
Ocean Eyes



6 Years
07-15-2015, 11:22 AM

Motif led her tiny daughter away from the den before the sun rose, as long as they traveled when the sun wasn't out she could be outside without having to cover herself in dirt. These days she was looking more and more like her mother than the cute pink thing she normally was. So tiny Vail was quite grateful that they would leave before the sun had even risen. She was slowly growing into her body, the natural grace her mother passed down was beginning to show itself. As Vail grew more confident in her gait the more fluid and flawless it would become. This came with no small feat either, her father, mother, and aunt had all offered the tiny child their own walking lesson. Eventually she had taken to her own unique stride.

With Vail quickly mastering the art of walking she'd start to experiment more with running and trotting. She hadn't gotten near as much practice with those speeds, mostly because she'd learned they were much more dangerous when she couldn't see what was in front of her. Above her left eye rested a rather fresh wound where she'd taken a tumble in the dark. Shaye had patched her up really well, but this was the worst injury she'd sustained since leaving the den. It wouldn't do much to hurt her confidence yet, but her caution would be more easily seen in the next few weeks.

She was rather quiet as she followed after her mother, she had just woken up after all, and though she was more than thankful to leave while it was dark she was still a little groggy and hoped that her mommy intended upon a nap at some point during their 'lazy day.' She'd yawn as she followed after her mother, it wasn't a particularly fast pace but Vail had short legs and still had to work a little harder than Motif. "here ye', mommy?" She'd ask, perking her ears towards the woman as her sightless gaze found her features.

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Motif I


4 Years
07-18-2015, 04:49 PM

Vail was the most beautiful wolf in the entire world, and that wasn't just because she was a proud mother well, maybe a little. But her delicate tones where clearly something to be admired, her light pink perfectly illustrating her curves and sweet features. Her Destruction markings where unique and brought attention to the delicate almost blue sheen in her sightless eyes. She was growing too, she was still a tiny, willowy creature who would clearly never match her father and sisters height. But that just seemed to add to the delicate appearance she had going on. She was the kind of girl who anyone who ever saw her would immediately fall in love, would itch and need to help her. No one could walk by and let her struggle, there something to perfect and innocent about her. She hoped that would only fall in Vail's favor, through then, anyone who ever tried to take advantage of her would have an entire family of fighters to fear...

In the dark hours of the early morning, where her soft shades would be ascended by the luminescent moon, Motif would gently lead her little one from the den. There was a confidence growing in Vail, seen in the way she walked with a graceful stride despite her blindness. Motif would hide a smile at the image her little one made, through she was bursting with pride inside. “Just a little bit further Sweetie” she promised as they made their way to the waterfall. There was a little bit of an incline now and she hovered over Vail as they moved up it, through she tried to hide her care, letting Vail do things on her own. The rush of water was clearly heard now as they moved under the shade of a small cliff that juttered out, with the water rushing over it, they could watch the waterfall without getting wet and Motif would lead her to a beautiful spot in the shade where they could admire the view and listen to the rushing water.





6 Years
07-19-2015, 03:18 PM

Vail couldn't yet comprehend her beauty, and it was possible that she never might. She knew very well how beautiful her mother was, but hadn't quite made the connection that she might be as well. Her mother insisted that she was more beautiful, but Vail couldn't help but doubt that. She didn't realize the effect she had on others, how most everyone she'd met already had fallen completely in love with her. She just knew that her family was there to love her and she loved them back. Motif would answer her quick question, assuring her impatient little girl that they were in fact almost there.

Vail would work a little harder as they came to the incline, her little feet would scramble for purchase as she tried to follow after the sounds of her mother. It was a little more challenging, but she would succeed with what little grace her small form held. By then she would hear the crashing water by now, the sound perking her curiosity. Pale pink ears would perk as she followed after Motif the rest of the way to their destination. Vail was at her mother's heals, nervous about this big new sound. "Wha' is 'his mommy?" She'd ask curiously, gluing herself to her mothers leg until she found out what it was she was facing. It smelled like water, but sounded like thunder.

if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]

Motif I


4 Years
07-19-2015, 06:39 PM (This post was last modified: 07-19-2015, 06:42 PM by Motif I.)

As the sound of the rushing water got louder, Vail would get closer and closer to her until she was almost hugging motifs leg as they walked. Motif took great care to ensure her little one could hover behind her without getting a kick in the face. Something about the way where Vail was clearly weary and almost afraid of the noise and yet still carried on, safe in the protective circle of her mother's reach, melted motif. Clearly her little Vail trusted her, totally and completely allowed her to enter strange and new sensations or places with only the assurances of her mother. They would walk until they reached the point where they could duck under the over hang and sit in the shade and it was motifs hope that behind the water fall with the sun at the right angle Vail might be able to see the rainbow that lit up the world in front of them.

"It's a waterfall honey. It's where lots off water rushes off a cliff and meets it's stream again below. This is only a small waterfall, so if you wanted you could stick your head under the water and see there is space again on the other side. It's like... A little curtain of water. Just don't step through it -you'll fall" She cautioned, watching Vail carefully, if her little one did move forward, she would move with her. She also did her best to explain what she was seeing, so Vail could get the full experience of it.





6 Years
07-20-2015, 11:27 AM

She'd keep herself close to Motif, but she was still curious about where it was they'd come to. She was curious, but she knew better and better every day, how cruel it could be. Motif had no worry about her, usually Vail could tell when she was really in danger, so this hesitation was only based in her lack of knowledge. Motif was quick to remedy that however, with Vail's question she brought her answer. Her mother told her she could put her head underneath, but that didn't sound very pleasant. Sitting by her mother Vail's sightless eyes would take in the waterfall, her ears perked at it, but she wouldn't move closer. It probably would have been better for her to seek it out and to test what it was, just so she wasn't so scared of it anymore. However Vail wasn't about to take any chances about falling in to the roaring rapids. She'd need Mommy beside her to go under it. Quietly she would continue to stare with out further question.

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