
In the twilight hour



6 Years

07-29-2015, 11:57 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2015, 07:23 PM by Esarosa.)
Her paws came to the edge of the pebbly shore at firefly lake, the small stones shifting beneath her toes. Crickets played their tune in the early twilight, and there was the sound of a light breeze blowing over the lake's surface. The jet black young woman was looking for a place to curl up alone for the night and she knew this would be the perfect place. There was water, there were small critters to snack on, and there would be comfort in the newly grown inland reeds and grass surrounding the lake - royal emerald eyes scanned approvingly over the environment, keeping an eye out for more than just comfort. She hoped she wouldn't run into any strangers looking for trouble, as her spring cycle was in full swing now - her tail normally held high and proud hung low against her rump to retain any pheromones which might attract unwanted attention.

What she hadn't anticipated was the sudden appearance of blinking, star-like embers rising up from the lake weeds as the sun slowly crept ever lower. Furrowing her brow, she tried to determine what the lights were. Suddenly she spotted a couple light up right near her paws and she crouched down to look closer, her tail flicking into the air with curiosity. She heard the light buzz of tiny insect wings and realized the lights were creatures, not stars or embers. Somehow these bugs were lighting up - she didn't know how, but she was enjoying the scenery. She seated herself with her paws close to the water's edge, watching the little creatures blink on and off. She loved exploring these new lands - she was always seeing things that she would never have dreamed of, and it was so intriguing.

Ooc: She's experiencing her first heat, play nice!


08-11-2015, 04:30 PM
It was time for a stroll, let his mind wander to good things and just enjoy a peaceful spring night. So Spencer had set out, not really paying much attention to where his paws led him. The only thing he knew was that he was heading north east, into unknown territory. It didn't bother him too much, it wasn't like he was a fool and would wander into claimed lands, no, he was no pup. Head was held high, ears set so that he could hear almost 360 degrees around him for any signs of danger or other wolves, green eyes lightly trailing over his surroundings but still keep an eye out for anything that was trying to hide.

He came upon a lake surrounded by fireflies when a scent reached his nose. Paws came to a stop and he carefully looked around, trying to pinpoint where it was being blown from. A female, and she was in heat. Eyes narrowed as he began walking once more, though he wasn't around people much he was still able to keep himself collected, not being a monster who jumped on the first girl ready to reproduce. It was more of a protective concern for her well being, making sure somebody had not come to take advantage of her. "Hello?" Spencer called in a friendly tone, not wanting to frighten the female when he runs into her.



6 Years

08-12-2015, 12:32 AM
So involved in the scenery, Esarosa was startled when she heard a voice call out to her. The voice belonged to a man, and she jumped to her paws, whipping around as she tried to see who was there. The insects still danced and blinked around her, and soon enough the amber glow revealed the shadow of the man who approached. Her hackles stood on end slightly, completely involuntarily - she couldn't help her nerves right now. The seasons had caused her body to grow more than she'd known, and now she was plagued with her first heat. It was terrifying and yet intriguing all the same, but she worried for what this male would do or say. He was much larger than she, his muscle mass rippling under his white and black pelt.

As he stepped into view, Esarosa waved her tail back and forth, unconsciously spreading the secnt she'd been trying to hide earlier. "Uhm... Hi," she said rather shyly, glancing from his green eyes to her jet black paws. It wasn't in her nature to be shy, but the new rush of hormones was causing her to act differently. Shifting her paws awkwardly, she sat down, then looked up at the man. She felt childish in his presence, but didn't want to come across as so. "My name's Esarosa," she introduced herself in a smooth tone, adding, "So what brings you here? I'm just enjoying the scenery... never seen creatures like these before." Then her muzzle pointed to the blinknig and flashing insects that buzzed lazily around them. Her head tilted, ears perked as she wondered what he would say.


08-12-2015, 08:31 PM
Within a few short steps and eyes squinting, Spencer was able to locate the female in the dark. Had it not been for the insects flying about and lighting he probably would not have spotted her, pelt dark as night with bright green eyes. His darker green eyes glanced over, not seeing any signs of distress but they would narrow when her tail began to wave in the air. It wouldn't help her at all, but he wouldn't straight up go 'stop doing that!' because it would be rude.

