
Treat me cruel



9 Years
07-17-2015, 12:25 AM
Away from the pack lands again. Why did he stray so often, spending so little time amongst his pack mates? He knew he had to Xephyris craved more than this - he craved conflict, the feeling of victory, power and a little controlled chaos. This peaceful little pack that was looking forward the the pups of their leader wasn't exactly fulfilling him. He'd bonded with none. Their interests were not his. They weren't bad wolves - in fact, they were just a little too good for him. He would try to reach out to them, to fit in, but he wasn't sure how far it would go. How long could he go in a group that had no grand ambitions?

Grumbling to himself, Xephyris moved through the strange woods slowly, not sure where he was going, or if he should just turn around and head home. At least the scenery provided some minor amusement, different than the flat tundra. The trees were oddly shaped, and almost looked climbable. He wasn't interested in trying, but he remained aware of the fact that predators could be lurking in the strangely formed branches. With a growl of frustration, the brute stopped in his tracks, willing something more interesting to happen in his life. Wasn't there anyone out there who was more like himself? Someone who wanted more than this? Life here was too easy and simple - he needed a little cruelty in his life.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-17-2015, 03:14 AM

Muscles rippled beneath a blood stained pelt, the devil himself stalking the lands in search of something more. A cold grin surfaced, the pupils of his venomous glare copied that of a rattlesnake. He was out for blood today, an invisible drive sending him into a flurry of want and need. His plans were drawing closer, and he needed more followers. If he had to force them to his will, then so be it. But he'd give them a choice first. And it would be his lucky day.

The spring winds sent him an invitation. The scent of a pack wolf was nearby, and it was not yet one he had met. But he knew which pack it belonged to, for he had been lurking around the North since his return, and studying the two packs that resided here. Changing his course like a monster searching for some other purpose, he moved like a shadow across the forest. His pelt would do well to blend in, but his red markings would stand out like blood splashed against the backdrop. No matter. He wasn't afraid of detection.

He'd find him. A male that appeared to be lost in more ways than one. The male's pack scent grew stronger, there was no mistaking where he was from. "'re well beyond your borders. You're bolder then most of those fools." His voice was nonchalant, emotionless even, as he came to a stop several tail lengths in front of the male.




9 Years
07-18-2015, 04:25 PM
Xephyris was alerted to the sound of heavy padfalls brushing over the forest floor. He hoped it was not a packmate following him, wondering what he was up to. But then again, they didn't really seem to keep track of him much. He was merely a ghost amongst them. His silvery, blue-specked eyes would instead land upon a large brute, blood-red markings of the devil upon the man's pristine white coat and the glare in his eyes was venomous. A shudder ran through Xephyris' body, as a wide grin spread across his mug. Now this was more like it. He had a feeling things were about to get interesting.

His tail rose into the air like a flag of dominance as the male approached him, words passing his lips in a hard and even tone. The younger male took on the posture of a wolf stalking prey, moving slowly around the larger brute, his eyes full of amusement. So, he thought the wolves of Sonticus were a bunch of fools? A harsh laugh escaped him. "That's fine... since I'm not anything like them," he rumbled with a flash of his fangs, looking ready to take a chunk out of the stranger. But, he paused in his stride, facing the older man head on. "You look like you just stepped out from the pits of hell," he stated, amusement still upon his face, "Surely you must be up to no good..." Though the older male had hardly said a word yet, it led Xephyris to believe that he knew things about Sonticus and clearly thought them to be fools. He wondered why, and if he'd been hoping to find a fool here in these woods, what exactly was he up to?



6 Years
Dragon Mod
07-25-2015, 07:23 PM
This boy was smart. He could tell. His response amused him, and greatly so. The boy had balls too, flashing his fangs at him all cocky like. Did he want a fight? If so, Sin would give it to him. "You're more ballsy then your entire pack. Let me guess, you're the misfit?" He didn't know much about this guy. But he had met the Sonticus alpha and she didn't seem to exude much strength. What possessed her to have a pack?

