
I feel it in my bones - CLAIMING



7 Years
Extra large
08-31-2014, 03:47 PM

As soon as he had heard, Quelt was already there. The large beast of a man would take the children and whoever else wished to follow him to the northern pack that once belonged to the father of his mate. It was a funny thing fate was, Irune had been taken only for her father to leave. And now Quelt was determined to take that pack and create it into a kingdom of his own. The sore walker would stand tall among the land, his heart nearly skipping a beat as he took in a deep breath and sent out a howl. This would be his land, if he went unchallenged. If anyone decided to step up before him, he would defend it like it was his life.
After all, even if he was injured, this was the promise he made. Isokan would prosper, and he would not go easy on any of his enemies. Show them what it meant to take something that he wanted from him. Finally the time had come, and he stood tall among everyone else. Patiently waiting to address anything that came into his path. The walker's reign would begin.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



3 Years
08-31-2014, 04:11 PM (This post was last modified: 08-31-2014, 04:18 PM by Ixionn.)
A claiming howl. From Quelt. Ixionn couldn't believe it. Had that man really done it? Had he really just...gotten himself his own pack? After all these years of denial. All the comments and spitting back at his father, Quelt, everyone. Had Ixionn really done that? Had he really...denied Quelt as his father? Why? This world has become so confusing. As a pup- everything was practically as perfect as ever. He had Raisa. He had Hajime. Then, Raisa ran off, and Katja sent Hajime and his siblings away into Abaven. Then Hajime died, and Irune got taken away. Would this be the end of his bad luck...would he finally get something positive in his life? Or maybe this was just a hallucination. Maybe the man was hearing things.
Either way, Ixionn felt his long legs carrying him across the plains of the serpents. And all the way to the Polar Sound...where the reign of the albino king had first lived. The aroma was faint. Gone. It made an excitement grow in Ixionn's chest. One that he was almost confused about. But his pace grew faster toward his father. Though, as he ran, his olive-green eyes swept over the territory, the sights making him smile. He smiled. Season after season, nothing but frowns and tears had crossed his face. But now...a true smile. strange. But exciting. Ixionn turned his head and laughed softly, continuing to make his way toward Quelt.
Finally he had made it to the blue-grey man. Ixionn skidded to a halt, dust rising up around him as he grinned slyly. His tail waggled behind him softly, before he lifted his head and sat. Regrets began to fill his chest now. He doubted Quelt as his father, his protector, everything. And even if Quelt hadn't realized it...guilt still filed through the orangey man like hot blood. Ixionn huffed and lowered his head, eyes drifting to his dirtied white paws. He muttered a few soft words, "Quelt...I'm sorry." Tears welled up in his eyes suddenly. The thought of his father, his mothers, all came into his mind like a brick to his head. "I just...I became so confused and full of hatred when I realized how much crap I've been through...but then I forgot about the good things..."
Ixionn slowly looked up and inched toward Quelt, nearly coming chest-to-chest with him. The masked man set his chin on his shoulder with a sly huff. "Please forgive me..."



1 Year
08-31-2014, 04:46 PM
Darrah Walker

sail away, sail away to the water

Darrah was frustrated to say the least. It had not been long since Bass promised to take him under his wing and teach him how to be a guardian or a hero in some cases. It had not been long since Quelt had heard this promise between the almost yearling and the Azat and yet he was being torn away from his home. He frowned as he thought of all the wrong that had been done lately. There was being torn away from his home, finding a very sick Raisa in the north, and then there was Irune being taken, his father's death and his mother's dead. It was all so sad and he knew this new pack was supposed to give him hope. Instead, it was taking away the hope of any normalcy. He looked at Quelt and spoke his terms. "Quelt... but Bass promised to be my teacher. I want him to be my teacher but he can't be if I'm not in Abaven." It was a bit of a whine but he was trying to do what was best for him at the time.