"Hello," tones remained low and friendly towards the young lady, dipping his head in greeting as he approached and stopped just a few feet in front of her. The man smiled as she looked to her paws, tilting his head when she gave her name then asked what brought him here, that she was enjoying the scenery and never seen insects like these. "Spencer." He answered simply. Tail swung calmly while he took a step forward, lowering his skull and keeping his body relaxed so the female would not have to be concerned. "I've heard they are called lightning bugs." Voice was sweet, grinning when he went still, one of the insects almost immediately landing on his nose.



6 Years

08-14-2015, 01:33 AM (This post was last modified: 08-14-2015, 11:00 AM by Esarosa.)
Esa felt nervous as the stranger approached, but he seemed well-intentioned and she couldn't help but smile at him. "Nice to meet you, Spencer," she responded in a friendly tone, though her gaze remained low. Though he was just several tail lengths from her, he took a step closer, and her heart began to pound. She wasn't sure if she was scared or excited. He kept his head lowered as he moved toward her, grinning while he told her the name o the insects. It seemed to make sense to her that they'd be called lightning bugs, the way they flickered on and off. As one of the bugs landed on his nose, the young fae couldn't help but to prance around and swipe the bug away with her tail.

She paused once the bug had buzzed away, only then realizing what she'd done. Not only had she acted out with no restraint, she'd also flaunted her scent carelessly. How could hormones control the actions of a living creature so thoroughly? She sat down quickly again, looking the male in the eye. She tried to keep the conversation on topic, but she felt like she wasn't in control anymore. "Wow, I've never heard of bugs like these," she said in a light, friendly tone, smiling at him, "They're very foreign to me, but I find it fascinating." She just barely bit her lip from saying anything more. She should get to know him a little, just as she would anyone she met, right? Sitting quietly, she wondered what else he would say, and how much more control she had left over her own being.


08-14-2015, 03:06 PM
Spencer couldn't help but chuckle as one of the bugs landed on the female, the girl prancing around to try and get the little creature off but at the same time was spreading her scent around. The man had to take a deep breath while retaining his collected demeanor, ears flicking to the side and body straightening out. Did she know what was going on with her body? Or was she unaware? He wanted to say something but didn't want to embarrass the girl, possibly scare her off or make it seem like he had darker intentions for approaching her.

Perhaps she realized what she was doing, his guess by the way she quickly stopped running around and sat back down in the grass and continued the topic of the bugs. He would smile, approaching by a few more feet then stopping in front of her about five feet away, sitting down. “Not a lot of places have them, so whenever I do come across them I like to lay out in the grass and watch them flicker around the stars.” His head tilted as he watched a cluster of lightning bugs land in the grass, green eyes turning back to the woman, clearing his throat.

“I apologize for asking this sort of question miss Esarosa,” he began, tail wrapping around his leg. “But do you know... that you are giving off a particular scent?” He didn't want to outright say what was going on, not sure how comfortable she was about that kind of stuff or if she even wanted o have it brought up by a complete strangers. “I don't want you to think I'm a creep that has been following you because of it, but it can get you into some possible trouble and make things happen that you might not want but your body does.” Enough was said for now, he'd allow her to answer.



6 Years

08-17-2015, 10:50 PM
Esa watched Spencer's expression with a little bit of horror in her emerald eyes as she saw him take a breath to compose himself. She had definitely spread her scent and it was getting to him. Her claws tightened their grip on the Earth to keep herself firmly planted, tail wrapped around her paws. Her breath quickened slightly as he stepped a little closer - was the scent too much for him to resist? But then he would seat himself a few feet from her, and she relaxed a bit, smiling and giggling a little. Her ears were perked with interest as he mentioned what he liked to do whenever he came across these bugs, to lay in the grass and watch them. "That sounds so serene... I'd love to try it," she said with a slightly dreamy look in her eyes.