A brow raised at the man's remark, Sin's maw spread in a wicked grin. "Good observation. I am Sin itself. The Devil's spawn." He chuckled darkly, amber gaze locking onto the male's. "I wouldn't be so quick to judge. I could have been the most angelic creature you ever set eyes on, but I'd be lying if I said that."

It was his turn to eye the male. Though he bore the scent of Sonticus, his initial remark had led Sin to believe that this male didn't care much for the pack. Then again, he saw little of Sonticus. The pack was much too quiet, so what did that say about it? Wasn't his concern...yet. "What's your name?"



9 Years
07-26-2015, 07:44 PM (This post was last modified: 07-26-2015, 07:45 PM by Xephyris.)
He took the alter's remark as praise, which simply tickled him pink. But he knew this encounter could turn dangerous at any moment, especially considering how carefree he was allowing himself to behave and speak in the presence of this mysterious stranger. So, he didn't allow himself to get too giddy, but instead nodded with a look of amusement upon his face. "Thanks for noticing," he said with a smirk, digging his claws into the ground, "I'm not interested in fitting in with them."

Xephyris saw the wicked grin spread upon the hessian's mug before he spoke. So he was Sin. Interest lit in the younger male's dull eyes. "What a coincidence, I was just thinking I needed a little more sin in my life," he responded, grinning madly, "I suppose you could have been an angel... but that look in your eyes says otherwise." A low chuckle passed his lips. Something about this wolf felt so familiar, and malevolent, like he was in the presence of brethren.

He saw Sin eyeing him, and he was put on edge, ears pressing back and tail waving slowly behind him. What was he looking for? Perhaps he was just assessing him, but for what, the brute wasn't sure. Then Sin would ask for his name, and he took a breath before replying. "I am Xephyris," he said at last, taking a taller stance, "I haven't quite discovered my purpose nor my potential yet... But I certainly want more than what Sonticus has to offer. What of you, where do you hail from?" He was curious to know where this wolf was from, and if there was a place that he called home. And what was he doing here?



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-03-2015, 12:14 AM
Sin Hellstrom

The bloodied creature eyed the man, amber gaze never leaving his form as he continued to pick apart the males very soul. He didn't appear to be of the goody two shoes type, so he was a little confused why this male had joined the pack that he was in. His gaze would return to the brutes, however, when he stated he wasn't interesting in fitting in. Sin was about to ask him exactly what he meant by that, but before he could open his mouth to speak the male spoke again, something more witty. Though Sin liked the response, his own maw grew into a grin as laughter swept past his lips. "Well, that's a dream easily reached." He drew back his lips in a wider grin, matching the boys wicked desires. So he wasn't a goody two shoes after all, he'd definitely stumbled upon the right man today.

He gave his name, Sin nodding in acknowledgement. He waited for the boy to finish before responding, and once he was done Sin stood tall, tail sweeping his own hocks as he sized up the other. "Xephyris...a fitting name, I suppose. And if i'm not mistaken, you seem to be with the wrong pack. They don't give nor offer what you truly desire, it seems. Otherwise you wouldn't still be here talking to me." He chuckled heartily, a sinister sound driven from his vocals. "I myself hail from the far north, though I have remained in Alacritia until last year when I went off on a journey. I've only just returned this past winter, and now I seek to dominate. It seems you seek the same, you're smart. Perhaps too smart for the likes of your...pack."

He moved closer to Xephyris, amber eyes looking him up and down as he chose to walk around him, evaluating the males strength. Though he wouldn't be entirely sure of how strong he was without sparring with him, he did have an eye for detail. And he was sure those in Sonticus weren't as headstrong nor as determined as this one. When he finished his examination, he came to stand before him once more. A foot or so away, not entirely spaced but not right in his face either. "If it's Sin you are looking for, then you've found it. I will offer you a proposition. I seek create a kingdom, and I need some...allies, if you will, to help me build it up. So I offer you a place within my domain, and in turn I will come for you come next season." He turned to gaze at Xephyris from the corner of his eye, mischief gleaming brightly.