7 Years
Extra large
08-31-2014, 04:57 PM

Quelt would look over to Darrah as the boy spoke. His bi-colored orbs watching him for a moment. As he smiled a little. "You'll be a year old this coming season Darrah, it's time you decide where you want to be. You can always come and visit us. Besides, your brother Levaithi is staying in Abaven. Bass needs all the warriors he can get." he gave the boy a wink. After all, he still felt bad for leaving Bass. He was losing members, but still it was a conflict that Quelt would have to work through. His attention moved to Ixionn, smiling at the boy. "It's okay Ixionn, things happen. Life throws rocks in our way, and we have to over come them." he raised his head again.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]



1 Year
08-31-2014, 05:07 PM
Darrah Walker

sail away, sail away to the water

Quelt responded to his words with a small smile and Darrah was relieved to know he did not have to give up his apprenticeship if he really didn't want to. He gave his uncle an eager grin before speaking. "I promise I'll visit as often I can. Thank you Quelt. Ixionn, take care of yourself and Renhet. I'll visit you both a lot. This isn't goodbye." He said as he gave his brother a caring smile. Without another word he raced off towards Abaven before his absence was noticed by Bass. He was going to train with the Azat!!! The general idea made him bubble with excitement.




08-31-2014, 05:30 PM
Find the strength to see this through

Asya Daryha Winterfell

We are the ones who will never be broken

This mission, it was all that she could think about since the heartbreak surrounding her mother?s death. Her father had been taken by the winter winds when she was just a pup and her mother leaving her led to the fallout with her brother and sister respectively. She still spoke with Tristen if she saw her around; they were not nearly as close as they had once been. The mottled fae was desperate to find this mysterious Aunt Elsa cursed with the power to freeze lands in the winter and kill wolves with her icy winds. Asya knew it was just a hoax but that would not stop her from meeting the kind healer that Anna had told her of.

She sounded really great she had, and Asya still needed some training in healing. She could handle the stress and she knew all of the herbs but sometimes she struggled to figure out whether or not it was too much or too little she was giving patients. That was where her aunt would hopefully come in. She was wandering around the cold and harsh north, her fur bellowed slightly in the wind as she travelled. She drew a deep breath and exhaled when she heard a calling of wolves. Curiosity sparked inside her and so her thin but muscular legs carried her across the sound towards the noise. When she arrived she found two pups, a little less than a year of age and one running off, and a man standing there. She spoke up in hopes they knew who she was talking about.

?I?m Asya Daryha Winterfell. I?m looking for my aunt and was wondering if any of you lovely wolves knew her. Her name is Elsa.? She spoke up, a look of desperation in her eyes. Part of her thought that if she could find the mysterious aunt of hers that all of her sadness and loss would be forgotten. Part of her dreamed that she could come to terms with Anna?s death if she found Elsa.



7 Years
Extra large
08-31-2014, 05:38 PM

Quelt was already being spoken to around all corners. Little Renhet stood by him however when a girl came and mentioned their mother. Now things would be getting a little sketchy for the children. Indefinitely this woman would have to deal with the knowledge of her aunts death as well. Having the large beast sigh, he lowered his head a little. "I'm afraid your aunt Else died during child birth in autumn. These are her children, they also lost their father so I Quelt Walker have been taking care of them. Three of them are here, and two are within our old home Abaven. You are free to stay with us if you have no where else to go." At least the pups had more family. The more the merrier.

[Image: OvmqSCr.png]


08-31-2014, 05:43 PM

Things were moving forward, his promise to Hajime in Somnium in his heart. They were close, so very close now. The children would have their new home, the kingdom rising around them. It was not the kingdom Allen once envisioned, once was so certain would come, but it was a kingdom of the Walker line all the same. The calico man honestly couldn't be happier about the fact and walked with his great niece to where Quelt's howl sounded. Darrah was there, and Ixxion as well. Darrah would choose to leave them it seemed, for the boy would turn back toward Abaven to head home... and just as Allen reached the others a woman would show up.

She spoke of Elsa... and Allen would feel his body stiffen some. Dark-green eyes would flick to Quelt, who would handle the situation with Asya. Allen would sit down next to his great nephew, keeping his niece close, and gently brushed against Ixxion, giving them what comfort he could with his form. "Ixxion, I'm glad you've decided to join us." The calico would say, trying to distract the children from thoughts of their mother. He didn't want them to be triggered into an episode of depression...

"Speech", 'Thought'



08-31-2014, 05:54 PM
Find the strength to see this through

Asya Daryha Winterfell

We are the ones who will never be broken

Well that was... awkward.