Then the man cleared his throat as though he was about to say something important, and Esa bit her lip, silencing herself so she could listen. Her ears folded back as he mentioned the scent she was giving off, asking if she realized what was happening. She was fully aware, and she had acted out of place, flaunting her scent carelessly right in front of him. "I'm sorry Spencer, I didn't mean to do that," she said, feeling a sudden swirl of emotion welling up within her - it had to be all the hormones flowing through her, "This is the first time it's happened to me... My body has definitely got a mind of its own right now." She didn't know if admitting that to him was good or bad, but it was the truth - she didn't quite feel in control.

But he was right. Something was bound to happen to her if she wasn't careful. Her body wanted what it wanted, but her mind wasn't so sure. She'd never felt like this before, never craved the closeness of a man. Yet somehow everything had changed quickly in a few days - she'd never had a female role model to warn her of this stage of life, so it was both frightening and exciting all the same. She would have to find out herself what she was capable of. "Spencer, would you lay in the grass with me, under the stars?" she asked, trying to change the subject a little, "You can show me the way you enjoy these twinkling lightning bugs, I've never even seen them before." She would await his response, smiling all the while her belly was tight and nervous, but she didn't feel like she wanted to run away.


08-21-2015, 07:12 PM
The female liked the idea of laying out and watching the lightning bugs flutter around the stars, wanting to try it even. It made the man smile, feeling a small bit of pride that somebody liked the relaxing idea. When it came to him bringing up her scent however, she seemed to change and grow uncomfortable, making Spencer immediately regret it, not wanting to upset the vulnerable girl. ”It is okay, I apologise if I upset you by bringing it up.” He responded quickly, wanting to clear up that he wasn't trying to make her feel bad or anything.

She explained it was her first time this has happened, and agreeing that her body had a mind of its own at the moment. So he was right in his assumption, she was very young, only just turning two. Good thing Spencer had been around to find her first, or at least he hoped so. If she was open to it he could give her a bit of advice or at least tips to keep herself safe and away from those unwanted pests looking for a quick bang. Or he could even bring her back so Marina could talk with her about such a topic, seeing as a female would have more to ask and talk about rather than a guy.

Next thing the man knew, Esarosa was asking him to lay with her under the stars. Topic changer, he didn't mind it, as long as it helped her. ”Of course.” He smiled, standing up and strolling over to the young woman. He would take a deep breath before plopping himself down in the grass, sending a cluster of lightning bugs into the air, blinking away. He patted a spot beside him for a moment before laying on his side and rolling onto his back, forelegs folded against his chest and green eyes looking up to the stars with a relaxed sigh.



6 Years

08-22-2015, 12:12 PM
Esarosa noticed when he seemed to feel bad about bringing up her condition. She shook her head apologetically - it wasn't his fault, and she didn't want him to feel that way. After all, she was the one lacking in self-control, while he remained composed even as her scent drifted through the air. Her eyes met his, glancing over his freckled face for a moment before saying anything. "No, it's not your fault," she assured him, "Don't worry, I'm fine anyways.". She knew she should have better control over herself, but try as she might, she couldn't stop her tail from moving. It was like it had a mind of its own, and it insisted on making things difficult for her.

She smiled when he agreed to watch the stars and the lightning bugs with her. As he stood and padded closer, she felt the heat rise in her cheeks, her heart beating a little faster - it seemed to be an instant reaction every time he looked at her or moved closer to her. She giggled as he flopped onto the grass and a cluster of panicked bugs went twinkling away into the sky. When he rolled onto his back and tucked in his forepaws, Esa thought he looked rather cozy, and she wanted to join him. So she rolled onto the ground as well, flopping onto her back and looking to the ever-darkening sky. She could reach out her paws and scatter the lightning bugs, and it was like she was moving the stars. She shuffled a little closer to Spencer, her shoulder brushing his as she glanced away from the sky to look at him instead. "This is really great," she said in almost a whisper, "I feel like I could stay this way forever."