He then looked him dead in the eye, the mischievous gleam remained as he spoke again. Now was the time to spin his words around this man, though he doubted he'd have to do much work. He was convincing, his tongue of silver and poison easily spun around most he came across, but he didn't entirely feel the need to do that this time. Desire and greed could become ones worst enemy, or ones ambition. And Xephyris, had ambition in Sin's eyes. Just as he did."Allow me to aid you in unlocking your potential. I promise you, that you will find it. You'll not waste your time being ignored and cast aside like yesterdays carcass any longer then you have to within that pitiful pack...With me, you'll grow strong and perhaps even rule a pack of your own. What do you say?" The ball was in Xeph's court now, Sin would keep his promise on his end.



9 Years
08-14-2015, 12:28 AM
Xephyris was watching Sin's expression, and his brows raised with interest when the hellion said his dream could be reached, easily. He knew then that this demon was going to propose something, and so he remained silent, his ears perked as he seated himself. He was right when he said the pack didn't offer what he desired... what else would he say? He couldn't help but to smirk and puff up when Sin tried to butter him up; in a way, he knew it was all talk to convince him of something, but he liked the praise better than what he was getting currently.

The younger male would sit calmly and subtly clench his muscles as Sin moved around him slowly, examining him as a specimen. So, it would seem that this brute was seeking to build a kingdom, and sought allies. Xephyris had to hold himself back from jumping to his paws like an eager pup. Instead, he took a deep breath, but his claws digging into the ground gave away his desires. He licked his lips, then met Sin's gaze. "If it's allies you require, count me in," he said without a moment's hesitation, "I like what you have to offer. For now, I reside in Sonticus, but should you need me, just give word and I will be at your side. This is an opportunity I can't pass up."

Everything that Sin said appealed to him. He would be needed. He wouldn't go ignored. And whatever Sin had in mind was not some soppy desire for eternal peace. He couldn't help but to lick his lips in anticipation. He stood again, blinking his wild silver eyes. "Sin, just know you have my attention; like before," he spoke again, and though he'd already said it, he didn't mind repeating himself here, "Just call upon me... I won't pass this up." Now that he had pledged himself, what would the dark master say? Xephyris breathed deeply, curious and somewhat eager to hear what the demonic brute would say next.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
08-16-2015, 02:02 AM

Yes, he was eager this one. He had great potential, and Sin would not let it go to waste much longer. He could tell the man was growing excited by the opportunity with each passing moment, Sin's lyrics dangling in the air between them as he could see the fire grow in the male's eyes as Sin spun his web around him. The things he was saying weren't lies, really. He needed ambition around him, and this one was certainly ambitious enough. Sin knew that Xephyris wanted nothing more then to prove himself, and to be useful and use his skills for something other then nothing. And he would give the boy just that very soon. "If it's allies you require, count me in." Well well, no sooner had the words left his mouth then the male had answered. He was eager, ready to begin at a moments notice and promising his soul for the Devil to keep.

The smile upon his lips broadened as Xephyris stood, eagerness and excitement dancing in his eyes as he repeated his words. He was smart not to pass this up, he would have been a fool to even think about passing it up, but Sin liked this character. He was different then all others he'd come across, for they didn't show as much ambition as this one did. Amber gaze locked on silver, the devil's promise weaving its way between the two. "Then it is settled. Welcome to my domain, Xephyris. I promise your efforts will not go unnoticed, and your life will have more meaning." That was as true as ever. Sin could be a cruel and lying man, but there were things he'd actually keep his word to, especially when it came to those who sought what he so desired as well. Now begged the question, could the man walk as well as he talked? "I'm curious to see your skills, may I test your abilities in a friendly spar?" If the boy had not the time, he would test him another day. But he hoped he could further scope this man's potential now rather then later, whether he was good at fighting or not, Sin would help further his skills.