She gulped as he told the tale of their mother and father dying and her eyes widened. She had a look that screamed ?I?m so sorry I should have never said that? and she hoped that the children would be alright. She knew that mention of her parent?s death at that age had driven her into anger and denial that they were not, in fact, gone from the world just yet. What was quite ironic was the fact that she had just charged into a group of wolves, asking if they knew her, just to find they were her children and in-laws respectively. What made it awkward was the sadness they had all gone through and how she could have possibly just opened up wounds.

?I? I?m so sorry.? She apologized for multiple things at once. ?I?d like to stay if you don?t mind. I?m a trained healer and I have family here.? She stated as she sat down, staring at her paws as she tried to cope with the fact that her aunt was gone. Her aunt had actually helped deliver her, but she was too young to remember such things. She remained silent as she gazed around. She looked at the pup she had seen that the other pup that she had neglected to see before with an apologetic look before looking back at her paws. It would probably be best if she stopped talking until she could talk to someone in private. It also made her wonder if that boy who had run off as she arrived had in fact been one of her cousins.



3 Years
08-31-2014, 06:38 PM
It was only a few moments of silence with Quelt until Darrah arrived, beginning to whine about leaving Abaven and such. This made Ixionn furious. Was that boy serious? After everything Quelt does for him...he comes over and whines? Ixionn slowly pulled away from Quelt, lips curling up as growls were forced up his chest. His white ears slowly moved back against his skull. If his brother wanted to continue acting like a pup, he'd treat him like one. Eyes suddenly burned with pure anger and fustration. But before he knew it, Darrah was gone, and Quelt began his comforting. Ixionn listened not to what his brother had said to him before leaving.
Instead, he turned back to Quelt to welcome his efforts in comforting the masked boy. It wasn't too long before another person arrived. A dame that he was unfamiliar with. Maybe she wanted to be apart of Quelt's pack? Ixionn forced a weak smile toward her. But it instantly faded. "Her name is Elsa." His dead mother, who he knew very little about, but still loved and missed her all the same. Ixionn stood up and stepped away from Quelt, sitting and stuffing his nose into his chest. Tears filled his minty eyes...and they finally rolled down his face as Quelt reminded him of Elsa's death.
It was funny to think that because of him...he took a life away from the world. He never even got to see her. But she sounded beautiful and lovely. Hajime and others used to explain Elsa to him. Beautiful white fur with pretty blue eyes...a great, motherly personality. The thought of Hajime, too, forced tears down his face. Why? Why must they bring such a thing up now? Ixionn clenched his jaw and sighed, looking up to Allen who was now brushing himself against him. He said something...but Ixionn was too distracted to listen. He just turned and buried his soaked face into the fur of his great uncle.



3 Years
09-03-2014, 02:37 PM

I don't know about you;
But I'm feelin' twenty-two

As always; she watched from the shadows, silent as night's fall. She waited and watched the slate male prepare, for what could be the journey of a lifetime to travel to the northern wastes to claim what he had promised to a fallen man -- a promise not to have been broken it seemed, but she knew what of claims -- that they were no simple matter. Any second, her brother could be challenge for what he had reached so hard for; sought out for a promise to keep. Indeed some lands of Alacritia would be perfect for Isokan's birth, yet the northern wastes seemed a strange place for a pack to be abandoned. The warrioress already knew of such things, that packs somehow flourished in these lands, but she feared for the worst.

The northern lands were infamous for housing a dangerous force of a family, mostly consisting of the battle-worn Armadas, but even in the desolate north, there was an absence upon the wind. Perhaps the warring family had finally deserted the lands of Alacritia, satisfied with what chaos they caused. Still yet, challenge could rise upon the wind, despite the crowd gathering to support her brother. She would remain silent as she appeared from the undergrowth, slithering quietly toward her brother, rubies fixated upon the crowd gathered to join him, one or two yearlings she knew to be Quelt's foster children and a familiar face and unfamiliar face. This would be interesting for her to appear from nowhere, would it?



09-03-2014, 04:00 PM

Wael heard the howl, and realized who it was, his paws carrying him easily across the land, his blue eyes glancing up at Quelt's. With a wag of the tail, the male hardly noticed the hallucination about to tower over him. The demon growled, and Wael sent it a warning glare, hoping no wolves were behind him. When the hallucination lunged, Wael lunged up in the air, his jaws wrapping around what the others would see as nothing. But to the sick male, his jaws had wrapped around the demon's throat, and he growled, almost feeling the blood trickling down his face. Finally, he released the air, and turned to Quelt, shocked at the sudden outburst of violence, were the hallucination would be gone for a little bit. But then he growled, and lunged at his brother, not sure what he saw. But he was still attacking, although part of him flinched away. What am I doing? I can't attack him!

