



6 Years
07-28-2015, 08:54 AM
(im liquid timing this, since I don't know if Volt has a fracture to his leg or not. So this will be to when it's mostly "healed" if it is...if that makes sense)

Voltage was restless, but what else was new. Perhaps it was anticipation that was making him antsy, and leaving home even with the wounds more or less unhealed. He had had a suceessful rounds of bouts in the battlefield, but oh he was sure paying for it now. His leg still hurt, and his limp was still obvious despite him trying to hide it. It wasn't good for him to leave the packlands compromised, he knew there. It was quite possible there were wolves out there that would like to use his wounds against him. But oh, they would be in for a surprise. Voltage was like a never ending force. Even if he were in pain he would never allow that to get in his way. So he wasn't too worried leaving Dono, exploring in a direction he had yet to explore. It was probably smart do to so, and perhaps pay a visit to his alpha friends to let them know of his future kidlets. If they were anything like him, it was more than likely they would be getting in some trouble, especially if they had his boundless energy. It would be good to know he had friends out there to have more eyes watching for them, even subconciously. So he left on a mission of "politics", despite the fact that he hadn't really decided which way to go or what pack to visit. Maybe it would be smart to see how Epiphron is doing? Or maybe even Allen and his alpha in Abaven? Arian was far too far of a walk, he assumed, he didn't want to be away from home for too long. So instead he wandered rather aimlessly for a short while, the terrain slowly transforming beneath his paws. The grass grew more and more scarce, the floor of the earth more hilly. It hurt his wrist slightly, but he bared it with his signature grin, moving on to try and find something productive to do.

"Burn Baby Burn"

Katja the First


8 Years
07-28-2015, 10:40 AM

After the first raid of the season Katja made it a point to head south. As she had told Warja, she knew very little about her southern neighbors, other than Imperium. She knew nothing of this Donostrea, or it's members. She took a rather circuitous route to scout the lands she rarely went to and perhaps it was serendipity or perhaps the guiding hands of the gods but she was to find the very thing she was journeying for here, away from their claimed lands. Unaware of the fact for now, though, the northern alpha continued to trot through the hills like a stray shadow, stopping now and again to investigate a scent or a movement.

The wind was wrong, and did not carry the male's scent to her, for she and he were moving in parallel.

It was when she was cresting a hill, her dark form temporarily silhouetted against the sky, that she caught a hint of movement from her peripherals. Another wolf, making their own way over the hills. Without hesitation she lowered herself belly to the ground and slowly slid down the side of the ridgeline until she was no longer visible against the sky. She crept along the side of the ridge, angling herself to come up upon the movement she'd seen, intending to investigate the other wolf before she, herself, was tracked down. One could never be too careful.

"Talk" "You" Think



6 Years
07-29-2015, 06:25 PM
Voltage would continued to walk, aimlessly, his smile permanent to his face even as spikes of pain would course through him. There was no rush in his ambling, his paws were steady and his steps light (mainly too keep too much pressure off his hurt wrist). He took this time as a chance to explore, to sight see despite the fact that the sight to see rather...stunk. It wasn't very pretty here, and the hills did mess with his injuries a bit, but at least it was Something. He took in a breath of the warm spring air, content to just meander and wander. Suddenly he froze, stormy eyes widening slightly as something caught in the corner of his eye, but when he turned his skull he blinked, seeing nothing but the sun on the crest of the hill. With a gentle hum he'd shrug, move on to continue to walk. It wasn't so much that he wasn't very perceptive. It was more that he wasn't very concerned for himself. If he was in the company of his siblings he would have been more wary of his surroundings. For now he just wandered, moving on to find his way in a direction he knew, wondering where Sonticus or Abaven was from here.

"Burn Baby Burn"