talk, think



9 Years
08-17-2015, 11:34 PM
Xephyris dipped his head low as Sin welcomed him to a new domain. He could feel that something grand was going to happen, and was glad to have met this brute on such a chance occasion. He wouldn't be missing out. "Thank you for inviting me and allowing me to be part of your ploy," he said, smirking mischievously. Next it would seem that Sin wanted to test his abilities, and Xephyris narrowed his eyes, crouching into a stalking position again. Finally, someone would be able to recognize him, if not for his skill then for his ambition and eagerness. I've been dying to test myself," he rasped, tail thrashing the air behind him, "It only makes sense that you be the one to test me. Show me where I must improve." He'd tried with no avail to make himself useful to the pack, but perhaps now he would finally put himself to use. He couldn't want anything more, and would wait for Sin to initiate their spar.



6 Years
Dragon Mod
09-10-2015, 09:21 PM

He offered a grin at the man, a nod following suit at the males thanks. His smile growing a little wider. The mans pack had not tested him? Odd...that would be the first thing Sin would always do to make sure potential members could fight off their enemies. Xephyris would wait then, Sin taking the initiative as he took a few steps back to allow them some room by roughly six feet or so. And fluidly, he would set his defenses. Eyes narrowed to shield his precious sight, ears flattened to his alabaster skull, as his head lowered to align with his spine, chin tucked slightly over his throat. His tail flagged out aligning with his spine and head as well, knees bending as his toes splayed and claws etched into the frozen ground. His maw opened slightly as his face scrunched up, the scars upon him contorting to further protect his face as his abdomen tensed. He would need to be fluid, to move at a moments notice but he would accommodate himself during the fight as needed. Lastly, he bunched his scruff to further protect his vulnerable neck.

"Let's begin." That would be the only warning to the other as Sin launched forward, attempting to close the distance between them. But it was not a direct head on attack he was aiming for, no. Instead, as he attempted to draw closer, the last two feet he would veer to his right (Xeph's left), jaws gaping as he sought to grab a firm hold upon the left side of Xephyris' neck. Top canines sought to sink into the folds of flesh just below the man's jaw, while bottom canines sought to sink into the boy's neck slightly off center, hopefully choking him out and bringing darkness to the males vision. Simultaneously as he attempted to draw closer to his target, Sin's right paw lifted and then shot downwards as he attempted then to slam his foot upon Xephyris' left forepaw, hopefully succeeding and potentially smashing the toes and fracturing them.

Sin VS Xephyris for Spar

Round: I/II




9 Years
09-15-2015, 01:00 AM
Xephyris grinned eagerly as Sin lined himself up, readying for the spar that would ensue. The younger male readied himself as well. His legs bent and paws shifted in the snow to distribute his weight evenly, claws firmly gripping the frozen forest floor. Ears tucked carefully against his skull, hackles rising along his neck and back, while his tail lined up with his spine. Silver eyes narrowed as his muzzle wrinkled up in fierce snarl, baring his ready fangs. He rolled his shoulders forward and lowered his head, tucking his chin slightly to cover his vulnerable throat.

Sin was closing the gap between them quickly, and Xeph shuffled backward a couple of steps just to give himself room to react. Just as the other male darted to Xeph's left side, the silver-eyed wolf would rear up onto his hinds, tail whirling as he shifted his balance, bringing up his left foreleg to block Sin's jaws from meeting their original target. Instead, the fangs would dig into his elbow, lower jaw meeting the soft inner part of his elbow, top jaw striking the outer part. They would leave moderate punctures and cause pain to shoot up to his shoulder as Sin's top teeth struck against the sensitive nerve (funny bone). Xeph growled horridly - he had to move quickly so the larger male wouldn't throw him off balance.