How did he stay so calm and collected, protective even, when he didn't even know her? She felt so safe around him. Yet this almost seemed to make her body ache more, craving the feel of his body next to hers. She shifted closer to him, if that was possible, her hip bumping into him and tail waving slowly. She was content to lay here beside him, but she wouldn't be afraid if he moved closer to her now. Although he didn't seem like he had come for this purpose, her hormone-driven body desired him, no longer afraid, but with no thoughts to the consequences. She'd never thought of these things before, but her body had never wanted it before now. Glancing at him, she wondered what he would do or say; perhaps he only wanted to enjoy this moment and nothing else would happen.


08-28-2015, 03:49 PM

Silently the man watched the woman lay and roll over to his side, feeling her shoulder brush his for a brief moment. He would quickly look back up the the sky just as the young girl looked to him, green eyes trailing along the stars, creating shapes or animals. ”It really is.” He spoke in a soft voice as she said this was great, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes. It was something he tried to do often whenever he found an area with lightning bugs, allowing him to lay back and relax, escape from troubling thoughts that plagued his mind before finding his sister again.

Her next comment brought up feelings he had tried to toss away when Marina came back into his life, sadness and worry, numb. The time spent without her, having to grow up alone and having no idea what had happened to your family... it took a toll on him, many restless nights and near PTSD. And then what he had learned about her that one night, what she had done because of what happened to them... A look of sadness came over his features while in thought, quickly changing when he felt something against his hip.

Eyes opened and Spencer would look into the young woman's lime colored own, his ears having lain back against his skull. He had entered the area to help her out and just lay in the grass, but now that he was here these thoughts were coming back and her scent was bringing up this emotions he usually had a hold on. All he could do was lay there and stare at her, taking notice of her beauty, tail slowly sweeping over the grass. So awkwardly he just lay there watching her, body telling him to take her while she was available, but mind forcing himself to stay to his nature and be respectable. The heat between his thighs was growing slowly, forcing him to close his eyes once more and take a deep breath through his mouth, trying to avoid using his nose and making this situation even more difficult.



6 Years

09-04-2015, 08:28 PM
As she watched his face, she was surprised to see that a look of sadness had come over him. Had she said something to upset him? She wasn't sure what she had said to bring up such emotion in him, but he looked to be hurting. She turned toward him slightly, reaching a forepaw toward one of his, touching him gently - she wasn't sure if she could help, especially if she had caused it. "Are you alright...?" she asked softly, before she noticed his expression changed again when he felt her hip bump into his.

Now he seemed to be struggling in a different sense. He looked at her, and her gaze connected with his. It wasn't that she had forgotten the stars or the lightning bugs, it was just that she was more intrigued by him right now. She couldn't make herself look away, and right now she didn't want to. She felt disappointment clawing at her when he closed his eyes and forced himself to look away. His moral resolve was strong, and she was glad for this. But it was also what made her want him more - she wanted what she couldn't have, and it drove her mad. "It's okay, Spencer," she said in a low whisper, "We don't have to... so..."

Her toes curled in frustration, but there was nothing she could do. Why did it have to be so difficult? She didn't want to press him further for fear of making herself appear too needy - what if she made him leave? She didn't want to spend the night alone now that he was here, but she couldn't spend the entire time bothering him if she expected him to stay. With a deep breath herself, she peeled her eyes off of him and looked back to the sky, which had darkened entirely now. The stars and insects seemed brighter than ever. She relaxed a little and just smiled, taking in a soft breath. "I haven't relaxed like this in a while," she murmured. This had to have been her most difficult interaction with someone else, something she'd never experienced before, but it was pleasant all the same. She hoped that he wouldn't leave her side, at least not for tonight.


09-11-2015, 01:00 PM

She could sense it, the sadness that suddenly came over the man. He felt bad for allowing it to overwhelm him, wanting to help her out during this time she was going through but couldn't ignore what was pulling at his heart strings. He held his eyes closed, trying to force himself to push those images and thoughts away, hoping she wouldn't question or bother him too much about it. This was her time, so he would set this aside and deal with it once they parted ways.

