
now it's five o'clock on the phone again



2 Years
08-31-2014, 03:54 PM
Marked mature because of Lakota's profane inner monologue and further swearing problem

Song had given birth, and it was just about high time for her to begin her exploring of the lands, her eternal wandering. She loved her mother, her family, but her feet didn't like being anchored to one place. She desired the horizon, and while it was a little dangerous for her to be wandering alone while she was in season, her hunger to be on the move was stronger than her hunger for... things she didn't really care about right now. Pulling herself onto the shore of one of the many small islands, she looked about. A small hum escaped her maw, contemplative. Should she head for the largest island again? It was really nice there, but she was kind of enjoying this little sandbar, with the warm summer sun beating down on her alabaster pelt. It was rather delicious, really. With a small shrug, the giantess lowered herself to the terra with a contented sigh. It was a beautiful day outside, and she would be damned if she didn't enjoy it while it was there. Even though she was still soaked from her swim, the lady was too comfortable in the hot sand to really give a shit. Her dual toned eyes fell slowly shut, limbs folded neatly beneath her and her forepaws pillowing her lower jaw.
As she lounged in the heat of the day, the water in her fur began to evaporate, leaving behind an abundance of salt that made it look greasy and disgusting. Not that the pallid femme really cared, she was pretty much out cold by now. Of course, that meant, as per beach tradition with her, that some little asshole crustacean would take the opportunity to attack her. A crab skittered onto the beach, with an evil glint in it's little demonic eyes, and latched one claw onto her tail. With a yelp, the she wolf leaped to her feet, impressive strings of profane language streaming from her onyx lips as she whirled around to find out who her attacker was. No one behind her, and her tail was still singing with pain. Muzzle would whip around to fix a burning gaze on her upheld tail, only to find the little fucker latched onto the end of her tail, and looking quite smug about it.
And thus began the infuriating game of chase your tail to get rid of the pest who couldn't resist being a little shit.



4 Years
09-02-2014, 06:53 AM

After spending some time with his family. By the time his short visit had come to an end though the boy was itching to explore again and so once more found himself wandering. So close to the Eastern coast, he opted to venture out to one of the islands perhaps after he would pay his grandparents a visit at last. He wouldn't plan too far ahead though of course, things could still change.

After the swim across he made it to the shores of an island, shaking out his coat as he stood looking inwards wondering where to start his exploring here. For a brief moment things would be rather peaceful and quiet here. Soon however he would begin to hear the voice of another. Fortunately he was far away enough that he was unable to make out the actual words being spoken, perhaps it wouldn't have caught his interest quite as much if he had.

As he followed the shoreline of the island he would soon come across another wolf, her language had now drawn to a stop, he had completely missed the string of profanity though he would see her suddenly begin to chase her tail. With her movement he would be unable to spot the crab latched onto her and Chord would simply be left wondering for a moment whether to leave her in peace or interrupt her games. It may not have been the brightest choice considering he knew nothing about the other, though he opted to move closer. Who knew, maybe he'd make a new friend.



2 Years
09-03-2014, 10:20 PM


When the damned beast released her tail, it went flying. Out over the ocean at least a dozen feet away, the pale orange crustacean dropped back into the salty water with a resounding plunk. Directing her dual toned glare to where the fucker had disappeared for a few moments longer, she let out a small snort. Served the crab right, though she'd feel better if she'd eaten it- rather than leave that honor to some seagull or some sort of sea creature. Tiara would swing around as the breeze shifted in her favour, attention falling upon a rather large brute. She let out a weak chuckle, a blush rising into her cheeks that was invisible beneath her fur. "Hey there." She greeted the stranger, lifting a paw cautiously as she took a step towards the stranger. Cranium was held between her shoulders, mismatched audits tilted slightly backward to display the awkwardness she felt. He was just as tall as she was, though definitely bore a lot more weight than her willowy, dancers frame allowed her. "Crab.. uh... got my tail." She explained with an abashed smile, brow furrowing as she looked back to where the damned thing had disappeared into the blue abyss.
A small cough would allow her to recover whatever dignity she might have had left as of now. "I'm Lakota, Destruction." She added, the surname an afterthought. She was just getting used to her name meaning something once more, and still frequently forgot to mention it. "What's your name?" She asked, raising an eyebrow briefly as she straightened up again. She was back to her usual, easygoing attitude, her posture quite lax as she stood with just a foot of space between herself and the male. He had brilliant green eyes, like her sister Canta.
OOC: Sorry for taking forever, didn't see the reply 'til now :P



4 Years
09-08-2014, 06:03 AM

Before he got too close Chord would be noticed, the girl stopping her games and giving him a somewhat sheepish greeting. At least it seemed she was friendly then and the russet marked boy would move on again, closing a little more distance between them as he gave a small smile and a greeting of his own. "Hey."