Using his hind legs, he stepped quickly to the right and tried to thrust his body weight straight into Sin, his elbow still caught in the other brute's jaws. His right forepaw aimed to come down across Sin's back, just behind the shoulder blades, hoping to cause some moderate bruising around the spine. Then his jaws parted wide and head tilted downward and to his left, trying to get a deep hold on Sin's scruff just above the left shoulder. His upper canines aimed to sink in just an inch to the left side the cervical spine, while the lower canines sought a grip further down the side of Sin's powerful neck, hoping to grab a mouthful of flesh and fur.

Sin vs Xephyris || Spar || Round 1/2

OOC: Dragon and I agreed on an extension for this fight!



6 Years
Dragon Mod
09-18-2015, 12:10 AM
Sin Hellstrom

Surging in his endeavor to grab a hold of the other, teeth met with flesh though not in the intended location. Instead, Xephyris had opted to rise upon his hind legs and give Sin his left foreleg to munch on, and Sin would gladly oblige. Jaws closed around the other male's elbow, and he would strive to apply more pressure to his hold with the potential of hearing bone crack between his teeth, but then again...this man would be useless to him with a broken leg, so instead, Sin released as Xephyris began to move towards him. He guessed that as Xephyris reared up, his paw slam would miss...and he supposed that's how physics worked, didn't it?

Ensuring his defenses were set, the devil kept his ears pinned to his crown, eyes narrowed, hackles bristling, maw wrinkling to show wicked fangs as his brows furrowed. Head remained tilted downward, chin tucked as his tail remained parallel to the ground and aligning with his spine and head. Likewise, his scruff remained bunched as his shoulders kept forward to protect the sides of his neck. It was a bold move that Xephyris had made, but perhaps foolish as well. Sin allowed the man's right paw to fall upon his upper back, however, only light bruising would occur. And as Xeph strove to snake towards him, Sin would lower his center of gravity as he drew closer to the ground.

The alabaster male would attempt to charge forth, striving to use his opponents lack of all four feet planted on the ground and knock him onto his back. Simultaneously, Sin's head tilted upwards as his teeth sought to strike his opponents throat. He wanted to feel his teeth sink into flesh, to feel the air flee the man's body until he lied in darkness upon the ground. Not killing him no, but bringing the brute to meet unconsciousness. As a result of his movement, the bite that Xeph had intended would land at the base of his shoulders, teeth sliding off bone and making no more then moderate puncture wounds and tearing of fur and flesh, possible lacerations as well if Sin was successful in his movement. Lastly, Sin's right forepaw struck forward, attempting to hook around Xephyris' left hind paw and drag it towards him, hoping that it would aid him in toppling the other onto the ground. His three legs would redistribute, Sin bracing himself for the potential onslaught, for anything could happen in a fight. And so far, this kid showed promise.

Sin VS Xephyris for Spar

Round: II/II

Out Of Character Notes: Sorry for the crappy post D;



9 Years
09-22-2015, 12:04 AM
He could feel Sin's jaws closing harder on his elbow, causing him to growl louder. Much more pressure and he felt his bone might fracture. Lucky for him this was not the other man's intention. Just as Xeph's paw came down on Sin's back, and his own jaws connected at the base of the larger brute's shoulders, he felt Sin's teeth release their hold on his elbow. What was Sin up to? Things shifted quickly when Sin shoved his weight into Xeph, causing him to teeter on his hind paws, while his teeth dragged through the other male's flesh. His ears kept folded against his head, knees bent and claws dug into the ground as he tried to keep his weight stabilized. He tried to maintain his hold on Sin, however, the other male was stronger, and Xephyris found himself stumbling backward - then the other male's right paw hooked around his left hind, completely unbalancing him, and it was enough to knock him onto his back, just as intended.