Her delicate touch brought his eyes open slowly, turning his skull to look back at her. Voice was sweet, soft as she asked if he was okay. "Yes, I apologize..." He'd speak quietly, his paw gently pressing against her own before pulling it back against his chest. "Just troubling thoughts is all, don't worry miss." He added on, trying to reassure her with a smile.

But she would speak once more, telling him it was okay and that they didn't have to... He wanted to think she meant laying here forever and just relax, watching the lightning bugs flutter around them. Her scent however was driving him to think she meant sex, their bodies like magnets, instinct wanting them to come together even if they were struggling to hold it back.

"I'm sorry... I know, you might want it but..." He paused, swallowing and looking up to a big that was coming down then landed on his paw. "I want to save such an action with someone I am with." He finished, clearing his throat and lifting his paw high in the air so the bug could fly off. He was a gentleman, he had to keep a hold of himself and respect those around him.

It was funny what she said about relaxing, the man unable to hold back a small chuckle. She was in heat, body wanting to be taken by males yet she finds this relaxing. It was amusing. "Relaxing." He grinned, shaking his head and rubbing the top of his head with a paw. All seriousness though, Spencer would look to the young woman, green eyes growing hard unintentionally. "If it becomes unbearable... I can help you with it if you really wish." Tone was soft as he said this, hoping she didn't think he was taking advantage of an opportunity. "It isn't something I normally do, but I will help if I must throughout tonight. But only if... my tactics don't work. Is that okay?" He grinned at the tactics, creating activities in his head to help distract her from the heat.



6 Years

09-11-2015, 09:06 PM
Esa was curious as to what was troubling Spencer, but he assured her that everything was alright. His smile convinced her that he would be okay, and she didn't need to pry into his personal thoughts. Whatever it was, she just hoped she hadn't caused it and hoped she wouldn't inadvertently trigger the thoughts again. She drew back her paw and looked back to the night sky. Then their conversation would shift to what was on both of their minds, the hormone-driven instincts tugging at them, moreso herself than him. As he spoke, her ears folded back. She realized she had been pressuring him even though he was clearly holding himself back.

Guilt overcame her burning desire and frustration. He was a good man, wanting to stay true to his nature. He was saving himself for someone special. She'd never thought of it that way, well, she hadn't really thought about it at all before now. Being the traveler she was, she wasn't sure if she would ever settle down, and this new phase in her life made her realize that she was adventurous in more ways than one. But just because she was didn't mean she needed to press that onto someone else.

She tilted her head and gave him a curious look when he chuckled about her comment. "What's so funny?" she asked in a mock innocent tone, smirking at him, "I'm just trying to keep my mind off of it. It's hard you know!" When he looked at her with a more serious gaze, she quirked a brow, wondering what he was going to say. Then it was her turn to chuckle. "Trust me, it's already unbearable," she answered playfully, swatting him with her tail, going quiet again as he continued. So he would help her if she really wanted it... but only if his tactics didn't work. There was an obvious questioning look in her emerald eyes now - what did he mean by that? "Do you have something in mind?" she asked, a grin stretching her lips as she wondered what he would say next.


10-01-2015, 01:55 PM
Some humor came upon the two in a time like this, and it made the man feel good that he was helping in some way again to keep the young woman's mind off her hormones. Corners of his lips tugged in a goofy grin when she asked what was so funny, giving a mock tone and smirking at him before blurting how it was a struggle. "My lady, I'm just an ignorant man!" He'd throw his skull back, a paw raising to press against his forehead in mock drama. Chuckling as he pulled the paw away and looked back to Esaroa with a smile still there even as she swatted him with her tail.

When it came to him mentioning activities, it seemed to catch her attention, asking if he had something in mind. "Eeeh, not exactly..." In one smooth motion Spencer managed to bring himself up but remained sitting, lowering his head and scratching at it with his paw nervously. "Wait! I got one!." His head quickly turned to her and a grinned like a dork, quickly standing up with tail wagging in the air like a child. "A race." He growled playfully, legs spread and lightly bouncing in place.