But it soon faded, the male's jaws snapping as he lunged, his jaws possibly hitting his brother. He wanted to pull away, or part of him did, but he wouldn't. Finally, Wael pulled away, shaking his head, the violent part fading away as he stared at his brother in shock and fear. His voice trembled in fear as he stared at the others. "I......I'm sorry, brother.....Did that demon take over? How....I.....I killed him...." He blinked and looked at his brother, his blue eyes threatening to spill over with tears. "After that.....I don't want to be in a pack. What if I hurt someone?"



09-07-2014, 12:01 AM

This poor child.

He didn?t speak, merely buried his head into his fur as Allen wrapped his body slightly around the younger male. He had seen the tears, felt the heartache even without needing an explanation. This woman, who walked within their midst, had unknowingly tore open such sore wounds that were slowly healing over and making them bleed anew. It had surely been unintentional, but at the same time the timing of it had surely been horrible, and the calico could only do his best to still his own emotions to aid the children.

He never had the honor of knowing their mother... But the reminder of one parent being lost would link with Hajime?s own. It was the loss of Hajime that would strike his heart, but he also knew his nephew found a new place for himself... And so had his sister. He had debated speaking with the children about it, wondering how they may feel about such knowledge. It had helped him... And perhaps, Allen thought, it might ease their own hearts. But not now... No... Now was certainly not the time for it.

More would appear too... A female and a male. The female came first, wearing an odd thing around her neck of green coloration. Her eyes were bright red, and were it not for her tail he might not have guessed at her relation. It was the second wolf, the male, that truly made Allen aware of who the duo were. His coat bore a stronger likeness to Quelt?s own... And he called him brother. So that settled it then... These were two of Quelt?s siblings.

Gaze would shift from them back to Ixionn, however, and young Aiko pressed to his side. Closing his eyes Allen began to hum to them. It was a special song... One he had not completely learned the lyrics to, in either language... It was a song that someone special had sung to him, made for him, to ease his own heartache. The song that Nona composed. The brute was hoping that, perhaps, the tone might soothe the children some. This hardly seemed the place for them at this moment, despite the claim that Quelt dared to stake on these lands.

"Speech", 'Thought'



7 Years
Extra large
09-07-2014, 11:25 AM
Things were getting a little chaotic. It made his heart tick a little but he was thankful Allen was here to help out of the few adults remaining at the moment. The man would open his maw to speak, but he spotted his brother and snapped it shut. Wael showed signs of the same disease he remembered Serra having and vahva. As he lunged the injured man moved to the left to avoid the lounge, it was fairly easy since he knew his brothers gait very well. Wael had never been the aggressive type so that was also a factor. The important thing really was to get him isolated and this situation handled. After all he was going to be their alpha, his confidence had to be enough for some sort of authority. He could not be too soft hearted. "Wael, please go to the northern mines and find a chamber for yourself. Wait there, my mate may be able to help you. It isn't your fault I've seen this before. So just go and wait there do not whatever happens whatever you see, do not remove yourself from that chamber you choose" he said. Then turned to Asya and gave a kind smile. "Any family is welcome within my ranks" the man then turned to the pups.

"Ixionn, you and your siblings have had a harsh time. But after we move to the northern mines I would like to take you and all your siblings to visit your mother's grave in firefly lake. I have to be there as a supervisor, but it's the least I can do. You all mean the world to me, seeing you hurt pains my heart. So ill try to make it less painful. Asya you are welcome to come with us to visit your aunt's grave as well." Quelt stated as he looked at all of them. His black tail flicked. "This it's the beginning of a new era, for all of us. We need to support each other and live for those who are gone. The future may be tough but the gods will grant us guidance in times of need. I hope I can be the best leader all of you deserve for this kingdom. I am fulfilling my dreams and my promise I made to Hajime." He dipped his head and smiled at them. Keeping himself confident and strong. This was his family, he just needed to get irune back at his side, and everything would be perfect. But the struggles wouldn't end, he knew that. He would sacrifice his life for these wolves, and so he would make sure that he would protect them no matter what.
[Image: OvmqSCr.png]