected. He didn't care for her stolen kill, didn't care to steal anything from her. He was cruel yes, but stealing kill from another wasn't exactly on his list of priorities. Though he'd stolen things before, it was more along the lines of stealing others away to use. Stealing candy from a baby wasn't exactly his agenda.

She'd go on to ask him if he was hungry, irritation clear on her face. He was greatly amused now, so she had a temper? All the more beautiful. "I don't steal prey from beautiful women." He responded coolly, and not unkindly. I prey on beautiful women. He thought darkly,the folds of his mind unfurling. Was it possible he could talk her into following him later down the line? There was one was to find out, but he wanted to know more about her first. To see what her desires were, and as soon as he was about to pick her mind to see what made her tick, a scent drew across his senses.

Turning at the sound of a voice unfamiliar, amber gaze found itself upon a young male. All Sin would do was stare for a long moment, nostrils flaring as he strove to pry the creatures scent from him, analyzing it. Something about this young male was...vaguely familiar, but he couldn't quite recall why. The boys question made Sin gaze at him, eye to eye. His attention divided between both the new company and the woman. "I would be lying if I said that you were." He remarked, his eyes unwavering as he continued to stare at him. What was it that begged to be answered? The boy smelled of Imperium, a pack Sin was well aware of, for he had met a she-wolf from there time and time again. "Tell me boy, what is your name?"


07-15-2015, 04:47 PM

The feeling that this guy was a creep didn't entirely fade, but he'd made a good call by appealing to a beautiful fae's natural vanity. Lyre sniffed and looked away, too stubborn to let her irritation go so easily. At the very least though, he hadn't jumped her, which was always a good sign. She let out a long breath before forcing a smile. "You're too kind," she would proclaim, sarcasm dripping from her lips, but the chuckle that followed was genuine. She liked anyone who didn't immediately loose their cool when confronted with a 'strong personality.' "And it's not stealing if I offer. You seem a decent enough fellow, grab yourself a bite or two." She shrugged and turned back to eat, but before she could wrap her jaws around a fresh chunk of flesh, a third voice broke the air.

The breath wooshed out of Lyre in sarcastic flamboyance and she turned with exaggerated strain to see a second male, younger than the first, standing near at hand. He asked if he was interrupting, and the bloody stranger would reply, saving Lyre from immediately making an ass of herself. "There's not much here for three, so if one of you wants some, sort it out yourselves," she mumbled under her breath. She would finish this meal, dammit. Even if it killed her.

"Talk" "You" Think



2 Years
07-17-2015, 09:45 AM

His approach brought mixed reactions from the two wolves, which only made his lazy grin wider. A clearly aggrieved sigh from the pretty female, and a reptilian stare from the white male. He returned the stare without bothering to hide his amusement before turning to answer the female. "No thank you, ma'am, I'm not hungry." It would be the height of rudeness to take food from a loner that he, being a well-fed pack wolf, didn't need. His tail swung languidly at the level of his hocks, every bit of his posture speaking of being relaxed and unhurried. Still, the continuous stare of the white male was disconcerting and drew Atreides' olivine gaze back to him with a quirk of the boy's brow. "Well, it's not boy," he retorted with amusement. "And isn't it a little rude to demand someone's name when you haven't even given your own?" Tilting his head to the male cheekily, he instead bowed low to the female, one paw tucking against his chest as his his head and chest dropped low in a deliberately silly, extravagant bow. "Atreides Armada, ma'am, at your service," he intoned, peeking up at her with dancing eyes.




6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-04-2015, 12:08 AM
Sin Hellstrom

Punk. That's all he could really think about the other male at the moment. A brow raised momentarily as he cast a glance towards the woman, head shaking briefly as he declined her offer. "Well...if you insist. I won't turn down dinner with a lovely lady." He chuckled as he approached, amber gaze flicked towards the other male as he took a decent sized bite. Audits turned towards the male as he spoke with what seemed to Sin, a snobbish sort of remark. Why did his manner of speaking remind him of someone? "Well it's not boy." Obviously. God this guy was a smart ass! Reminded him of himself in a way...and also...No. It couldn't be, could it?

Besides, Sin rarely if ever...gave his name first. Never knew when someone placed a bounty on his head. No, he was always on the careful side of things. "Isn't it a little rude to interrupt a dinner party?" He scoffed slightly, the bite of meat he'd taken chewed slowly as he gazed at the male with a look that said seriously? The Look (Sorry I had to XD) He swallowed his food as the boy gave a mock bow, well wasn't he just a ray of sunshine? However, when he said his name...that's what caught Sin's interest.

"Atreides Armada..." His voice trailed off just slightly, the clockwork turning in his mind. He was an armada, but whose child? He thought back to who could have been pregnant before he left. Gaze returning to the male as he scrutinized him, giving him a good look. Then it hit. This boy was fairly young, and when Sin had gone off on his journey, his sister had been pregnant at the time...could this be her child? "You're an Armada...your mother wouldn't happen to be Roman, would it?" Of course, he probably already knew the answer. But he wanted to be sure. Sure that he was an uncle, and the boy before him was his nephew.