The game he had feared interrupting however turned out not to be a game at all as she commented upon the crab that had gotten hold of her tail, now presumably cast back into the ocean from her quick glance to the water. "That sounds painful." He remarked. He had avoided the misfortune of the strange creatures grabbing hold of him and now certainly wished to keep it that way.

She would then introduce herself and the expression upon the boy's features would swiftly change to one of shock and joy. "Seriously? That's awesome!" Chord would declare cheerfully. How was she related, they could get to that later but for now he'd shine some light on the situation for her. "We must be related. I'm Chord Destruction."



2 Years
09-08-2014, 02:29 PM

The male was at least sympathetic to her plight, which was more than she could say for the crab. She chuckled weakly, nodding her affirmation. Hell yes, that had been painful. She had absolutely no good luck when it came to napping on the beach, a trend that probably wouldn't be changing any time soon for her. Upon introducing herself, the male seemed to light up with glee. Apparently that was completely fantastic, and her own expression brightened in the face of the russet marked male's joy. All the more reason to use her surname more often, it seemed. Being a Destruction was actually something in Alacritia, and it had taken quite some time for her to realize that. He introduced himself quickly thereafter, announcing that they must be somehow related.
Chord Destruction. What an interesting name that was. She bobbed her head politely in greeting, beaming at him. "Nice ta meet ya!" She replied, pallid banner sweeping happily across her tall heels. "I'm one of Song's firstborn children, what about you?" She hummed, cocking her head to one side and raising an eyebrow quizzically. It was always interesting to see how she was related to the obscene amount of family members that had appeared in her absence. And now that there were two packs run by the family, there was another question to add to the conversation. "You part of Threar or Sawtooth now?" She added, snorting a little. The question always seemed weird, though as a rogue herself, she would never quite understand the whole point of packs themselves. Okay, she understood the point, but not the attraction.
Freedom was her desire, to feel the wind in her fur and the varying earth under her paws. Sure, she visited her mom and siblings regularly, but she wanted to be able to travel. In all honesty, she chafed under the control of others, and wished for everything to be done by her own whims.




4 Years
09-09-2014, 02:14 AM

It certainly was nice to meet her and fortunately Lakota would too share in his joy that they were part of the large Destruction family. She was one of Song's children apparently, that would make them cousins if he recalled correctly. "So we're cousins, I'm one of Lyric's sons." He would answer. His mother had been a little slower with litter's than her sister, only the one so far and they'd all abandoned her and Ahlon for Alacritia and more family. That was a very cruel way of wording it really though.

Fortunately given Lakota's next question, Chord had been given a recent political update, enough to understand that his grandparents no longer ruled and Ludicael had divided into two packs led by two of his aunts. He would shake his head at the girl's comment however with a small scoff of his own. "Neither, it's Abaven that'd claim me given half the chance. That's my brother's pack." He would explain. They were rather similar in some ways, both preferring the life of a rogue to one within a pack.



2 Years
09-15-2014, 12:08 PM

The male seemed to think back for a moment, following the family tree in his head until he reached a conclusion. They were cousins, related by their mothers, it would seem. She gave a slow nod of her head, offering a small grin as she dipped her head formally. "Well then, good ta meet ya, cousin!" She chuckled, alabaster plume flicking back and forth happily at her hocks. When the male shook his head in response to her query, she was quite happy. So not everyone wanted to be stuck in a pack? Whew, she was beginning to feel like a black sheep in more ways than just her affinity for swearing and unusual height. Chord explained that he would rather join Abaven, Bass' pack, if he had to choose, since Bass was his brother. Interesting, and logical, of course. She would pick one of her siblings' packs as well, if she had to choose. Or her mother's, whichever was available at the time. A small bob of her delicate tiara was given in reply.
Inspiration seemed to strike her, and she grinned. One eyebrow would rise in question, and she would regard the male with an appraising look. "I've got a brilliant idea," The porcelain femme would announce, tail wagging briefly behind her. "What if you and me traveled together? Might be more fun that way, we could go see the sights, and all that jazz." She offered, watching Chord eagerly for his response. Having someone to wander with might be nice, and even nicer if it wasn't a complete stranger, or someone who would want to take advantage of her at some point. Family didn't do that. Well, not her family, at least.

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