Everything happened quickly. Xeph found himself with his back against the frozen ground, Sin's jaws closing around his throat under his chin, top teeth on the right side of his throat, bottom teeth on the left. He gagged as he tried to inhale, but it was futile. There was little he could do now to defend himself - he kept his eyes narrowed and muzzle wrinkled up to protect his face, tail tucking against his belly. As Sin stood over him, Xeph thrashed about as he tried to free himself from the deadly grip, although he knew Sin wasn't going to kill him, not today. He tried to kick out with his left hindpaw, aiming for the middle of the brute's soft underbelly, right where the rib cage ended. Xeph's left forepaw aimed for the right side of Sin's face just below the eye, hoping to bruise his cheekbone.

The young male would keep his mistakes in mind for future battles - he was lucky that Sin was only testing him, for in a real fight he might find himself dead this very moment. He needed to improve his technique and make better choices, especially against a larger opponent. He would make sure that he trained hard to ensure he could defend himself and fight for his pack for years to come.

Sin vs Xephyris || Spar || Round 2/2

The Judge


01-13-2016, 12:29 AM




- 0
Total: 10

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (eyes) + 1 (ears) + 1 (head) + 1 (chin) + 1 (tail) + 1 (knees) + 1 (toes) + 1 (claws) + 1 (jaws) + 1 (scruff)
Total: 10

+ 3 throat grab
+ 1 grip attempt
+ 1 paw stomp
Total: 5

- Rnd 1
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 45 / 50


- 2 “leave moderate puncture wounds” Sin has your arm in his jaws and you move to the right. Wolves legs don’t have rotating shoulders like humans, they are on a front to back acel. This move should have either minorly fractured your leg or slightly dislocated your shoulder. Please keep realism in mind. :3
Total: 8

- 2 ignored paw stomp
Total: 8

+ 1 (knees) + 1 (claws) + 1 (weight) + 1 (ears) + 1 (hackeles) + 1 (tail) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (muzzle) + 1 (shoulders) + 1 (chin)
Total: 10

+ 1 paw skim to back
+ 3 Bite to scruff
+ 1 grip attempt
Total: 5

- Rnd 1
Total: 10

Total for Round One: 41 / 50



- 2 “ he sought to surge forward” How? Is he trying to slam into Xeph?
- 2 “Sin’s head tilted upwards” Xeph twisted so he was facing your side and your posts make it seem like they are head on yet you didn’t move. What is their positioning?
Total: 6

- 2 Too many moves. You clenched your jaws, released, turned (?), body slamed and throat attempted. By not giving your opponent time to react to your initial jaw attack (clenching) you pretty much force the attack to be successful, which is powerplay.
Total: 8

+ 1 (ears) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (hackles) + 1 (teeth) + 1 (head) + 1 (chin) + 1 (tail) + 1 (shoulder) + 1 (face) + 1 (neck)
Total: 10

+ 2 body slam
+ 1 Grip attempt
+ 3 bite
+ 1 severity
+ 1 trip attempt
Total: 8

- 1 light bruising.
Total: 9

Total for Round Two: 41 / 50  


- 0
Total: 10

- 0
Total: 10

+ 1 (ears) + 1 (knees) + 1 (claws) + 1 (eyes) + 1 (muzzle) + 1 (tail)
Total: 5

+ 1 paw to face
+ 2 paw to belly
Total: 3

- 3 moderate lacerations to throat
- 2 moderate lacerations to forepaw
Total: 5

Total for Round Two: 34 / 50


45 + 41 = 86

34 + 41 = 75

And the winner is...

Xephyris must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


- light bruising, 3 OOC days

- mod lacerations to throat - 2 OOC weeks
- Mod lacerations to forepaw - 1.5 OOC weeks
- Severe lacerations to leg - 2.5 OOC weeks
- Slight dislocation of shoulder - 3 OOC weeks


Tips for writing and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here):

Congratz on a fantastic fight, guys :3 All my notes are above. If you have any questions, please let me know.

- By [Arin]